1979 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 1 av 132
Utskrivning från sjukhus ? En studie av utskrivningsprocessen vid en medicinklinik
Introduction: The interaction between different care facilities and professions is important in the care of Older patients. Patients do not always get enough time to recover and often have a continued need for care. A discharge process of good structure in which the patient and relatives are participating and the continued need of care is assured is of importance in care of Older patients.Objective: The overall purpose of this study is to compare the discharge process for patients over 75 years old admitted to a emergency medicine ward respective a emergency medicine ward with geriatric focus at a medicine clinic, to compare discharge process between these wards and evaluate the patients situation at home after discharge.Methods: A survey of medical records with a protocol and a telephone survey have been performed. Data was analyzed with descriptive and analytic statistic. Patients at the medical wards MAVA and care unit number 21/34, which are 75 years or older and are discharged to their own home, within the municipality of Göteborgs stad, in Sweden, are included in this study.Results: The discharge process differed between medicine wards with emergency medicine and geriatric focus.
Effekter på antalet vårdrelaterade urinvägsinfektioner av nya rutiner för kateteranvändning
Introduction Every tenth patient in Sweden is affected by nosocomial infections. Among these, urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most frequently occurring within the hospital environment. Nosocomial infections lead to increasing costs for care, more suffering among the patients, increasing use of antibiotics, and longer treatment spells. The Academic hospital have engaged all wards in the so called VRISS-project (?nosocomial infections must be stopped?) in order to reduce the number of nosocomial infections.Aim In connection to the VRISS-project new routines for removal of uretrahl catheters are introduced at ward 70E2 at the Academic hospital.
Kommunikation mellan den äldre invandraren och undersköterskor på äldreboenden
The study aims to examine the communication between older immigrants and nurses at several nursing homes.Emphasis has been placed on clarifying both parties? experience of communication regarding the older immigrant?s idiomatic difficulties. The following questions were used in the creation of the study: How does the older immigrant communicate with the personnel at a nursing home? How does the older immigrant enjoy their residence at the nursing home? How do language difficulties influence the older immigrant?s possibility to express their self?In the study eight qualitative interviews were made with four older immigrants who lives in nursing homes and four nurses working in a nursing home. The survey shows that the overall problem in the communication is the older immigrant?s lack of language.
Näringstillförsel för äldre personer med demenssjukdom,
The aim of this littrature review has been to describe how you can satisfy the need of nourishment for older people who suffer from dementia. Data has been retrieved by searches in Academic Search Elite, Sience Direct, Blackwell, PubMed and in the Journal Vård i Norden. The studies show that most of the people with dementia have a hard time to satisfy the nourishment. The results show that through different preventive measurement you can improve the nourishment for these people, to set the table, play calm music and to have a table companion. By taking the food oneself created a good meal environment and the individually need was provided for.
Betydelsen av kommunikation i sjuksköterskans möte medäldre patienter som lider av demens : En litteraturöversikt
Background: The amount of elderly patients who?s suffering from dementhia increases every year. Many of these patients develop and decrease in their cognitive ability. The development can lead to people's communication skills deteriorate. It can be a problem for the nurse to communicate with these patients.
Äldre mäns erfarenheter när sexualiteten påverkas vid prostatacancer : En litteraturbaserad studie
Background: Prostate cancer is the fourth most common cancer disease in the world and affects mainly older men. While having prostate cancer the treatment can be both medical and surgical and both these treatments can give side effects like erectile dysfunction, lost libido and hot flushes. Sexuality among elderly is often associated with taboo, but sexuality exists among elderly and is important for their wellbeing and quality of life. It is common that nurses don?t address and discuss questions concerning sexuality with patients, even though they know that sexuality often is affected while having a disease or experiencing illness.
Sköra äldre patienters upplevelse av vistelsen på akutmottagningen
Background: The number of older people is increasing in Sweden. The elderly patient often requires a more complex type of care, than younger patients. The concept of frailty is often used to describe individuals who have a high biological age and a decreased physiologic reserve which could be associated with acute illness and an increased vulnerability. Emergency medical care today is not suitable for elderly patients and adaptions for these elderly patients and the demands this places on the health care is necessary. Mölndal Hospital emergency department has around 42 000 visitors per year, many of the clients have a high age.
Enkel biljett till ovissheten : Äldre invandrares upplevelse av integrationen i Sverige
We were commissioned to do this study by the Red Cross Centre for victims of torture and war (RKC) in Skövde and questions was asked about how it can be to come as a refugee to a new country and start over. The purpose of this study was to search for a deeper knowledge about older immigrants experiences of their integration in the Swedish community. The conception of ?older immigrant? aimed of persons born before 1954 since these persons culturally was the older ones in the patient group at RKC. This study handled both men and women, was categorised in different themes and was analysed from theoretical points about identity and crises.
Skattning av biverkningar : Sjuksköterske- och patientuppfattning om behandlingsrelaterade biverkningar vid stamcellstransplantation.
A possible treatment for patients with lymphoma and myeloma is stem cell transplantation (SCT). SCT is preceded with cytostatic treatment. There are several side effects related to this treatment, for example fatigue, nausea, constipation/diarrhoea, pain, mucositis and loss of appetite. Aim: Investigate which side effects related to the treatment where most troubling after SCT and if nurse assessment and patient assessment differ. Methods: A quantitative empirical study with repeated measuring.
Dagkirurgiska patienters upplevelser av postoperativ smärta vid ortopedi-och bukkirurgi med beaktande av kön och ålder
The aim of this study was to elucidate day surgery patients´ subjective experiences of postoperative pain after orthopedic and abdominal surgery and if there was any difference in the experience according to sex and age.Selection was not random and the study included 87 patients. Data were collected from patient questionnaires. VAS method was applied in the questionnaire to measure patients´ pain.The outcomes of the study show that there was no significant difference between women´s and men´s experiences of pain during days 1-7.It was found that patients undergoing orthopedic surgery had significantly more pain on day 7 compared to those patients who underwent abdominal surgery.There was a significant negative correlation between age and perceived pain on day 7.Patients in day surgery group had significantly less pain on day 7 compared with day 1.The patients who have undergone orthopedic surgery and younger patients had more pain on day 7 while the patients in day surgery group had a pain level decreased gradually and on day 7 was the lowest.It appears that pain relief on day 7 of younger patients and patients who have undergone orthopedic surgery is an area that can be improved..
Palliative care for pancreatic cancer - patients´ experiences
To receive a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer can lead to a tremendous change in a person?s life. Thoughts regarding death may cause a personal crisis which can have negative influences on the patient?s social, mental and spiritual state. Most people with pancreatic cancer are diagnosed in a late stage of the disease.
Primärvårdspatienters förväntningar på sjukgymnastik och hur sjukgymnasterna själva ser på sin yrkesroll: enkätstudie
The aim of this study was to explore whether the patients? expectations of physiotherapy correspond with the physiotherapists? view of their own professional role. Two separate questionnaires were used, one to the patients and one to the physiotherapists, which questions were able to compare. Totally 41 patients and 6 physiotherapists answered the questionnaires. The low number of answers from the physiotherapists made it impossible to fulfil the purpose.
Eutanasi / Dödshjälp : en litteraturstudie ur patientens synvinkel
Background: Euthanasia means help to die. Some terminally ill patients wish for euthanasia. Purpose: Illuminating terminally ill patients' desire for voluntary euthanasia. Method: A general literature study. Seven articles were reviewed and analyzed.
Synstörning vid fall och fallskador En registrering av det dokumenterade
Falls and fallinjuries are very common in peoples own homes in various institutions. Hospital inpatients often fall during daytime in connection with their visit to the toilet. Visual impairment such as cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy can cause falls. The purpose of this study was to examine patient´s records where falls and fallinjuries were documented at an emergency clinic and to examine if they were registered to visual impairment. The records from 68 hospital inpatients from the age of 65 years and older who did fall during the year of 2004, were examined.
ST-läkares identitetsarbete: En studie av läkare under specialiseringstjänstgöring
The results from 13 interviews and one opinion poll answered by resident physicians were interpreted as stories about identity as primary material for this thesis. The resident physicians stress the importance of considering whether their work primarily concerns curing people from diseases or if the process of working with sick people also includes how to handle the pressure of work, either by adapting to it or changing it, and the search for balance between work and private life. Residents separate themselves from older physicians by saying that younger physicians accentuate empathy to a greater extent while older physicians emphasise a high work load. Identity seems to effect how the residents perceive and relate to their work, themselves as residents and different types of patients..