

1268 Uppsatser om Open - Sida 14 av 85

CMS för vanligt folk?: en usabilitystudie om upplevelsen av
tre CMS-gränssnitt

Denna studie undersöker en användares upplevelse av tre CMS-gränssnitt från tre av de större Open source CMS på marknaden idag, Drupal, Joomla och Wordpress. Ett användartest med tio personer som tillhörde den målgrupp som definierades för studien genomfördes och utifrån de resultat som kom ut av detta arbete gjordes en expertutvärdering med tre experter som dagligen arbetar med CMS och har utbildning inom interaktionsdesign. Expertutvärderingen sammanställdes sedan till sammanlagt elva riktlinjer som kan ses som vägledande i en designprocess för framtagandet av ett för målgruppen anpassat CMS-gränssnitt..

Stadens offentliga rum ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv - Jubileumsparken, ett offentligt rum för unga?

The public spaces of the city from a social sustainability perspective, Jubileumsparken, a public space for the young, aims to see how public spaces can be Open and accessible to all young people in the community. New public spaces can be created and formed by urban planning. A public space that is undergoing considerable development is Jubileumsparken, which is situated in Gothenburg. This area constitutes the case study for this thesis. Due to the commercialization in the neo-liberal society of today, there is a risk that economically weak people, such as the young, the unemployed or students, can?t take part of all public spaces.

Tungelsta med trädgårdstema :

In this project, an area in the small town Tungelsta south of Stockholm, is in focus. Tungelsta is placed in the municipality of Haninge and it is for the planning department on the municipality, this project is made. The task is to compose an arrengement of buildings and Open spaces for a 50 hektar area. Today the area is consists of agriculture fields and forests. The area is placed near the railway station, in the city centre of Tungelsta, which makes it interesting and important to work with. There are different opinions about the future plans for the area.

Intellectual Property Rights in Software : A Critical Investigation from an Ethical Perspective

The development of software was considered until the beginning of the 1990th as a cathedral like product development in closed companies. This way of development changed in the last decade. Open source software (OSS) development challenged this consideration significantly. OSS is produced in co-operation by skilled people, distributed and used by many moral agents. The result, the software itself, can be studied and modified.

Ett barnanpassat boende

This degree project is an inquiry in how plan layouts and functions should be designed to suit families with children. The project aim to, if possible, find good solutions and designed houses that satisfy the requirements a family have.Last spring we contacted Willa Nordic AB, a company that produce houses, and they had a suggestion to investigate living for families with children. Their motif were that they lacked in information and knowledge in how to design houses that correspond to a family's needs. We thought the idea was exiting and motivating.The autumn 2008 studies were made on earlier published reports, in the subject "living environment", to get a solid background. The earlier inquiries shows a clear development through the whole 1900's, from being without standards to have well defined norms.

Tanklock med förbättrat grepp

This degree project was conducted in collaboration with Husqvarna AB, the headquartersof which are located in Jönköping. The aim was to further develop the filler cap found onmore or less the whole of the company?s range of chain saws, in order to make it moreuser friendly.The present filler cap is not easy to Open and close, especially when wearing gloves, andunder difficult conditions, which creates problems and prolongs filling time.On the basis of market surveys, different prototypes and tests, we have created anergonomically improved cap of a new shape, which can be moved in the axial direction,thus making filling easier..

Gott föräldraskap kräver kompetenta föräldrar : en studie om hur maktrelationer mellan föräldrar och samhälle framträder i en statlig text om föräldrastöd

Uppsatsen handlar om konsumenter som producerar produkter som sprids och konsumeras av andra konsumenter. Fenomenet kallas i denna uppsats för konsumentproduktion och jag har inte hittat bra litteratur om ämnet. Dagens allmänt citerade marknadsföringslitteratur som studerats i denna undersökning nämner inte konsumentproduktion som sprids till andra konsumenter. Den litteratur om Open Source som studerats nämner konsumentproduktion, men terminologin för konsumentproduktion är oklar och fokus sätts aldrig på ämnet. Litteraturen i motsats till denna uppsats nämner dessutom bara en mycket speciell och extremare variant av konsumentproduktion som produceras av högt kompetenta programmerare; istället för att som i denna uppsats ge bilden av att även andra konsumenter med andra eller ingen kompetens alls utför konsumentproduktion.

Nätverksövervakning av industriella miljöer : En lösning med öppen källkod

Denna uppsats undersöker möjligheten att använda ett nätverksövervakningssystem för att även övervaka maskindrivna processer. Kan man baka ihop övervakningen av den maskinella processen och datorn som styr maskinen i ett och samma system? Detta genomförs genom att identifiera och implementera ett lämpligt övervakningssystem i en befintlig maskinell laborationsmiljö. Arbetet utvärderas därefter enligt ett antal felscenarion och även utifrån ett systemadministratörsperspektiv. Intervjuer med praktiker inom industribranchen utförs också för att dra ytterligare slutsatser..

Inre sökande

This research explains and describes the role music notations may play in an unconventional way. The aim of this research is to show that by balancing composition, interpretation and improvisation, the performer(s) could produce or Open the door to a reservoir of new sounds, which could emerge through a composer?s awareness of the need to balance these elements. That act of balancing depends on the musician?s interpretation through their interaction with the music notation, with their action process on the instrument and each other.

Test-retest reliabiliteten i balanstesterna Unilateral stance, Limits of stability och Rhythmic weight shift

Människans balanssystem kan beskrivas utifrån tre delkomponenter, det vestibulära, det visuella och det somatosensoriska systemet. En rad olika skador och sjukdomar som påverkar dessa system stör därmed också balansen. Balansstörningar kan verifieras med hjälp av funktionella tester eller teknisk utrustning. Då teknisk utrustning används är det vanligt att instrument utnyttjas med kraftplattor i syfte att mäta det posturala svajet hos patienterna. Vid balansutvärdering är det viktigt att de instrument som används är validitets och reliabilitetstestade.

Mot en delad framtid? : Mendeley som exempel på vetenskaplig kommunikation online

The last few years have been characterised by increasing online communication and the emergence of social media, made possible by Web 2.0. In society as well as in research, social media is used for knowledge produc- tion and networking. One example of this is Mendeley, a social reference management tool. With answers from users all over the world, this study investigates the use of Mendeley, if the respondents use other social media and if all of this affects scientific communication. The aim is also to study what the respondents think about the future of scientific communication and if this can be related to current tendencies.The theoretic framework for this study is based on Leah Lievrouws research on the Cycle of Scientific Communication and the relationship between the ?Little Science 2.0?-scenario and the ?Big Science Retrench- ment?-scenario.A qualitative web based survey was conducted (41 answers) and complemented with an interview with a professor in environmental sciences.

Visten i Lovö naturreservat

Spending a night out in the nature is away for many to experience a slowerpace of life. Refuge cabins are a typeof Open-air facility sometimes provided for more far off locations, yet it is in the vicinity of cities and towns that the opportunity for getting out into the natural environment is mostly sought after. Several nature reservs exist around Stockholm with the good intention of promoting the opportunity for outdoor activities. The aim of this study is to investigate how the provision of refuge cabins can be a means of facilitating and augmenting outdoor life experience in a proposed nature reserv to the west of Stockholm.

Det offentliga rummet : trender & tendenser

?What is happening with Open public space?? and ?Why is it happening now?? are the twooverarching questions in this master thesis. In the essay the concept of ?offentligt rum? (Openpublic space) is defined as an exterior place accessible to the general public, such as squares,parks and streets. I have, based on the issues, identified the trends and tendencies of Openpublic space in Sweden.The study consists of three sections.

Porösa bländverk. En materiellt ekokritisk studie av Hanna Nordenhöks prosa

In the Swedish author, poet and critic Hanna Nordenhöks (1977-) novels Promenaderna iDalbyhage (2011) and Det vita huset i Simpang (2013) the literary characters are often portrayed asdiffuse shapes with a subtile closeness to other organic bodies, places and times. While the novelsaddress themes such as colonialism and subjects becoming, they also explore the act of narratingthrough letters, journals, photographs and, in particular, fabrication. What emerge are two aesthetic,literary works that, on different levels, trouble our notion of borders between human and more-thanhumanbodies, an issue that?s essential for our understanding of human - environmentalrelationship.The purpose of this thesis is to show how the prose of Nordenhök can be read in the light of theterm porosity, where matter is understood as elastic and Open for both creating and de-creatinginteractions. I will argue that the novels contribute to a deepened understanding of the relationshipbetween human subjects and more-than-human matter as elastic, and that they incorporate thisdynamic porosity within the narration itself.

Den sköna nya tiden 2013

2013. The brave new time.We constantly look forward in time. There is a need today to constantly renew, replace and update almost everything in our lives. Although often stressful, these continual changes and upgrades can Open up new possibilities and even be seen as enjoyable and stimulating.Values, opinions, and everything we create, is based on an experience of the past and predictions of what the future might be. I want to take advantage of these thoughts and find out how they relate to our exchangeable culture.

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