

1268 Uppsatser om Open - Sida 10 av 85

Content Management System i intranät : Open Source CMS som intranät

Idag har de flesta företag och organisationer någon form för intranät-lösning. Dessa lösningar kan vara både mer och mindre sofistikerade, men har oftast det samma syfte; att distribuera organisationens information till dess medlemmar.Denna uppsats ägnar sig åt intranät och fördjupar sig i ett begrepp som vuxit starkt de senaste åren, nämligen Content Management System (CMS). Jag fokuserar särskilt på val av Open Source CMS, för implementation i mindre organisationers intranät.Uppsatsen är ett resultat av omfattande litteraturstudier inom sitt område och bygger främst på vetenskapliga artiklar av ledande experter. Ytterligare en källa är resultatet av en enkätundersökning, som också redovisas i uppsatsen. Denna enkät hade som ändamål, att kartlägga användares attityder till deras CMS-intranät.Uppsatsens kanske viktigaste resultat är en redogörelse för hur ett moduliserad CMS-intranät skulle kunna utformas, baserad på bl.a.

Miljöundervisning i årskurs 5 och 6 : En studie om elevers miljötänkande

The purpose with this essay is to find out how aware students are about the environment, andif they believe that their actions can influence the environment. I have used both earlierresearch and questionnaire surveys in order to fulfill the purpose. In earlier research, I haveused research based on materials that are scientific. According to the researchers it isimportant that the children and young people become involved and dedicated to theenvironment and its surrounding world. It is important to listen to the children's thoughts andvisions as they are aware about what happens, but do not reflect on the worst, but hope that itbecomes an improvement in the future.

Vem säger ni att jag är? : Kristologiska titlar i de synoptiska evangelierna

Prisons are for many an unknown world, and few know about the prison culture which includes unwritten rules, power structures, interactions and relationships between inmates and correctional employees.While many think that Swedish prisons are too comfortable,inmates are facing extreme stress due to surveillance and detention, by depriving inmates their possibility to shape their own lives. When the inmates is deprived of control over their own life?s the penal system have great power to shape and to influence the inmates.The purpose of this paper is to investigate prisoners' experiences of treatment and exercise of power in prisons. Starting point is to examine what are the kinds of relationships between prison officers and inmates from a power perspective, if there is any difference between the closed and Open prisons and how the inmates affected by the structures that exist.Based on my overall purpose, and with my informant´s stories which revealed a number of similar points, four main headings were developed; Mass media and society´s view, and unknown world, interaction between inmates and prison officers and consequences.Prison officers with the role as a contact persons as well and other staff which work close to the inmates play a significant role by supporting through motivational interviewing and can help the inmates to gain insight about their life situation and actions. My informant?s underlined that a good contact person can either help or discourage.Inmates who contributed with their experiences express that there is a big difference between Open-and closed prisons.

En berättelse om ondska och demokrati : Historiebruk i ett läromedel om Hitler och Stalin

The purpose of this essay is to study uses of history in a complementary teaching material in the subject of history. The material in question is a 170 page book titled Hitler och Stalin- En bok om ondska. In English, ?Hitler and Stalin- A book on evil?. Essential to the study is that it is expressed within the material that it might be used as the basis for a discussion of the threats against an Open democratic society.

Kommunal självstyrelse - en myt? : En lokalhistorisk studie av Borgviks kommun 1861-1924

The hypothesis of this study is that the local government act in Sweden 1862 was an instrument for the state to keep its´ political influence on the local level. It did not Open for local self-government. The swedish historians Dahlkvist and Strandberg description of the Swedish local government act support this hypothesis, as does the analysis of political scientists Pettersson and Söderlind. The general opinion that the local government act Opened for local self-government does still exist among many swedish historians.This study had two aims. The first was to investigate the actual extent of self-government in Borgvik, a small municipality in Sweden during the period 1861-1924.

Staden - fara eller frihet för kvinnor?

This report studies how the divergence between men and women is manifested in the physical space and how the representation of room recreates this divergence. Spaces are coded and women have traditionally been associated with private space and men with public space, leading to that the home is encoded as female space and public squares as male space. Thereby women lack a natural place in public space. The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket) wants to change this situation by enforcing safety-creating measures based on gender equality theories.I have studied what potential risks the project initiated by Boverket as well as discuss the potential problems with representation. Can representation be used without freezing the space? I also search for methods for working with a gender perspective without reproducing gender stereotypes and roles and avoiding encoding the private as female and public as male? Also I use a public seminar with urban planners, artists and architects to retrieve how we work with these issues today.I conclude that city planning needs to incorporate new strategies of thought that does not divide space, e.g.

Letar Svenska kyrkan på rätt ställe? : - en kritisk diskursanalys av Svenska kyrkans reklamkampanjer

AbstractAim: The aim of this essay has been to study how the Swedish church has created the image of their religious activity through media. This has been by studying the three commercial campaigns launched by the Swedish church during the years 2000, 2001 and 2003. Questions asked are: How has the Swedish church chosen to profile it self? Which discourses can be recognized in the campaigns? Which messages has been communicated through the campaigns? How has these discourses created the image of the Swedish church?Method: The methodological framework is critical discourse analysis inspired by Norman Faircloughs? three-dimensional model. Thirteen images all part of the campaigns are analysed using a semiotic method.

En liten bit musikdramatik : - en studie i fenomenet scenisk gestaltningsprocess - hieroglyf No 1: The Fall

Prisons are for many an unknown world, and few know about the prison culture which includes unwritten rules, power structures, interactions and relationships between inmates and correctional employees.While many think that Swedish prisons are too comfortable,inmates are facing extreme stress due to surveillance and detention, by depriving inmates their possibility to shape their own lives. When the inmates is deprived of control over their own life?s the penal system have great power to shape and to influence the inmates.The purpose of this paper is to investigate prisoners' experiences of treatment and exercise of power in prisons. Starting point is to examine what are the kinds of relationships between prison officers and inmates from a power perspective, if there is any difference between the closed and Open prisons and how the inmates affected by the structures that exist.Based on my overall purpose, and with my informant´s stories which revealed a number of similar points, four main headings were developed; Mass media and society´s view, and unknown world, interaction between inmates and prison officers and consequences.Prison officers with the role as a contact persons as well and other staff which work close to the inmates play a significant role by supporting through motivational interviewing and can help the inmates to gain insight about their life situation and actions. My informant?s underlined that a good contact person can either help or discourage.Inmates who contributed with their experiences express that there is a big difference between Open-and closed prisons.

Sjuksköterskors uppfattning om triagebedömning på en barnakutmottagning

Triage, which means "to sort", determine the priority of the patients need of care. The aim of the present study was to describe nurses? perception of triage at a pediatric emergency department. A questionnaire with Open- and closed-ended questions were distributed to all 25 nurses that worked at a pediatric emergency department. The answer frequency was 48 % (n=12).

Reglerade återköpstider : en studie av svenska återköpsprogram

This study addresses mandatory non-trading periods for Swedish stock market participants which have implemented an Open-market share repurchase program during the period 2000 until 2010. By locating the date of publication of interim reports, these mandatory non-trading periods called silent periods are examined. The result indicates that repurchase trading activity occurs despite the statutory prohibition. By studying the price support hypothesis assumptions about long- and short-term effect on share price and performance, this study tries to explain these tendencies. An average decline of share price and performance is shown among companies entering silent periods.

Hotell- Stockholms skärgård

The hotel is located on Skatholmen in the archipelago of Stockholm, Värmdö county. The hotel building has an Open structure characterized by hospitality and the nature outside. The rooms have stunning views of the island landscape and lush forest. With biodiversity and valuable nature in mind, the building has been designed with a structure that should not be too intrusive in the surrounding landscape. The building is meant to blend into the dark silhouette of the island and to give a light footprint on the topography of the landscape.The use of well-chosen materials and similar design, both in plan and facade, creates a consistent building despite the building's somewhat playful expression.

Näthat : I gråzonen mellan straffrättsligt ansvar och yttrandefriheten

The following thesis concerns the conceptualization of Openness within the Open access movement. Open accesscan be understood as a phenomenon or a movement that aims at changing the current system of scholarly communication.Consequentially, the movements goals arose in relation to the escalating serials crisis in scholarly communicationand the increasing power of commercial publishers. The purpose of the thesis is to study three centralOpen access declarations with the aim of uncovering the different conceptualizations of Openness found withinthese texts. Leaning on the theoretical position known as actor-network theory, the declarations role within a surroundingnetwork is explored by focusing on how Openness as a concept has been produced and reproduced bycentral actors. Two overarching questions frames the study: How is Openness conceptualized within the declarations?And how can Openness, as a concept, be understood as an effect generated by a larger network?The first part of the study focuses on the first question.

Katalogisatörer - vinnare eller förlorare? En analys av huvudargumenten rörande katalogisatörernas förändrade yrkesroll

We were interested in catalogers as human beings and in their reaction to a changed working situation. In the light of the changes which have been made at the libraries during the nineties, we investigated why the very group catalogers reacted with an intense and engaged Open debate at the same time as librarians with special competence didn t seem to react in this way. The Open debate about the catalogers changed working conditions was held in Sweden, above all at BIBLIST, which is a forum for library-connected questions. This forum uses an email list made particularly for librarians. The situation of the librarians was, to a small extent, also discussed in publications made for the library line of business.

"porr är till för dem som vill se det - vill du inte se porr så titta inte"

This essay deals with 18 year old boys´ experience of their usage of pornography. My main focus was the pornography found on Internet, which includes pornographic films and nude pictures.Both developmental and social psychological perspectives were applied in the study. These theoretical perspectives were chosen, because boys´ view of sex, especially during their adolescence, are influenced by the increased supply of porn and that boys understanding of porn are influenced by values present in our society. The methods used were three focusgroups and a short survey with simple questions regarding pornography. The choice of methods was based on my standpoint that an Open discussion concerning porn was less offensive of integrity, in comparison of working with individual interviews.

Entréträdgårdar - rumslighet, gestaltningselement, uttryck och sociala aspekter :

The BA thesis Front Yard Gardens ? spatiality, design elements, expression and social aspects is a summary of the entrance and front yard garden phenomenon ? where the entrance is the set design and the designer is the director. The thesis touches the social context of which entrances have been and still are shaped. The various appearance of the entrance and front yard gardens throughout the history, starting with the first entrance by the edge of the wood and coming up to the front yard gardens of today, is described. It touches the present day through an analysis of some entrances and front yard gardens of modern residential areas.

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