

808 Uppsatser om Online dating - Sida 30 av 54

Uttryck och intryck : En studie om skillnaderna mellan avsikt och uppfattning på Windows Live Messenger

Face-to-face communication is always complemented with non-verbal signals that give us clues as to how a message shall be interpreted, but as communication is moved online the possibilities to express oneself becomes more limited.This paper focuses on the instant messaging client Windows Live Messenger and three of the non-verbal functions that it provides (nudges, winks and emotes). The purpose of the paper and its underlying study is to compare the senders' intentions with the receivers' conceptions when it comes to these functions.The study was done as a questionnaire with two different versions of the questions, one looking at the senders' intentions and the other at the receivers' conceptions.The results were then compared in order to look for tendencies. The results showed that the most common intention among the senders was also the most common conception among the receivers, but that the rest of the attitudes didn't match at all. The functions that are supposed to help the conversation flow often create ambiguity instead and lead to vagueness, misconceptions and annoyance..

Kriminaljournalister och Flashback : En intervjustudie om pressetik i ett nytt medium

The aim of our study was to examine Swedish crime reporters? approach to the social medium Flashback. Our main focus was the crime reporters? use of the medium Flashback, and attitude towards their own use of media ethics in relation to the medium Flashback.Flashback as a medium is not obliged to any media ethics and lacks a legally accountable publisher. In the search for information about committed crimes people tends to visit Flashback for the information that the traditional media cannot offer.

Varumärken i idrottsgymnasiers marknadsföring - Vilka passar din idrott bäst?

The upper secondary school 2011 (Gy 2011) was a reform which created large changes in the Swedish educational system. One of the major changes was the requirement of certification for sport schools. Schools in Sweden have historically used sports in their marketing, this opportunity was impaired by the reform. This thesis aims to investigate how brands are applied on webpages of sport schools that are certified in football and/or cross-country skiing. Content analysis was used as method of data collection.

En kritisk diskursanalys av svenska dags- och kvällstidningars framställande av ADHD

The aim of this study is to examine how ADHD is discussed in the Swedish mass media. We have examined 21 articles from Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-Posten and Svenska Dagbladet. All articles are reviewed from the newspapers online edition.Theories used are Erving Goffman?s theory of Stigma and Michael Foucault´s theory of categorization as well as Göran Palm's, Renée Skogersson's and Anders R. Olsson's theories about mass media.

Open access och spridning : En kvantitativ analys av hur open access-publicerade artiklar citeras och sprids pa? webben

To publish research articles by the means of open access is to provide them for free to the reader. An increasing number of universities around the world have begun to institute open access policies regarding their researchers academic output, requiring them to primarily publish in open access journals and / or archive their pre- or post- prints in institutional archives.The aim of this this thesis is to explore how the adoption of the open access policy at the Swedish Universi- ty of Agricultural Sciences in 2008 has affected how their researchers publish and if this has had any effect on how their academic output are cited and distributed online. To reach this goal a combination of bibliometric and altmetric methods were used as well as cross-referencing between Scopus, Altmetric.com, Google Scholar and the SHERPA/RoMEO database.The results points towards a mostly open access positive trend with an increase in articles published in jour- nals that allow archiving of both pre- and post-prints. There also seems to be a correlation between these journals and which kind of articles gets the most mentions in social media..

En kollektiv retorik : Om konst och kvalitet i fanart-communities

The main purpose of this essay is to study ideas concerning the concept of ?art? within the discourse of the exhibition space that is part of a fanart community. In order to do so I have used a hermeneutical and to some extent structuralistic, discourse analysis. I have examined structure and rhetorics in two established and popular communities, Fanart-Central and deviantART.My conclusions states that personal ideas regarding artistic value are undermined the joint policies, because of a collective rhetoric somewhat inherent in the community structure.When a lot of works are being based on internal knowledge of symbolics and historical narratives, this may to some extent have consequences where unfamiliar observers might fail to notice elements of possible significance. Moreover, certain interests in keeping a united front of ?quality art? may also affect a general idea immediate to what signifies fanart.

Självbedömning i religionsundervisning

I uppsatsen ställs frågan hur lärare i religionskunskap på gymnasiet kan använda sig av självbedömning samt om det används på ett sätt som är speciellt utformat för ämnet. Utgångspunkten är litteratur om formativ bedömning och självbedömning, samt om självbedömning i religionskunskap. Fyra lärare i religionskunskap intervjuas över mejl, med en metod som Alan Bryman kallar för kvalitativ forskning med personliga intervjuer online. Uppsatsen resulterar i en inblick i hur religionslärare använder sig av självbedömning, till exempel genom lärarledda diskussioner och uppföljningsmoment i samband med arbeten i skolan. Dessa självbedömningsmoment finns också beskrivna i litteraturen som föregick undersökningen.

Hälsofrämjande ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv : - en litteraturstudie

Today is one of the reasons that Sweden works for improved public health to reduce the incidence of the most common diseases. The eleven objectives are the key determinants of public health work and are thus assigned as the common positions for players to work towards the same goal. The purpose of this study was to examine which aspects of health promotion in Sweden examined in the scientific articles. The method is a literature review based on scientific articles. Searches have been conducted in the databases SAGE Journals Online, ASSIA and Cinahl.

Undersökning & Utvinning av Smartphones : En djupgående analys av positionsdata

The ordinary phone of today is not the same as it was 10 years ago. We still use them tomake phone calls and to send text messages, but the ordinary phone of today has muchmore uses, it is essentially a computer. To put into context to 10 years ago, it is a verypowerful computer, capable of processing wide array of information and presenting it tothe user. Nearly every single device today has a wireless connection, which makes everyuser connectable and able to use online services and internet at any time and place.This gives the user the possibility to integrate his or hers everyday actions with socialmedia and different search functions. Being able to search the internet for persons,restaurants, public transportation and a lot more is very useful to most.

Nyheter på sociala medier : Twitters påverkan på användarnas nyhetskonsumtion

Our digital society encompasses nowadays different channels, which includes social media where many users consider it as a platform where they can fetch news or exchange news and information. This leads to a large spread of news exchange in a very fast speed, which involves the global users within social media to be a part of this social interaction. This study is focused on how Twitter affects the usage of the user?s news consumption. By reaching out to our specific target audience, which includes Twitter users in Sweden, we made a web based survey with a content of relevant questions.

MedImagerWeb - Utveckling av webbapplikation för sökning och hantering av bilder ur bilddatabas

1995 startade medlemmar ur Swedish Oral Medicine Society tillsammans med Institutionen förData och Informationsteknik på Chalmers tekniska högskola projektet MedView. Projektets syfte äratt utveckla modeller, metoder och datorbaserade verktyg för att stödja kliniker i deras dagligaarbete och forskning. 2005 lanserades webbcommunityn SOMWeb och projektet gick in i sin andrafas med fokus på nätbaserad kunskapshantering. Den virtuella mötesplatsen togs emot väl och detbeslutades att satsa vidare på ökad funktionalitet via Internet.Denna rapport beskriver utvecklingen av en webbapplikation som möjliggör åtkomst av denmedicinska bilddatabas som byggts upp under MedView-projektet. Som utgångspunkt förapplikationens funktionalitet och innehåll står skrivbordsapplikationen MedImager.

Den mobila marknadsföringens utveckling - Sociala medier som plattform för mobil marknadsföring.

Företag har sedan länge varit intresserade av mobil marknadsföring och då speciellt medplatsbaserade tjänster (Location Based Services ? LBS) som fokus. Ett stort hinder för denna nyamarknadföringskanal har då varit att hantera kundens acceptans till reklam i mobilen. Vårt syfteär att identifiera faktorer som visat sig vara kritiska och idag hanterbara för att uppnå en lyckadmobil marknadsföring. Den utförda empiriska studien pekar på att en stor del av befolkningenäger tillräckligt avancerade mobiler för att hantera en mer anpassad mobil marknadsföring.

Är vinkritik nonsens - En explorativ studie av vinkritiker och deras bedömningsprocess i en kluven industri

With increasing wine consumption and a growing assortment at available to Swedish consumers, there is an interest in understanding the decision making process of Swedish wine consumers. In this thesis the expert phenomenon is studied with respect to wine through wine critic reliability: grading objectivity, understanding the process of wine criticism and possible critic influence on consumer behavior. Two studies were performed; a qualitative in-depth session of interviews with industry connoisseurs and a quantitative analysis of 589 online wine reviews. Our results indicate that wine reviews are highly subjective and defy prediction through analysis of external variables. Critics are likely to judge differently based on what information they have at hand, suggesting that expectations affect grading.

Multiplayerspel utvecklat i Flash, Slutreflektion för ?Monsters & Masonry?

Flashspel är en väldigt populär form av ledigt spelande, men det finns fortfarande spelformer som är outforskade. Vi bestämde oss för att göra det ingen utvecklare hittills lyckats med, det vill säga att skapa ett så kallat ?Massively Multiplayer Online Flash Game?. Ett spel som konstant är uppkopplat till internet och lever vidare genom spelarna. Problemet ligger i plattformen.

Ytterligare en dörr till biblioteket - en kvalitativ studie om folkbiblioteks användning av Web 2.0-tjänsterna blogg och MySpace

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to describe how Swedish public libraries use Web 2.0-tools and their experiences of using the tools. Focus of the study lies in the contact between public libraries and their patrons on the Web 2.0-tools. For the purposes of the study, the use of weblogs and MySpace were chosen for examination. The methodology used for this study was qualitative interviews.

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