

4662 Uppsatser om Offentlig service - Sida 40 av 311

Varför berättade ni aldrig det? : Informationens betydelse för medarbetarnas välbefinnande

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Det ska inte vara lätt : En fallstudie om implementering av styrdokument i förskolan

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Frivilliga i Svenska kyrkan : Att ta vara på möjligheterna och att undvika irritation

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Mannen med makt och den omhändertagande kvinnan : En studie om genusrepresentation i debattprogram i TV4 och SVT

We have studied the differences between people debating on a program in apublic service-channel and a privately-owned channel. We have chosen thetwo biggest debate programs, Kvällsöppet in the privately-owned channelTV4 and Debatt in the public service-channel SVT 1. We have in aquantitative content analysis studied female and male, how many of each thatare participating, how long time they talk in the program and in what rolethey have in the debate. We have studied 10 episodes of Kvällsöppet thespring season 2010 and compared with Johanna Paulsson & Patrik Rosellstudy ?30/70.

Bedömning av anställda i professionella tjänsteföretag - ett kritiskt perspektiv

Human capital is professional service firms' most valuable resource and its quality is closely linked to the quality of its services. The purpose of this study is to investigate how professional service firms appraise their employees. A comparative study between an architecture firm and a management consulting firm is conducted with the aim to identify and explain similarities and differences in performance appraisal. Two qualitative case studies are performed and interviews as well as documents are used to explore the area. The thesis builds on a critical perspective and it has an explorative approach.

En manualapplikation : Utvecklingen av en mobilapplikation

iProspect is a global digital marketing agency and work primarily with search marketing. They were the first search engine marketing agency in the world when the company started up 1996 in Boston, Massachusetts, and the first in Sweden to offer services in search marketing after establishing themselves on the Swedish market the following year. iProspect can be found in the södermalm office in south central Stockholm. They are a comprehensive agency within search and offer everything from search engine optimization and sponsored links to advertising on social media. They?re goal is to lead developments in search marketing and to keep ahead of competition.

En kvalitativ analys av jämställdhetsplaner i offentlig verksamhet : - Vad säger de egentligen?

Bakgrund Människor som utsätts för diskriminering löper större risk för psykisk och fysisk ohälsa. Diskrimineringslagen reglerar diskriminering, där bland annat kön är en av diskrimineringsgrunderna. Ett jämställt samhälle kan medverka till att könsskillnaderna i livstidshälsa minskar, och självrapporterade hälsobesvär är störst i ojämställda länder. Sveriges arbetsmarknad karaktäriseras av könsmässig segregering och det finns samband mellan könssegregering på arbetsplatsen och sjuklighet för båda könen. I Diskrimineringslagen står det också att arbetsplatser med minst 25 anställda måste ha en jämställdhetsplan.Syfte Syftet är att beskriva jämställdhetsplaner på arbetsplatser i offentlig verksamhet med utgångspunkt i Diskrimineringslagen.Metod Jämställdhetsplanerna har analyserats med hjälp av deduktiv kvalitativ innehållsanalys.

Intern marknadsföring - i ett tjänsteproducerande IT-företag

The purpose of this thesis was to describe how service producing IT- companies handles their internal marketing. We wanted to understand how management deal with internal marketing activities and how different companies create a working environment to encourage employees to motivation and well-being. To be able to find out we did a case study on a service producing IT-company. Two personal interviews were done with two of the managers. Our empirical research showed that the company used internal marketing on a daily basis.

Folkbibliotekariers användning av sökverktyg på webben i referenstjänst

The web is a constantly growing medium that presumably plays an increasing role in public library reference services. In order to provide high quality reference service the librarians need to be able to master this medium. Therefore it is interesting to get an understanding of how librarians actually use the web. The aim of this Master s thesis is to investigate what web search tools are used by public librarians in reference service. Furthermore, the aim is to get an understanding of how the librarians think about those tools and what background factors influence their selection of tools.

Arvoden och övriga ersättningar : Relering i aktiebolagslagen och svensk kod för bolagsstyrning

Offentlig upphandling är ett område som varje år omsätter stora belopp i Sveriges ekonomi. När en upphandlande enhet skall göra inköp av varor eller tjänster som inte är av obetydligt belopp skall enheten tillämpa reglerna om offentlig upphandling. I lagen om offentlig upphandling (LOU) finns det en lagstadgad möjlighet för anbudsgivare att komplettera sitt anbud, 1 kap. 21 §. Rättsregeln att komplettera sitt anbud skulle kunna tolkas som ett avsteg från den för offentlig upphandling gällande likabehandlingsprincipen.

Kina ?Världens största bygge. En deskriptiv studie av svenska företags agerande vid offentliga infrastrukturupphandlingar i Kina.

Syfte: Författarnas strävan är att göra en explorativ studie av vilka faktorer som påverkar hur svenska företag agerar i offentliga upphandlingsprocesser av infrastruktur i Kina. Författarna avser att öka kunskapen om offentliga upphandlingsprocesser i Kina och analysera huruvida eventuella särdrag existerar utifrån tre valda perspektiv; det juridiska perspektivet, det formella perspektivet och det informella perspektivet. Metod: Studien är av explorativ karaktär, med utgångspunkt i det hermeneutiska forskningsidealet. Studien är av kvalitativ art och utgörs av djupintervjuer med två fallföretag och fyra experter inom området. Existerande teorier inom företagsekonomi, främst inom strategisk ledning och institutionell teori, appliceras av författarna på det empiriska materialet.

Ett ämbete i fångenskap : Diakoners erfarenheter av Svenska kyrkan som hierarkisk organisation

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Varför är skolan svår att förändra? : en institutionell studie av rektorers förändringsarbete

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Sjukhusbiblioteket som en resurs hur tillgodoses sjuksköterskors informationsbehov genom bibliotekets tjänster vid Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus

The purpose of this study was to find out what are the information needs of the nurses and if the hospital library can satisfy these needs, and see how the hospital library reaches the nurses with their information provision. The main questions are: what kinds of service exist at the hospital library? What kinds of needs have the nurses concerning the hospital library? How are the needs satisfied by the hospital library? What marketing strategies are used by the hospital library to reach out to the nurses? Is it enough to achieve the goal? The method in this study was a case study with the emphasis on the qualitative interviews. The study was conducted at the hospital library at Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus in Borås. The interviews concerned the nurses views on the hospital library, information needs and marketing.

Äga eller hyra lokaler inom offentlig sektor? : En intervjustudie

Valet att hyra eller äga lokaler för att tillfredställa sin verksamhets lokalbehov beskrivs som ett av de svåraste beslut att fatta i modern ekonomi. I offentlig sektor har inställningen tidigare varit att de ska äga de lokaler där de bedriver verksamhet och att inhyrda lokaler endast skulle användas som tillfälliga lösningar. På senare år har dock inställningen ändrats och inhyrning har börjat användas som ett permanent sätt att tillfredsställa sitt lokalbehov. Antalet tillfällen där den offentliga sektorn sålt en fastighet för att sedan hyra tillbaka samma fastighet har ökat. Många menar att detta sker utan rationella grunder för beslutet.

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