

1268 Uppsatser om Open - Sida 23 av 85

Kriskommunikation i ett senmodernt samhälle ? exemplet Svenska Röda Korset

The purpose of this study is to examine how an organization communicates during a crisis and how a crisis can affect an organization's reputation/credibility in late modernity. The focus is on how the Swedish Red Cross handled crises from summer 2009 until spring 2010, and how the organization's reputation/credibility was affected by the fact that society has changed. The methodology used is a quantitative and qualitative text analysis. The results show that crises affect organizations, how much depends on how Open they appear to be and how much credibility they have with them when the crisis begins. Getting to know the late modern society, to understand how it works, can bring benefits to an organization during a crisis.

IDS för alla : Intrångsdetekteringssystem för hemmaanvändare

I dagens IT-samhälle är säkerhet en viktig aspekt. Ett sätt att nå högre säkerhet är att bygga upp säkerheten i lager. I hemmanätverk är två vanliga lager antivirus och brandvägg.Den här kandidatuppsatsen undersöker om ett intrångsdetekteringsystem (IDS) är ett bra komplement till säkerheten i ett hemmanätverk.För att hålla systemet så attraktivt som möjligt för hemmanätverket fokuserar man på att hålla priset nere och konfigurationen enkel. Vi valde enkorts-datorn (Raspberry Pi) med programvaran IPFire, som är Open-source, där IDS:en Snort ingår och IPFire har ett enkelt gränssnitt för konfiguration.För att mäta hur effektivt systemet fungerar, mäts det hur många hot Snort upptäcker. Mätningar gjordes också för att undersöka om systemet orsakade prestandaförluster i hemmanätverket.Av resultaten drogs slutsatsen att systemet är ett bra komplement till säkerheten i ett hemmanätverk.

Skolbioprojektet i Kungsbacka - en etablerad verksamhet?

This thesis is an attempt to study if the school cinema project in Kungsbacka is an establishedactivity. Qualitative interviews have been performed with the cinema owner, the projectleader and a politician of the municipality, about their views on the project. Teachers andpupils have also been interviewed. In the case of an established activity, the thesis also attemptsto answer what causes have contributed to such an establishment.The study shows that the school cinema project is an established activity in Kungsbacka andthat all parties involved are satisfied with it. The project has guaranteed the cinema's existence.According to the thesis, the reasons for the establishment are that govemment funds enabiedthe project to initiate.

Historiebruk : exemplet Judisk Krönika

The purpose of this examination is to investigate how Judisk Krönika, a periodical which was introduced in 1932 with the aim of disseminating Jewish culture and tradition in Sweden, uses history to make comments about its role in contemporary history, specifically during the first two years of the First Intifada. A second purpose was to examine how this use of history differed from results shown in earlier studies comprising the 1960s and the 2000s. The method in use is qualitative; the source material has been read thoroughly and scrutinized in search of the authors Open and hidden messages and intentions. The main finding shows that four major themes could be identified: anti-Semitism(anti-Zionism); memory; ethnonational and media. The most dominant theme during the 1980s, as opposed to the 1960s and the 2000s focus on Zionism and Jewish culture respectively, is memory, that could be described as hegemonic and as a part of a existential use of history, which aims for survival and preservation of the Jewish culture in times of conflict..

Socialization and Identification of New Recruits in Knowledge Intensive Firms: A Case Study

Using the models from van Maanen and Schein (1977) and Dutton et al. (1994), we have been able to investigate the socialization process and organizational identification both from the organizational as well as the individual?s perspective. The link between these two perspectives establishes a better insight into the company?s actual socialization intentions and the individual?s identification with the firm.

Flöden och processer på Fristadstorget

This thesis is about Fristadstorget in the city of Eskilstuna and how the square flow together with the user orientation could be improved. This work focuses on how public spaces best satisfy users through architecture, cognition and information interpretation. I've looked at people's movement patterns in Fristadstorget, with the help of observation from strategic locations. While I also integrated the city?s surrounding and taking in information from already existing buildings around the square.

Nationella proven i matematik? en tillgång för läraren? : Hur några lärare använder sig av resultaten på de nationella proven i matematik

The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate how some teachers make use of the results of the national tests in mathematics to plan their teaching. The questions are how they plan their teaching in mathematics and if they use the results of the national tests to compare with their own teaching.   Five teachers in mathematics has been interviewed. I have used unstructured interviews with Open-ended questions, and I have been able to ask follow-up questions based on their answers. The analysis of the survey is made from a systems theory approach.  The result of the survey shows that teachers make use of student performance to look at their own teaching of the current group of students. However, there is not enough time to rehearse and repair the deficiencies discovered in the national tests, which for some is perceived as a stress factor.

Ledarskapets inverkan på elevernas användning av IKT-verktyg på fritidsverksamhet

This essay deals with the influence of leadership on student use of Smart phones as an ICT tool at after school care. I use a qualitative, hermeneutical method that departs from two stories. I also use qualitative interviews with both structured and unstructured questions. My reflections and interpretations are, through the interviews, complemented by my colleagues? views of the use of Smart phones and how that is affected by how the activities are managed.

Patienters beskrivning av att vårdas på isoleringsrum -en litteraturstudie

Background: Every day patient´s get isolated in hospitals as a consequense of infection control purposes. Physical isolation can result in lack of human contact and a new unknown environment for the patient. Those two factors can easily cause stress within the patient and create anxiety for the future. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe patient´s experience of being nursed in an isolation room. Method: The method that was used was a literature research, where earlier research findings were read and put together.

Kaos eller ordning? : Ambulanssjukvårdens organisationskultur. En fallstudie

This case study has its starting point in an unpublished study where the results showed that there is a conflict between the leadership and the employees in a private company. The conflict is identified as a result of the company leadership is steering for cost savings and efficiency The aim of this study is through analysis of  the Open questions in a quantitative survey describe how the staffs  attitudes and culture is affecting the leadership of the organization. The ideological aspect is very clear and through the aspect of the structural differences between the public and private sector makes it possible to identify the staff?s social rules, ideology and group norms.  These are shown to be in conflict with the economical perspective of the private sector.

Corpus Leakage

We understand the world around us through categorization and classification. But things are morecomplex than that, life is mixed up, flowing and unable to stick to labels. The main purpose ofcorpus is to contain, organize and control food and beverages. Corpus objects are also socialmarkers that have a tradition of being elitist; in both choice of material and in that they imply acertain way of usage. Corpus objects are heavily loaded with tradition and rituals.

Skönlitteratur ett läromedel? : - Sju författare och en litteraturpedagog resonerar om skönlitteraturens betydelse i skolan

The essay concerns the role of fiction in school. The research questions is; what is ?readable?, what does the authors think of teacher's task to develop students' literacy skills through fiction and how do the authors think of the teachers' task of using fiction in school. The questions give a basis that describes the role of fiction in school today based on the authors' perspective. We have chosen to use the Open surveys as a method.

Barns upplevelser av högläsning och boksamtal

What drove me to write this paper is the will to  examine if there is a philosophically and scientifically viable  alternative foundation for an objective morality other than what we like to refer to as "God". The  American philosopher and neuroscientist Sam Harris presents in his book The Moral Landscape a thesis for an objective morality based on science in which he states that  science can determine human values. The purpose of this paper is to perform a theoretical trial of The Moral Landscape, examining Harris' thesis and it's relations to the philosophical obstacles that stands in its way, these being mainly the famous philosophical principle "Hume's Law" and G.E. Moore's "Naturalistic Fallacy and Open Question Argument" and thus will serve as my main theoretical foundation. The results of my study was not conclusive since Harris in fact doesn't succeed in bridging the gap between facts and values on a scientific ground.

En sen ADHD-diagnos : Individers upplevelser av en ADHD-diagnostisering i vuxen ålder

The purpose of this study was to investigate how an ADHD diagnosis late in life as an adult can have effected childhood and adult life. It is a qualitative study executed by interviewing four adults, two men and two women. The individuals in the study had all experienced difficulties in their childhood and in school and had all felt different from the rest of the ambient. None of the interviewees were on medication for ADHD but most were Open for trying. Support from school or other settings had been minimal.

En Jämförelse mellan EnCase och BackTrack : Examensarbete på programmet IT-forensik och informationssäkerhet, 120 hp.

Denna rapporten är en jämförelse av forensiska verktyg, i detta fallet är verktygen EnCase och BackTrack. Vi kommer i den här rapporten att jämföra vissa utvalda verktyg som representeras i båda programmen, och analysera resultatet av detta. Analysen och jämförelsen kommer därefter ligga till grund för om man kan få fram lika bra resultat med ett Open-source program som med ett program man betalar för. Vi kommer att utföra analysen genom att använda en bevisfil och utföra tester på den i både BackTrack och EnCase. Resultatet kommer att diskuteras och presenteras i denna rapport.För att få fram bästa möjliga resultat kommer vi även att intervjua vissa utvalda personer med erfarenhet utav att arbeta med dessa program, för att få fram deras synpunkter.

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