

710 Uppsatser om Oral squamous cell carcinoma - Sida 2 av 48

Hur föräldrar uppfattar läxan och de problem som kan uppstå med den : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrainflytande

My aim is to find out about teachers? perceptions of methods concerning learning and assessment of oral proficiencies. My questions are: What perceptions are there among teachers concerning assessment of oral proficiencies? How do teachers describe their ways of promoting and assessing oral proficiency? In order to answer my questions and obtain data I have accomplished two focus groups interviews with seven language teachers. The result shows that teachers are concerned with several factors regarding assessment of oral proficiency.

Kunskaper om, och erfarenheter av munhålecancer hos tandhygienister i Sydöstra Sverige - en enkätstudie

Year 2004 nearly 1000 new cases of oral cancer were diagnosed in Sweden. An early discovery increases the chances for survival remarkably. The dental profession has an important role in detecting oral cancer. Considering that dental hygienists probably will have a greater responsibility in the future when it comes to examinations, knowledge of oral cancer will be important for this profession. The aim of this study was to examine the dental hygienists knowledge of Oral Cancer in the county of Blekinge, Kalmar and Kronoberg, as well as their experiences in detecting oral cancer.

Förbättring av utnyttjandegrad i robotcell

When a company in the manufactory industry makes costly investments, it's important that these are used as much as possible. The company in this case claims that their invested robot cell, with CNC machine isn't used enough. The questions here are: How can we improve the use of the robot cell? Which products are appropriate for the production in the robot cell? As a method to come to a conclusion, an analysis has been made over the manufactured products. And also interviews with machine operators and the production management.

Muntlig färdighet ? lärares uppfattningar om metoder för lärande och bedömning :   En studie av sju lärares uppfattningar om bedömning av muntlig färdighet i språk

My aim is to find out about teachers? perceptions of methods concerning learning and assessment of oral proficiencies. My questions are: What perceptions are there among teachers concerning assessment of oral proficiencies? How do teachers describe their ways of promoting and assessing oral proficiency? In order to answer my questions and obtain data I have accomplished two focus groups interviews with seven language teachers. The result shows that teachers are concerned with several factors regarding assessment of oral proficiency.

Munhälsan hos äldre på ett serviceboende i Kristianstad - en munhälsobedömning samt en enkätstudie

The aim of our study was to examine the oral health status using an oral assessment guide, ROAG, among elderly people in a block of service. Another aim was to evaluate the elderlys perception of there own oral health using a questionnaire. The study were undertaken at a ward in Kristianstad, with 39 caretakers. 21 caretakers participated in the study. The assessment of the oral health status was done on the same individuals (n=21) who answered the questions in the questionnaire.

Synen på munhälsa och tandvård hos pensionärer som deltar i olika pensionärsföreningar - en enkätstudie : The opinion of oral health and dental care now and in the future among retirement individuals that participate in different retirement organization.

The aim of this study was to examine retiared individuals view of oral health and dental care. A questionnaire was sent to three different retirement organizations and answared by 106 participants. Our studie showed that irrespective of education or health status, the majority considered oral health and dental care was important and will become so in the future. Most elderly individuals can consider getting help with their oral health with oral health care in the future. This studie showed that the elderly are concerned about their appearance.

Konsekvenser av tandblekning för oral hård- och mjukvävnad : Litteraturstudie

Introduktion: Tandblekning har förekommit sedan mitten av 1800-talet och är en efterfrågad behandling inom tandvården. Missfärgningar beror på inre och yttre faktorer och för att bleka tänderna finns flera tandblekningstekniker. Väteperoxid och karbamidperoxid med varierande koncentration används.Syfte: Att beskriva hur tandblekning inom tandvården påverkar den hårda och mjuka orala vävnadenFrågeställningar: Hur påverkas oral hårdvävnad av tandblekning? Hur påverkas oral mjukvävnad av tandblekning?Metod: Litteraturstudie Resultat: Strukturen i emalj och dentin förändras och sensitivitet upplevs i både tand och gingiva. Pulpaskada uppstår vid blekning med 38 % väteperoxid.

Orala problem vid Parkinsons sjukdom

Parkinson's disease is a progressive degenerative neurological disorder. In Sweden there are 15 000-20 000 individuals affected by the disease.The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of oral diseases in individuals with Parkinson's disease. The material for the literature review was gathered in the medical database PubMed. Keywords used for the data research were ?Parkinson?s disease?, ?oral diseases?, ?dry mouth?, ?gingivitis?, ?caries? and ?periodontitis?.

Sjuksköterskestudenters kunskap om oral hälsa : En jämförelse mellan studenter i årskurs 1 och årskurs 3

Kunskaper i oral hälsa har betydelse för att sjuksköterskor på ett tidigt stadium ska kunna upptäcka olika sjukdomstillstånd i munhålan. Bristande kunskap i oral hälsa har rapporterats vara ett problem inom vården och därför behövs det ökad utbildning inom oral hälsa hos sjuksköterskor. Syftet med studien var att jämföra kunskaper inom oral hälsa mellan sjuksköterskestudenter i årskurs 1 och årskurs 3. Undersökningen skedde med användning av en strukturerad enkät som delades ut av studiens författare till sjuksköterskestudenter som gick årskurs 1 (n= 95) och årskurs 3 (n= 57) vid Högskolan Kristianstad. Studenterna ansåg sig ha bra teoretiska och praktiska kunskaper medan det i resultatet av kunskapsfrågorna framkom att det fanns brister.

Munvårdinterventioners samt personalutbildningsinterventioners effekter på munhälsan hos äldre patienter

Senior citizens require a healthy oral cavity and healthy teeth in order to eat, speak and preserve their well-being. With age we know that the incidence and prevalence of diseases and symptoms originating from the oral cavity are more common compared to younger age groups. Senior citizens are the fastest growing population on earth, thus the need of healthcare providers with knowledge and skills in oral healthcare are in great demand.  The purpose of this thesis is to identify oral healthcare interventions and educational interventions which have been shown to improve oral health of residents over 65 years of age.  A literature review was conducted in which 15 scientific articles were scrutinized. Databases used were PubMed, Cinahl and Scopus. The results imply that good oral healthcare not only improve the oral health of senior citizens, but also prevents the occurrence of other diseases such as pneumonia and  improve the overall quality of life.

Ultraljud som diagnostiskt hjälpmedel vid subklinisk mastit hos ko :

This study was performed to investigate the possibility to use ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool for sub-clinical mastitis in dairy cows. Five cows with high cell counts, and four cows with low cell counts were selected as cases and controls, respectively, and their udders examined with ultrasound during a 5 week period. The image of the udders of cows with high cell counts exhibited small, hyper-echoic, rounded foci, approximately 1 cm in diameter, near the milk cisterns and the base of the teats. These changes were not found consistently in all cows with high cell count, however. Ultrasonography may be a valuable complementary tool in the diagnosis of sub-clinical mastitis in dairy cow, but more cases need to be monitored before its full value can be ascertained..

Tre metoder för diagnos av mastit i fält :

The objective of this work was to evaluate and compare three field methods for detection of mastitis, California Mastits Test (CMT), DeLaval cell counter DCC (DCC) and FMA2001 Farm Milk Analyzer (FMA2001). Furthermore, to investigate at what cell count level clinical symptoms of mastitis are seen, and finally to check if the clinical findings and cell counts could be related to bacteriological findings. DCC and FMA2001 are new analytic instruments to be used on dairy farms for detection of mastitis. CMT has been a widely used cow-side-test of milk quality in mastitis control efforts, but it cannot be used for estimating cell counts in scientific studies or investigations. Two hundred and eight quarter milk samples from 52 cows were analysed with DCC and CMT, and 168 of these samples with FMA2001. Microbiological examination was done on 38 milk samples with CMT scores of 4 and 5.

Munvård - ditt eget ansvar vid oral mucosit

Många patienter som får cytostatikabehandling utvecklar på något sätt besvär från munnen.Oral mucosit är en biverkan av cytostatika och strålbehandling, där hela munslemhinnan kanbli påverkad med rodnader eller sår.Syftet var att undersöka vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder som är viktiga för att patienten ska taansvar för sin egen munvård och därmed lindra oral mucosit.Metod: C-uppsatsen genomfördes som en litteraturstudie.Resultat: Omvårdnadsåtgärderna bör föregås av en utveckling av relationen mellansjuksköterskan och patienten innan patienten kan ta till sig ny kunskap. Patienten behöver enutförlig utbildning och information riktad mot egenvård av munhygien för att förebygga ellerlindra symtom på oral mucosit.Slutsatsen är att utbildning i munvård får patienten att ta ett större ansvar för sin egenvård ibedömningen av sitt munstatus, vilket leder till en lindring av oral mucosit.Det behövs utbildning av vårdpersonal i god munvård och därmed en strategi för hurutbildning och information ska utformas för att utveckla patientens egenvård..

The control of the cell cycle with particular emphasis on the G1/S transition

Tumour development occurs to a large extent because of dysregulation of the cell cycle. Of particular importance are defects occurring in the G1 phase. The reason why G1 is critical is because of the influence of several signals (external signals as well as cyclins and cdks) on this stage. The G1 phase can be divided into two parts, G1pm and G1ps. Each part has its ?own? restriction point which needs to be passed in order to progress to S phase.

Nursing staffs´ experience of their situation in the work with oral health in persons with psychical disabilities

Background: The oral health is a problem for many people with psychical disabilities. The reason for that is among other things that the psychical disabilities could do it hard to handle fundamental routines in the everyday life. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe how the nursing staff experienced their situation about their work with oral health in persons with psychical disabilities. Method: The study has been done as an overview and the data has been analysed with content analysis. Result: Two head categories were identified; barrier that influence the ability to perform the work with oral health and barrier that influence the performance of the work with oral health.

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