

710 Uppsatser om Oral squamous cell carcinoma - Sida 22 av 48

Minikraftverk i Säveån - Inventering och ombyggnadsbedömningar av äldre dammanläggningar för minikraftverk

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

Test av avrinningsmodell mot data från två urbana områden i Göteborg och Oslo

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

Fartygsgenererade vågor speciellt i kanaler - Litteraturstudie över existerande teorier samt fälltmätningar i Göta Älv

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

Solceller för flerbostadshus : En teknisk rapport för HFAB

This examination paper is about the potential for Solar cells on apartment blocks. The technology with using solar cells for manufacturing electricity, has been on the market for a while, but recently the new installations of solar cells has increased. Solar cells are suited for placements on buildings but are expensive to obtain. The municipal real-estate company is interested in solar cells but wants to know more before they invest in the technology. This report contains an account of the solar cell and a guide to how a connection to the grid is accomplished.

Indoor Positioning Using WLAN

This report evaluates various methods that can be used to position a smartphone running the Android platform, without the use of any special hardware or infrastructure and in conditions where GPS is unavailable or unreliable; such as indoors. Furthermore, it covers the implementation of such a system with the use of a deterministic fingerprinting method that is reasonably device independent, a method which involves measuring a series of reference points, called fingerprints, in an area and using those to locate the user.The project was carried on behalf of Sigma, a Swedish software consulting company..

Inlärning i arbetslivet : En studie av utbildningsmaterial- Södra Cell ett exempel

Uppsatsen har undersökt hur ett antal textbaserade utbildningsmaterial avsedda för utbildning inom företagsvärlden utformas i förhållande till olika sätt att förstå och tolka innehåll. De teorier som används som utgångspunkt i undersökningen har varit Howard Gardners inlärningsteori om multipla intelligenser, samt Stuart Halls kommunikationsteori Encoding/decoding. Undersökningen har omfattat tre utbildningsmaterial som används vid Södra Cell Mönsterås som tillverkar pappersmassa, där jag undersökt en teoribok avsedd för utbildning av truckförare, en internhandbok i grundläggande datakunskap samt ett textmaterial avsett för att öka personalens kunskap om hur produktionen av pappersmassa går till. Undersökningen har gjorts i form av fallstudier där varje utbildningsmaterial har blivit ett separat fall. Analysen av materialen har genomförts i form av en riktad innehållsanalys baserad på Gardners multipla intelligenser, i syfte att finna svar på vilka intelligenser som var representerade i utbildningsmaterialet. Utifrån det resultat som analysen gav förde jag ett hermeneutiskt teorietiskt resonemang med utgångspunkt i Halls teori Encodin/decoding i hur brukarna av materialet skulle kunna tolka innehållet, beroende på faktorer som förkunskaper i ämnet och kulturell/social bakgrund. Resultatet av analysen visa att endast ett fåtal intelligenser blev representerade i de olika materialen.

CarEye ? Sees & Saves:    Fordonskamera för skadedokumentering

In the middle of Australia there is a city called Alice Springs. The city has one of the highest amounts of daily sunshine hours and sun irradiation in the world. The Australian Government runs a project called Solar Cities, and Alice Springs is one of the participators. The main part of the goal with the Solar Cities project is to increase the amount of electricity generated by solar power and by doing that lower the impact on the environment. This thesis examines the possibilities for construction of a large scale solar power plant in Alice Springs. This is done to determine the potential of creating a more sustainable energy system in the city.

Algoritmer för objektdetektering i SAR och IR-bilder

The first part of the thesis consists of a brief introduction to the general principles of target detection and the sensor-systems used. In the following part there is a theoretical description of the algorithms this thesis focuses on. The detection algorithms described in this paper are called Cell Average, Ordered Statistics, 2parameter and Gammadetector. Two different discriminators called Extended Fractal Features and Quadratic Gamma Discriminator are also described. The algorithms are tested on three different types of data, simulated SAR-pictures, authentic SAR-targets and IR-pictures.

Alice Springs drivet av solenergi - En jämförelse mellan solceller och Stirlingsystem

In the middle of Australia there is a city called Alice Springs. The city has one of the highest amounts of daily sunshine hours and sun irradiation in the world. The Australian Government runs a project called Solar Cities, and Alice Springs is one of the participators. The main part of the goal with the Solar Cities project is to increase the amount of electricity generated by solar power and by doing that lower the impact on the environment. This thesis examines the possibilities for construction of a large scale solar power plant in Alice Springs. This is done to determine the potential of creating a more sustainable energy system in the city.

Betongpelare och brand : En utvärdering av 500 °C isotermmetoden

At the beginning of 2011, Sweden started using the European rules for structural design, the Eurocodes, instead of the previous national rules. In both the previous rules and the Eurocodes, it is possible to dimension concrete columns using tabled values. However, the required cross section measurements have increased considerably. Moreover, it is possible to dimension concrete columns using calculations, however, this is unusual.The development of a fire in a fire cell can be divided into the growth stage, the fully developed fire and the cooling phase. The duration of each phase, as well as the temperature, is dependent on a number of factors, e.g.

Inverkan av röjning och gödsling på mikrofibrillvinkeln i tallens (Pinus sylvestris L.) ungdomsved

Tall (Pinus sylvestris L.) är ett av Sveriges viktigaste trädslag. Med ökad efterfrågan på vedråvara samt ökade krav på naturavsättningar är det viktigt att öka produktionen i skogen. Röjning och tidig gödsling ger ökad volymproduktion men kan ge icke önskvärd påverkan på vedegenskaper som ökad mikrofibrillvinkel (MFV). MFV är vinkeln mellan mikrofibrillerna i cellväggens S2-lager och cellens längdaxel och påverkas av ståndort samt konkurrensen om ljus och näringsämnen. Höga MFV resulterar i sämre kvalitet på papper och sågade trävaror.

Förstudie för automatisering av manuell lödning

This degree project has been carried out in cooperation with Enertech AB in Ljungby and is pilot study to automating all current manual soldering. The soldering process accounts for a large part of the processing cost in the production of a heat pump. The process is also a quality risk and has a major impact on the lifetime of the final product.The Main task of this project has been to evaluate automation of the soldering process, to develop automation solutions and a principle layout, to draw the design changes required for the automation and to calculate the supposed solution.This pilot study has resulted in a suggested automation solution using laser as a heat source for soldering. Calculations of the solution show that a automating a laser soldering cell is very profitable..

Säkerhetsaspekter vid laddning av elfordon innehållande litium-jonackumulatorer: beskrivning av risker samt en studie av kontrollerande regelverk

Fortum har i samarbete med Stockholms stad presenterat en gemensam vision för att göra Stockholm till en av världens främsta miljöbilsstäder till 2030. Ett viktigt led i detta mål är introduktionen av nya elfordon innehållande litium?jontekniken på den svenska bilmarknaden. Då det befintliga regelverket angående laddning av ackumulatorer i fordon inte nämner den nya tekniken har frågeställningen kring luckor i lagstiftningen lyfts fram av Fortum. Det övergripande syftet med studien har varit att undersöka risker och regelverk kring laddning av elbilar innehållande litium?jonackumulatorer.

Engergieffektivt Bostadsområde : Förstudie Till Aktivhusområde i Halmstad

In the thesis we have shown that it is possible with current technology, to buildneighborhoods that are largely self-sufficient. We have obtained some information aboutongoing work in the field of energy efficient buildings and active house which we have usedto develop a model. The feasibility study for Ranagård we have e.g been forced tofollow laws on groundwater covered, resulting in the construction of basements for singlefamilyhome is not possible. The model that we have built up overtime has been the central part of the work. The model illustrates very well what an activehouse neighborhood means and potential of such an area.

Retorik som verktyg vid talängslan : En presentation av Södertörns Högskolas och Uppsala Universitets arbete med talängsliga

The purpose of this essay is to perform a comparative study of first a pedagogical/rhetorical and then a therapeutic method, to help students overcome their speech anxiety. My choice stayed at focusing on the academic world and the benefits offered to mainly students. I have chosen two institutions with long experience of work with speech anxiety: Instutionen of Swedish, rhetoric and journalism at Södertörns Högskola and Student Health at Uppsala University. I want to find the advantages and disadvantages of the two universities and in no way define what is more favorable..

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