

710 Uppsatser om Oral squamous cell carcinoma - Sida 7 av 48

Tobaksvanor i tre idrottsklubbar - unga män 16 och 19 år

The use of tobacco is one of the largest health risks for human. Tobacco-users have an incrased risk of deterioration in their oral health. Individuals starts to use tobacco when they are young, often at the same time as they are going in an athletic sport club. It also seems that children are starting with tobacco habits when they are active in athletic sport clubs. The aim of this study was to examine and compare tobacco-habits of young men in and between three different athletic sport clubs.

Library Lovers Att hitta nya vägar - rosa marknadsföring av bibliotekspolitik

AbstractSwedish tuition for immigrants (SFI) is a public adult education program in Sweden that was created in order to provide the immigrants with basic skills in Swedish. People with different backgrounds speaking different languages learn together how they should communicate in Swedish, both orally and in writing. For those who teach SFI it is important to know which factors have positive effects on the Swedish language acquisition. One of the questions to be asked is if the learning materials´ genre has any effect on the SFI students´ proficiency, in particular, oral proficiency. Scientists as von Franz, Vygotskiy and Bettelheim argued that fairy tales, as a genre consciously or subconsciously recognizable by all the people, present texts that are easy to acqiure.

Meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus aureus hos häst : zoonotisk smittspridning, riskfaktorer och förebyggande åtgärder

The purpose of this study is to describe melanotic tumours and the pathogenesis of these tumours. The focus of this study is on differences between benign and malignant tumours as well as the prognosis one may expect when diagnosing this disease. The mechanisms responsible for the occurrences of the tumours are not yet fully understood. It is believed that factors such as chronic trauma, infections, medications and hormones affect the cell mechanisms in some way. Determinants of the malignancy of the tumour are not completely known.

Muntliga förmågor, vad är det? : En analys av möjligheterna kring bedömning av elevers muntliga förmågor i samhällskunskap

 Through teaching, pupils are given the opportunity based on their personal experiences and current events to express and consider their views in relation to others who hold different views. As a result, pupils should be encouraged to get involved and participate in an open exchange of views on societal issues (Skolverket, 2011d, s. 189). To assess pupils orally in the subject of civics in primary education is an unexplored field, which makes this field relevant to explore. There are numerous researchers? who with the help of deliberative methods, formative feedback, formative assessment and studies regarding classroom climates whom all speak positive about using discussion/dialogue in education to upraise and develop learning among pupils.

Malignt melanom hos hund

The purpose of this study is to describe melanotic tumours and the pathogenesis of these tumours. The focus of this study is on differences between benign and malignant tumours as well as the prognosis one may expect when diagnosing this disease. The mechanisms responsible for the occurrences of the tumours are not yet fully understood. It is believed that factors such as chronic trauma, infections, medications and hormones affect the cell mechanisms in some way. Determinants of the malignancy of the tumour are not completely known.

Sagan som genre och andraspråksinlärares grammatiska prestation

AbstractSwedish tuition for immigrants (SFI) is a public adult education program in Sweden that was created in order to provide the immigrants with basic skills in Swedish. People with different backgrounds speaking different languages learn together how they should communicate in Swedish, both orally and in writing. For those who teach SFI it is important to know which factors have positive effects on the Swedish language acquisition. One of the questions to be asked is if the learning materials´ genre has any effect on the SFI students´ proficiency, in particular, oral proficiency. Scientists as von Franz, Vygotskiy and Bettelheim argued that fairy tales, as a genre consciously or subconsciously recognizable by all the people, present texts that are easy to acqiure.

Hyperton vätskebehandling av kor med högersidig löpmagsdislokation :

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of an infusion of hypertonic saline solution (HSS) in combination with an oral waterload on cows suffering from rightsided displacement of the abomasum (RDA). Six dairy cows were treated with 7,2% HSS in a dosis of 5 ml per kg bodyweight. They also received an oral waterload of approximately 15 liters. To monitor changes in fluid-, acid-base- and electrolyte-balance, bloodsamples were collected during the next 24 hours. During this period, the cows also underwent surgery to empty and correct the position of the abomasum.

Samma skola, sex olika uppfattningar : En kvalitativ studie om retorikens plats i svenskämnet

The purpose of this study is to examine the teachings of rhetoric?s in schools, more specifically within the Swedish subject; furthermore it examines how Swedish teachers work with rhetoric in the Swedish subject on a practical basis. The study also highlights teachers' approaches to the curriculum for high school. The method I have used to conduct this study, have been to use interviews and inductive ethnography. The teachers whom have been interviewed in my study have similar understandings of what oral presentations actually are, but their idea of what the term rhetoric stands for however differs. Teachers have received similar training in rhetoric; however, they have different experiences within it.

Ätstörningar och oral hälsa : En litteraturstudie

Introduktion: Ätstörningar som Anorexia Nervosa (AN) och Bulimia Nervosa (BN) innebär ett folkhälsoproblem och orsakar oral ohälsa. Vid ätstörningar har individen en störd kroppsupplevelse och försöker kontrollera sin vikt och kroppsform. Under de senaste decennierna har det skett en omfattande ökning i förekomsten av ätstörningar. Syfte: Att beskriva oral hälsa vid ätstörningar.   Frågeställningar: Hur påverkas den orala hälsan av sjukdomen AN? Hur påverkas den orala hälsan av sjukdomen BN? Metod: Designen är en litteraturstudie i området oral hälsa och ätstörningar.

Kunskap om och upplevelse av halitosis samt klinisk mätning av svavelhaltiga gaser bland gymnasieelever

The aim of this study is to examine the knowledge and experience of the bad breath among high school students in Kristianstad. A further objective was to measure the amount of VSC (Volatile Sulfur Compounds) among those who perceive themselves to have a bad breath. A questionnaire with 21 closed questions was distributed to 120 high school students from Kristianstad municipality who were between the ages of 17-20. The results of this study revealed that most of the students had good knowledge of halitosis. The majority of all participants thought it was important to smell fresh in the mouth and also experienced most of their breath as very good or good.

Analysis of CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes : A comparison between EPICS XL and Celldyn Sapphire

Flowcytometric technology has been widely used for measurement of the absolute numbers of T-lymphocytes subsets in Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV), defining the disease state, monitoring antiviral treatment, and identifying any risk for opportunistic infections. A manual preparing of the samples is required. More recently an automated and enclosed blood cell counting, Celldyn Sapphire has been introduced. In this study the performance of the Flow cytometer EPICS XL as a reference method for analysis of CD3+, CD4+ and CD8 T-lymphocytes was evaluated with blood from 40 individual?s samples.

A diagnostic method for oral cancer screening in a Brazilian population. A pilot study.

Inledning: Oral cancer är ett allvarligt tillstånd med hög dödlighet, särskilt vid sen diagnostisering. Brasilien är ett av de länder i världen som har högst prevalens och dödlighet i oral cancer och det är den femte vanligaste cancerformen I landet. Ett hjälpmedel för tidig diagnostisering är önskvärd. Syfte: Att utvärdera skillnaden i diagnostisk tillförlitlighet mellan konventionell oral undersökning och användning av multispektralt ljus (Identafi®) som en metod för tidig upptäckt av potentiellt maligna och maligna lesioner i munslemhinnan i en brasiliansk befolkning. Material och metod: Screening av en befolkning med förhöjd risk för att utveckla oral cancer i Goiânia, Goiás, Brasilien, för att upptäcka potentiellt maligna (PML) eller maligna lesioner (ML). Patienter med misstänkta PML eller ML upptäckta under screeningen undersöktes med multispektralt ljus (Identafi®). Tre oberoende observatörer genomförde bedömning med Identafi® och slutgiltig beslut avseende PML/ML togs i konsensus.

Lönndörren och nycklarna : En analys av förhållandet till en samhällskritisk dramatradition i Anna Wahlenbergs Lönndörren

AbstractSwedish tuition for immigrants (SFI) is a public adult education program in Sweden that was created in order to provide the immigrants with basic skills in Swedish. People with different backgrounds speaking different languages learn together how they should communicate in Swedish, both orally and in writing. For those who teach SFI it is important to know which factors have positive effects on the Swedish language acquisition. One of the questions to be asked is if the learning materials´ genre has any effect on the SFI students´ proficiency, in particular, oral proficiency. Scientists as von Franz, Vygotskiy and Bettelheim argued that fairy tales, as a genre consciously or subconsciously recognizable by all the people, present texts that are easy to acqiure.

Epiteloidcellig granulomatos - etiologi och remitteringshandhavande vid oral histopatologisk diagnos

Epiteloidcellig granulomatos (ECG) är en patologanatomisk diagnos (PAD) av en inflammationstyp som kan ses i orala vävnadsbiopsier. Inflammationsbilden visar infiltrat av inflammationsceller och epiteloidcelliga granulom med eller utan jätteceller, därtill kan ödematös vävnad och fibros presenteras. Makroskopiskt ses en symtombild med t ex läpp- och ansiktssvullnad, munvinkelragader och gingivala hyperplasier. Klinisk ställs exklusionsdiagnosen orofacial granulomatos (OFG). Etiologin är multifaktoriell och kan ses vid exempelvis Crohns sjukdom (CS) och sarkoidos.

Munhälsa i fokus : En intervention för att införa ROAG ? formuläret påen palliativ slutenvårdsavdelning.

SAMMANFATTNING                                                                                             Syftet med interventionsstudien var att undersöka om ROAG (revised oral assessment guide) munbedömningsinstrument förbättrade sjuksköterskor bedömning av cancerpatienters munhälsa på en palliativ vårdenhet.Metoden hade en kvasiexperimentell design med en journalgranskning före och efter en intervention. Interventionen bestod av en kortare utbildning av munhälsa samt införandet av ROAG munbedömningsinstrumentet.Resultatet visade att både bedömningar och åtgärder av munhälsan har ökat statistiskt signifikant jämfört med före interventionen på den palliativa vårdenheten, resultatet visar också att det inte alltid finns rätt koppling mellan symtom och åtgärd.Slutsats ROAG munbedömningsinstrument är ett bra verktyg för sjuksköterskor att använda för att bedöma munhälsan på en palliativ vårdenhet, men det räcker inte bara med ROAG munbedömningsinstrument utan det behövs kontinuerlig utbildning för att förbättra bedömningar och åtgärder ..

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