1976 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 47 av 132
Ökad kunskap hos sjuksköterskor om orsaker till bristande följsamhet förbättrar patienters delaktighet
In today?s health care it?s most common to treat an illness with a kind of pharmaceutical preparation. But lack of resources, given information and bad communication and collaboration between the patient and the nursing staff can lead to a patient unwilling to follow the doctor?s prescription. This does not just affect the individual patient?s health but it can also result in consequences for other people and the whole society.
?När börjar vi?? : En studie om raster på gymnasiet
This paper deals with breaks in upper secondary school. The aim with the study was to study the function of breaks for upper secondary students by investigating students? activities during breaks with the main issues: ?what does the students do during breaks??, ?how do they experience breaks?? and ?What is the relation between breaks and lessons??.A combination of the two complementary methods observation and interview was chosen to study this. The study was executed on an upper secondary school during one month. I have visited the school several times every week and written daily notes over my observations.
Sjuksköterskors kunskap om och attityder till undernärng
ABSTRACTBackground and aims: Nutrition is a part of the medical treatment, and also a part of the nursingcare. In spite of this, malnutrition is a common problem in the health care sector. Studies show thatnurses have too little knowledge about nutrition and malnutrition and that nutrition has low priorityin the daily work. The aim with this study was to find out the nurses self-reported knowledge aboutand their attitudes towards malnutrition, nutrition screening, prevention and treatment of patientswith malnutrition.Methods: A questionnaire was handed out to 65 nurses in two different care units and 36questionnaires were answered.Results: The respondents from the two care units self-reported their knowledge about nutrition andmalnutrition low. Most of the respondents stated to have a big need of education about nutritionscreening and more than half of the respondents stated that they have a need of education forprevention and treatment of malnutrition.
Ett sandkorn inneh?ller kungariken ? eller inte C.G. Jungs svarta b?cker i ljuset av brottet med Freud
Carl Gustav Jung started to write his Black books, in which he saw himself analyzing unconscious fantasies, during the same time that he leaved the psychoanalytical movement and broke off his personal relations with Sigmund Freud. This thesis sees the interpretation of these books through a wider contextualization. The purpose is to contribute to the understanding of the breakup between the two. The therapeutic work will be highlighted where the black books will be seen through the lens of three of Jung?s more known patients as well as through the interest in mythology and fantasy that Jung showed during this time.
Distriktssköterskors upplevelser av palliativ hemsjukvård i en landsbygdskommun
Abstract Back ground: Home based care is a meaningful activity giving patients and their families a chance to live their lives as close to normal as possible. Advanced palliative care is today provided at home, although geography does play a role in shaping that care. A rural setting can mean that conditions for such care differ from those in urban areas.Purpose: To describe the experiences of district nurses in palliative home care settings in a rural community.Method: Semi structured interviews with seven district nurses. The interviews were recorded digitally and transcribed in a precise fashion. A method of qualitative analysis of the contents, inspired by Burnard, was used to analyze the material.Results: Palliative care places high demands on the competency and experience of district nurses.
Överlevnad och tillväxt för nyplantersade barrots- och täckrotsplantor : en studie av 42 bestånd i södra Sverige
The choice between bare-rooted and containerized seedlings in southern Sweden affects
the investment costs as well as growth and survival. It is important to take these differences
into account when choosing seedling type for reforestation. The most important
differences between the two seedling-types is that bare-rooted seedlings has open root
systems whereas the roots of containerized seedlings are grown in a container which may
contain water and nutrients that are available for the seedling during the first period after
planting. Moreover, bare-rooted seedlings are often older which results in thicker stembase
and better resistance to attacks of pine-weevil (Hylobius abietis).
In order to study differences in survival and growth between bare-rooted and containerized
seedlings a survey study of newly planted clearcuts in south-western Sweden was
made. In the study tree seedling types was included, one bare-rooted and two containerized
with different ages.
The population of pine weevils was probably low during the studied period which
resulted in lower pine-weevil damage than normally found in this area.
Sömn, depressionssymtom, livskvalitet och Alzheimers sjukdom
Background: Sleep-disturbances in persons with Alzheimer´s disease are prevalent. They are characterized as increased frequency and duration of awakenings, decreased slow-wave sleep, REM-sleep and increase of day-time napping. Depression and lower quality of life are associated with sleep-disturbances. Altogether a significant source of stress for caregivers and an important factor in institutionalization. Non-pharmacological treatment alternatives are rare.Method: Single-case A-B-C design, with non-concurrent multiple baselines, a pilotstudy.Aim: To explore if an educational program on sleep, sleep disturbances and behavioural change directed towards caregivers improved sleep, depression and quality of life in persons with Alzheimer´s disease living at home.
Unga vuxna cancerpatienters uppfattning av stöd från sjuksköterska under onkologisk behandling- en kvalitativ behandling
BAKGRUND: I Sverige fick 57 830 personer en cancerdiagnos år 2013. I åldersgruppen 20 till 34 år rapporterades år 2012 cirka 1000 nya fall av cancer. Risken att insjukna i cancer ökar med stigande ålder men drabbar även yngre personer. Att insjukna i en cancersjukdom är för de flesta personer ett trauma. Unga vuxna befinner sig i en period av psykisk, fysisk, social och existentiell utveckling.
Vad påverkar förskrivningen av fysisk aktivitet på recept vid ett universitetssjukhus : En tvärsnittstudie
Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate attitude and practice to prescribe physical activity accordingly FaR® rules among personal at the specialized department of the University Hospital. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study was used to answer the purpose. The data were collected using specially designed questionnaire. That contained 11 questions related to interest and complications to use FaR® as a treatment method. A total of 38 individuals participated in the study.
Visualisering inom idrott och dess effekter på idrottslig prestation
ABSTRACTBackground and aims: Nutrition is a part of the medical treatment, and also a part of the nursingcare. In spite of this, malnutrition is a common problem in the health care sector. Studies show thatnurses have too little knowledge about nutrition and malnutrition and that nutrition has low priorityin the daily work. The aim with this study was to find out the nurses self-reported knowledge aboutand their attitudes towards malnutrition, nutrition screening, prevention and treatment of patientswith malnutrition.Methods: A questionnaire was handed out to 65 nurses in two different care units and 36questionnaires were answered.Results: The respondents from the two care units self-reported their knowledge about nutrition andmalnutrition low. Most of the respondents stated to have a big need of education about nutritionscreening and more than half of the respondents stated that they have a need of education forprevention and treatment of malnutrition.
Patienters upplevelser av att vårdas en längre tid på sjukhus
Introduktion: Utvecklingen inom somatisk slutenvård har under de senaste decennierna gått mot kortare vårdtider. En del patienter på sjukhus vårdas under betydligt längre tid än genomsnittet. Detta skulle kunna leda till fysiskt lidande för patienten, en känsla av hopplöshet på grund av ovisshet gällande sjukdomsförlopp och vårdtidens längd, saknad av familj, en längtan tillbaka till arbetslivet och övrigt socialt liv. Få studier inom medicinsk slutenvård har undersökt patienters upplevelser av att vårdas länge på sjukhus. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att vårdas mer är 40 dagar på sjukhus.
Patienters upplevelser av cytostatikabehandling i samband med cancer
ABSTRACTIntroduction: Violence towards employees in the psychiatric ward is increasing at an alarming rate. Reports concerning the effect on the staff?s psychological health are disturbing. These workforces are those most affected by brutality and for ages it has been looked upon as a part of the psychiatric line of work. This viciousness is threatening the safety for both the personnel and the patients.
Samband mellan anknytning och självkänsla hos ungdomar. En pilotstudie
Background:When the patient is critically ill the family is in a vulnerable position. The nurse's role is to support and help the family to find meaning in the difficult situation and to provide realistic hope. Balancing between the patient's and the family's needs is difficult. Knowledge about how nurses experience difficulties in the interaction with family is required in order to grant good care too critically ill patients and their family-members.Aim:To describe nurses' perceived difficulties in the interaction with family-members of critically ill patients.Method:The study is a qualitative literature-based study based on qualitative research. Results: The analysis resulted in four main themes; difficult disunion, environmental constraints, interpersonal difficulties and communicative difficulties.
Patienters emotionella upplevelser under första året efter en coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) / Patients' emotional experiences during the first year after a coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)
BAKGRUND: CABG blir en allt vanligare åtgärd vid kranskärlssjukdom inom svensk sjukvård. Målet med operationen är att lindra symtom vid kärlkramp och hjärtinfarkt samt att reducera mortaliteten. SYFTE: Syftet var att beskriva patienters emotionella upplevelser under det första året efter en CABG operation. METOD: En allmän litteraturstudie som grundades på kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes. Resultatet baserades på sju vetenskapliga artiklar som söktes fram via elektroniska databaser och därefter granskades och analyserades.
"..det är en väldigt stor sak egentligen" Strategier vid sexuella konsekvenser av cancerbehandling. Förväntningar på sexualitet och rehabilitering.
Magnusson, A. ??it?s a matter of great importance actually?. Coping strategies to sexual consequences due to cancer treatment. Expectations on sexuality and rehabilitation.