1976 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 62 av 132
Att leva med PCOS
Aim: To describe the lived experience of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Method: Eight scientific articles of appropriate quality were found, analyzed, condensed and synthesized. Different experiences by women with PCOS were found and ordered into themes. The findings were then anchored in associated literature and discussed. Results: Four different themes were found: Feeling different; Disturbing symptoms; Searching for answers; Care treatment.
Patienterfarenheter av organisationen på en mammografiavdelning
Background: The women who were called in for further examinations after a breast screening had all their examinations and test during one day. This organization has been conducted since 1993 in this clinic, but has not previously been evaluated. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the patients? experiences of the organization, in a radiologic breastcancer clinic, where all the examinations and the test-results were given at the same day. Method: An empirical quantitative study was performed.
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att undersöka hur patienter upplever sitt venösa bensår och dess omvårdnadsåtgärder. Litteraturstudien grundades på metod av Forsberg & Wengström (2003). Tio vetenskapliga kvalitativa artiklar inkluderades i litteraturstudien. Resultatet visade på att patienters upplevelser av venösa bensår hade en negativ inverkan på livet. Hos patienterna fanns en ständig oro och rädsla för eventuella komplikationer, yttre våld mot såret samt känslor av hopplöshet gällande sårläkningen.
Optimalt mottagningsstall för kalvar : en fältstudie
A cattle producer that buys calves that are younger than six months to the herd should have a starter stable to prevent infection spreading in the herd. According to the Swedish animal welfare regulation there has to be a starter stable if more than 50 calves that are younger than four months are bought in yearly to the herd. The aim of the study was to improve the knowledge about bovine buildings and management of starter stables to obtain optimal weight gain and health of the calves. The hypothesis 1) The younger the calves are when purchased, the higher the calf mortality and 2) Purchasing calves from a high number of herds involves a higher risk of calf health problems and calf mortality were tested in the study. The objective of the study was to give advices by way of presenting ideal solutions of how a starter stable should be constructed and managed.
A field study was done during June to September 2008 to collect knowledge and experience from existing starter stables.
Livskvalitet i äldrevården : En litteraturstudie.
Growing old should be the golden years of your life, being able to do whatever you want to do. Instead these years are often combined with both physical and psychological illness. Neither the body or mind are what they once were. It has been shown through empirical studies that many elderly people don?t have any social support at all.
Livskvalitet i äldrevården. En litteraturstudie.
Growing old should be the golden years of your life, being able to do whatever you want to do. Instead these years are often combined with both physical and psychological illness. Neither the body or mind are what they once were. It has been shown through empirical studies that many elderly people don?t have any social support at all.
Ett omöjligt uppdrag? Konstruktioner av läraryrket i Lärarförbundets facktidning
This study sets out to investigate how the roll of the teacher is constructed in the Swedish Teachers? Unions trade publication. Based on the theory of social constructionism we have used the method of critical discourse analysis to establish dominant trends and patterns in how the roll of teacher is constructed in editorials in Swedish Lärarnas Tidning. We have established that the conflict between a modernist school tradition and a postmodern society has resulted in a dominant, traditional teacher discourse which is being simultaneously challenged by both a market-orientated discourse and a professionalization discourse. Furthermore, we attempt to highlight how these ?ideal? constructions can create problems in terms of identity construction for teachers.
Patientens upplevelse av DT-kolografi undersökning
SAMMANFATTNING Tidigare studier har handlat om jämförelse av patienternas erfarenheterfrån olika undersökningar av tjocktarmen som kolografi, koloskopi och DT -kolografi. Denna studiehar lyft upp patientens erfarenheter från DT -kolografi som berodde på bemötande från personalenvid DT -kolografi och på patientens erfarenheter från tidigare undersökningar. Syfte med studienvar att beskriva hur patienten upplevde DT-kolografi. Materialet hade erhållits från intervjuer medsjutton patienter och analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade attpatienternas upplevelse av undersökningen berodde på både bemötande från röntgensjuksköterskanvid DT-kolografi och på patienternas egna erfarenheter från tidigare undersökningar och på derasförväntningar..
Osynliggörandet av äldre HBT-personer : Upplevelser och föreställningar om äldreomsorg
Although Sweden is considered to be in the lead concerning an open-minded perception of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population, very little attention has been given to the elderly within this target group. The elder LGBT population?s got special needs that haven?t been made sufficiently visible, neither as a research field, from social institutions nor from the LGBT movement itself. This study has described the target group's specific needs, based on the results of a focus group consisting of older LGBT people. Their experiences and stories have given an idea of what adjustments must be made to satisfy their specific needs.
Proteins are vital to all cells in the body. They consist of long chains of amino acids. To be able to study the amino acid composition of a protein it is necessary to hydrolyse it, followed by separation and quantification. When the protein is hydrolysed, in this case ß-lactoglobulin, the protein is divided into individual amino acids. The method that traditionally has been used to hydrolyse proteins takes 24-72 hours to complete.
Äldre personers sociala interaktioner omkring Facebook®
Den ökade tillgången till datorer samt den ökade enkelheten att använda datorer och internet har ökat mängden personer över 65 år som använder sociala nätverk. Tidigare forskning visar bland annat att personer över 65 känner sig i större utsträckning mer ensamma och isolerade. Annan tidigare forskning menar att internetanvändarna som är över 55 år ökar avsevärt och att detta beror på den ökade tillgängligheten samt kunskaperna rörande datorer och internet. I studien genomfördes 15 kvalitativa intervjuer, med respondenter som rekryterades genom en kombination av ett kriteriebaserat urval samt snöbollsurval. Resultatet visade att Facebook bland annat har bidragit till ett ökat kontaktnät samt ett förbättrat informationsflöde när det gäller familj och vänner.
Från hemtjänst till eHemtjänst
The number of elderly continues to increase in Sweden which puts pressure on the elderly care. Aproposed solution is to increase the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) inhome care to both streamline care and enable older people to manage on their own to a greaterextent. So far Västerås is the only municipality that has made a decision on an ICT solution, whichthey have chosen to call ?eHemtjänst? (eHomecare). The purpose of this paper was to investigatethe specific prerequisites and requirements for Gothenburg city regarding the potentialimplementation of eHemtjänst.
Antikroppsstatus mot kattpest hos lejonen i Kolmårdens Djurpark :
The lions at Kolmårdens zoo are vaccinated against Feline Panleukopenivirus
(FPV). In 1994 there was an outbreak among the lions at the zoo of FPV disease.
A retrospective study has been made to measure the antibodytiters in vaccinated
lions and lions that lived during the outbreak. An ImmunoPeroxidase Monolayer
Assay (IPMA) was used to analyze the titers in the sera from the lions.
Lions were divided into five groups. Group 1, 2 and 3 contained lions vaccinated
one, two and three times respectively (a total of 40 animals). The lions of Group 4
were born in 2004 (six lioncubs) and were vaccinated according to different
regimes and the changes in antibodytiters were followed as respose to vaccination
during the spring 2005.
Utvärdering av förbättrad metod för objektiv kvalitetsbedömning av spermiemotilitet hos hingst :
In this trial we used QualispermTM as an objective method of measuring stallion semen.
Samples of semen were analyzed before and after centrifugation. Motility and concentration
were statistically analyzed. During the trial all the objective mesaurments were compared to a
subjective method.
The advantages of QualispermTM compared to older CASA- systems is it´s ability of
measuring a greater amount of spermatozoa while it also grades them into different
subpopulations. These subpopulations have different qualities that decides their capacity of
The results showed that this objective method might be used practically. Although, there are
still some disadvantages, such as high costs and the necessarity of accurat training of the
If it´s possible to prove further relevant results that also are statistically correct, this could
prove the usefulness of QualispermTM as an objective measurment method in the daily work
at gestuts and stallion stations, thus giving the staff a reliable instrument in assisting the work
for an improved horse breeding in Sweden, improving both in quality and economically..
Skaraborgs Sjukhus ? Kartläggningar av lokaler och byggnader