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Omstruktureringar vid VD-byte

Objective: The aim of this paper is to see if there are higher restructuring expenses under the item provision for the first year when a new president takes office.Method: The study was done by a quantitative study. Financial statements have been examined for companies listed on the OMX Stockholm Stock Exchange, Large Cap. We have examined all the companies? annual reports between the years 2002-2008. We have looked at the experience of restructuring and other expenses that occur in the context of CEO change.

Smärta vid adjuvant cytostatikabehandling : Uppfattningar och inverkan på dagligt liv hoskvinnor diagnostiserade med bröstcancer

Featured adjuvant chemotherapy treatment in women with breast cancer can lead to pain. The aim of this study was to explore, the variety of perceptions and impact of adjuvantchemotherapy-induced pain in daily life, of some women newly diagnosed with breast cancer.Inclusion criteria were participating in an ongoing stress management projectand chemotherapy of (anthracycline/taxan) in doses of 75mg² or more. Exclusioncriteria were inability to understand and communicate in Swedish and mentalillness. After ethical approval of the sub study in September 2010, women wereconsecutively included through Oral and written request. Phenomenologicalapproach was used in the eight interviews and data analysis.

En studie om elevers självkänsla : Elevers utsagor om uppmuntran och stöd i en sjätteklass

 Abstract Study: Degree project in teacher education, Advanced level, 15hpUniversity of SkövdeTitle: A study on students' self-esteem Students' statements on the encouragement and support in a sixth gradeNumber of pages: 26 pagesAuthor: Marie Agapuu & Ingrid SvenssonTutor: Anna-Stina AhlrikDate: January 2009 Keywords: Self-esteem, encouragement, support  A good self-esteem of students will often coincide with good academic performance, but it has also shown that students do not have low self-esteem due to low academic performance. Students' self-esteem is both a complex topic and concepts. We want this study to draw attention and to discuss teachers' efforts to enhance students' self-esteem in school. Encouragement and support of the school adopted in the study contribute to strengthening students' self-esteem. The study examines whether and how nine pupils in a sixth class is that they get encouragement and support of / from their teachers in school subjects and in learning situations.

Utvärdering av Tage Justesens metod för identifiering av anaeroba bakterier

Endometrios,  en  sjukdom  med  symtom  som  smärtor  eller  blödningar  i  samband  med menstruation, börjar ofta i tonåren men diagnostiseras inte förrän flera år senare. Kvinnorna med denna diagnos beskriver ofta att de inte  fått förståelse för sina problem under tonåren. Sjukdomen kan innebära stora besvär  för den drabbade och följder på det fysiska, psykiska och sociala planet kan ses. Syftet var att studera hur unga kvinnor med endometriossymtom upplevde  skolsköterskans  stöd  under  högstadie-  och  gymnasietiden,  för  att  kunna  påverka deras livskvalitet. Via Svenska endometriosföreningens ungdomssektion i Sverige gjordes en kvantitativ   undersökning   med   kvalitativt   inslag.   Ett   frågeformulär   skickades   ut   till föreningens  59  medlemmar,  24  kvinnor  svarade.  Resultatet  visade  att  några  få  kvinnor  var nöjda med den hjälp de fått under skoltiden men de flesta kvinnorna uttryckte att de saknade kunskap,  stöd  och  förståelse  från  skolsköterskan  vilket  ibland  gav  ett  icke  tillfredsställande bemötande.

Självupplevd påverkan och self-efficacy bland svenska ungdomar relaterat till tobaksvanor och munhälsovanor : En tvärsnittsstudie efter ett skolbaserat preventionsprogram

Syftet var att beskriva en grupp värmländska ungdomars tobaks- och munhälsovanor samt undersöka möjliga associationer av dessa till ett tobakspreventivt program i skolan och tilltro till egen förmåga (self-efficacy). Urvalet var elever (15-16 år, n=631) som genomgått ett tobakspreventivt program med information och värderingsövningar i klass 5 och 7. Rökning var vanligare bland flickor än bland pojkar (13% resp 8%), med omvänt förhållande avseende snusning (6% resp 15%). Tandborstning <2 gånger/dag var vanligare bland pojkarna (21%) än bland flickorna (12%). Flickorna hade som grupp lägre self-efficacy.

?Om man börjar från början?. Litteracitetspraktiker i flerspråkiga familjer med små barn.

The aim of this master thesis is to investigate how parents? in multilingual families perceive language learning and reading for young children, and how their practice of this can be understood in relation to their language situation and cultural background.This study focuses on the interaction between parents? and young children in the light of the literacy practice. Important concepts such as early childhood literacy and family literacy have been used to study language, culture and literacy practice as phenomena that interact. The theoretical framework is a sociocultural perspective. Through qualitative interviews with seven parents?, it was found that multilingual families have a strong ambition for their children to learn all the languages spoken in the family.

Dysfagi vid lindrig till måttlig Alzheimers sjukdom : En undersökning med icke-invasiv metod

Dysfagi, sväljningssvårigheter, är en vanlig komplikation vid Alzheimers sjukdom och är väl utforskat i det sista av de tre stadierna vid demens (lindrig, måttlig och svår). Sväljningssvårigheter som har kopplats samman med Alzheimers sjukdom är ett förändrat ätbeteende, reducerad höjning av larynx och en längre Oral fas. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om och vilka symtom vid dysfagi som kan ses i de tidigare stadierna av Alzheimers sjukdom vid användning av icke-invasiva undersökningsmetoder. En enkätundersökning med 16 deltagare och en sväljningsscreening med fyra deltagare genomfördes. Sväljningsscreeningen bestod av fyra delar: Oralmotorik, sväljningstest och sväljningskapacitetstest med vatten och tuggfunktion.

Glycerol to dairy calves : effects on intestinal health and fluid balance

The bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri, which natural habitat is in the intestine of mammals and birds, uses glycerol as a substrate for production of the antimicrobial compound reuterin. Glycerol has been shown to decrease the number of Escherichia coli in human feces and it is believed to be due to in situ production of reuterin. E. coli belongs to the large family of Enterobacteriaceae, naturally occurring in the intestine, and pathogenic strains of E. coli have been shown to be one of several bacteria causing diarrhoea in calves.

Gruppens betydelse för inlärning

In today?s individualistic society, I experience a need to bring forward the importance of collaboration. From a sociocultural perspective, I have chosen to highlight the positive and negative aspects of collaborative learning, with the intention of illustrating the effects for the individual learning and development. I have therefore made an interview with an educationalist, who?s been a teacher all her grown up life, with the intent of illustrating her thoughts on collaborative learning.

Elektronisk signatur : Hur säkra är elektroniska signaturer ur avtalsrättslig synpunkt?

Communication between parties in an important process in their relationship can be based on a contract. This communication can for exemple be composed by a handwritten contract or an electronic contract. Contract law makes no difference between these two forms. to create more favourable requirements for commencing a contract or an ongoing contract there are possibilities to use standard agreements. Therefore a contract can be based on the will of the parties or on a standard agreement.An electronic signature shall secure that electronic transferred information has not been altered and also to identify the sender of the information.

Effekter på valpar i samband med smärtlindring vid kejsarsnitt

Dystoki drabbar omkring 16 % av alla dräktiga tikar i Sverige. Drygt hälften av dessa kejsarsnittas. Kejsarsnitt är ett kirurgiskt ingrepp som av djurvälfärdsskäl med fördel kan behandlas med smärtstillande läkemedel. I Sverige finns i dagsläget inget registrerat läkemedel för hund inom grupperna icke-steroida antitinflammatoriska läkemedel (NSAID) och opioider, som inte är kontraindicerat att använda vid dräktighet och digivning. Ändå är nämnda läkemedelsgrupper de som används i störst utsträckning för smärtlindring på hund.

Kvantitativ RT-PCR-analys för detektion av pigmentrelaterade transkript i hårrötter från hund :

Malignant melanoma represents 4-7% of all canine neoplasms and they are the most common malignant tumors of the Oral cavity and digits. These tumors are often aggressive and metastasize quickly. To date there is no effective treatment and survival times are short. Most dogs are euthanized due to complications caused by metastases. Melanin pigment is a hallmark of melanomas and is usually present in large amounts in these tumors.

Ungdomars kostvanor och kunskaper om karies : en enkätstudie

Ett flertal studier har visat att personer med tal- och språkstörning tenderar att tillskrivas mindre fördelaktiga egenskaper än jämnåriga utan dessa svårigheter. Det finns ett behov av att undersöka skolpersonals attityder gentemot barn med avvikande tal. Än så länge har ingen sådan studie genomförts på barn i Sverige och då förskolepersonal utgör en del av små barns sociala omgivning förefaller deras attityder intressanta att undersöka. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka huruvida förskolepersonals attityder gentemot barn med avvikande tal skiljer sig från attityder hos personer som inte arbetar inom förskoleverksamhet.Ett egenskapsformulär med tolv Visuella Analogskalor (VAS) utformades där 24 egenskaper placerades vid ändpunkterna på skalorna. Spontantal spelades in från en pojke på 4;3 år med avvikande tal.

Hoppa på tåget eller stå kvar vid stationen? : Organisationers användning av sociala medier

Purpose:The purpose of this paper is to investigate and clarify some of the factors that influence organizations to adopt or reject the social media, and if the emergence of social media influenced the organization's communication.Metohodology:A qualitative methodology has been used to execute the study. The source has been semi structured interviews with chosen representatives from several organizations.Theoretical perspective:The theoretical basis for the execution of the methodology is based on the provisional theoretical demarcation uses and gratifications theory. For analysis diffusion of innovations theory is applied.Emperical findings:The empirical material includes interviews with representatives from twelve selected organizations, defined as companies in the industry and authorities, in seven different industries.Conclusion: The main factors affecting an adoption of social media is the organization?s open structure, the ability to see opportunities with social media and that they are seen as a natural part of development in the communications field. The main factors affecting a rejection of social media is ignorance, the organization's governance and that there must be a need that social media can fill.

Icke-farmakologiska metoder för behandling av beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid symtom demenssjukdom

ABSTRACTBackground: People with colorectal cancer undergoing rectum amputation get a permanent colostomy, which affects the social life. It may be valuable for health care what these people experience living with colostomy in order to provide the greatest possible support. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe how people who received a colostomy experience their daily lives and the support they have received from the health services.Method: Qualitative interview study with six people, with a descriptive phenomenological approach.Results: The analysis of the interviews about how it's like to live with a colostomy resulted in three themes: 1) Living with a colostomy gives an uncertainty that affect the social life, 2) Physical and psychological impact of getting a colostomy and 3) Support for health care and relatives.Conclusion: Subjects had a positive attitude towards life, which contributed to that they could adjust to living with a colostomy and feel a meaningfulness of life. The study shows that all the interviewed people overall were satisfied with the information provided by the healthcare personnel. It was good with both Oral and written information and very appreciated with repeated information. One aspect that could be improved was the information given aboute the closure of anus during surgery and the following complications.

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