1976 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 13 av 132
Musikterapi för patienter med schizofreni och annan psykossjukdom
The aim of the study was to illustrate how music therapy can be used in the care of patients with schizophrenia and other psychotic illness.The method used was a literature review. Scientific articles were searched in PubMed, Cinahl, PsycINFO och Scopus databases with an outcome of ten articles, with in total 330 participants, that underwent quality and outcomes analysis.The results showed that music therapy could provide potential improvement in the patients' social functions and that it could also improve negative, some positive and general schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms in some patients. The form of music therapy used was often creative music activities with music therapist, with or without structure, or individually customized. The length of treatment varied widely. It was not possible to draw conclusions about which type of music therapy was best.
Mentaliseringsbaserad behandling av patienter med borderline personlighetsstörning : Infallsvinklar från patientgrupp och behandlare
The aim of this paper was to illuminate the effect of mentalizationbased psychotherapy. The patients in the survey group were interviewed before and after treatment with regard to specific symptoms of borderline personality disorder and symptoms of other personality disorders with the semi structured interviews ZAN-BPD and SCID-II. Open interview questions that were worked up in a qualitative manner were as well put to the patients that had received the treatment program. A focus group interview with the staff working with the concept within the frame of the MBT-team of Psychiatry southwest in Stockholm was also carried out. The result shows on a group level between the pre and post measuring a reduction of specific borderline symptoms like impulsivity and cognitive symptoms.
Patienters upplevelser av att leva med cancerrelaterad smärta : En litteraturstudie
Background: Cancer-related pain is a major problem worldwide. Studies indicate that patients do not get an adequate pain relief. This creates a large suffering and results in major problems for the patient and their families. In order to minimize this kind of suffering caregivers need to understand how cancer-related pain is experienced by these patients, what it does to them and how it impacts their daily life. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe patients´ experience of living with cancer-related pain.
En arbetsmarknad för äldre arbetstagare? : -Om åldersdiskriminering riktad mot äldre i arbetslivet
The purpose of this essay is to examine for the age discrimination towards older people in the working life. The essay practice EU-law and national law to examine the age discrimination. It also looks for the limits towards age discrimination. A presentation of the rules will make it easier to see how employers are possible to get around the ban against age discrimination. This essay also illustrates how age discrimination emerges in recruitment processes and then how to discourage age discrimination.
Att genomföra livsstilsförändringar vid Diabetes mellitus typ 2 : Sjuksköterskor och patienters perspektiv
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a rapidly increasing disease worldwide. The disease is connected to lifestyle. Making lifestyle changes is hard. When suffering from Diabetes mellitus type 2 it is necessary to live healthy to prevent secondary diseases. Lifestyle changes includes for example changing dietary habits, become psychically active or losing weight.
Patienters upplevelser av att leva med venösa bensår utifrån ett fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt perspektiv - En litteraturstudie
The purpose of this study was to describe patients? experiences when living with a venous leg ulcer in physical, psychological and social perspectives. The articles used to describe this condition were found in the databases: PubMed and Cinahl. Ten articles were included in the result: five with a qualitative approach, two with a quantitative approach and three with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results were presented through three headings: physical, psychological and social.
Trycksår : ? undersköterskors kunskaper om att förebygga trycksår
Background and aims: The population of older people in our society is increasing. Agerelated changes in the skin results in a diminished perception of pain and pressure and a decreased microcirculation in the skin affects its ability to adapt to injury. Occurrence of pressure sore on geriatrikal clinics are 5-10%, witch means that between five and ten thousand patients gets daily treat for pressure sores. When the patient gets a pressure sore the need for help increases. A common apprehension is that if the patient?s affects with pressure sores it?s because of deficiency in care.
Kognitiv återhämtning efter generell anestesi
ABSTRACTBackground: After general anesthesia the cognitive ability is temporarily impaired. Cognitive recovery is necessary for the patient to be able to assimilate the information that she / he gets postoperatively. It also increases the patient safety. There are few methods to estimate and assess the patient's cognitive recovery before and after anesthesia. The purpose of this study is to test the usefulness of the instrument PQRS and to assess the patients cognitive recovery after anesthesia.
Att vara främling i sitt eget land - en litteraturöversikt om språkets betydelse för hälsan hos äldre immigranter
Background: Getting older means a series of changes in life, some of which lead toincreased risk of poor health outcomes. Older people who immigrate to a new countryalso need to adapt to new cultures and norms, and having to learn a new language inorder to communicate with their environment. Being older and immigrant thus leads toa double vulnerability. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to examine how olderimmigrants? health is affected by not being able to communicate in a country?s officiallanguage.
Älskar dig för den du är: att adoptera äldre barn
The purpose of my study was to examine adoptive parents' experiences of adopting children older than three years of age. I wanted to look into what kind of information, help and support every adoptive parent had received. I also wanted to examine if the adoptive parents worried about anything concerning the children's emotional needs and in what way the adoptive parents prepared themselves for this, before the adoption. I asked the adoptive parents about their knowledge regarding the children's experiences from the time before the adoption and how things had been going since the children came to Sweden. To achieve my purpose I interviewed six adoptive parents from five families, with a total of eleven internationally adopted older children.The research findings of my study showed that a risk exists for older adopted children to suffer emotionally because of earlier experiences.
Vakna lokalbedövade patienters upplevelser
Patients who undergo surgery receive general anaesthesia or any form of
conduction anaesthesia during the operation. For most people it is strange,
unexpected and for many something completely new to be a patient and undergo
surgery. Awake conduction anaesthetic patients? experiences from the
intraoperative period were little studied. The purpose of this study was to
examine awake conduction anaesthesia patients? experiences.
Äldreomsorgen i framtiden : om generationers erfarenheter och föreställningar
Author: Nancy Haglund & Liselotte IvarssonTitle: Care of older people in the future, about generations experiences and conceptions [Translated title].Assessor: Jan Petersson This study examine generations in three different age?attitudes towards elderly care in the future. Today there is an ongoing debate in Sweden concerning the care of older people. The main focus in the debate is that there is cut down on personnel and resources in the care of the elderly. We have focused on the Kalmar region, since our intention is not to compare with other regions.
Perifert kärlsjuka patienters erfarenheter av vårdkvalitet i samband med dagkirurgisk behandling
The aim of this study was to describe peripheral vascular patients´experiences of quality of care in connection whith ambulatory care, and to identify if ambulatory treatment responded to patients´expectations..
Att leva med ett nytt hjärta : Uppleverser efter en transplantation
Background: A life with severe chronic heart failure is debilitating, and most patients die of the disease. The possibility of having a heart from a deceased donor is often the patient's only hope of continued life. Aim: To gain a deeper insight and understanding of the patients experiences after a heart transplant. Method: Literature study with results based on 13 scientific articles. Results: Gratitude was the great common experience for the recipients of new hearts.
Arbetssätt och ätande vid ett kommunalt äldreboende
According to The National Board of Health and Welfare, about 200 000 elderly persons get some help or support with eating or nutrition problems. This was approximately 2 percent of the population. Older people in sheltered accommodation in community care were not able to manage their own nutrition. The older people were dependent on the food that was offered to them, when and how the food was served. This was a specific responsibility for the nursing staff.