

172 Uppsatser om Opioid dependence - Sida 9 av 12

Engagerad eller beroende? En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors träningsvanor

Bakgrund: Det diskuteras ofta om vinsterna med fysisk aktivitet, men alltför sällan om de risker det kan medföra då det går till överdrift. Det skapar en komplex situation då träning och att vara ?hälsosam? i huvudsak framstår som något positivt. Dagens unga kvinnor tränar allt mer, och är den riskgrupp med högst sannolikhet att hamna i ett riskbeteende i form av ätstörningar, psykisk ohälsa och träningsberoende. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka bakomliggande faktorer som kan identifieras för dessa unga kvinnor som tränar mer än rekommenderat.

Samverkan vid läkemedelsberoende mellan primärvård och socialtjänst ur ett läkarperspektiv. : Collaboration for drug dependence between primary healthcare and social service from a medical perspective

Asylsökande barn med uppgivenhetssymptom var i 2000-talets början ett relativt okänt tillstånd men ansågs ändå vara en unik svensk företeelse eftersom den snabba ökningen som skedde under denna period aldrig har påträffats i något annat land. Det finns ingen vedertagen klassificering av tillståndet och flera symptom inryms inom olika diagnoskriterier. Nationell forskning menar att tillståndet inte kan förklaras med någon bakomliggande somatisk sjukdom, och att föräldramanipulation av barnen inte kunnat påvisas utan att fenomenet kräver multifaktoriella förklaringsmodeller. Vidare bör behandlingsarbetet ta hänsyn till barnets unika bakgrund, symptom och familjesituation samt fokusera på föräldrastöd eftersom föräldrarna spelar en viktig roll för barnets psykiska mående. Syftet med studien är dels att belysa hur kunskapsläget kring asylsökande barn med uppgivenhetssymtom ser ut vid en BUP-mottagning i norra Sverige, dels undersöka hur dessa barn och familjer behandlas inom verksamheten.

Det smarta kapitalet : En studie av nyetablerade IT-företags syn på relationen till sitt riskkapitalbolag

Background: The growth of the venture capital industry has given birth to new relations between investors and entrepreneurial firms. Venture capital firms are by definition investors serving as an active partner which implies a deeper relation between investors and entrepreneurs than has been the case previously. This new situation leads to a number of questions. Do venture capitalists really act as active partners with a long term interest in the venture? Do they add any value besides capital? How important is their influence in the portfolio company's decision making process? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to give a deeper understanding of the relation between venture capital firms and IT companies in the start-up phase.

Omvärldsanpassning inom ideell sektor : en fallstudie om förändring i strukturen av internationella avdelningen på Svenska kyrkan

Over the last few years, many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the aid sector have grown and become important economic, social and political actors in Sweden. However this sector has also been hard criticized in terms of aid effectiveness. Church of Sweden (CoS), a well established organization in this sector, has faced new challenges in form of demands from their environment regarding reporting aid work. These demands have pushed the International Department of Church of Sweden into a process for adapting the structure in order to meet the new effectiveness requirements. Using both, Contingency Theory and Resource Dependence Theory as theoretical framework and a single case study as research strategy, this master thesis goes in deep into the description of the change of the structure of the International Department. This work shows how the different parts of the organization functions and what impact will these changes in the structure mean for the future of the organization. The analysis of the empirical evidence related to the theoretical framework shows that the organization responds to external demands through a more centralized structure than before.

Människans upplevelse av att leva med alkoholberoende

Bakgrund: Patienter med alkoholberoende är vanligt förekommande inom sjukvården. Forskning visar att vårdpersonalen uttrycker bristande kunskap i mötet med dessa patienter. Livsvärlden är den värld människan dagligen möter och lever i. Ett livsvärldsperspektiv innebär att vara öppen och se den andra människan där hon befinner sig. Alkoholberoende lever med känslor av skuld och skam, dessa känslor skapar ett lidande hos patienten, vilket kan förvärras av vårdpersonal.

Energieffektivisering i kommun

AbstractThe Municipality Council decided in 2010 to develop a comprehensive energy efficiency strategy with financial and methodological support from Energimyndigheten (The Swedish Energy Agency). The strategy should include 3 major parts: an inventory of the 2009 energy use defining the current situation, the 2014 and 2020 goals for energy use, and an action plan for goal achievements. According to Energimyndigheten, the strategy must include all municipal administration premises, vehicles, and all majority-owned companies (as Laholmshem, the municipal housing company).The report describes the inventory work in order to obtain the 2009 energy use and the sources of information used. The inventory values are used as the base year values for the 2014 and 2020 goals. The inventory showed that information about the vehicles is dispersed in the municipal administration and no clear structure exists with respect to mileage and fuels used.

Den finansiella krisen 2008 : En studie av dess påverkan på British Airways-World Cargo och dess finansiella operationsstrategi

The financial crisis in 2008, effected companies around the globe and forced them to change their operational strategies, in order to survive. Companies with international links needed to consider external effects and due to that adapt their strategies on a global level. Demands for goods and service were decreasing and companies could only manage the cost during a recession to not face bankruptcy. Organisations need to reconsider their optimal strategy as this will determine their future outcome when managing a crisis as the one in 2008. British Airways - Air Cargo is a global company with an international network which serves about 80 countries, with about 200 destinations.

Fattigvården i Gustavsberg 1869-1924

With the help of large amount of archive material I have examined how Gustavsberg in Värmdö were affected by the great labor migration in Gustavsberg porcelain factory during the period 1869-1924. I have chosen to investigate how the municipality dealt with the poverty relief issue out of the labour immigration perspective. To my surprise I found out that Värmdö was not responsible for Gustavsberg in the poverty issue. The workers belonged to the factory, which had a relatively well-developed system of poverty relief in place. This is not to say that the workers received any support from the factory to any great extent.

IMF?s policyskapande roll i den globala ekonomin. En kritisk undersökning av IMF?s policyverktyg: dess implementering och utveckling.

Det statliga järnvägsnätet som byggdes i Sverige under 1800-talets senare del har haft stor betydelse för landets tillväxt. Banornas sträckning och byggsätt gav upphov till livliga debatter i riksdagen som slutligen resulterade i det stambanenät som än idag ligger till grund för Sveriges transportinfrastruktur. Vilken spårvidd som skulle användas var en viktig fråga i debatterna, och att Sveriges statsbanor skulle ha en och samma spårvidd var långt ifrån självklart.Denna studie undersöker och analyserar varför de norrländska stambanorna slutligen kom att byggas med samma spårvidd som övriga landets stambanor, och därigenom bli en integrerad del av det statliga järnvägsnätet. Ursprungligen var de norrländska banorna tänkta att byggas med smalare spårvidd, något som skulle innebära att detta nätverk skulle ha isolerats från södra Sveriges. Detta beslut ändras emellertid innan byggandet påbörjats.Genom att kvalitativt studera riksdagsprotokollen från debatterna om järnvägen som byggdes mellan Storvik till Torpshammar och vidare till den norska riksgränsen för att ansluta till en norsk bana kommande från Trondheim, undersöks de argument som framfördes i debatten ur dels en sociopolitisk och dels en ekonomisk synvinkel.

Cash-to-cash-styrning : ett spelteoretiskt angreppssätt

Objective: The objective is to examine if long terms of payment are created because of a perceived zero-sum game in the cash-to-cash cycles between companies. The study will also examine if dependence effects the dependent companies Cash-to-Cash-cycle because of long terms of payment. Scientific method: The study uses a qualitative and a quantitative method, where primary data is collected from semi-structured interviews. Additional primary data is collected from an unstructured interview with an expert in the field of which is examined. Additional data has been collected from the studied companies? annual reports.Theoretical references: The primary theory has been Game theory, where the researchers have used this theory to analyze the behaviors of the companies.

Laserskärning i Sverige : ? tekniken, marknaden och hur de utvecklas

Laser for material processing possesses a number of advantages which mean that it has been and will be an important component for a wide range of industries' future development. Cutting materials processing is the dominant use of laser technology and has revolutionized the manufacturing industry. The aim of this thesis is to describe the principles of metal cutting by laser, how laser cutting is applied in practice and to identify how Swedish companies are using laser cutting. For the theoretical and technical description of laser cutting literature studies are the primary source of information. The empirical basis for the mapping of the Swedish industry for laser cutting is grounded on a survey; this includes Swedish companies that use laser cutting in their production.

Finansiering av arbetsintegrerande sociala företag : En dragkamp mellan det sociala och det kommersiella

The field of the social economy and of the work integration social enterprises (WISE) in particular, is for many a more or less unknown area. Unlike ordinary enterprises the WISE's are different due to their aim of integrating disadvantaged people through work. In comparison with other small enterprises earlier research has shown that the WISE's are dealing with challenges regarding recruitment, participation, leadership, sustainable business ideas but above all, the access to funding. The purpose of this essay has therefore been to examine and analyze the financial situation of eight WISE's located in the Stockholm County. The results indicate that half of the enterprises perceive their economic situation as very unstable and as an obstacle to their further development.

På riktigt : Fyra lärares erfarenheter av blogg i undervisningen

The purpose of this thesis was to find out what experiences teachers have from using a class blog in teaching. What are the advantages and disadvantages by the use of blogs in education?I have used qualitative interviews with four teachers in grades 1 to 6 who have worked with a class blog in teaching between one and three years.The study has shown that teachers' experience is that the blog serves as motivation and promotes learning for many different pupils and that, together with other digital tools is more equal. The main benefits that teacher mention is the expanded concept of text that offers multiple forms of expression and the authentic reader, which makes it more real, important and meaningful. Other benefits that come up are that it helps students to see their learning and learn from and with each other.

Livscykelanalys: Pelletspanna från kvänum energi

This study will identify the environmental impact in terms of carbon dioxide for a boiler house on behalf of Kvänum energi. The boiler central consists of a main building, which in turn contains multiple components such as boilers, pipes, etc, the boiler central uses pellets fuel. It also includes a silo and an ash container. The total weight of the boiler is about 63 tons. Each boiler has an output of 600 kW; the central includes three boilers with room for a fourth if necessary.

Gröna transportkorridorer

The economic development and competitiveness in Europe is heavily dependent on an efficient transport system. Movement of goods and people is essential for a competitive industry and successful trade. As a result of an intensified transport business, consumption of fossil fuels has increased dramatically. As a consequence, there are increased emissions of dangerous greenhouse gases. Transports are often mentioned as an area with high impact on the environment.

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