

501 Uppsatser om Official duty - Sida 8 av 34

Med Tron Som Vapen : Legitimering av våld och död hos en japansk religiös sekt

This study was performed to investigate how the Japanese sect Aum Shinrikyo was legitimating its violence and killing acts. By analyzing the leader and members of the sect, and applying this information on two theoretical models, this paper tries to give an explanation of both single acts of violence and killing, and two terrorattacks.The result shows that Aum Shinrikyo was able to legitimate violence and killing acts through its ideology. In their opinion, cosmos was a place with several levels and everyone wanted to get as high as possible. Those who were killed by the sect would never be able to get to a higher level by living, since they would do too many bad actions. The murderers also got better karma since they helped the person to a better place.The legitimating of violence and killing acts in Aum Shinrikyo can be explained as a duty that is holy, which agrees with the theorists about religious terrorism..

Det glömda vanvettet i lokalpressen, NWT 1914-1918 : En undersökning av Nya Wermlands-Tidningens hållning till de tre huvudaktörerna i det första världskriget

I have in this essay looked at what stand NWT took to the three leading countries in The First World War, Germany, France and England, and if it changed during the course of the war.I worked based on the theory that NWT, as a politically conservative newspaper was pro-Germany, which also showed to be true.I have look at the official stand, what is shown in the published material, what stand that the newspaper showed outwards. The result shows that NWT held a neutral stand during the war being loyal to the conservative government. At the end of the war the papers sympathies for Germany are shown more openly in its political material..

Hur socialarbetaren uppfattar sin yrkesroll : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetaren inom ekonomiskt bistånd upplever sitt arbetssätt utifrån ett maktperspektiv

This study is intended to study how the social worker in financial assistance relates to the social workers exercise of its authority, regarding the Social Services Act and the Administrative Procedures Act. In concerning how the social worker treats and handles the cases of their clients, but also what significancethe organization's policies and goals have on the social worker?s role and the formation of their professional identity. To answer these questions the study chose a qualitative approach. Because the purpose of this study is to investigate the social worker?s personal beliefs about their way of conducting social work.

?Det är för barnens bästa som vi gör det?? : En kvalitativ studie om kriminalvårdens anmälningsskyldighet vid misstanke att barn far illa

Employees of the criminal correctional system have a duty to notify social services if they suspect that children are exposed to maltreatment, according to Chapter 14, § 1 SoL. Despite the obligation to report, studies show that this is not done at all times. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze how the criminal correctional system in Kalmar looks at notification if they suspect that children are exposed to maltreatment. To examine this, we used qualitative research method based on semi-structuring interviews; these were carried out with six employees, working in the criminal correctional system. The answers that emerged during the interviews have been analyzed using Yeheskel Hasenfeld theory of human services organizations, and trough previous research.

En studie om de svenska riksdagspartiernas ställningstagande i EMU-frågan inför folkomröstningen år 2003

Based on widespread public debate prior to Swedish EMU-referendum 2003, the main purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze the standpoint of the Swedish parliamentary parties in the EMU-issue, from perspektive of the following questions;1) What is the official standpoint of the parliamentary parties in the EMU-issue?2) What claimed effects of a Swedish EMU-membership or non-membership have the parties presented?3) What rifts can be found within the parties, in relation to their official standpoint in the EMU-issue?The Sweidish parliamentary parties´ standpoint in the EMU-issue will be analyze from the point of view of a number of current theories. These theories are basically democrazy theories that all have transnationalization and Europeanization as a common ground.The conclusions are, among others, that the parliamentary parties` standpoints in the EMU-issue are based on ideological values about whether or not a Swedish EMU-membership is good for Sweden. The Liberal Party, the Christian Democrats, the Moderate Party and the Social Party have a positive view on EMU and a deeper European integration, and basically value the economic efficency of the EMU higher than democratic decision making and a national currency and monetary policy. As for the EMU-critical parties such as the Centre Party, the Green Party and the Left Party, their view in the EMU-issue can be regarded as more nationalistic, since they say no to an exapanded financial cooperation.

Matematik genom lek : en undersökning om barns matematikinlärning på två förskolor

The purpose of this study is to investigate the children?s mathematics learning through play. The questions to be answered are: how can teachers facilitate children?s mathematics learning through play? How can play affect children?s math learning? Are the children aware of the role of play in their mathematics learning?My method is based on interviews and observations. My informants are three teachers who work in two different preschools.

Medborgare, sträck ut din arm : Bloddonation och blodhandel i Folkets Dagblad 1985-1998

The purpose of this BA-study is to analyse articles about blood selling and blood donations in the Chinese daily newspaper People?s Daily between 1985 and 1998.With publications of popular scientific material, reports from rallies and portraits of blood donating ?heroes? etc., the People?s Daily, i.e. the Chinese Com­mu­nist Party, actively addresses the underlying cultural reluctance to give blood by different means. People?s Daily and the CCP resolutely aims to transform negative Confucian and other traditional notions of losing blood into represen­tations of courage, honour, duty, etc.

En vacker död : Manlighet i fyra japanska samurajfilmer

AbstractA beautiful death ? Manliness in four Japanese samurai moviesThis thesis deals with the samurai and his portrayal in Japanese historic movies and what kind of messages he conveys in form of masculinity to theater audiences. Four movies were chosen, two from the 1960s and two from the 2010s. The reasoning behind this was to look at two eras of samurai movies and if possible try to see differences between them. The history of the samurai, being a man and woman in modern Japan, R.W Connell and famous Japanese authors from different time eras acted as tools to try to answer the questions in hand.

Våga inte blunda : en studie om förskollärares syn på anmälningsplikt enligt socialtjänstlagen

The aim of this study was to capture preschool-teachers thoughts and experience basing on the obligation. Are there any policies and procedures for preschool-teachers to use when suspicion that a child is being abused occur. Are there some factors that may affect preschool-teachers to report to the social service? How does the preschool-teacher find the contact with the Social Service? I conducted four interviews with four preschool-teachers, two of these preschool teachers are employed at the same municipal preschool and the other two are employed at two other preschools. The interviews were semi-structured and were conducted at each individual?s workplace.

Finns det ett samband mellan rekryteringskvalite? och soldatkvalite?

The Swedish Armed Forces have undergone a significant change where we have gone from recruitment through duty and replaced it with a voluntary based defence. Across Europe, countries that have undergone the same type of change demonstrate change in the quality of those recruited. The focus in this paper is how recruitment quality looks in Sweden after three years of volunteer based defence and if officers at P7 can see a change in quality on those recruited. This work aims to investigate whether soldier quality has changed from conscription recruited to voluntary recruited soldiers. The question that the work tries to answer is whether one can see a change in quality in soldiers and in that case how.The result can be summarized as one begins to see a change in recruiting quality but it is not something that is visible at the regiments.

Den kommunala arbetstagarens rätt till yttrandefrihet kontra lojalitetsplikten gentemot arbetsgivaren : The municipal employees freedom of speech versus the duty of loyalty towards the employer

SAMMANFATTNINGSyftet med uppsatsen har varit att beskriva och analysera gällande rätt, vad avserförhållandet mellan den kommunala arbetstagarens rättigheter till yttrandefrihet kontraden lojalitetsplikt som denne genom anställningsavtalet har gentemot sin arbetsgivare.Eftersom det finns en hel del praxis inom området främst från Justitieombudsmannen(JO), eftersom det rör sig om kommunal verksamhet, använder jag mig i uppsatsen avflera uttalanden och beslut från denna instans.Yttrandefriheten är en av de mest grundläggande rättigheterna i ett demokratisktsamhälle och är i Sverige en grundlagsfäst rättighet. Rätten att fritt kunna uttrycka sinuppfattning är viktig för att information skall kunna spridas, och att alla skall kunnavara med och påverka samhället via dialog och debatt.Teknikens utveckling och sociala mediers utbredning gör att information och åsikterblir lättillgängliga för en stor krets av mottagare.Att använda sig av sociala medier och via bloggar och facebook ge uttryck för åsikteroch attityder blir allt mer frekvent förekommande, och det är inte helt ovanligt att mansom arbetstagare kommenterar sin arbetsplats, chef eller verksamheten man är anställdinom.Arbetstagaren i den kommunala verksamheten har ett förstärkt skydd för sinyttrandefrihet gentemot arbetsgivaren (det allmänna) genom den grundlagsfästameddelarfriheten och meddelarskyddet.I uppsatsen redogör jag för de rättigheter och det skydd som den kommunalaarbetstagaren har när det gäller att utnyttja sin yttrandefrihet i form av kritiskauttalanden gentemot arbetsgivaren.Förutom rättigheten att uttrycka kritik gentemot sin arbetsgivare har den kommunalaarbetstagaren också skyldigheter att anmäla missförhållanden inom vissa områden,Detta via lex Maria och lex Sarah, vilket jag också redogör för. I uppsatsen beskriverjag även det betänkande som i april i år (2011) presenterats angående lex Sarah inomskolan.I uppsatsen konstaterar jag att rätten till yttrandefrihet går före den lojalitetsplikt som ioch med anställningsavtalets ingående uppstår.Jag konstaterar att lojalitetsplikten i kommunal verksamhet inte existerar när det gällernegativa eller kritiska yttranden gentemot arbetsgivaren.Lojalitetsplikten handlar för den kommunala arbetstagaren i själva verket enbart om hurman skall utföra sina arbetsuppgifter, inte vad arbetstagaren uttrycker om sinarbetsgivare..

Några grundskollärares uppfattningar om kulturell mångfald, värden och kunskap tolkade som ideologi

AbstractIn this study, the conceptions of a number of teachers in the Swedish primary and lower-secondary school about cultural pluralism, the values connected to this pluralism by the Curriculum for the Compulsory School System, the Pre-School Class and the Leisure-time Centre, Lpo 94, and the possibilities for pupils to gain knowledge about these values, were studied. The conceptions of the teachers were regarded and interpreted as ideology, since the study was made from a point of departure containing an assumption about how the content of the curriculum is of importance for the development of relations of power and dominance between different groups in society. The purpose of the study was to interpret the statements of a limited number of teachers about cultural pluralism, values and knowledge, regarding the ontological, axiological and epistemological assumptions and conceptions expressed therein. The empirical data of the study was gathered through qualitative interviews with eleven teachers working in six different primary and lower-secondary schools in the Mid-Sweden region. The conceptions expressed in the statements given by the respondents were categorized.

Alzheimers sjukdom : anhörigas känslor vid en förändrad livssituation

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. The individual who fall ill can be in an age between 40-65 years old. When dementia affects individuals at this age, many relatives take their responsibility for taking care of them at home for a long time.The aim of this study was to illustrate emotions relatives experienced when a close family member's suffering from Alzheimer's disease. The study was intended to show relatives emotions, and therefor four self-biographies were chosen to read. The method used to analyze was a narrative literature review.

Ingen fara på taket : skolpersonal om anmälningsskyldighet

This is a study about how different digital instruments can be used in education for pupils with autism and intellectual disability. The questions formulated to research this chosen area was: ?What does teachers think about digital instruments and interactive teaching materials when it comes to benefits and disadvantages in the classroom?, ?In what ways is digital instruments used as teaching materials in the specific school context? and ?From a perspective of teaching and learning, what kind of problems and opportunities can be gained from using digital instruments and teaching materials?. To gather this information interviews was done with three specialist pedagogues working with the chosen group of pupils at three different schools. The material shows that the specialist pedagogues have positive attitudes towards working with digital instruments in this specific group of students..

Darfur - Ett utdraget Rwanda?

In the Darfur region, located in the West of Sudan, there is a conflict between rebel groups and the government-supported Janjaweed militia. The fighting?s, which started in 2003, has caused the loss of at least 200 000 human life and more than 2 million people have fled their homes. The conflict has been described as a? prolonged Rwanda?.

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