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?De som kan simma ska få fördjupning?   : en studie om utvalda skolors simundervisning  

AbstractAim: The purpose of this study was to describe and compare education in swimming in grade six in two different schools. Another purpose was to investigate students? perception of their swimming skills and their attitudes to education in swimming. The more précised questions were: (1) How is the education in swimming organized in each school? (2) How do the teachers control that the students reach the goals to attain in swimming in the 5: th grade? (3) How do the students judge their own swimming knowledge? And (4) What attitudes towards the education in swimming do the students have?Method: A quantitative method, a questionnaire, was used to answer the purpose and questions of the study.

Flerkanalspublicering : En kvalitativ undersökning av NTs arbete med att publicera nyheter i flera kanaler.

Title: Multi channel publishing: a qualitative study on how Norrköpings Tidningen publishes news in multiple channelsAuthor: Roland AlbinssonThesis supervisor: Per-Anders ForstorpBackground: In this day and age, the media is omnipresent and a part of our daily life. The phenomenon of media convergence can be traced back to the birth of the internet, and today all of the major newspapers have a website of their own. As a result of multichannel publishing, consumers have a wide range of tv channels to choose from, but there is still uncertainty as to whether more channels automatically equates to more and better news. There is no doubt about the fact that multi channel publishing is a necessary survival skill for media conglomerates today, but effects such as news recycling and the concentration of ownership are in conflict with the consumers? availability demands.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to, by means of a case study, describe how NT?s multi channel publishing is an expression of media convergence, as well as to study how the news are affected by multi channel publishing.Research procedure: This study is based on three different research methods, observations, text analyses and qualitative interviews.

Returflöden inom e-handel av kläder

The purpose of this thesis is to find out the reasons and perhaps some answers to the problem as we see it, the sickness benefit expiration of those who experience this. By this said we have also taken into account the different laws and adjustments in the long-term sickness benefit, but also major reformation of the security net in the Swedish society. The efficiency of the law on passive long-term sickness absence was added in July 2008, but was later in January 2010 supplemented. The purpose of this law wasn?t only to reduce the long-term sickness absence but also to reduce exclusion.

Framtidens gymnasieskola - En styrning utifrån ett modernistiskt eller senmodernistiskt perspektiv?

This empirical work and base has been to analyze the new high school reform that the Swedish government introduced as a statement 2008/09:199 about: Higher demand and quality within the high school. This statement became legal through the government vote in spring 2010. But above all it is the investigation (SOU 2008:27) that is the central piece for these new examination changes for high school students that will come into effect 1 of July 2011. The purpose and questions asked in this analyze has been if the reform takes its base in a modernistic (traditional) way or a late modern scientific perspective. And also to find out how these new quality amendments in the investigation makes visible about the high school and what the purpose are about the changes. When scientific theories in these analyze is placed against the reform, the result shows that the modernization process reflects more of a late modern aspect, which constantly reappraise in a changeable society.

Kapitaltäckningsregler med valfrihet : en kvalitativ studie om bankers frihet att välja beräkningsmetod för kapitalkravet

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how a bank?s features and internal factors have affected its choice of method in calculating the capital requirement.Theoretical and Empirical Method: The research strategy of this study has been of a qualitative nature with a deductive approach. The choice of method was depth interviews with respondents from a targeted sample of Swedish banks. These respondents were chosen based on the knowledge they possess as key employees in the capital requirement process and their involvement in choosing their banks? method for calculating the capital requirement.

Det sociala området i EU, sett genom dokumenttexterna Romfördraget, Lissabonstrategin, den socialpolitiska agendan och Sveriges strategirapport.

The social dimension in the EU, explored through the document texts of the Treaty of Rome, the Lisbon Strategy, the Social Policy Agenda and the Swedish Strategy ReportThis paper explores the social dimension of EU social policy, except the aspects of the economic and labour market. The EU documents reveal an underlying line of thought stemming from the alignment of the six founding countries, spearheaded by France, with the conservative corporatist welfare model. As one of four European welfare models, the conservative corporatist model emphasises labour market issues, corporate social responsibility and the subsidiarity principle in EU social policy. It also influences how the texts define the terms social, social policy and social exclusion. The definitions determine how policymakers combat problems such as social exclusion and identify the policy issues to be included in EU social policy.The Swedish Strategy shows how the country is responding to the objectives that it has been assigned by the EU and how it plans to attain them.

This man refused to open his eyes

Hur vi ordnar information påverkar hur vi serpå världen, och våra världsbilder påverkar isin tur hur vi väljer att ordna information. Det,tillsammans med frågorna om man kan hanterainformation utan att ordna den, och om mankan leva i en ständig omformulering av sinvärldsuppfattning, var utgångspunkten för dethär arbetet. Under processens fortskridandehar fokus mer och mer hamnat på människansmeningsskapande förmåga.Genom alltsammans löper broderiet.Jag har länge varit intresserad av hur vi förstårvärlden och vilka strategier vi har för att göravår verklighet begriplig. Vad vi väljer att se ochvad vi väljer att tro på. Vilka berättelser vi sersom sanna och vilka som är just berättelser.Ett nyhetsinslag, en vetenskaplig artikel elleren karta tilldelar vi hög trovärdighet.

Hållbar dagvattenhantering i Malmö: Fastighetsägare och VA-Syds syn på dagvattenhantering i ett förändrat klimat

Med ett förändrat klimat förväntas nederbörd och kraftiga skyfall öka i framtiden. Detta i kombination med en ökad urbanisering och allt fler hårdgjorda ytor i städerna leder till att befintliga dagvattensystem kommer bli överbelastade. Nederbörden förväntas öka med 10-20 procent och avrinningen med 5-25 procent under det närmaste seklet. I många städer har de naturliga avrinningsområdena försvunnit i samband med urbaniseringen och bostäder byggs på olämpliga platser med stor översvämningsrisk. Behovet av en hållbar dagvattenhantering är betydande för att undvika negativa konsekvenser i städerna framöver.

En park för alla

This Master Thesis is a product development project that has been carried out in cooperation withLappset Sweden AB.The purpose has been to develop a group of products suited for parks andtraditional playground locations. The specific target area has been courtyards of newly builtresidential areas. (These pieces of Open land resemble glades that can be found in the forest,which in Swedish is called ?gläntan? and has given name to the product family). Therefore thedesign should match contemporary architecture.

Överlevnad och tillväxt för nyplantersade barrots- och täckrotsplantor : en studie av 42 bestånd i södra Sverige

The choice between bare-rooted and containerized seedlings in southern Sweden affects the investment costs as well as growth and survival. It is important to take these differences into account when choosing seedling type for reforestation. The most important differences between the two seedling-types is that bare-rooted seedlings has Open root systems whereas the roots of containerized seedlings are grown in a container which may contain water and nutrients that are available for the seedling during the first period after planting. Moreover, bare-rooted seedlings are often older which results in thicker stembase and better resistance to attacks of pine-weevil (Hylobius abietis). In order to study differences in survival and growth between bare-rooted and containerized seedlings a survey study of newly planted clearcuts in south-western Sweden was made. In the study tree seedling types was included, one bare-rooted and two containerized with different ages. The population of pine weevils was probably low during the studied period which resulted in lower pine-weevil damage than normally found in this area.

Böndernas vägar till Bryssel, många och långa men värda att gå. En studie om svenska jordbruksintressens möjligheter att påverka den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken

In this essay, I investigate Swedish possibilities to influence the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union (CAP). After having summarized my findings, I try to explain the structure of influence by using Multi-level governance theory.Ten years have passed since Sweden joined the Union, and many changes have followed in the agricultural sector. By investigating the small country of Sweden's possibilities to influence CAP, I hope to be able to get a notion of the possibilities to influence the EU in general. The essay examines four possible paths for agricultural interests to influence the policy process in Brussels:* Through elected representatives of Sweden in the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and in the Swedish Parliament* Through subnational institutions, such as the local authorities and regional representatives.* Through the Swedish Agricultural Office* Through the Swedish pressure group within the agricultural area, LRFThese four groups all have very different channels to the policy process on agricultural issues. The differences are mostly in terms of decisive power or advisory power and institutional contacts or lobby contacts.

Mödradödlighet i Afrika söder om Sahara: En kvantitativ studie om den nationella utvecklingens påverkan på mödradödlighet.

About 1000 women in the so called developing countries die every day associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Sub-Saharan Africa is the worst affected region. This study aims to explore the different key factors in national development that can interact with a reduced maternal mortality. The study compares 15 countries in sub-Sahara where the greatest reduction in maternal mortality occurred with 15 countries in sub-Sahara where maternal mortality reduction has been at its lowest, between the years 2000 to 2010. This study also analyzes the link between reduced maternal mortality and various key factors for national development.

Kommunikation i öppna innovationsprojekt : Riktlinjer för en god kommunikation mellan ledare och projektgrupp

Problem Företag och organisationer tvingas idag att öppna upp sina innovationsprocesser för att kunna konkurrera med andra företag och växa till en stark aktör på marknaden. I de öppna innovationsprocesserna samarbetar organisationerna med externa parter inom olika ämnesområden, detta är en process med nya arbetssätt där nytänkande och kreativitet har stor betydelse.  I en sådan innovationsprocess ställs det höga krav på en god kommunikation mellan ledare och övriga deltagare. Vi har därför valt att studera öppna innovationsprojekt där vi särskilt tittat på kommunikationen mellan ledare och projektgrupp.Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att ge en bild av kommunikationssätt som har betydelse mellan ledare och projektgrupp. Detta ligger till grund för att skapa riktlinjer för en god kommunikation inom öppna innovationsprojekt.Metod I denna studie används en kvalitativ metod där empirin har samlats in via intervjuer samt enkäter.Slutsats Studien visar bland annat på att det är viktigt att ledaren fungerar mer som en administrativ person än att den besitter en teknisk kompetens samt att den kan hålla många bollar i luften och kan vara kontaktskapande då det gäller att ledaren kan hålla ihop sin projektgrupp. Gemensamma mål är viktiga för projektgruppen för att alla ska ha nytta av varandra i nätverket.

Vattenanläggningar som gestaltningselement i offentliga miljöer :

Water constructions - as a design element in public spaces is the title of this Master thesis, with a focus on waters function and meaning in the urban environment. By way of introduction, mans relationship to places is described and the factors that contribute to the reality that we prefer some places more than others. A good place to stay is Open but well defined, gives protection, offers a good view and is varying in topography and vegetation, together with contents of single landscape elements like visible water. This study then continues to discuss mans relationship to water and its means for our wellbeing. Despite the fact that people have a different relations to water due to personality, background and age, it?s an element that raises positive feelings, interest and aesthetic pleasure for most people.


In July 2011 the journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson are arrested in Ethiopia when on a mission to report the activities of the oil exploration company Lundin Petroleum. Following a trial, closely observed by media, the two journalists are convicted to a prison sentence of eleven years. The Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl Bildt, is now to act on their behalf to preserve their rights as Swedish citizens. However, doubts are raised as to whether Bildt has a conflict of interest because of his former engagements as a board member in Lundin Petroleum.

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