

5686 Uppsatser om Older People - Sida 1 av 380

Hinder och möjligheter för att lindra smärta hos äldre personer - en empirisk studieObstacles and opportunities in dealing with pain management amongst older people - an empirical study

BACKGROUND: There is a high incidence of pain amongst Older People. Several studies have shown that between 50 to 80 % of Older People, who require domestic care or live in care homes, suffer from pain. Despite this many Older People are under treated. AIM: The aim of this study was to explore what care providers perceive to be obstacles and opportunities of managing pain in Older People. METHOD: A qualitative approach was used and the date was semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions.

Äldres erfarenheter av aktiviteter i ett socialt sammanhang. En narrativ studie om den åldrande människan

There is no general aging process therefore should health efforts directed at elderly population based on each individual as a unique person with specific needs. When aging becomes a fact not generally decrease the lust and the desire to be active but it is perhaps more about the body's ability to keep up on what the head wants. Therefore the range of activities towards the elderly population requires some adjustment that can partly be achieved by taking some of the Older People?s experiences. The purpose of this study was that by the Older People?s experiences of organized activities in a social context to illustrate how they perceive their participation.

Näringstillförsel för äldre personer med demenssjukdom,

The aim of this littrature review has been to describe how you can satisfy the need of nourishment for Older People who suffer from dementia. Data has been retrieved by searches in Academic Search Elite, Sience Direct, Blackwell, PubMed and in the Journal Vård i Norden. The studies show that most of the people with dementia have a hard time to satisfy the nourishment. The results show that through different preventive measurement you can improve the nourishment for these people, to set the table, play calm music and to have a table companion. By taking the food oneself created a good meal environment and the individually need was provided for.

Språk och kommunikation hos barn med autism

This study is about how Older People are portrayed in TV- commercials, and what those images are saying about senior citizens as consumers. I?ve chosen two of Sweden?s most popular TV channels that are broadcasting commercials and from those two channels recorded commercials in a period of one week, three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening/night). My purpose with this study was to see when Older People stared in commercials, which kind of merchandises they were marketing, in which manor they acted out their roles, and (if possible) say something about the elderly people as consumers..

Äldres sexualitet - hinder och möjligheter i vårdgivarens främjande arbete. : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe how elderly?s sexuality can be expressed and to describe factors that affect Older People's sexuality. The aim was also to describe the opportunities and barriers to health care providers to promote Older People's sexuality and to describe the articles quality based on the methodological aspect of selection. A literature review with a descriptive approach was conducted on four qualitative and ten quantitative articles. The included articles were published between 2003 and 2013.

En skola för alla? : Möjligheter och svårigheter med integrering av särskoleelever i grundskolan.

This study is about how Older People are portrayed in TV- commercials, and what those images are saying about senior citizens as consumers. I?ve chosen two of Sweden?s most popular TV channels that are broadcasting commercials and from those two channels recorded commercials in a period of one week, three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening/night). My purpose with this study was to see when Older People stared in commercials, which kind of merchandises they were marketing, in which manor they acted out their roles, and (if possible) say something about the elderly people as consumers..

Snusförnuftiga barn och ungdomliga pensionärer : en studie om ålder i reklamfim

This study is about how Older People are portrayed in TV- commercials, and what those images are saying about senior citizens as consumers. I?ve chosen two of Sweden?s most popular TV channels that are broadcasting commercials and from those two channels recorded commercials in a period of one week, three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening/night). My purpose with this study was to see when Older People stared in commercials, which kind of merchandises they were marketing, in which manor they acted out their roles, and (if possible) say something about the elderly people as consumers..

Sätter jag mig i ett hörn, blir jag äldre än vad jag är : En kvalitativ studie om insatsen aktivering inom hemtjänsten

From the day we are born, we slowly grow old and sooner or later most people will have to use geriatric care provided by the community. In the Swedish model, society is responsible for the geriatric care, so the elderly can live a dignified, meaningful and active life. Home help insert activity is designed to help elderly get their social needs satisfied in the form of, for example, being outdoors, walk and visit a friend or some other form of social interaction. The study's purpose is to study how Older People use and perceive bet activation in the municipal home care. To find out how this was conducted five interviews with Older People who have help from home care to insert activation was made.

Anhörigvårdares Upplevelser Av Sitt Vardagliga Arbete

The family and relatives caring of Older People in Sweden lies on an old tradition. By legislation the responsibility for the Older People has gone through a development from the family to the society. According to the new social service law (2000) it is not that clear that the utmost responsibility lies on the society. According to the social service law ( 5th chapter, 10 §) the municipality should ease things up by giving support and relief for relatives taking care of Older People, prolonged ill and function disabled people. The purpose with the study was to examine how the family care givers are finding their everyday work and their experience of the support that the society is giving.

Äldreomsorgen i framtiden : om generationers erfarenheter och föreställningar

Author: Nancy Haglund & Liselotte IvarssonTitle: Care of Older People in the future, about generations experiences and conceptions          [Translated title].Assessor: Jan Petersson This study examine generations in three different age?attitudes towards elderly care in the future. Today there is an ongoing debate in Sweden concerning the care of Older People. The main focus in the debate is that there is cut down on personnel and resources in the care of the elderly. We have focused on the Kalmar region, since our intention is not to compare with other regions.

Äldre motionärers upplevelser av motionsträning: en beskrivande intervjuundersökning

Title: Older People's experiences of exercise training: a survey based on a descriptive design.Course: Public Health: Theory and method of application and degree, 30 credits. University of Gävle, health education program.Author: Helena AnderssonPurpose: According to earlier research the western population is aging. This may affect, the Older Peoples`s physical disability in one form or another. The consequences may be that the need off care can increase. However elderly can prevent a variety of age-related diseases by being physically active.

Mottagandet i särskolan : -En kvalitativ studie på vilka bedömningsgrnder två kommuner fattar beslut om elevers rätt till inskrivning i särskolan

Author: Nancy Haglund & Liselotte IvarssonTitle: Care of Older People in the future, about generations experiences and conceptions          [Translated title].Assessor: Jan Petersson This study examine generations in three different age?attitudes towards elderly care in the future. Today there is an ongoing debate in Sweden concerning the care of Older People. The main focus in the debate is that there is cut down on personnel and resources in the care of the elderly. We have focused on the Kalmar region, since our intention is not to compare with other regions.

Implementeringen av Lagen om valfrihetssystem inom primärvården i Västmanlands län : -Information och styrning

Title: Older People's experiences of exercise training: a survey based on a descriptive design.Course: Public Health: Theory and method of application and degree, 30 credits. University of Gävle, health education program.Author: Helena AnderssonPurpose: According to earlier research the western population is aging. This may affect, the Older Peoples`s physical disability in one form or another. The consequences may be that the need off care can increase. However elderly can prevent a variety of age-related diseases by being physically active.

Äldres svårigheter med och attityder till att inta flera läkemedel

The purpose of the literature study was to describe Older People´s difficulties and attitudes to take several drugs. Literature has been sought in two large databases and included literature is selected, quality assessed and analyzed, based on the study purpose and questions. The authors conducted a descriptive literature review of qualitative and quantitative articles. Difficulties to access different types of pharmaceutical packaging, or to remember when to take their medicines are difficulties the elderly encounter. Cultural and socioeconomic differences become apparent.

Kommunikation mellan den äldre invandraren och undersköterskor på äldreboenden

The study aims to examine the communication between older immigrants and nurses at several nursing homes.Emphasis has been placed on clarifying both parties? experience of communication regarding the older immigrant?s idiomatic difficulties. The following questions were used in the creation of the study: How does the older immigrant communicate with the personnel at a nursing home? How does the older immigrant enjoy their residence at the nursing home? How do language difficulties influence the older immigrant?s possibility to express their self?In the study eight qualitative interviews were made with four older immigrants who lives in nursing homes and four nurses working in a nursing home. The survey shows that the overall problem in the communication is the older immigrant?s lack of language.

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