

710 Uppsatser om Oral squamous cell carcinoma - Sida 24 av 48

Celltal som mått på mjölkens kvalitet med avseende på mjölkens sammansättning

Mastitis, an inflammation of the udder mainly caused by a bacterial infection, induces an increase in the somatic cell count (SCC) in milk and is consequently one of several factors affecting SCC in milk. In this literature review it is investigated whether SCC; on udder quarter, cow composite or bulk tank milk level, can be used as a quality marker with focus on milk composition in terms of the content of fat, lactose, total protein, casein and whey protein. According to this literature review the relation between SCC and milk composition is not reliable either on udder quarter, cow composite or bulk tank milk level. SCC was related to lactose, casein and whey protein on udder quarter level; lactose and whey protein on cow composite level and lactose on bulk tank milk level.

Lactobacilli in the gastrointestinal tract of dog and wolf : isolation, identification and characterization of L. reuteri

Since the first wolf was taken as a companion animal a lot have happened with the biology of these animals. Is it possible that changes in the gut microbiota of the domestic dog are involved in the increasing numbers of animals with gastrointestinal disorders? Probiotics have been proven to promote the immune system of dogs by increasing concentrations of neutrophils and monocytes, decreasing the fragility of erythrocytes and increasing the serum IgG concentrations. Probiotics have also been shown to improve the fecal consistency, fecal dry matter and defecation frequency of dogs. The aim of this study was to find out if the bacterial counts in the gut of dogs differed from the gut of wolves, with the focus on lactobacilli.

Bränslecellskonvertering av linfärjan Tora

Denna rapport består av information och data som har samlats in i syfte att kunna presentera en genomförbar konvertering av linfärjan Toras framdrivningssystem, som idag utgörs av dieselelektrisk drift, till bränslecellsdrift. Den bränslecell som behandlas i rapporten är PEMFC och är en bränslecellstyp som drivs av ren vätgas. Resultaten tjänar som en informationskälla för en potentiell konvertering och presenteras för Trafikverket, som ett alternativ i linje med Sveriges regerings mål att reducera mängden CO2 utsläpp på en nationell nivå. Informationen i rapporten har insamlats via mail- och telefonkontakt samt ett besök på Tora på plats i Stockholm. Ett genomförande av konverteringen är fullt möjligt men mer kostsamt än dieseldrift i dagsläget med avseende på höga bränsle- och inköpskostnader utav bränsleceller.

Näringstillförsel för äldre personer med demenssjukdom,

The aim of this littrature review has been to describe how you can satisfy the need of nourishment for older people who suffer from dementia. Data has been retrieved by searches in Academic Search Elite, Sience Direct, Blackwell, PubMed and in the Journal Vård i Norden. The studies show that most of the people with dementia have a hard time to satisfy the nourishment. The results show that through different preventive measurement you can improve the nourishment for these people, to set the table, play calm music and to have a table companion. By taking the food oneself created a good meal environment and the individually need was provided for.

Arbetsprov i fält på ridhästar

Sport horses are widely used for performance in jumping, dressage, endurance etc. To enable comparisons of horses, training facilities, programs or physical status, an exercise test can be used. Exercise tests are also important to increase knowledge about exercise physiology of the horse considering different ways of training to compare training methods or individual qualities, development of an individual or other investigations of equine exercise physiology. Since several investigations are done on standard- and thoroughbred horses but less on sport horses, it is of great importance to get an overview of the investigations done. Most common is to investigate heart rate and lactate concentration.


The PhonePages of Sweden is a company that develops software for mobile units, especially cell phones. This thesis treats the development of, and contingencies for, a mobile phone directory, using the limited resources found in a mobile unit. The project was implemented and executed at The PhonePages with the intention of creating a product to sell to a third party.By studying different solutions, their benefits and drawbacks, an abstract picture of the product was constructed. Problems covered include compatibility problems caused by todays platform diversity as well as problems with saving, organizing and presenting data.The main goal was to create a phone directory which does not make external information retrievals. The service should contain both company and personal information, with name and phonenumber.

Belastningar i bettet och dess korrelation till hästens rörelsemönster vid körning på rakt spår :

The use of a bit in the mouth of a horse is being increasingly questioned with respect to its actual function, and is sometimes judged an obsolete instrument of control with potential to injure the horse. The objective of the research presented herein was twofold; firstly, to investigate the actual pressure load in the mouth of the horse with regard to oral health issues, and, secondly, to investigate whether this could be a viable method to objectively measure strength exerted by a rider/driver to the mouth of the horse especially with regard to training regimes. From the results, it is evident that these newly developed sensors have a future in equine research, although they are still under development. They can be useful both as a pedagogic teaching instrument, providing instructor and pupil with instantaneous, objective feedback on the contact between hand and mouth, as well as an aid in measuring pressure loads from our common bits. .

En jämförande studie mellan datortomografi och konventionell röntgen av sinus

Röntgenläkarna väljer ofta att byta undersökningsteknik för att fastställa misstänkt patologi som inte går att diagnostisera med en metod. Vid röntgenundersökningar av sinus (bihålor) så kan läkaren välja mellan konventionell röntgen eller en datortomografiundersökning. Skälet är att diagnoser som tumör, benpåverkan eller ansiktstrauma inte avbildas lika bra med den konventionella metoden. Syftet med den här studien är att jämföra datotomografi och konventionell röntgen vid sinusundersökningar, vilka för och nackdelar som de olika metoderna har, hur bildinformationen och diagnostiken skiljer sig, vilka risker som finns med joniserad strålning samt vilka biologiska effekter strålningen har på människan. Intervju har gjorts med odontologi läkare som berättat om för och nackdelar med de olika metoderna, och litteratur och artiklar har gett kunskap för att komma fram till resultatet.

Verktygshantering: verktygsställarplats MultiTask-cell

MARIA HEDIN, CIVILINGENJÖRSPROGRAMMET, Ergonomisk design och produktion MARIA MARKLUND, TEKNOLOGIE MAGISTEREXAMEN, Industriell design Examensarbetet har utförts inom programmen Industriell design samt Ergonomisk design och produktion vid Luleå tekniska universitet under en period av 20 veckor i oktober 2006 till februari 2007. Uppgiften var att utveckla koncept för ett lyfthjälpmedel till den MultiTask-cell (MTC) som nyligen installerats i Volvo Aeros produktion i Trollhättan. Cellen består av fem MultiTask-maskiner vilket innebär att varje maskin kan utföra alla nödvändiga operationer (borrning, svarvning, fräsning etc.). I maskinerna bearbetas detaljer till flygmotorer med hjälp av verktyg som till största delen hanteras av industrirobotar. När den bearbetande delen på verktygen ska bytas sker däremot hanteringen manuellt av operatörerna. I MTC:n finns ett område speciellt avsett för byte av den bearbetande delen på verktyg, även kallat ställning av verktyg.

Engelskämnet i grundskolans tidigare år

The intention of this study is to find out how the English subject takes form and develops in the early years in school related to the curriculum, teachers, teaching material, students and parents. The methods of the survey have been classroom observations, teacher interviews, textbook analysis and a parents´ questionnaire. The findings of this study are that the knowledge of the teacher in and about the English subject can have effect on how the English subject will be presented to the students during the English lessons and the amount of the students oral production of the target language seem to depended on how much the teacher uses the target language in the classroom. The contents of the English lessons was overall structured by the curriculum. The parents and their interest in their children´s education seem to have had an impact on how much focus the English language get.

Den trådlösa massan - svärmbeteende och kollektiv handling

This essay seeks to analyze the consequences of modern information and communication technology for collective action within the framework of social movements. With references to the protests in Seattle 1999, the essay argues that the emergence of distributed collective action is closely related to the use of technology, for example cell phones and Internet. This distributed collective action can be characterized by its decentralized and self-organizing features, forming a global pattern emerging from local interactions. Whereas contemporary theories of collective action can be ´stretched´ to fit these aspects, they lack analytical tools to describe and analyze such systems. Further, their rejection of classical crowd theory is problematic, since it contains valuable insights.

En uppsats om kontraheringsplikten för dominerande företag

In organizations today Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming a common means to try to gain legitimacy and credibility for their business. A successful CSR strategy has the potential to generate positive outcomes for a company and reaching out to stakeholders about the corporation?s contribution in the field is an important part of the work. In this study I examine how the employees at Max Hamburgare receive the corporation?s efforts within sustainability, how it is perceived and what this means to the employees.

Ökad medvetenhet under jakt i skog och mark

This reportcommunicates the processes and results of my degree work in industrial design at candidate level at Umeå Institute of Design.During my degree work I had a cooperation with Svenska Jägareförbundet (Swedish Hunters Assosiation).The aim for my project has been to explore how I could make hunting a safer hobby and undertaking. Every year people get seriously injured and in average 2 people a year dies  due to hunting accidents. My goal is to identify problems within the hunters communication and approach. Through a creative design process I will find a valid  nd realistic solution to these problems. My project will be presented as a conceptual solution  hat will be based on currently existing technology.

Kan grad av degenerativ hjärnsjukdom prediceras med hjälp av mått på kognitiv försämring?

Can degree of degenerative brain disease be predicted with the help of measurements of cognitive deterioration?Alzheimer?s disease progresses through nerve cell break down in the brain and the simultaneous deterioration of the individual?s cognitive function. This disease is common among elderly persons. This thesis examines if the level of deterioration of cognitive function is associated with different biochemical and clinical markers for degenerative brain diseases. In addition, this thesis examines if the level of decline in cognitive functions vary between groups with different levels of degenerative brain disease.

Snövit : från undersaga till bildberättelse

Snow White through Grimm and Disney - A Comparative StudyThis essay attempts to discern the differences regarding six Swedish versions of the fairy-tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs over a period of 150 years. Focus is placed on structural transformations through time and media according to the analytical theories of Vladimir Propp. Attention is also given to former research done on the impact of the fairy-tale on the child from a psychological and social point of view. Of interest is the historical background of the tale, commencing with oral tradition, and how this was dealt with by the Grimm brothers. Three of the versions used for this comparative study are variants of the Grimm tale, and three belong to Walt Disney productions, i.e.

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