

57 Uppsatser om Occupations - Sida 2 av 4

Lokalbefolkning och turister - tillsammans eller separerade? : En studie om turismens sociokulturella effekter.

This study investigates how the host community of Tenerife perceives the socio-cultural effects of tourism on the island. The method chosen for the study was qualitative interviews which were performed with six respondents, each born in Spain, living permanently in Tenerife and employed within service-related Occupations. The interview material was interpreted and handled according to a hermeneutic approach. The results of the study showed that the respondents had an over-all positive perception of tourism. Perceived positive socio-cultural effects were related to cultural and linguistic influences.

"You call this archaeology" - om uppfattning och fördomar av det arkeologiska yrket med film som ingångspunkt

In my essay I will study the injustice within science in movies, in this particular case: Archaeology. This essay will also examine whether there is reason to believe that there is aconnection between this unfairness and what's being displayed of the archaeologist in popular culture. In my case I have decided to focus on the movie industry because it's a dominant part of our daily life. I have chosen to explore two different groups of students studying an occupation. One is, of course, the archaeological institution at Lund University, and the other is a high school (upper secondary school) program called ?Omvårdnadsprogrammet? at Rönnens in Malmö.

Genus i barnböcker

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare how womanliness and manliness reveal themselves in different children?s books, mainly focusing on the concept of gender, in both text and images aspects. The questions I have chosen to interrogate are the following:How is the male and female role represented in children's books from a gender perspective, in both images and texts? What gender is generally the main character in children's books? What clothes are the characters wearing in children's books? What kind of Occupations do the characters practice in children's books? What kind of qualities or attributes do the characters possess in children's books?When it comes to the selection of the method, I have chosen the use a qualitative method, where I use both a text and image analysis. The essay is based on Hirdman's and Hardning's gender theories and alsow on Nikolajeva's theorie about male and female.

Bedömning och kunskapssyn i matematik : Förändringar i lärares bedömningspraktik

This paper examines women's positions in the music industry. By quantitativelyinvestigate ten major companies on the swedish music market, the authors have beenable to mapp positions that are dominated by women and as well as men. The essaydiscusses several theories of both gender in organizations and gender in society inorder to analyze the quantitative results.The aim of the paper is to highlight the current segregation of careers in the musicindustry as well as to lay a foundation for further research on why it is segregated.Clear graphs shows the gender distribution between women and men in business butalso the distribution of gender in Occupations / positions in similar companies. In theanalysis the authors reflects on the results using relevant gender theories. In theconclusion, the authors explain the result generated by the analysis and illustrates theprevailing segregation that exists in the music industry.This paper has concluded that a seemingly even distribution between men andwomen in business organisations can sometimes be misleading.

Attrahera, främja och behålla kvinnorna i IT-branschen : En studie om det kvinnliga nätverket Geek Girl Meetup

The aim of this study is to examine the conditions for participation in women's networks for the members of the Geek Girl Meetup network, to expose the members' perceptions of the IT industry and to highlight the network's impact on women's situation in the IT industry. The empirical material consists of interviews and a survey. The interviews were carried out with the network leaders for a better understanding of the network structure and why it exists. The survey completed by the members illuminates how the members perceive the networks function in the IT industry and what kind of an impact the network has on the members and if it has any at all. The result of the study shows that participation in networks like Geek Girl Meetup can be a model for promoting gender equality and improving conditions for women in the IT industry.

Bland "busiga småpojkar", "ett konstigt beteende" och "besvärliga kvinnor". : Föreställningar om adhd, schizofreni och borderline.

Abstract: The purpose with this study was to explore different peoples preconceived opinions of three psychiatric diagnoses; Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). These designations are accompanied by a definite social stigma, which could have profound effects on a person diagnosed with either disorder. These designations carry the risk of excluding and labelling individuals and could provoke a feeling of abnormality and potentially segregate them from the Community. This study is a qualitative study of six individuals, (sample size equals six). The rationale behind the selection was to get a broad representation of different individuals? opinions.

Könsrelaterade mönster i arbetslivet : En jämförande studie mellan kvinnliga arbetstagare inom handeln och akademin

The Swedish labour market seems to be more gender equal today than what it has been before. A gender equality intervention as the practice of an equality plan is one of the strategies that have been used in the workplace to achieve equality. This study aims to examine women?s work experiences in purpose to identify gender patterns in working life in a comparison between the trading industry and the academy. Central aspects in this paper concerns opportunities for development, space in the workplace and expectations associated to gender.

Föräldrars attityder till bilderböcker och barns läsning

The aim of this study is to investigate parents attitudes towards picture books and childrens reading. The study is based upon qualitative interviews with seven parents, 29-44 years of age, who have children between 3 and 6 years of age. The study is hermeneutic. The conceptual framework used in this study, is Uffe Seilmans categories of different kinds of attitudes towards childrens sparetime Occupations, for example reading. These are the authoritarian, the laissez-faire and the democratic attitudes.

Kunskapsbaserat datorstöd för skadeprevention i arbetsmiljö ? En utvärderingsstudie

Information about vibration injuries as a preventive measure is beneficial to society as well as the individual. As early as after a few years work with machines that vibrate can cause young sensitive persons to develop vibration injuries.An evaluation has been done on a web page with focus on information about work related vibration injuries. As a part of the evaluation a user observation and interview study was performed with workers who worked in different Occupations. The workers all used machine that vibrate as part of the work. A total of eleven workers participated in the study.

Samlingens pedagogiska betydelse : Vilket värde har den för barns lärande

Abstract: The purpose with this study was to explore different peoples preconceived opinions of three psychiatric diagnoses; Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). These designations are accompanied by a definite social stigma, which could have profound effects on a person diagnosed with either disorder. These designations carry the risk of excluding and labelling individuals and could provoke a feeling of abnormality and potentially segregate them from the Community. This study is a qualitative study of six individuals, (sample size equals six). The rationale behind the selection was to get a broad representation of different individuals? opinions.

Agent eller assistent? : En studie om kvinnors inflytande i musikbranschen

This paper examines women's positions in the music industry. By quantitativelyinvestigate ten major companies on the swedish music market, the authors have beenable to mapp positions that are dominated by women and as well as men. The essaydiscusses several theories of both gender in organizations and gender in society inorder to analyze the quantitative results.The aim of the paper is to highlight the current segregation of careers in the musicindustry as well as to lay a foundation for further research on why it is segregated.Clear graphs shows the gender distribution between women and men in business butalso the distribution of gender in Occupations / positions in similar companies. In theanalysis the authors reflects on the results using relevant gender theories. In theconclusion, the authors explain the result generated by the analysis and illustrates theprevailing segregation that exists in the music industry.This paper has concluded that a seemingly even distribution between men andwomen in business organisations can sometimes be misleading.

Att förhandla om rum : en etnologisk analys av hantverkares tal om kundmöten

The aim of this study is to point out variations of practices in the relationship between professionals of service Occupations and their clients. The material consists of four openly conducted thematic interviews with male professionals who work in the environment of their clients' homes.The main theoretical approach of this analysisis undertaken with ethnicity in mind.The practices identified aim to throw light on the boundaries between the differing cultures of professionals and their clients.The analytical termsboundary reduction and boundary maintenanceare used in this research.The two-stage analysis points out different practicesused, in chronological order, during contact between professionals and their clients. This is followed by a statement of the themes which connect, primarily fromthe professional perspective. The results indicate an intimate connection between intercultural and transcultural aspects through the use of cultural transparancy, which is a strategy connecting different roles, aswell as use of loophole tacticsthat afford the possibility of definingspace, place and relationship.It's illustrated how the professionals operate from "within the structures and worldview" of the client, and this analysis also reveals a glimpse of the potential for cultural changein the meeting between different cultures..

Vad vill du blir när du blir stor? : Barns syn på yrken ur ett kulturgeografiskt perspektiv

Denna studie fokuserar på flickors och pojkars syn på yrken ur ett kulturgeografiskt perspektiv. En enkätundersökning genomfördes på barn i årskurs 5 där de ombads att skriva vad de skulle vilja arbeta med när de blir stora samt att motivera sina yrkesval. De fick även ta ställning till tänkbara framtida arbeten utifrån en given  yrkeslista. Undersökningen utfördes i Gimo, en mindre bruksort och Uppsala, en universitetsstad. De populäraste yrkena bland barnen kan sorteras in i några större kategorier: djurrelaterade, artistrelaterade, idrottsproffs och kock/bagare.

?Mer än att leka träslöjd? : En kvalitativ studie om vad en sysselsättningsverksamhet kan betyda för dess deltagare

This study was the foundation for an evaluation of an employment project in Sweden. The project offers Occupations in carpentry as well as kitchen work for people with psychiatric disorders, substance abuse and other social difficulties. This studies purpose was to analyze the projects significance to its participants and also to distinguish weather the project influences the participant?s life in a professional or private way. The methodological tool was five qualitative interviews with the participants and three qualitative interviews with the employees.

Förutsättningar för och effekter av förtroendearbetstid

Today's labor market is characterized by flexibility. This applies to organizations, forms of employment and working time. Unregulated working time is such an adaptation and the main subject of this essay. The purpose of this study was to investigate the conditions that underpin unregulated working time, in relation to the Swedish legislation and to EU legislation. The intention has been to investigate the work environment impacts of unregulated working time, and what differences there are from a gender perspective.The conclusion is that workers who enter into agreements for unregulated working time have significantly different terms from traditional workers.

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