1976 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 44 av 132
En kartläggning och utvärdering av vårdkvalitet inom den rättspsykiatriska öpenvården i Malmö: utifrån ett patientperspektiv
The aim of this study was to map out the quality of the treatment in the forensic outpatient care unity in Malmoe from a patient point of view. This target group, seriously mentally disordered law-offenders, has been neglected in the scientific research. This investigation will hopefully contribute to a positive change in this subject. To achieve a good understanding of this field a methodological triangulation was conducted which included an observational study, a pilotstudy and semistructured interviews. 14 patients and 10 staff members were interviewed.
Följsamhet till handhygien : En litteraturstudie
Background Nightingale attention that hygiene was an important task to prevent health- related infection. Today there are guidelines how hand hygiene should be followed, to prevent health- related infection. Good knowledge and education in hand hygiene and its consequences if it?s not followed is of great importance. Hand hygiene should be performed before and after the clean and the unclean work with patients and materials.
Det främsta arbetsredskapet ? Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av det vårdande samtalet med patienter inom psykiatrisk öppenvård
Introduction: The conversation is one of the main components of the nursing process in psychiatric care. The preunderstanding on this research field is described based on theoretical concepts that together form the basis for understanding the study; nurse's role in psychiatric care, communication and caring relationship, as well as theories of the caring conversation and person-centered care. Research on the caring conversation as a theory and how it is experienced by patients existed, however, no research from the nurse's perspective was found.Aim: The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experiences of the caring conversation with patients in psychiatric open care units.Method: Qualitative research interviews were conducted with six nurses working in outpatient psychiatric care in the west region in Sweden. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and then analyzed according to the qualitative content analysis as described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004).Results: Four categories with related subcategories were distinguished throughout the analysis: The caring conversation, The importance of the care plan, Limitations and Caring based on the patients narrative.Discussion: An uncertainty about what caring conversation is and what it should contain creates uncertainty in the nurse's work. This results in a need for training for the individual nurse and the further research to obtain evidence for the importance of conversation in caring work.
Individers och deras närståendes upplevelser av att leva med långvarig smärta
Background: Individuals in pain is something that most nurses encounter on a daily basis. Chronic physical pain is often followed by psychological pain. The total effects of chronic pain are felt by the patient as well as by close ones. The findings showed that life changed radically after getting chronic pain. Individuals and closeones both had to take every day as it came, because the degree of pain was hard to predict and could worsen at any time off the day.
Begreppet fostrans vandring från plan till handling : En studie om idrottslärarens fostransroll i den svenska grundskolan
AimThe aim of this essay is to investigate some local curriculum?s interpretation of the upbringing assignment that is expressed in Lpo 94, together with how the physical education teachers in these schools interpret and give expression to this assignment in their teaching. The questions are:? How does the local curriculum interpret the upbringing assignment of the PE teachers?? How does the PE teacher interpret the concept upbringing?? How does the PE teacher work with the upbringing role in their daily teaching?? How does the different experiences regarding to uppbringing and the schools development affect their or the PE teschers? daily teaching?? Is there any difference in the subject teacher?s upbringing role compared to the PE teacher?s?MethodThis study is qualitative and based on four deep individual interviews of teachers, two at the age between 25 and 35, and two at the age of 45 or older. In addition, four local curriculum?s have been investigated with consideration to upbringing.
Heligt krig mot förvillelsen och tidningsterrorismen : Bernhard von Beskow och kritiken mot pressen
Holy war against the aberration and the newspaper terrorismHeligt krig mot förvillelsen och tidningsterrorismen This paper explores Bernhard von Beskow?s (1796-1868) conservative critique of the, for the early 19th century, new dominating voice in public matters namely the liberal press. There are competing narratives about the emerging liberal press and its critics. On the one hand the conservative critics were seen as hopeless reactionaries which acted against freedom of the press, themselves stripped of positive ideals and/or handled with little interest as footnotes in the great story of the liberal victory over its opponents. On the other hand this story has been questioned and an alternative has been presented of how to understand the conservatives and their critique of the press.
Läromedel i Samhällskunskap - En textanalys ur ett mångkulturellt samt interkulturellt perspektiv
This survey is a text analysis of 4 teaching books during a ten years period in Social studies from a multicultural and intercultural perspective. Taking as a starting point that society and the school in today?s Sweden are multicultural and in need of more intercultural teaching I explore teaching books in social science to se how they relate to Sweden as a multicultural society and their way of relating to intercultural teachings and compare them. The questions asked are: How do the different books describe the multicultural society in Sweden? What kind of intercultural tools are found in the books? And are there any similarities or differences among these books? The theories used as a starting point are reformulated by the author after theories of Von Wright and Lahdenperä to fit in to the context of a text analysis of teaching books and the method used is a content analysis with its purpose of describing how the books are constructed.
Ambulanssjuksköterskan och höftfrakturpatienten : smärtlindring och trycksårsprevention : en forskningsöversikt
Introduction: Anxiety and depression are common among patients enrolled in psychiatric outpatient care. Ear Acupuncture is an alternative form of treatment that has been shown to relieve anxiety and depression in previous studies.Aim: To evaluate ear acupuncture as a group treatment for depression and anxietyMethod: A psychiatric outpatient clinic has been offering group treatments with ear acupuncture for anxiety and depression for 5 weeks. Participants of the study have answered self-rating scales Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory and Sheehan Disability scale before and after the treatment period. Material was collected in the period 2008-2012 and has been analyzed in SPSS.Results: Data from 31 patients were included in the study. The results from the study showed a significant difference, between the measurements before and after treatment, with a reduction of the average values in the three different scales.Summary: From this study, it is difficult to draw any conclusions about the effect of ear acupuncture.
De närståendes resa mot att släppa taget : En litteraturstudie om närståendes upplevelser inom den palliativa vården
Background: People who is close to patients suffering from incurable diseases experiences both suffering and grief. It is hard to be there for someone and at the same time handle your own grief. This can create feeling of anxiety, stress and guilt. Problem: Near related persons might not accept the further loss of someone near, the hope remains until it is final. They may not know the whole width of the situation, not acknowledge to the patient or himself how it is going to end.
Background: Throughout life, sexuality is a central aspect of being human and to experience a full and healthy. Several diseases and treatments can cause problems related to sexuality and sexual health. Despite this, research has shown that nurses, for various reasons choose not to take up the subject with their patients. Aim: The aim of this literature-based study was to illuminate nurses' experiences of talking with patients about sexuality and sexual health. Method: A literature-based study where both qualitative and quantitative studies, have been used.
Kvinnor med Mastalgi, en patientgrupp med stor oro. Vad visade mammografin? En retrospektiv studie
Introduction: Breast pain, mastalgia, is a common problem for many women. The pain can cause so much concern that the woman seeks help in health care. The cause of concern is often that that the pain may be due to breast cancer. Women with mastalgia are referred for mammography to investigate the cause of the pain. Experience says that the mammography is mostly normal.Aim: The aim of the study was to get an overall picture of the results of the mammograms performed on Mammography SU / Sahlgrenska in 2011.
Utvärdering och åtgärdsförslag av energianvändning i kontorsbyggnad
AbstractEmbla 5 is an office building which has done a large improvement. The clients of this building has made an order of WSP and the student Anders Kempe to calculate the use of energy for the building, and after that result proposing further measures which can decrease the energy use of Embla 5.The ground for this report is when calculation of the present energy use of the building is stated. To make that information of a number of parameters such as envelope, the heating system and ventilation has been located and set in to the simulation program IDA ICE which calculate the energy use.To improve the energy use further this project has been concentrated to change the system of ventilation. Today the ventilation system is of the kind CAV (constant air volume) and the air flow is dimensioned for after recommendations from BBR and Arbetsmiljöverket in the office spaces. Consider that Embla 5 is an office building where the people only staying for 8-10 hours/day so was the ide to see how much energy saving if the air flow is reduced the time people not being in the building.
Omsorgspersonalens tankar kring lugnande- och sömnmedel inom äldreomsorgen En jämförande studie, utifrån olika boendeformer, inom Eslövs kommun
The purpose of this essay was to investigate the care personnel's experience, and thoughts concerning the elderlies use of sedatives and sleeping tablets. The purpose was also to make a comparison between different forms of living, in an attempt to find out if the form of living in itself was a factor that affected the use of sedatives and sleeping-tablets.In order to investigate this, the main questions of this essay became:- To what extent do the patients use sedatives and sleeping tablets?- What is the care personnel's experience of, and thoughts about the patients' use of sedatives and sleeping tablets?To obtain answers to my questions I interviewed care personnel working at different types of homes for elderly people and working with elderly people still living at home.I came to the conclusion that where you live may also have an influence on the use of sedatives and sleeping tablets. This could be seen when a group of elderly people lived together, and some of them were suffering from dementia. Then it could happen that the elderly with dementia where given sedatives and sleeping tablets, not just in order to calm them, but also to give the others a better environment to live in..
?Man vill ju bli berörd?: En studie av sjuksköterskestudenters läsning av skönlitteratur och biografier
This Master?s thesis is connected to an interdisciplinary field between humanities and health care; ?humanistic medicine? or ?humanistic nursing?. The object of the investigation is nursing students? experiences of reading fiction and autobiographies as course literature. In semi-structured interviews a group of students talk about their reading.
Magomvridning hos hund : akutsjukvård och postoperativ intensivvård
The aim of this literature study was to give a clear picture of what gastric dilatation-volvulus is, and how the acute- and postoperative treatment and care is managed. The general aim is to support and help the veterinary technicians in their clinical work.
Gastric dilatation volvulus is always an emergency. The primarily goal when these dogs are hospitalized is to establish an adequate cardiovascular function. This is done by immediate intravenous fluid therapy followed by decompression of the dilated stomach.