1976 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 29 av 132
Att öka livskvalitet genom mobile assistive technologies. En studie om hur rehabilitering- och habiliteringsverksamheter bör förhålla sig till mobile assistive technologies i syfte att öka livskvalitet för personer med nedsatt synförmåga
As the use of smartphones and other mobile technology in our society is constantly increasing,so too does the possibilities of visually impaired persons increase as they are becoming moreable to enhance their quality of life with the help of mobile assistive technology. The purposeof this study was to explore how rehabilitation and habilitation organizations, which areworking with the visually impaired, should approach new technology. We have researched thisby examining the possibilities, opportunities and barriers of using mobile assistive technology.Based on this, we formulated the following research question: What factors are important forrehabilitation and habilitation organizations to consider in order to support, promote andcreate quality of life through the use of mobile assistive technology in their work with thevisually impaired? To answer the above question an exploratory study was made at an eyeclinic in the Västra Götaland region. The study was done through a series of qualitativeinterviews with both staff and patients at the eye clinic.
Faktorer som kan förhindra avhopp från gruppträffar vid behandling av övervikt och fetma
To complete an overweight treatment program is associated with better weight loss. Previous studies have in principle focused on drop-out from the entire program, not individual parts of a program. Factors previously shown to influence the patients´ weight loss results are: frequency of individual meetings with a professional, the lack of social support from family or friends, the lack of motivation and in a few studies vacations. In several studies the drop-out patients have stated that their reasons for drop-out were dissatisfaction with the staff and the program design. Drop-out has also been shown to be connected with difficulties in adherence to the diet.
Uppnå användaracceptans genom interaktionsdesign : med CRM-system som applikationsomåde
The purpose of the study was to investigate the use and losses of energy in an existing older building. Another purpose was also to look through various options for heating systems with renewable energy in the building. The aim was to reduce the use and losses of energy. The first step was to study the related electricity bills of the building and also perform measurements and calculations of the building envelope and ventilation. The next step was to find out the possible actions for energy saving by performing measurements and calculations.
"Hur lättpåverkade är ni tjejer egentligen?" - En uppsats om skam, hår och sexualitet
The study is based on three Swedish novels published in 1945,1956 and 1964, and three Swedish novels published in 1998, 2008and 2009. The aim has been to investigate how librarians are portrayed in Swedish literature, as well as a comparison between the older and the newer literature. What librarian images are portrayed in the analyzed literature? Is the portrayal mostly positive, negative or neutral? Are there any clear differences in how librarians portrayed in newer and older Swedish fiction? If so, what are they? The method used has been qualitative content analysis where relevant paragraphs have been coded and divided them into categories of appearance, personality, and professional identity. The conclusion is that the librarian is often portrayed as an intellectual and somewhat high-strung bibliophile.
Perioperativ överrapportering-En systematisk litteraturstudie
Background: A patient undergoing surgery will meet many caregivers in different settings pre-, intra- and postoperative in the surgical pathway. Lack of communication is a common digression and the handoff is such an occasion. The purpose is to describe current knowledge about the patients´ right to safe care perioperative. The study is a systematic review (pilot). Result: The handoff was informal, unstructured and inconsistent.
Säkert sittande - Ett produktutvecklingsprojekt mot Innovationsslussen i Västra Götaland
A thesis directed towards Innovationsslussen in Gothenburg about securing, improving and simplifying sitting on the toilet for patients with sitting difficulties. The primary target group for the project is patients who have had a stroke and as a consequence from that suffers from various kind of bodily paralysis.An overall goal was to design an aid that was comprehensive enough that the patient could manage sitting securely on the toilet without have a nurse giving physical support during defecation.Five conceptual proposals were developed and evaluated in consultation with Innovationsslussen and one was selected to be further developed.The result was an integrated support at the toilet that facilitates a good sitting posture which minimizes the risk of falling and provides comfortable support when leaning to the side. The product is divided in two with both a redesigned carryingsystem and a new type of support surface adapted for the purpose..
Anhörigvårdare - kommunens stöd till anhörigvårdare och deras behov av stöd och hjälpFamily caregivers - the municipality's support to family caregivers and their needs of help and support
The family and relatives caring for older people in Sweden lies on an old tradition. The responsibility to care for older family members has gone from family to the society. The aim of this study was to examine the needs of family caregivers and their experience of municipality support. This study includes only the family caregivers who have the main responsibility for the care of relatives and have support from the municipality. The caregivers were not allowed to work more than 50 percent in another job.
Hur sjuksköterskan genom patientundervisning kan främja egenvårdskapacitet hos typ 2 diabetiker/ How the nurse through patient education can support self-care capacity in type 2 diabetes
Background: Effective treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes needs a good communication between nurse and patient. This creats a good relation and leads to a more effective patient education. Aim: The aim with the literature study was to describe how nurses trough patient education can achieve self-care for patients with diabetes type 2. Methods: Literature studies with both qualitative and quantitative articles were examined. Findings: The articles that were chosen for the results were sorted in the two categories relation and communication.
Upplevelser av att leva med medicinsk teknik
The purpose of doing this essay was to illustrate how people living with chronic disease, dependent on medical technology experience their life situation. The study includes people with either dialysis therapy, mechanical ventilator or chronic oxygen therapy. A meta-synthesis was used as a method where a systematically review of studies that are made in a given issue compiles. Findings of the studies resulted in a synthesis of three themes: Limitations in life as a consequence of life-long treatment, to take responsibility for your life provide self-esteem and safeness, and to be cared for in different contexts ?help or prohibit.
Sociala mediers inverkan på självkänsla Påverkas ungdomar av sitt Facebookanvändande?
BackgroundResearch shows that the majority of patients feel anxiety before and during anesthesia. It has been shown in several studies that preoperative anxiety may cause adverse effects in the postoperative course. Nurse anesthetists have a key role in creating a safe environment and the opportunity to use different interventions to reduce the degree of anxiety.AimThe aim of the study was to examine which interventions may reduce anxiety in adult patients before and during both general, local and regional anesthesia.DesignSystematic literature review with a quantitative approach.ResultsSeveral studies indicate that gabapentin and pregabalin can reduce anxiety before and during anesthesia. The anxiety reducing effect appeared to be dose dependent. The naturopathic drugs Citrus aurantium blossom and Passiflora incarnata Linneaus were found to reduce anxiety before anesthesia.
En jämförelse mellan individers självuppskattade livskvalitet och samhällets hälsopreferenser : En paneldatastudie av hjärtpatienter
Objective: In recent years there has been an increasing interest within the clinical (medical) science in measuring people?s health. When estimating quality of life, present practise is to use the EQ-5D questionnaire and an index which weighs the different questions. The question is what happens if the individuals estimate there own health, would it differ from the public preferences? The aim is to make a new prediction model based on the opinion of patients and compare it to the present model based on public preferences.Method: A sample of 362 patients with unstable coronary artery disease from the Frisc II trial, valued their quality of life in the acute phase and after 3, 6 and 12 months.
Mat, måltider och maskuliniteter
To complete an overweight treatment program is associated with better weight loss. Previous studies have in principle focused on drop-out from the entire program, not individual parts of a program. Factors previously shown to influence the patients´ weight loss results are: frequency of individual meetings with a professional, the lack of social support from family or friends, the lack of motivation and in a few studies vacations. In several studies the drop-out patients have stated that their reasons for drop-out were dissatisfaction with the staff and the program design. Drop-out has also been shown to be connected with difficulties in adherence to the diet.
Övertänjd urinblåsa- redan före operation? En observationsstudie
Introduction: Urinary retention is a common postoperative complication associated with bladder distension. Permanent damage to the bladder affects the patient?s quality of life and may lead to a lifelong inability to empty the bladder and needs of self-catheterization with the risk of urinary tract infection. Bladder distension was classified as the fourth largest health care related injury in Sweden in 2013. Bladder distension may occur before the operation starts and is more common among orthopedic patients.
"Jag kände mig inte okej för att gå hem" - en intervjustudie om äldres upplevelser i relation till täta återinläggningar på sjukhus
Background: Many elderly are feeling lonely and insecure in their homes; it?s difficult for them to cope with their life situation after discharge from hospital. There is therefore a need to get a deeper understanding of their situation and the need for action, thus possibly preventing a new hospital admission. Recent research shows that a better coordination is necessary when elderly are discharged from hospital and that the quality of the discharge is essential for how they cope at home afterwards.Purpose: To get a deeper knowledge of older people´s experiences associated with frequent readmissions to hospital.Method: A qualitative research approach was used trough interviews with open questions. Ten persons with an age of 75 years and older who had a readmission to hospital within one month was interviewed.
Förebyggande av smärta vid propofolinjektion : Jämförelse mellan lidokain och remifentanil
Propofol is an intravenously administered, hypnotic and short- acting pharmaceutical. One common sideeffect (>1:10) and therefore a disadvantage with propofol is the local pain that arise when the initial injection is given. Why the pain arise is not clearly understood. A majority of different pharmacological treatments, different doses and combinations, alternative administrations methods and physical interventions have been tried to reduce the pain when injection of propofol is given. One important task for the nurse is to relieve pain for patients.