1976 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 61 av 132
Visuell planering och 3D-visualisering i infrastrukturprojekt. Påverkan på kommunikation och informationsflöden.
Sveriges befolkning blir allt äldre och år 2050 beräknas en fjärdedel av befolkningen vara över 65 år. Detta medför ett ökat behov av tillgänglighetsanpassade bostäder som till exempel mellanboende. Samtidigt håller sig Sveriges befolkning friskare och på grund av detta minskar vårdbehovet och efterfrågan av särskilda boenden. Trygghetsboende är en typ av mellanboende. Det är till för människor över 70 år som känner sig i behov av ett tillgängligt utformat boende och kanske känner sig ensamma men som av kommunen inte anses i behov av ett särskilt boende.
Äldre militärteoriers giltlighet imodern sjökrigföring
The amounts of theories that deal with naval warfare are many. Several of those are developed under the previous century when tactics and technology were in the eve of development. Many of modern thinkers within science of war often refer to older but recognized theories. The purpose of this essay is to examine if the old but recognized theories are of current interest in modern naval warfare. The questions that are used in this essay are, what is the characteristics of the war of Yom Kippur with Mahan?s offensive and Corbett?s defensive as a starting-point and are there any of the theories that are prominent.
Barnpsykiatrins yttre gränser : en diskursanalys av journalanteckningar från bedömningssamtal
The purpose of this paper was to investigate how the Child mental Health Service, BUP Ektorp, textually constructs its demarcation, by studying case records from the first evaluations of the patients. The main questions were: In what way are the competitors and their problems represented in the texts, how is the solution justified and explained, and how do these factors relate to each other? The method being used is discourse analysis, influenced by Mörkenstam. The main conclusions are that the demarcation consists of a number of onceptions about the child, the parents, and the therapist. The conceptions, together with the way the problem is being described, justifies the proposed solution, proclaiming termination of the case..
Samband mellan tidig ålder vid avskiljning och missriktat diande hos föl :
By tradition horses are weaned at an age of 5-6 months. This study illuminates weaned foals misdirected suckling behaviour, which means that they try to suckle another foal. Since no information about this issue is presented, we decided to perform a behaviour study on weaned foals. The misdirected suckling behaviour was studied on a group with 7 foals, with both fillies and colts. In the group the weaning age varied between 147 days and 215 days, and the first time we observed them, they had been separated from the mares for 12 days.
Ena dagen student nästa dag nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska
Background: Every year about 4600 nurses are examined in Sweden. The work as a nurse is responsible and she is often working under time pressure. Aim: To describe nurse?s understandings about her professional role during her first year after the examination. Method: Systematic literature review, where 10 scientific articles were examined.
Bilden av bibliotekarier och bibliotekarieyrket: En diskursanalytisk studie av hur användare talar om bibliotekarier och bibliotekarieyrket
The aim of this thesis is to study through discourse analysis how users talk about librarians and the librarian profession and what perceptions they have regarding it. I have tried to do this by asking the questions: How do the users describe librarians and the librarian profession? Are there any patterns in what they say? The method and theory I have used is Laclau and Mouffes? discourse theory and partially structured interviews. The material consists of interviews with eight users that are both women and men, both students and members of the public and they were between 25 and 50 years old. In the material I found two discourses: the discourse about librarians and the discourse about the librarian profession.
Validering av glidande statorfötter på Hissmofors G6 och G7
Jämtkraft AB has recently modernized its hydropower station at Hissmofors by replacing four older worn out units with two new units. The generators uses a concept with sliding stator feet to deal with the thermal movements that occur in the stator during operation when the unit is operating intermittently. At other sites, this method revealed shortcomings in the reliability. This has made Jämtkraft AB feel uncertainty about its function and therefore want to investigate it during an early stage. The generators have a built-in monitoring system for the sliding stator feet and by using data from there the function of the sliding stator feet has been investigated. The study focused on how the different stator feet move relative to each other and how the eccentricity and deviation from roundness changed during operation. The results show that there are several indications that the function of the sliding stator feet is not satisfactory.
Beaktandet av regionala utvecklingsmål i kommunala översiktsplaner : - En studie av situationen i Västerbottens län
AbstractThis study aims to describe and analyze how the 15 municipalities of Västerbotten County consider regional targets of development in their comprehensive plans. The study also investigate if there´s any need of improvements for the consideration of regional targets in comprehensive planning.This paper is based on studies of comprehensive plans in Västerbotten County and on three interviews with employers of different municipalities in the county. An thematic analysis were used to analyze documents and interviews.The result shows that a new comprehensive plan generally takes more consideration to regional targets of development than older plans. The consideration varies a lot between the municipalities of Västerbotten County and it can be explained by many reasons. The informant?s points out that lack of resources- and competence plus a deficient dialog between municipalities and regional organizations are the mainly causes.Keywords; regional development, comprehensive planning, strategy for regional development, regional development program, land-use planning.
Chefers upplevelser av eget och framtida ledarskap
The aim was to examinehow managers, based on similar education and policy background, perceive their leadership today, and how it according to them, maybe developed in the future. The sample consisted of younger and older managers within the same organization, with diverse experience in managementand leadership roles. Data were collected by two focus groups interviews and analyzed bya thematic analysis. The results indicated that managers, regardless of age and experience, have similar views on their management role and are in general positive regardingtheir leadership, despite stressand time pressure related issues. They have also suggested similar changes for future management and leadership roles.
Proteins are vital to all cells in the body. They consist of long chains of amino acids. To be able to study the amino acid composition of a protein it is necessary to hydrolyse it, followed by separation and quantification. When the protein is hydrolysed, in this case ß-lactoglobulin, the protein is divided into individual amino acids. The method that traditionally has been used to hydrolyse proteins takes 24-72 hours to complete.
Bättre med Scrum? : En studie om den "nya" utvecklingsmodellen
The Thesis purpose is in the context of system development validate the Scrum Methodology. Projects concerning information technology are difficult to manage and tend to fail in quality, time or costs. Scrum presents a new view of the system development. Better cooperation between customers and developers, continuous follow-up on daily basis and extensive communication in the development team are all characteristics of Scrum. Scrum is described as a new paradigm by its founders but has been criticized by experts of system development too.
Palliativ vård i kommunal vård och omsorg : en empirisk studie av hur sjuksköterskor uppfattar arbetet med palliativ vård i kommunal hälso- och sjukvård
Background: Palliative care is something that all people should have the right to be allowed to, to be able to enjoy the qualities of life, even when someone has been afflicted with illness that cannot be cured. How do the nurses in municipal home-care deal with and prepare themselves to perform a righteous task? Aim: The aim of this study is to illuminate nurses, comprehensions of palliative care within municipal home-care. Method: The method is a questionnaire to nurses. Results: The results did comply to law and regulations.
Terrorism genom tiderna : En begreppshistorisk analys av terrorism
The following is an assignment about the use of the word terrorism throughout history. This assignment contains a conceptual historical analysis of the term terrorism. The aim of this assignment is the following: To discern, through a conceptual historical analysis, how the term terrorism has been used and how the meanings of the term terrorism has changed in time.To provide an answer to this thesis is the assignment tries to answer the following questions:1) How can conceptual historical analysis be applied to the term terrorism?2) How can the term terrorism be defined?3) How has the term terrorism been used throughout history, with specific focus on the academic world and even some contemporary texts?4) Is it possible to point out some clear changes in the use of the term from the moment of its first use until current time?5) Which meanings has the term terrorism received and how are these meanings associated with the term terrorism?The assignment initially highlights different theories on conceptual historical research as well as links these theories to the actual term terrorism. After this some difficulties with defining terrorism as a term are pointed out and the impact this has on research within the field of terrorism.
Individanpassad omvårdnad : ett steg mot optimal stationärvård för hund och katt
When nursing human patients during hospitalization, the nurse is the one responsible. The nursing is controlled by different models of nursing and careplans, shaped by every patient?s individual needs. This is to guarantee the quality of the care. The veterinary nurse is not ultimately responsible for patient care.
Nyanlända elever i fritidshem : En kvalitativ intervju om fritidspedagogers arbete med inkludering
The purpose of this study was to examine how pre-school teachers in Montessori inspired and traditional preschools can work with build and construction with the older children, and what views the pre-school teachers might have on the subject. The study was implemented through qualitative semi-structured interviews with pre-school teachers. The investigational method was chosen due to the fact that I wanted to gain knowledge about the pre-school teachers? views and perspectives on build and construction activities, and how they might work with it. Another reason was to examine how the view on, and the work with build and construction can resemble and differ between Montessori inspired pre-schools and traditional pre-schools.The result shows that there is both similarities and diverseness between the Montessori influenced pre-schools and the traditional pre-schools, when it comes to how the pre-school teachers reason and work with build and construction.