

501 Uppsatser om Official duty - Sida 7 av 34

Politisk styrning för ökad digital delaktighet : Aspekter av "governance" och "government"

Bachelor thesis in political science by Malin Bergkvist, autumn 12.Title:Political governance for increased digital inclusion.Subtitle: Aspects of "governance" and "government".Supervisor: Joachim Åström. While digital inclusion is a hot topic in both academia and in policy circles, little research is done when it comes to governance issues. To help filling this gap, this essay asks which mode of governance is dominant in the field of digital inclusion. What aspects of governance "governance" or "government" is the dominant in the field of digital inclusion, and is it possible to see any difference in how the state governance is described by the government and perceived by other actors? To answer this overarching question, two sub queries are formulated and analyzed. First, what aspect of "governance" or "government" dominate when state governance of the area are examined based on how the government describes it? Second, what aspect of "governance" or "government? dominate when state governance are studied based on how the perceived by other actors and stakeholders active in the field.

?Jag jobbar som polis men jag brukar inte säga att jag är en polis? : En kvalitativ studie om polisyrkets påverkan på den enskilde individen med fokus på roller samt emotioner

The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding about the police profession's impact on the singular individual, with a focus on roles, regions and emotions. The main question is to understand if and then so, how individuals outside of work will be affected of the profession and professional events. In order to answer this question I carried out six semi-structured in-depth interviews with police officers who worked at the main office in a police region in a midsize city in Sweden. To ensure reliability and allow readers to conduct their own assessments the quotations in this study are anonymous. The analysis of the collected material is based on selected parts of Goffman's theories about dramaturgical perspective as well as selected emotion theories.

Kommuner & Facebook : Hur hanteras regelverket kring allmänna handlingar?

The aim of this one-year master thesis in archival science was to examine how municipalities take regulations concerning public records into account when they use Facebook. Another aim was to examine the involvement of archivists, registrars or similar staff in the management of the regulations. Since Swedish archival theory and practice has a close connection to the application of these regulations, such an examination was hopefully going to reveal tendencies of importance for archival science. The method used to collect information was a web questionnaire and the result was based on answers from 21 municipalities with an official Facebook page. The questionnaire showed that six of the municipalities regarded documents originating from their Facebook page as public records.

Fridens och kärlekens ord : Nathan Söderbloms gestaltning av ärkebiskopsämbetet 1914- 1931

Nathan Söderblom, Swedish archbishop 1914 - 1931, understands his role as bishop from an integrated theological conception that episcopacy is a gift to the church and the apostolic succession a heritage of utmost value. Episcopacy is an important tool to make the churches come together. in his work for peace during the Great War it was through his position without any power that he could approach the politicians. His calling was not only for Sweden; he had a responsibility for the whole world. In the Ecumenical Cope for the 1925 Stockholm meeting Söderblom expressed his views on the importance of the Uppsala see.

Likvärdighet, i vilket syfte för vem och när? : En idéanalys av likvärdigheten i utbildningssystemet från grundskola till gymnasiet utifrån frihetsbegreppet

In which purpose, for who and when does equality get fullfilled in the education system? This studie takes aim on the upper level and second upper level school system to study what the curriculum says on the one hand and what the system brings out on the other. With critical theory as method, with Herbert Tingsten as founder, this studie analyzes the logic of the education system to set out if the pupils choice of education, after the upper level lower secondary school, in second upper level is legit with democratic principles such as freedom (of choice). The theory, used to analyze the individuals progress to be autonomous, uses Adam Swifts definition of freedom as an individual being autonomous. The findings of the study shows that what politicians chases as equality really i´snt equality.

Konkurrensutsa?ttningen av den svenska ja?rnva?gen och New Public Management : En problemrepresentationsanalys

The aim of this study is to investigate the problematisation of the swedish railwaysector during the early 1990?s from a New public management-perspective. The method of approach is a ?What is the problem represented to be?-analysis as advocated by Carol Bacchi. By applying this method to the official investigation aimed at providing suggestions for increasing competition in the railway sector it has been shown that the process of deregulation has strong connections to the ideas and models suggested by the New public management-ideology of organisational theory. .

Sverige och Humanitära Interventioner - en kritisk granskning av den svenska regeringens ställningstagande till humanitära interventioner

The increasing importance of human rights within the international community over the past fifteen years has raised the issue of humanitarian intervention. This concept is a complex one, and in the debate surrounding this issue can be heard arguments from and within legal, political and ethical standpoints. There is not yet a unified definition or agreement as to the nature of humanitarian intervention but it is clear that it is an important issue internationally and it is therefore interesting to see how this has affected the debate within individual countries. This study will thus examine the international development surrounding humanitarian intervention in relation to the official position taken by the Swedish government. The developments and discussion surrounding humanitarian intervention internationally and two central difficulties within this concept, legality vs.

Banktjänstemäns uppfattningar om vad revisorer ska göra

The aim of the study is to describe and analyze bank officials' views about what auditors will do. The main motivation comes from the government?s proposals that the audit duty will be abolished and it can lead to that bank officials in a bigger extent can influence the audit?s formulation. It can also lead to that a consumer audit becomes reality. The study covers a sample of 302 bank officials where 153 have participated through a survey questionnaire.

Vad får jag egentligen skriva om min arbetsgivare på facebook och andra sociala medier? : Yttrandefrihet möter Lojalitetsplikt

In today's society the borders between work and leisure blurs out more and more, and just as we might bring our work home, we might as well take our leisure to work with the help of so called smartphones with constant connection to social networks such as facebook and twitter. But what happens when the small talk around the coffee machine in the workplace gets out in public spaces? Instead of complaining to my closest colleague when my boss is acting like a fool or when my workload sky rocketed, I might now instead update my status on facebook with my complaint. But what am I actually allowed to write about my employer? And has the employer any possibility to act legally in respond to what I write?For the younger generation, who more or less is grown up with these social networks, I think this demarcation can be difficult to draw and understand.In this essay I deal with the issue of whether a principle of law, such as the duty of loyalty might collide with my constitutional right to use freedom of speech against my employer..

En karneval går inte att stoppa : En designpedagogisk undersökning om barn och normer

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to describe the social media usage of five European official national tourism organizations (NTO). The essay proceeds to discuss and evaluate the findings, whilst reflecting on the advantages of social media usage from the point of view of an official national tourism organization.Method: The authors used three different methods of research: one structured observation to study the national tourism organizations? everyday work in social media, one field stimulation to study if and how different NTO respond if a prospective visitor makes them a direct question via social media and finally an email interview to gain insight into NTO?s underlying strategies and policies about social media usage.Theoretical framework: The theories that have been used in this paper include the Uses and gratifications model, theories of one-way and multi-way communication, theories of social media and relationship marketing.Conclusion: By making use of social media the company releases some of its control to the customers as the latter can express their opinions freely in this type of media. One of the advantages of social media is that the platform favors dialogue and feedback. Social media can be used for traditional one-way communication, but works best as a supplement to the regular marketing activities, allowing the activities on social media platforms to focus on branding and building long-term customer relationships.

Motivationens betydelse för arbete i hemtjänst : en studie av personalens uppfattningar

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to describe the social media usage of five European official national tourism organizations (NTO). The essay proceeds to discuss and evaluate the findings, whilst reflecting on the advantages of social media usage from the point of view of an official national tourism organization.Method: The authors used three different methods of research: one structured observation to study the national tourism organizations? everyday work in social media, one field stimulation to study if and how different NTO respond if a prospective visitor makes them a direct question via social media and finally an email interview to gain insight into NTO?s underlying strategies and policies about social media usage.Theoretical framework: The theories that have been used in this paper include the Uses and gratifications model, theories of one-way and multi-way communication, theories of social media and relationship marketing.Conclusion: By making use of social media the company releases some of its control to the customers as the latter can express their opinions freely in this type of media. One of the advantages of social media is that the platform favors dialogue and feedback. Social media can be used for traditional one-way communication, but works best as a supplement to the regular marketing activities, allowing the activities on social media platforms to focus on branding and building long-term customer relationships.

Rätt till skadestånd enligt upphandlingsreglera : utformning av beviskraven för ett rättssäkert och ekonomiskt effektivt upphandlingsförfarande

Rules for damages that are effective are important to create legal security and a public procurement that fulfil economic effectivity. Those rules are effectivly created for example when the demand of evidence is possible for the damaged supplier to fulfil. Yet the rules cannot be too low without leading to an uncertain procurement for the public purchaser. Thus one have to balance the interests of a public purchaser against the interests of a damaged supplier. This balance leads to a public procurement involving rules of damages where the public purchaser cannot escape duty of damages just because the demand of evidence is too hard to fulfil..

Masskattning av tunga fordon i realtid genom systemidentifiering

As trucks are getting more and more advanced, information about their weight has become a key factor for controlling them in a more fuel efficient and safe manner. Knowing the mass of a heavy duty vehicle in real time has been a difficult challenge for the truck manufacturers. With the processing power for electronic control units in trucks steadily increasing, more advanced algorithms for calculating the mass has been developed, but at the moment there still is a wish for better performance.Since there is a lack of good information regarding the external forces acting on the vehicle, forces that depends on the slope of the road, foundation of the road and the wind, the methods have to be able to disregard these. Such an approach, based on an indirect least square solution, has been evaluated in this thesis. The results have been promising and based on these a recommendation about further evaluation has been made..

Association between animal-based measures and register-based welfare indicators in dairy cows : a study of the advisory service "Ask the Cow" and the web report "Animal Welfare Signals"

Animal welfare can be measured in several different ways; for example by using animal-based measurements. It has been shown that register data from the Swedish Official Milk Recording Scheme can be helpful when identifying herds at risk of having poor animal welfare, which led to a development of the advisory service of ?Ask the Cow? and the web report ?Animal Welfare Signals?. The aim of this project was to find out if register data from ?Animal Welfare Signals? can be used as a screening tool for detecting herds at risk of having poor animal welfare and in need of an ?Ask the Cow?.

#VisitOurCountry : Nationella turistorganisationers användning av sociala medier

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to describe the social media usage of five European official national tourism organizations (NTO). The essay proceeds to discuss and evaluate the findings, whilst reflecting on the advantages of social media usage from the point of view of an official national tourism organization.Method: The authors used three different methods of research: one structured observation to study the national tourism organizations? everyday work in social media, one field stimulation to study if and how different NTO respond if a prospective visitor makes them a direct question via social media and finally an email interview to gain insight into NTO?s underlying strategies and policies about social media usage.Theoretical framework: The theories that have been used in this paper include the Uses and gratifications model, theories of one-way and multi-way communication, theories of social media and relationship marketing.Conclusion: By making use of social media the company releases some of its control to the customers as the latter can express their opinions freely in this type of media. One of the advantages of social media is that the platform favors dialogue and feedback. Social media can be used for traditional one-way communication, but works best as a supplement to the regular marketing activities, allowing the activities on social media platforms to focus on branding and building long-term customer relationships.

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