

710 Uppsatser om Oral squamous cell carcinoma - Sida 13 av 48

Källskatt på utdelning till utländska pensionsfonder : Kupongskattelagens förenlighet med EU-rättens fria rörlighet för kapital

In the school subject of the natural sciences it is imperative that the students are given opportunities to ?talk science?, since the dialogues that occur in the classroom have a significant importance for the students? abilities to engage in meaning-making in their learning process. Hence, the student and teacher interaction in the classroom and the feedback given there play a significant role in the students? learning process. The aim of this study is to contribute to the development of formative assessment tools that can mediate the students? meaning-making in natural sciences subjects in upper-secondary school.

Optimization of Western Blot for detection of cellspecific localization of DNA binding protein fromstarved cells (Dps) in Nostoc punctiforme

Cyanobacteria belong to the oldest organisms of our planet. They use photosynthesis to produce ATP and gain biomass from carbon dioxide. The cyanobacteria Nostoc punctiforme is a filamentous bacterium that consists of two different types of cells, vegetative cells and heterocysts. The type of cell it differentiates into depends on the media they grow in. In an ammonium-rich medium, the N.punctiforme consists of vegetative cells that differentiate into heterocysts when in the medium is changed to a low-concentration ammonium medium.

Perspektiv på barns högläsning : En studie av barns felläsningar och läsförståelse i skolår 2.

Denna studie, som har en experimentell karaktär, handlar om högläsning i skolår 2. Syftet består i att ta reda på vad som skiljer starka och svaga läsares högläsning åt, samt att undersöka i vilken mån ett medvetet arbete med att göra en obekant text meningsfull kan påverka högläsningen och läsförståelsen i positiv bemärkelse. Dessutom vill jag ta reda på hur olika teorier om läsning kan redogöra för resultaten av ovanstående. För att uppnå dessa mål formulerades följande frågeställningar. (1) Vad skiljer starka och svaga läsare åt beträffande felläsningar och läsförståelse i deras högläsning av en obekant text? (2) Kan en vuxenledd preview-session (förberedande samtal) påverka felläsningarna och läsförståelsen i positiv bemärkelse? (3) Hur kan svaren på ovanstående frågor tolkas utifrån å ena sidan ett whole language-perspektiv och å andra sidan utifrån den nyare läsforskningen? Fyra barn, två starka och två svaga läsare, har deltagit i experimentet.

Trastuzumab som adjuvant behandling avbröstcancerpatienter med HER2-positivitet : Hur effektivt är det?

Breast cancer is the most common tumor disease among women in Sweden. About 7000persons, having a median age of 65, are diagnosed each year with this disease. Withmammography screening, breast cancer can be detected in an early stage which improves theoverall survival (OS). 20-30 % of the breast cancer tumors are overexpressing humanepidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), which is a protein that stimulates cell proliferation.Trastuzumab (Herceptin®) is a humanised monoclonal antibody that targets the HER2-proteinand prevent the signals for cell proliferation.Trastuzumab has earlier been used for treatment of metastatic breast cancer. In the year of 2007trastuzumab was approved for adjuvant treatment of patients who has been medicated withsurgery and/or radiation.The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of adjuvant treatment with trastuzumab inHER2-positive breast cancer patients.

En dag på arbetet: sjuksköterskeprofessionens informationspraktik

The aim of this thesis is to create an understanding of nurses' information practices. To be able to search, find, use and critically evaluate information is important, not just during studies, but also in professional life. This study is intended to deepen our understanding of nurses ' information literacy in a workplace context.The main questions are: What information do nurses need on a daily basis and how do they experience information activities? What factors determine the sources they use? Do information practices vary in the workplace? Do nurses? professional experiences impact on their information practices? Nine nurses were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The interviews have been analysed through a hermeneutic approach.

Kariesprevalensen hos barn och ungdomar 3-19 år i de nordiska länderna

Aim: The aim of this present study was to assess the dental caries prevalence in children and adolescents aged 3-19 in the Nordic countries, and to examine if the caries prevalence is affected by socioeconomic and cultural differences.Method: The study is a literature review based on 20 scientific medical reports based on the aim of this study.Result: Decayed missed filled surfaces (dmfs) of the 3-year-olds varies from 0.3 to 0.99 and from 0.9 to 7.3 in 5-year-old children. The Nordic 12-year-olds have similar numerical values. In Nordic 14-year-olds caries prevalence increases. In the late teens there is a reduction in caries prevalence. Children at Greenland have five times more teeth decayed than other Danish children.

Riskfaktorer för Staphylococcus aureus i mjölk och på has hos mjölkkor :

Mastitis is the most common disease of dairy cows. Mastitis can be painful for the dairy cow and causes economical losses for the farmer. These losses are due to decreased milk production, more working hours for the farmer, treatment costs and possible costs due to culling of the cow. The udder inflammation, mastitis, is often caused by bacteria infection. One of the most common bacteria found to cause mastitis in Sweden is Staphylococcus aureus (S.

Den orala hälsans påverkan hos barn med övervikt

Övervikt och fetma håller på att utvecklas till ett globalt folkhälsoproblem. År 2010 fanns det fler än 43 miljoner överviktiga barn (under fem års ålder) i världen. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att ta reda på om den orala hälsan påverkas hos barn med övervikt. Författarna valde begränsningen barn i åldrarna 2-19 år, och studien utfördes i form av en allmän litteraturstudie. Materialet samlades in genom sökning i de medicinska databaserna PubMed och Science Direct.

Speaking English: dess bidrag till kunskap i engelska för
elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze if and in that case how project Speaking English contributes to improved skills in English to pupils in reading and writing difficulties. The project started out in order to give pupils in reading and writing difficulties an alternative to the regular English teaching. The study was carried out in two nine-year compulsory schools. We have conducted interviews with both teachers and pupils to see what they think about the project. According to the teachers we interviewed Speaking English contribute to improved skills for the pupils and they also believe that their chances to pass the 9th grade will increase.

Leaf structure and localization of a transgene protein in barley

Barley is one of the most important cereals cultivated in the Nordic countries. Climate change brings warmer and moisture climate which favors fungal diseases. In the cropland barley can be seriously infested with hard fungus attack. Since it is important that the yield bears a high quality it is of great importance to find varieties more resistant to attacks.Pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins are stress proteins induced in the plant in response to infection and abiotic stress (van Loon, 1997). PRs are shown to have antimicrobial activity differing between bacteria, fungi and oomycetes (Tandrup Poulsen, 2001).

Hematologiska analysinstrument för mindre djurkliniker : en utvärdering av QBC-V och Scil Vet abc för analys av prover från hund och katt

Two haematological instruments intended for small animal clinic use were evaluated at the Department of Clinical Chemistry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden. The QBC-V and Vet abc were compared to a reference instrument, the Cell-Dyn 3500. Fresh blood samples were obtained from canine and feline patients from the University Veterinary Hospital, SLU. The QBC-V was used for 111 canine samples and 78 canine blood samples were analysed with Vet abc. From cats, 23 samples were analysed with both instruments.


Breast cancer is the most common tumor disease among women in Sweden. About 7000persons, having a median age of 65, are diagnosed each year with this disease. Withmammography screening, breast cancer can be detected in an early stage which improves theoverall survival (OS). 20-30 % of the breast cancer tumors are overexpressing humanepidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), which is a protein that stimulates cell proliferation.Trastuzumab (Herceptin®) is a humanised monoclonal antibody that targets the HER2-proteinand prevent the signals for cell proliferation.Trastuzumab has earlier been used for treatment of metastatic breast cancer. In the year of 2007trastuzumab was approved for adjuvant treatment of patients who has been medicated withsurgery and/or radiation.The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of adjuvant treatment with trastuzumab inHER2-positive breast cancer patients.

Metoder för mätning av kroppstemperatur

Inom slutenvården används olika typer av termometrar för att bestämma om vuxna patienter har feber eller inte. Feber (förhöjd kroppstemperatur) är svårt att definiera då det mäts och tolkas på olika sätt och från person till person. För att kunna bedöma om patienten har feber bör sjuksköterskan känna till patientens normala kroppstemperatur som påverkas av ett flertal faktorer. Mätning av patientens kroppstemperatur ingår i sjuksköterskans arbetsområde och det är av vikt att sjuksköterskan har kunskap om olika mätmetoder och om hur mätvärdena tolkas.Syftet med studien är att beskriva resultat från kvantitativa studier som undersökt olika mätmetoder för kroppstemperatur. Metoden är en litteraturstudie, deskriptiv utifrån kvantitativ metod.Resultatet visar att oavsett mätmetod (rektal, oral, axillär, tympanisk) finns det en skillnad på minst 3,5 grader Celsius mellan lägsta och högsta uppmätta värde.

Ett förändringsförslag av Eric Sigfrid Perssons Malmgården - en takträdgård

Barley is one of the most important cereals cultivated in the Nordic countries. Climate change brings warmer and moisture climate which favors fungal diseases. In the cropland barley can be seriously infested with hard fungus attack. Since it is important that the yield bears a high quality it is of great importance to find varieties more resistant to attacks.Pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins are stress proteins induced in the plant in response to infection and abiotic stress (van Loon, 1997). PRs are shown to have antimicrobial activity differing between bacteria, fungi and oomycetes (Tandrup Poulsen, 2001).

Icke-kirurgisk behandling vid tandimplantat : allmän litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe non-surgical treatment options for the diseases mucositis and peri-implantitis found in present literature. The literature review also illustrates the effect of the treatment opptions on soft tissue with mucositis and peri-implantitis surrounding dental implants. The study reviews twelve scientific articles that have been processed from the aim of the study. The result shows six therapy options, Er:YAG laser, air abrasive, ultrasonic device, hand instruments, hand instruments in combination with antibiotics and hand instruments in combination with clorhexidin. The following methods are described according to how they are used and how they affect the soft tissue surrounding dental implants.

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