

1268 Uppsatser om Open - Sida 19 av 85

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Syftet med projektet som rapporten beskriver är att utveckla ett inlämningssystem förlaborationer. Systemet ska bygga på versionshantering och ska hantera inlämning via en terminalklient. Inlämning skall även vara möjlig via ett webbgränssnitt. Systemets kärna är en webbapplikation som är baserad på Open source-plattformen Gitorious, som är implementerad i Ruby on Rails. Systemet har en avancerad webbklient som itigt nyttjar MVC-strukturerade Javascript-applikationer.

Tick burden in neonatal roe deer (Capreolus capreolus): the role of age, weight, hind foot length, and vegetation and habitat on bed sites

This thesis deal with tick burden on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) fawns, in relation to age, weight, hind foot length, and as well as to vegetation and habitat on bed sites. Roe deer fawns (N = 25) were captured from May 27 to June 27. Samples of ticks were collected and tick burden were estimated. Of all sampled ticks the nymphs and adults were Ixodes ricinus, while the larvae were not identified. 4.4 % of the sampled ticks were larvae, 55.0 % nymphs, 26.8 % adult females, and 13.8 % adult males.

Skivbolagsbranschen och Internet : En jämförelse mellan major- och indiebolag

Purpose: To analyze and clarify differences between indie and major labels in the use of and attitude towards the Internet as a marketing and distribution channel.Method: In this study, we use mostly qualitative but also quantitative methods. Representatives from four record labels, two indie and two major labels have been interviewed, and we have also examined the companies? activities on the Internet.Conclusions: This study points to a number of differences between indie and major labels. Indie labels are generally more Open to business development and innovation. As for marketing, indie labels make use of web services such as Myspace and Facebook to a greater extent than major labels.

En rättsjämförande utvärdering av det svenska giftorättssystemet - Harmoniseringsmöjligheter?

This is a qualitative case study of young womens? experiences of blogging about One Direction on the social media/microblogging platform Tumblr. The aim of this study was to find out what fan blogging is and why fans blog. We did this by creating an account on Tumblr where we invited young women between the ages of 16?29, who had active fan blogs dedicated to One Direction, to answer an Open-ended questionnaire.

Konstruktionsleken ur pedagogers perspektiv. : En studie om hur pedagoger tänker och arbetar när det gäller konstruktionsleken i verksamheten.

The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers act when it comes to play with constructions in preschool. The purpose was also to find out what kind of material the children have to work with and what they do with the things that the children made. The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews. Semi-structured interviews was choosen  to get out as much information as possible, with Open questions in a semi-structured interview you can get the information that is relevant for the study. The results show that there are different kind of material available in preschool, but knowledge of the subject is missing and demanded by teachers. The material are pretty similar, some of the teachers use material from the forest while others don?t.

Operativsystemsreplikering : Jämförelse mellan FOG och Symantec Ghost Suite

För att installera flera operativsystem samtidigt finns det olika verktyg avsedda för att underlätta denna process. Det finns både kommersiella- och gratisalternativ ute på marknaden. En av de ledande kommersiella replikeringsmjukvarorna är Symantec Ghost. I detta arbete jämförs Symantec Ghosts mot Free Open-source ghost (FOG) för att mäta användbarheten med avseende på kritiska attribut. Kritiska attribut är baserade på utförandet av en fullständig replikeringsprocess samt hur en användare upplever hanteringen av mjukvaran.

"Man får mycket gratis med en öppen attityd" : Projektledarens upplevelse av kundrelationen i kundorderprojekt

The purpose of this paper has been to describe the project manager's experience of the customer relationship in customer order projects. A qualitative interview study has been conducted in which seven project managers were interviewed. A thematic analysis resulted in four overall themes. The results showed the importance of a clear, responsive and Open communication as well as a large degree of customization to meet the customer the best way as possible. The experience was also characterized by a dynamic relationship and the importance of the customer's expectations.

Broms- och styrsystem för möbeljalusier

This report is the result of a master thesis at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Division of Industrial and Economical Development, at Linköping University of Technology. The project was carried out on behalf of Fanerami AB, Mjölby and includes 20 weeks of full time schedule work.Cabinets with vertical mounted roller shutters all share the same problem, namely weight balancing. A roller shutter has an equilibrium area where the sum of the different forces acting on the shutter equals zero. As the shutter leaves that area it will pick up speed as it falls towards the bottom. When the shutter hits the bottom of the cabinet there is a potential risk of getting fingers caught and in this project a solution to prevent this from happening was to be presented.In this project, three concepts have been generated with the following different purposes:?In concept 1 the risk of getting any fingers caught when the shutter closes was to be eliminated in an efficient and inexpensive way.?In concept 2 the roller shutter had to be balanced at all time providing the possibility to keep the cabinet Open in any position.?The last and most challenging task was to create a remote controlled TV cabinet.

Proprietär-, fri- och öppen programvara : En studie av användningsmönster och attityder hos privatpersoner

Antalet programvaror ökar för varje dag och människor använder dagligen en mängd olika sorters programvara både på datorer och på andra enheter. Det finns idag programvara som kallas för fri och öppen programvara som tar upp kampen med gamla klassiska proprietära programvaror. Öppna och fria programvaror släpper sin källkod helt fri så användaren själv har möjlighet att göra ändringar i den programvara som används medan proprietär programvaras källkod är skyddad och hemlig. Dessa tre olika sorters programvaror jämförs och diskuteras utifrån tekniska likheter och skillnader i denna kandidatuppsats. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats inom informatik är att undersöka vad privatpersoner som är tekniskt intresserade har för tankar och attityder kring proprietär, öppen och fri programvara och visa vilka tekniska aspekter som prioriteras vid val mellan dem. I undersökningen har ett kvantitativt angreppssätt bestående av en webbenkät som besvarats av privatpersoner tillämpats. Resultatet från denna enkät har tillsammans med den teori som insamlats visat vilka tekniska funktioner och skillnader som påverkar en privatperson då val av olika sorters programvara ska ske. Undersökningen har visat att det som användaren prioriterar högst i en programvara är användbarheten som handlar om hur användarvänligt användargränssnittet är och hur lättanvänd en programvara är.

Utveckling av gran, Douglasgran, bok och tall under skärm av hybridlärk :

?Development of Norway spruce, Douglas fir beech and Scots pine with a larch shelter wood? is a report written by Per-Olof Magnusson. The thesis is a compulsory part of forest engineer program at ?Skogsmästarskolan?, SLU, Skinnskatteberg, Sweden. The purpose of this report is to describe and evaluate an experiment with hybrid larch (Larix x eurolepis) as shelter wood, and different tree species growth and survival depending on the density of the shelter wood. The experiment is conducted by southern Swedish forest research centre, faculty of forestry, SLU in Alnarp. The hybrid larch ought to be an interesting alternative to birch (Betula sp.) as shelterwood on suitable sites in southern Sweden.

Let a smile be your umbrella : Humorstilar, personlighet och kön

AbstractThe main aim of this study was to investigate if four humour styles, affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating humour can be related to all five dimensions of the Big Five Factor Model of personality and study if gender has any influence on those relation-ships. A survey questionnaire was distributed among 72 individuals from Kalmar County, in the South-east of Sweden. There were 42 women and 30 men. A humour test questionnaire, Humour Scale Questionnaire (HSQ), with 32 items was used and the Big Five Factor test with 40 items was used for personality test. The results showed that men have a more aggressive humour than women and that the older we get the less affiliative and self-enhancing humour we have.

Miljöbedömning av mark- och vattenresurser i kommunal översiktsplanering : en fallstudie av en del av planprocessen i Tierps kommun

This paper describes the integration of environmental assessment in Swedish municipality comprehensive planning through a chosen case study. The implementation of a new EGdirective in Swedish law, concerning Assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, should lead to some changes in the way Swedish municipalities' deals with environmental issues in their comprehensive plans. This could later on lead to new preconditions for municipality comprehensive planning. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the planning organisation in the municipality adapts to new regulations for impact assessment of comprehensive plans required by the Planning and Building act. Secondly the purpose was to partly participate in the early stages of the planning process and thereby indicate and identify possible environmental impacts regarding the aspects of land and water. This was done as a case study in a well defined part of the process.

Att utveckla en modern webbplats : A?r responsiv design framtiden?

The IT industry is constantly evolving and it's more or less a requirement today for web developers to be familiar with and to be able to develop for all platforms. A technique that has taken hold and is now widely used is responsive design. Developing responsive design means adapting the layout to the viewing environment; the screen size. Another useful method when developing for different devices is the mobile first theory, which means developing for the mobile screen first. This is done to scale down the site and to clear unnecessary information in order to provide a better user experience.

All-In: En fallstudie om Betssons spelbutik och dess påverkan på den svenska spelmarknaden.

The company Betsson Opened its first physical gambling shop in Sweden in May 2008, thereby defying the Swedish government?s legal gambling monopoly. The legal case that has resulted due to the violation of the Swedish gambling law has attracted immense attention from mass media, thus generating vast amounts of publicity for the company. This paper aims to evaluate and describe the company?s decision to Open the store, as well as to examine the relationship between market driving practices and market driven practices.

Water - En ersättning för Fire, baserad på versionshantering

Syftet med projektet som rapporten beskriver är att utveckla ett inlämningssystem förlaborationer. Systemet ska bygga på versionshantering och ska hantera inlämning via en terminalklient. Inlämning skall även vara möjlig via ett webbgränssnitt. Systemets kärna är en webbapplikation som är baserad på Open source-plattformen Gitorious, som är implementerad i Ruby on Rails. Systemet har en avancerad webbklient som itigt nyttjar MVC-strukturerade Javascript-applikationer.

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