

808 Uppsatser om Online dating - Sida 22 av 54

Personlig integritet på Internet : En studie om attityder

The internet has fundamentally changed the way people communicate. With all the information that we are sharing over the internet, and the ways which companies want to use our information, the importance of keeping our private information secure has increased. This thesis aims to discover what attitudes internet users have against privacy on the internet, and what ? if anything ? they are doing to protect their personal privacy.We distributed an online survey to internet users in the Stockholm area, and conducted three interviews with persons in our target population. The results of these studies show that people in general are very aware of privacy concerns on the internet, but that their attitudes toward how important personal privacy on the internet is, differ somewhat..

En datadriven Play- och online video-marknad : SVT Plays mo?jligheter till sto?rre utnyttjande av data

Big data och datautnyttjande blir allt mer popula?rt bland videotja?nster pa? internet. SVT Play a?r en av de Play-tja?nster som har mo?jlighet att utnyttja mer data a?n de go?r fo?r tillfa?llet. I detta arbete var ma?let att underso?ka hur SVT kan fo?rba?ttra sitt datautnyttjande och genom det utveckla SVT Play.

"Serviceyrket är mycket av en själv även om det är mycket av ett skådespel" : En studie om servitörer och servitrisers känsloarbete & motivation

Since a few years back television has been on a verge of an enormous digital change. Web-TV is now growing at an incredible rate and is said to completely change the way we consume TV. The purpose of this essay is to determine and gain an understanding of how representatives of the broadcast industry looks at the phenomenon of web-TV and especially the different kinds of online video services and how they believe this will affect the television. Methods used are qualitative interviews which we compared with previous studies on the subject and acknowledged communication theories. The respondents were people with good insight and understanding of the media and TV industry.

Det är liv i burken : om 80-talsdatorn Commodore 64 och de glada amatörerna med en relation till den

Huvudsyftet med detta examensarbete är att för vår uppdragsgivare ÅF:s räkning, analysera huruvida det är möjligt att, rent tidsmässigt, hämta lagrad information från en av företagets kunders databaser online samt presentera detta grafiskt, som statistisk information. Hänsyn måste tas till server- och nätverksbelastning. Vid analysen optimerade vi SQL-frågor, vilket resulterade i en minskning av den totala exekveringstiden på serversidan med 24 sekunder.Den databasoberoende applikationen QlikView med sina inbyggda funktioner visade sig vara ett mycket användbart rapporteringsverktyg. Genom att utveckla ett grafiskt gränssnitt, tydliggjorde vi olika fråge- och svarsalternativ, vilka fungerar som underlag för sammanställning av produktionsdata..

En blick säger mer än 1000 ord : En studie av porträtteringen av kvinnliga kändisar i Aftonbladets och Expressens bildmaterial på Internet

AbstractTitle: A gaze says more than a 1000 words ? a study of the portrayal of female celebrities in the photographic material on the online portals of Aftonbladet and Expressen En blick säger mer än 1000 ord - en studie av porträtteringen av kvinnliga kändisar i Aftonbladetsoch Expressens bildmaterial på InternetNumber of pages: 58 (59 including enclosures)Author: Sofie BackmanTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring 2008University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University, SwedenAim: The aim of this essay is to study in what ways female celebrities are portrayed in the photographic material of the Swedish tabloid press. In which situations does she appear? What function does she seem to behold in the pictures? Further the thesis explores whetherthe portrayal of the female celebrity shows signs of stereotyping.Method/Material: The study combines a quantitative and a qualitative method. A picture analysis of photographic material from the online versions of the Swedish tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen has been conducted.

Nyhetsvärdering i lokaljournalistik : En kvalitativ undersökning om vad som händer vid Nerikes Allehandas nyhetsdesk

This qualitative study examines news values in local journalism. The study is based on the results of five personal interviews with journalists and editors at the newspaper Nerikes Allehanda. The purpose of this paper is to examine how news values is made in the editorial process. The essay also intends to compare possible differences and similarities between news for web and printed news, the focus will consistently be locally.This will be explored through qualitative interviews with local journalists and editors. All working for the newspaper Nerikes Allehanda in Örebro..

Med sikte på Counter-Strike : Om pro gamers val av gaming gear

Counter-Strike has established itself as one of the most popular computer gaming phenomenon the last decade with a major online community and loyal fan base. Within the world of e-sports it has also become one of the most lucrative games to compete in. In order to keep up with the competition it has always been important to use the best hardware available for the task. This thesis is about these tools that gamers use to play - gaming gear - and how pro gamers train to increase their chances of winning. We investigate various factors that might be important in their choice of gaming gear when they play, and how they train to use these artifacts more efficiently to get maximum performance.

Spegel, spegel p? sk?rmen d?r. En kvalitativ studie om kundresan och kundupplevelser i samband med testning av sk?nhetsprodukter online med hj?lp av Augmented Reality teknologi

Under det senaste decenniet har den teknologiska utvecklingen omvandlat m?nga aspekter av m?nniskors liv, inklusive hur de handlar och konsumerar olika produkter. Inom sk?nhetsindustrin har anv?ndningen av Augmented Reality (AR) teknologi skapat m?jligheter att testa kosmetika virtuellt online. Flertalet tidigare studier har diskuterat teknologins m?jligheter och framsteg generellt och hur de har p?verkat traditionella k?pm?nster inom olika branscher.

Personlig_Bankman - En kvantitativ undersökning om bankers kommunikation på Twitter

Banks and their products are traditionally characterized as high involvement, informational purchases and as such there is a need to shape the market communication to be logical and catering to the need for information that customers are bound to have. With the advent of social media and web 2.0 a company can no longer opt out of the online discourse regarding their company. As social medias are characterized by being an active media, tailored to personal exchanges and opinions, the match with the high involvement approach that banks usually have to employ is not always ideal. We have examined what happens when banks use different degrees of personal message content and sender profiles on Twitter. Our findings suggest that while some strategies generate higher WOM intentions, others may provide a greater level of sender credibility..

Re-design av Rättviseförmedlingens webbsida : hur utvecklar man en webbsida med hänsyn till olika intressenter och deras behov?

This report presents the redesign of the online-based non-governmental organization Equalisters? (Rättviseförmedlingen in Swedish) website. It aims to achieve an understanding of how you take into account the user and other stakeholders and their interests when developing a website. The focus was on redesigning an existing website and prioritize the different stakeholders? needs.

Augmented Reality som ett hjälpmedel för produktvisualisering i möbelindustrin: en fallstudie

This paper examines the potential benefits of using augmented reality as a tool for visualizing furniture in a buyer?s own environment before buying it. A simple prototype is developed and tested.  The steps for developing the prototype are described in great detail as well as the tools being used. The prototype is tested both on people working in the furniture business as well as people with experience in buying furniture online. In conclusion the results from the user tests are analyzed and the potential benefits are described.

Den lärosamma leken, datorspel : Hur datorspels interaktiva miljö motiverar lärande med direkt återkoppling

Denna studies syfte är att undersöka hur personer på ett forum upplever att de lära sig spelen de spelar, ett fokus ligger på hur mycket de lär sig genom spelet och av de som de spelar med. Motivering har även varit i fokus där vi har kunnat se flera olika sätt som datorspel hjälper till vid att motivera lärandet och där en förlust inte alltid behöver vara negativ. Det försöks även göra en skillnad på så kallade vanliga datorspel och datorspel som är framtagna utbildningssyfte. Frågorna på forumet används sedan för att försöka förstå vilka delar av datorspel som lärandet sker i och hur de som svarade på forumet själva uppfattade att lärandet har gått till..

Användarcentrerad design för att förbättra rapporter i kvalitetsregister

In modern health care, the quality registry is anexcellent tool to monitor everyday work. Collected data forms a foundation, presented as online reports, from which local work efforts to refine care quality can be performed. All reports are coded manually by specially trained developers. This is a tedious process and hence becomes a bottleneck in the strive for improvement.This thesis evaluates whether an extended way of dealing with reports can fit into the existing work situation, with main focus on the idea of creating custom reports directly within a quality registry. It provides a set of conclusions regarding today's usage of reports as well as the users' general and specific needs within the area.

Musik och indexering i folkbiblioteken

This paper follows an analytical and critical line of reasoning concerningindexing and retrieval of music in Swedish public libraries. The focus ofthe discussion is based on the terms included in the subject heading list ofthe Swedish Classification System. The empirical study is performed inthe context of online catalogues in the public libraries of Örebro andGävle. The theoretical background relies on the indexing theory ofProfessor Frederick W. Lancaster.

Konvergenskultur ? en medieteoretisk studie : En beskrivning av mediekulturens samtida tillstånd, utifrån populärkulturella och meningsskapande praktiker och dess ramverk knutna till nutida dramaserier

Drawing from the theoretical foundations of the ?critical theory? of the Frankfurt School and the media ethnographic ?cultural studies? approach of the british Birmingham School, this study attempts to sketch out a media theoretical overview of the contemporary state of media culture. Using the term convergence culture as the foundation, this study offers a theoretical background to the two contemporary streams that are the significant and distinct tendencies of convergence culture: intermedial convergence, its contemporary state and historical tendencies that can be traced back using the past media theoretical approach of the Frankfurt School, and cultural convergence, its contemporary state and historical tendencies, which lineage in a media theoretical context can be traced back to the british ethographic ?cultural studies? field. Using contemporary drama serials to identify and pinpoint these two stream, this study shows how intermedial convergence expresses itself today through media conglomeration in terms of branding, product placement and marketing as the result of the ?completed? convergence between screen culture and popular music as the current defining state of commodity culture.

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