

1299 Uppsatser om On-bord computer - Sida 2 av 87

Hur använder pedagogerna och barnen datorn i förskola och i förskoleklass?

The purpose with my degree project is to investigate the use of computers within the daily activity in three preschools and one preschool class. I have designed a survey that I distributed to the staff. The purpose of my work is to investigate how a number of preschool teachers and children in a few preschools and one preschool class in a medium-sized Swedish town are using the computer in their activities.My study shows that the computer is frequently used, both of the children and teachers, but also together. The children in my study are using the computer to play games, listen to music, and go into the websitewww.youtube.com, but also in order to write and count.  The teachers primarily use the computer to document, check their e-mail and listen to music.

Ingenting är sant, allt är tillåtet : En kvalitativ studie om historiska datorspel som Assassin?s Creeds påverkan för det oavsiktliga lärandet och dess pedagogiska möjligheter

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the unintentional learning that happens during the use of computer games. With the use of interviews with students in the ages 13-15 who all have played the game series Assassin?s Creed, and then compared them with students who does not play the game, we have been able to identify that some learning is taking place, but that the student?s attitude towards the subject, and their maturity, also is vital for the learning. Even tough, the students who didn?t really enjoy history as a subject showed better knowledge after playing the game, than the students who hadn?t played at all, which indicates that computer games can be a good source for learning.

Låt det förflutna tillhöra det förflutna : En studie om datorspel, socialt välbefinnande och kunskapsmässig utveckling

This study investigates the effects that commercial computer games have on young individuals social comfort and learning progress. As a systematic study of literature, scholarly articles have been analysed in order to illuminate the positive as well as negative effects on social comfort and learning progress that may come with playing computer games. The social effects have mainly been discussed with role-playing games, such as World of Warcraft, as starting point, while the learning effects have been coupled with strategy games, such as Civilization IV. The study does not simply declare how these games can be good for these factors, but also in what respect computer games may prevent the development of young individuals socials skills and learning progress. The study showed that in spite of perpetual prejudices against computer games in the technological age, computer games might actually be good to use as a tool in order to authorize the development of young individuals regarding learning and social aspects.

Hälsa och datorkonsumtion bland pojkar i årskurs nio : En komparativ tvärsnittsstudie

The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of computer consumption among boys in ninth grade, and to see if there were any differences with regards to physical activity, sleeping habits, breakfast habits and BMI. The study has cross sectional design with a comparative and a quantitative structure and is based on a former study called ?Food & Health 2007?.  The respondents were represented by 181 boys in ninth grade, recruited from ten different schools in the county of Uppsala, who were answering questions about media consumption, breakfast habits, physical activity and sleeping habits. Daily computer consumption was reported up to one hour for 12 % of the respondents, one to three hours for 65 % and over three hours for 42 %. The boys who had a high physical activity level were less frequent in computer consumption while those who had a low physical activity level spent more time by the computer.

Datorbaserad examination: En studie om användarhinder och systemacceptans bland lärare

The aim of this thesis is to examine how teachers use computer based assessment in their work and what user barriers they experience while working with computer based assessments. The result of the thesis is meant to provide an understanding of which factors affect the use of computer based assessments and how a company who provide computer based assessments applications can increase the rate of use amongst teachers.To investigate this, the author examined a company in Sweden who provide a computer based assessment application for both universities and high schools. The study was carried out at two different schools, a university and a high school, both located in Stockholm. In total nine teachers were interviewed. The author also conducted observations at the company whose computer based assessment application was examined.The author?s findings suggest that a lack of functions within the application and lack of costumer support from the company all negatively impacted the teacher?s use of the application.

Kvinnor, datorspel och identifikation : en genusanalys av två datorspel och två kvinnors datorspelande

This essay covers computer gaming as seen from a perspective of gender theory. The main purpose of the essay is to examine women?s relationship to computer games, and more specifically women?s attitudes to the games they play. The theoretical basis for this essay is sprung from a hermeneutic perspective. The empirical basis for analysis consists of two in depth interviews and game analysis of the two computer games Counter Strike and Final Fantasy XI.

En actionberättelse : en analys av de narrativa delarna i actiondatorspelet Halo

This essay is a narrative analyze of the computer game Halo. The purpose of the essay is to see what function the narrative elements have in a computer game of the action genre. The analyze is done with a neo-formalistic approach according to the theory of David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson. The choice of game was based on it's positive reviews mentioning the story. The essay tries to give a picture of research in the field and researchers views on narratives and computer games.

Att vinna eller försvinna när alla får varsin dator : En-till-en-satsningar och dess inverkan på delaktighet, självbild och lärande för gymnasieelever i behov av särskilt stöd

The purpose of this study was to investigate how high school students felt that the computer helped or hindered participation and self-esteem in the learning situation and if the students experienced any differences between when they had been relatively alone in using a computer compared to when everyone had their own computer. The starting point was the national one-to-one projects made to give every student access to a personal computer and how it affected students in special educational needs and previous research. The theoretical approach was based on socioculture/activity theory and theories of self-esteem. Ten high school students in grade one at a senior high school that previously had started up a one-to-one project was interviewed. The results showed that the students primarily used the computer to write and to search the Internet, but even as a alternative or compensatory tool.

Claratappen : Huvudfoting - tables for blood-donating-stretchers

Detta examensarbete på 22,5 hp har under våren 2007 genomförts av Annica Flödén, student vid Innovations- och designingenjörsprogrammet på Karlstads universitet på uppdrag av Claratappen.Under arbetet har en lösning på Claratappens problem med att plasmagivarna har svårt att ersätta den vätska de förlorar under tappningen med någon slags dryck tagits fram, då deras ostadiga bord gör att vattenmuggarna spills ut över dem.Detta gjordes genom att tillämpa designprocessen som vi under utbildningen lärt oss. Tonvikten under researchfasen lades på att observera hur det fungerar på Claratappen samt en enkät som sändes ut till andra blodcentraler runt om i landet. Utifrån det som framkom under researchfasen togs sedan några olika lösningar fram och en av dessa valdes ut för vidare utveckling.Den utvalda lösningen kom att bli ett avställningsbord, Huvudfoting, ett bord som fästs på britsens underrede där själva bordet kan vridas i fyra fasta lägen, bordet har också två hål för vattenmuggar så det kan delas av två olika givare. Den har även en bottenplatta som gör att den kan stå själv vid till exempel förvaring då den inte behövs. Fästet är konstruerat så att den kan fästas på båda sidor om britsen.

Implementation av Network Admission Control

This examination work is about implementation of Cisco Systems Network Admission Control (NAC) within a leading IT-company in region of Jönköping. NAC is a technique that is used for securing the internal network from the inside. NAC can verify that the client who connects to the network has the latest antivirus updates and latest operative system hotfixes. Clients who don?t meet the criteria can be placed in quarantine VLAN where they only have access to the update servers.

Produktplacering i videospel och dess påverkan på spelarnas attityd, återkallelse samt uppmärksamhet gentemot varumärken.

The gaming market is growing and the number of people, men and women, who play computer games, is also increasing every day. In addition, computer games are also interactive media which leads to the fact that product placement in computer games attracts and is used more frequently by marketers. It is therefore important for marketers and game developers to understand how product placement in computer games affects players' attention and attitude towards the brand or product that is product placed. We therefore examine how product placement in computer games affects players' recall of and attitude towards the brand. The aim is to help companies and game developers to see the effect of product placement in computer games on players and thus product place more efficiently.

EU-patent på datorrelaterade uppfinningar : en rättsekonomisk analys

Computer programs must give a technical effect that goes beyond"normal physical interaction"to be considered to belong to a technical field. The invention shall be be susceptible of industrial application, which means that it should be possible to reproduce or use in any other industrial way. The reqirement that the invention shall be new means that the technique must not be previously known because of patents, published articles, etc. That an invention shall be a contribution to the state of the art in a technical field means that the invention shall not be obvious to invent for a person skilled in the art. Patents do effect the innovation among the inventers, but in most industries most inventions would be invented independent if there was a patent system or not.

Webbdesign för iPhone

Detta kandidatarbete utgår ifrån vilka aspekter som är viktiga att tänka på när man anpassar av en webbsida till en mobil enhet och de problem som uppstår när en webbsida skalas ner till en låg skärmupplösning. Vi har behandlat användarvänlighet, designprinciper, grafiska element och tekniska aspekter för att svara på problemformuleringen. Slutsatsen vi kommit fram till är ett antal punkter inom områdena ovan..

Ett förbättrat kulissutdrag : ? En glidförbättring till Norrgavels "brett matbord"

Min rapport handlar om kulissutdrag för mat- och salongsbord som går att expandera och placera iläggsskivor i. Jag har kunnat konstatera att det mer och mer monteras metallexpandrar under dessa bord i dagens tillverkning.Det finns ändå ett behov på marknaden att kunna leverera och montera kulissutdrag som är tillverkade i trä istället för metall. Tittar man tillbaka i tiden och på de bord som fortfarande finns kvar så ser man att de har trä kulissutdrag som fungerar.Jag har tillsammans med Tomas Fröding, produktutvecklare på Norrgavel arbetat fram ett kulissutdrag till ?Brett matbord?. De har haft problem med detta och vill inte montera en metallkuliss utan ta tillvara på den känslan som en träregel ger.Under en kort tid på Norrgavels prototypverkstad i Malmö ägnade jag mig åt att ta fram alternativ till kulissutdrag på ?Brett matbord?.

What can change the nature of a grade? : A study of computer games and how they affect English grades.

The purpose of this study is to establish whether or not there is a connection between a highincidence of computer gaming and English proficiency in Swedish 9th-graders. The study also takescomputer game genres into account, attempting to see if there is a link between frequent playing ofcertain genres and high English grades.According to this study, there is a clear correlation between the gaming habits of Swedish 9thgradersand the grades they receive in English, with a higher frequency of gaming corresponding toa higher grade. The study also suggests that the Strategy, MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) andCRPG (Computer Role-Playing Game) genres have a higher representation amongst students withgood grades in English..

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