1976 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 38 av 132
SSD - Stair Support Device
Together with Hälsoteknikalliansen the project team recognized the need to improve availability in the staircase environments. This is a difficult environment, especially for our elderly. The staircase leading to and from apartments is such a major obstacle that many people do not dare to go into the staircase leading to their front door. The market study that the project team conducted showed that many were in need of a living support, often a relative, who helped and supported them when they went into these stairs. It also appeared that these people manage everyday life just fine, but they suffer the problems that stairs to and from their apartment causes.
Färdigheter som sjuksköterskor använder sig av för att skapa goda vårdrelationer i ambulans och på akutmottagning : en litteraturstudie
Background: Encounters between patient and health care have been shortened and fragmented. Times when the patient is in the continuum of care is related to how well the patient feels confirmed in the meeting with his/her carers. Aim : The aim of this study is to highlight skills that nurses use to provide good care relationships with patients in the ambulance and emergency room. Method: A literature review was done. Search for articles was conducted in the databases Cinahl and Pubmed.
Personalens följsamhet till riktlinjer avseende glukoskontroll postoperativt efter Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
The aim of the study was auditing medical records examine postoperative blood glucose levels after undergoing CABG surgery. Furthermore the aim was to determine if the ward staff abides the local guidelines frame of reference concerning each ward, regarding blood glucose measurements and blood glucose levels. The study included 70 patients undergoing CABG surgery at the cardiothoracic surgery, Uppsala University Hospital. The study was conducted by retrospective medical record auditing. Studied factors were postoperative blood glucose levels, number of registered blood glucose measurements, a current diagnosis of DM and preoperative HbA1c.
Bearbetning av mobbning : en kvalitativ studie om hur skolan tar sin del av ansvaret
The Swedish school system?s curriculum states that some of the schools goals are to; help to develop pupils? sense of belonging, solidarity and responsibility for people outside the restricted group, combat discrimination and degrading treatment of individuals or groups and to show respect for individuals. (Lgr 11). Eriksson and other authors in School ? an arena for bullying (2002) refer to the professor and psychologist Dan Olweus, who points out that bullying can develop serious consequences for the bullied one.
Utvärdering av kirurgisk behandling vid organiska stämbandsförändringar hos barn
In Sweden surgical treatment of vocal fold lesions in children is fairly uncommon. At Falun hospital they have adapted a more generous attitude towards phonosurgery of children?s vocal folds. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate surgical treatment of organic vocal fold lesions in children and to assess the phonosurgical patient utility. The study was carried out at the Ear-, Nose- and Throat clinic, Falun hospital, Sweden.
Hokus Fokus - gestaltning och utformning av rum för barn i sjukhusmiljö
In this project I have worked with creating a new kind of room in a hospital enviroment for children. The main purpose of the project has been to form a secure and positive experience for the patient while visiting a specific room at the department of childrens physiologi, at Drottning Silvias Children- and youth hospital in Gothenburg.The project was based on questions like how it is possible to move the focus from the unsecure and scary, to something secure and positive, when the patient is going through an testing situation.The target gruop included a wide age span (0-16 years old), therefore I have worked with a theme, H2O, that works for diffrent ages. In the room, I have applicated the theme in different levels that is changeable depending on the age of the patient.During the project I have presented my ideas for the staff at the hospital. We have discussed their problems, what they wish in their working enviroment and how they experience the situation for the patients. I have also asked the patients how they experience the specific room today.The result of the project is a visual idea of how you can create a room, that you don?t exepect to find in a hospital..
Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av möten med patienter från olika kulturer : En litteraturbaserad studie
Background: Sweden is one of many countries which have a long history of immigration during the past decades. Each yearSweden receives numerous immigrants from different parts of the world, which has madeSweden to a multi-culture country.Aim: The aim was to describe nurses? experiences of encounters with patients from different cultures.Method: A literature-based study based on qualitative research, nine scientific articles were performed.Result: The analysis of the data resulted in four themes such as; insufficient communication, family members as a link to the patient, unfamiliar situation, and attentive to the patients? vulnerability with seven subthemes.Conclusion: For a well functioning encounter between nurse and patient from different cultures, a prerequisite is that the nurses establish a relationship based on good communication with the patient and relatives. This can prevent inequality, suffering based on lack of nursing, violation and misunderstandings..
Marklyft som behandling mot långvarig ländryggsmärta: en Single Subject Experimental Design
Background: Low back pain (LBP) is a common disorder in the western world. A majority of those afflicted by a first acute episode is at high risk of developing sub-acute or persistent symptoms. Persistent LBP can be caused by pathological changes in the discs and disturbed neuromuscular activation, which can cause hypotrophy of the extensors strong type-2 muscle fibres. Deadlift (DL) is an exercise that may correct all these pathological transformations. Aim: To investigate the effect of DL-training on patients with persistent LBP.
Sover du gott, lille vän? : En studie om mellanstadie- och gymnasieelevers sömnvanor och upplevda prestationsförmåga i skolan
This study has emerged from a growing interest in students' sleeping habits. During practical training as teachers, we have noticed a discussion of students' sleeping habits, fatigue and student performance at school in relation to their sleeping habits. The purpose of this field survey was to examine students? sleeping habits and self-perceived performance ability in school in relation to sleeping habits. The material was collected from a questionnaire that was answered by 200 students in 4-6th grade and 188 students in 1-2th grade in the upper secondary school, this to give an opportunity to see if there were any differences between the different age groups.
Djur som sociala katalysatorer : En studie om hur djur kan påverka socialisationen i behandlingsarbete
The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a social-psychological relevance in allowing animals to be involved in therapy work. I have examined if the animals may contribute to effects on human relationships between caregivers and patients, and if the animals can contribute to helping patients to achieve better well-being. Through previous research and a quantitative interview I have received answers to the following questions: How are animals used in the treatment work? How do animals affect the relationship between caregiver-patient? In what ways do animals in treatment affect relationships between people? How do the professionals who work with animals believe that animals can affects the patient? I have interviewed people working in different kinds of treatment work using animals. The areas examined include work with animals at youth care, police, disability care, elderly care and school.
Jämförelse av effekter från gruppträning i bassäng med landträning hos patienter med knäartros : Utvärdering av effekter på smärta, funktion i det dagliga livet och fritid- och idrottsaktiviteter
AbstractAimThe aim of the pilot study was to compare short- and long-term effects from group exercise in water with land-based exercise on pain at rest and pain with movement, along with the effects on function in daily life and practice of sports and leisure activities in patients with knee osteoarthritis. The aims were: Is there a difference in short- and long-term effects on pain intensity at rest and pain with movement after exercise in water or land in patients with knee osteoarthritis? Is there a correlation between the degree of pain intensity at rest and with movement, respectively and long-term effects from the two different exercises on function in daily life and practice of sports and leisure? MethodThe study was a randomized intervention study without a control group. Twenty patients with radiographic knee osteoarthritis were under a total of eight weeks treated with either land- or water-based exercise lead by a physiotherapist. The patients rated pain intensity at rest and with movement on a numerical rating scale (NRS) before and after the first training session, before and after the eighth training session, before and after the fifteenth training session and before the last and sixteenth training session.
Att ge information till patienter med bristande språkkunskaper : En litteraturstudie
The main aim of this study is to illuminate problems related to communication with immigrant patients with insufficient or no knowledge of the dominant language.
Preoperativ SWAL-QOL och sväljningsfunktion hos Parkinson patienter selekterade till Deep Brain Stimulation
AbstractObjectivePatients with Parkinson?s disease often have symptoms of dysphagia. These swallowingproblems have consequences for quality of life as well for the physical wellbeing of thepatients. AimThe aim of this study was to describe and correlate Swallowing Quality of Life (SWAL-QOL)scores, self-assessment of swallowing function using a visual analogue scale and the resultsfrom a fiber endoscopic evaluation of swallowing function in patients who had been selectedfor Deep Brain Stimulation in caudal zona incerta. A secondary aim was to correlate diseaseduration with results from SWAL-QOL and the fiber endoscopic evaluation of swallowingfunction.MethodTen male Parkinson?s patients (age 45-69 yrs, median 61.5 yrs) who were selected for DeepBrain Stimulation completing the Swallowing Quality of life form, as well as rating theirswallowing function using a visual analogue scale and undergoing a fiber endoscopicevaluation of their swallowing function. ResultsThe median total SWAL-QOL score was 94% while the mean was 91%.
När döden blir en börda
En av sjuksköterskans uppgifter efter en patients död är att finnas som stöd för patientens närstående. Sjuksköterskan ska hjälpa dem att bearbeta sorgen och bidra till en känsla av meningsfullhet. Detta kan vara en krävande arbetsuppgift och det är en utmaning för sjuksköterskan att inte involvera sig allt för mycket känslomässigt. Syftet med denna uppsats var att ta reda på hur sjuksköterskan hanterar sorgen som kan kännas efter en patients död. Metoden som användes för att uppnå syftet var en litteraturöversikt med avsikt att få en överblick över forskningsområdet.
Respekt - finns det? En litteraturstudie om hur betydelsefullt bemötande med respekt är för patienten med en annan kulturell bakgrund
A litereture review about how significant treatment with respect is for patients with another cultural backgraund.