

172 Uppsatser om Opioid dependence - Sida 8 av 12

När verkligheten sätts ur spel : En kvalitativ studie om profesionella socialarbetares förhållningssätt till problematiskt datorspelande som ett beroende

This study examines how professional social workers relate to problematic computer and video gaming as an addiction. It is a qualitative interview study aimed to describe and analyze how professional social workers, who in some way work with problematic computer gaming, relate to the player?s problems in terms of a concept of dependency. The theoretical approach is based on social constructivist theories of discourses, normality, the definition of dependency and diagnoses. The study was conducted through five qualitative half structured definition interviews with professional social workers that work directly or comes in contact with problematic computer gaming.

Case Management : Sjuksköterskans uppfattning om arbetsmodellens effekt för patienter med missbruk och samtidig psykisk störning.

Syftet med denna pilotstudie var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskor som arbetar som Case Managers uppfattar effekterna av denna arbetsmodell avseende medicinsk vård, social situation, missbruk, vård- och omsorgskvalitet samt samordning för patienter med missbruk och samtidig psykisk störning. Metoden var kvantitativ och genomfördes med en webbenkät. Resultatet visade att respondenterna anser att Case Management haft en positiv påverkan på patienternas medicinska vård och sociala situation. Det ledde också till en bättre kontakt med patienten, och förbättrad bedömning av patientens sammansatta situation. Sammantaget framkom en övervägande positiv uppfattning även av vård- och omsorgskvaliteten, samordningen och de arbetsmetoder som använts.

Private Label-tillverkning : Faktorer som ligger till grund för att leverantörer på den svenska marknaden tillverkar private label

Background: In the past 10 years private label has increased significantly in the Swedish grocery market. This is an important strategic event, which is a great challenge to suppliers as it causes stiff competition. To handle this situation an increasing number of suppliers have to make the decision whether to produce private label or not.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find and analyse factors that influence suppliers in the Swedish grocery market to produce private label. On this basis we intend to confirm or develop existing theories within the field of study.Research method: The study has a qualitative approach where empirical data has been gathered through interviews with suppliers and retailers in the Swedish grocery market.Results: This study has identified factors that underlie suppliers? decision to produce private label.

Plasma cortisol concentrations after treatment with methadone alone or together with acepromazine or detomidine in horses

Opioider är vitt använt på smådjur som smärtlindring och för att minska behovet av anestesimedel. Opioider har också nyttjats på hästar så långt som 70 år tillbaka i tiden men användandet har varit begränsat och kontroversiellt då hästar lätt exciterar på grund av opioider. Metadon är en ?-receptoragonist och detta är den receptor som främst står för opioidernas analgetiska effekt. Metadon är inte godkänd för användning på djur i Sverige men används ändå ofta off-label på grund av sin goda smärtlindrande förmåga.

Djurslagsskillnader vid användningen av opioidplåster till hund, katt och häst

Opioidplåster avsedda för humant bruk används idag även för smärtlindring av djur eftersom det inte finns några registrerade veterinärmediciniska opioidplåster. För humant bruk finns plåster innehållande fentanyl och buprenorfin. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att granska studier i farmakokinetik och dynamik för att undersöka den vetenskapliga grunden för användningen av opioidplåster till djurslagen hund, katt och häst. Plåster kan vara ett sätt att administrera läkemedel transdermalt till den systemiska cirkulationen. Avsikten med plåster är att uppnå jämna koncentrationer i plasma (steady state) som varar under den tid som plåstret finns på plats, vanligen 72 h för människa. Vid användningen av fentanylplåster uppnåddes steady state hos människa efter 14 h.

Oljeprischocker ? En studie på de svenska och brittiska aktiemarknaderna

ABSTRACT TITLE: Oil price shocks impact on the British and the Swedish stock markets SEMINAR DATE: 2007-06-07 COURSE: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration and Economics, 10 Swedish credits (15 ECTS) AUTHORS: Carl Hersaeus, Sven Piehl Trygg ADVISORS: Hossein Asgharian, Göran Andersson KEY WORDS: Dummy Variables, United Kingdom, Oil Price, OLS, Regressions, Stock Markets, and Sweden PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to study whether, and how, oil price shocks have an impact on British and Swedish stock markets. METHODOLOGY: Our paper is based on secondary data, focused on historical spot prices on Brent oil and stock indices from Sweden and UK. We construct dummy variables to register positive and negative disturbances in the oil price. Furthermore we try to find a relation between the price disturbances and the different stock indices. THEORY: We take off from earlier studies, which prove that there is a relation between oil prices and stock markets.

Därför onlinevideo : En engagerande historia

The financial crisis in 2008, effected companies around the globe and forced them to change their operational strategies, in order to survive. Companies with international links needed to consider external effects and due to that adapt their strategies on a global level. Demands for goods and service were decreasing and companies could only manage the cost during a recession to not face bankruptcy. Organisations need to reconsider their optimal strategy as this will determine their future outcome when managing a crisis as the one in 2008. British Airways - Air Cargo is a global company with an international network which serves about 80 countries, with about 200 destinations.

Bakomliggande faktorer till revisorers utfärdande av going-concern varningar : En studie om vad som orsakar going-concern varningar för finansiellt belastade företag

Introduction: The auditor's going-concern warnings express the quality assurance of information and if these are wrongly based, the stakeholders become deluded. Previous research has shown that auditors do not have any major difficulties in identifying companies that are financially distressed to the extent that they risk receiving a going-concern warning. International studies on the determinants of going-concern warnings have instead focused primarily on the auditor's decision regarding companies that are already in bad shape financially. Auditor grounds for issuing a going concern warning may be linked to factors related to the client, the auditor, the audit firm, the relationship between the client and the auditor and the environment. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out what specific factors that affect the auditor issuing going concern warnings for financially distressed companies.

Barnperspektiv, betyder barnrelaterat? : En kritisk diskursanalys av barnperspektivet i tjugosex kulturmyndigheters och -institutioners strategier fo?r barn- och ungaverksamhet (2012-2014)

Today the right of the child to participate freely in cultural life and the arts is a goal on the political agenda. As a consequence, in 2011, twenty-six government agencies and institutions of culture were assigned to formulate strategies for activities for children and young people. These strategies are the empirical basis of this thesis. The aim of the study is to elaborate and problematize three issues concerning children?s culture from the viewpoint of a social constructionist understanding of childhood as constructed in various, often political, practices.

Chefskap och styrning: en studie om ledarskap på en socialförvaltning

The purpose of this essay was to analyze the management and steering of the social welfare service. The objective was specifically to examine how the leaders approach their position as managers of the social welfare service, and also how they approach their way of steering. The social welfare service acts under political decisions, but the management interpret and transform these decisions into actions. The managers of the social welfare service are therefore important from a democratic perspective. The study was based on five qualitative interviews with two managers of the unity, two departmental managers and the head manager of the social welfare service.

Upplevelser av ADL efter stroke med motorisk funktionsnedsättning: Ett patientperspektiv

Stroke är den vanligast förekommande sjukdomen i Sverige med cirka 30 000 insjuknanden per år. Ur ett svenskt och internationellt perspektiv är stroke den största orsaken till en icke medfödd funktionsnedsättning hos vuxna individer. Motorisk funktionsnedsättning efter stroke påverkar patienters förmåga att utföra aktiviteter i dagliga livet (ADL). Det inverkar på patienters upplevelse av livet och livskvalité. En begränsning av kroppskontroll medför även en förändrad relation till kroppen.

Bioenergy from the forest ? a source of conflict between forestry and nature conservation? : an analysis of key actor?s positions in Sweden

Bioenergy from the forest has been heavily debated in Sweden for several decades due to the interest of society to decrease dependence upon fossil fuels and limit the effects of climate change. The actual use of bioenergy from the forest has shifted over the years but increased during the last decades. Private actors within forest and nature conservation sectors play an important role for the development of bioenergy from the forest as well as for the debate and the implementation of political goals. Forestry in Sweden is characterised by ?freedom under responsibility? for private actors and the perspective of governance is valuable for studying actors and discourses.

Familjen i skuggan av alkoholismen: om medberoendeproblematik ur klass-, kultur- och könsperspektiv

The aim of our thesis was to describe how the connection between co-dependent relatives and the alcohol-dependent influences the family into changes in their teamwork.Our purpose was also to answer the following questions: How is it living with an alcoholic? Are there any differences in how men and women feel and behave in their relationship with an alcoholic? Are factors like cultural belonging, genre or social class important for how the co-dependent relatives feels and behaves and handle their co-dependency?To answer these questions we made twelve thematic qualitative interviews with six adult children to alcoholics and six people married to alcoholics. We compared the results of these interviews with earlier research. We also applied System Theory and Goffman's Role Theory, as well as Bourdieu´s Capital and Habitus concept.We believe that co-dependency is a family divergence that is very similar to family disease, but that a change in attitude can trigger recovery. According to the interviews many spouses stand by their alcoholic husbands and do actions that perpetuate the alcoholic dependence and thereby hold back any recovery.

ALBA : Ett regionalt integrationsprojekt med goda förutsättningar?

AbstractEssay in Political Science, autumn 2010. ?ALBA ? A regional integration project with good conditions?? Autor: Anna Sjögren. Course: Political Science, C-level, Tutor: Sten Berglund An essential part of the political science research on regional integration has been about why states join economic unions and what forces drive the process of integration. This essay is a case study on the Latin American regional integration project called ALBA.

Aktiemarknaden ur ett psykologiskt perspektiv utifrån finansanalytikers synvinkel

The Swedish population has the world?s largest percentage of shareholders either by direct or indirect owning. Due to the increasing interest of equity capital markets, private as well as institutional investors rely on forecasts from financial analysts. The reason for this is due to the lack of expertise among investors in this area. Due to the fact that analysts influence the Swedish stock market immensely, it?s of great interest to explore whether an analyst can be seen as a rational participant.

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