

503 Uppsatser om Objectives 1 and 2 - Sida 19 av 34

Hållbar utveckling i kommunalt beslutsfattande : En studie om integrering och prioritering ur fritidspolitiskt perspektiv

The concept of sustainable development is a challenge that demands cooperation from all levels of society for it to be successful. The focus for this thesis is how politicians within the local councils understand the concept of sustainable development and how they implement it in political decision-making.The basis for the study is a questionnaire that was distributed to 303 local politicians in three municipalities of varying size in Southern Sweden. The study concentrates on departments within the local councils that are directly connected to the Swedish environmental law and the Swedish planning and construction law. One of the primary goals with the aforementioned laws is the achievement of sustainable development within one generation.The outcome of the study was that over half of the local politicians could correctly define sustainable development according to the World Commission on Environment and Development?s (WCED) definition.

Effektivisering av destruktionsprocess : En förstudie om hur Fresenius Kabi kan effektivisera befintlig destruktionsprocess

This thesis is a feasibility study into how Fresenius Kabi may rationalize their destruction process in regards to cost, recycling, and work environment. The two main objectives are to identify scrap flows and the possibility to improve or replace the equipment that is now carrying out the physical scrapping. The flow has been visualized by a flow chart of the material and communication. A chart of the problem established to visualize where improvements are necessary. Based on the problems proposals are presented on how to improve the flow thru the plant.During analyze of the physical scrapping equipment it was also necessary to take a deeper look at how they are carrying out there work today, how does the procedure look like, working environment and where are the weaknesses.

En deskriptiv analys av Europaskolan i Mol

Arbetet är en studie över tyska avdelningen och engelska gruppen på Europaskolan i Mol i Belgien. Vi har i arbetet återgivit intervjuerna vi har gjort med lärare, föräldrar och elever vid Europaskolan. I vissa fall har intervjuerna genomförts på ett språk som inte är modersmål för endera parten i intervjusituationen, därför blir det en tolkning, blandat med våra iakttagelser och samtal som vi haft under tiden vi vistades i Belgien.De yttre förutsättningarna för alla avdelningarna är bland annat stora klassrum och stor skolgård. Sedan går vi vidare till båda avdelningarnas lärarperspektiv, efter det kommer föräldraperspektivet och sist elevperspektivet.I intervjuerna med lärarna kommer det fram att man arbetar efter det egna landets läroplan i språk, i orienteringsämnena finns en lokal läroplan, matematiken och europeiska timmarna styrs av en gemensam läroplan för Europaskolorna. Lärarna har alla genomgått en lärarutbildning typisk för sitt hemland.Föräldrarna berättar alla att de inte har informerats om läroplanen, de har inte något inflytande på skolans verksamhet och att det inte finns någon föräldraförening.

Förekomsten av systematiskt säkerhetsarbete och riskhantering i skolan : En studie av respektive utbildningsplaner för lärare och rektorer

AbstractThe Swedish school is the biggest place of work in the country. Statistics about the Swedish school shows that both students and teachers work in an environment who has elements of violations, threats and violence, and study environments where many students do not feel they have a study environment during class. The purpose with this study has been to investigate if teachers and principals is given the right conditions in their respective educations to pursue their professional profession to achieve the objectives of the goals with the systematic safety and work environment of the school's safety concerns. The study has been designed as an investigation about respective educations syllabus and has been examined by the presence about systematic safety and knowledge about work environment law in respective courses. The examination about respective educations syllabus has been done by a qualitative content analysis.

Den längsta vägen. Några kursdeltagares tankar om förutsättningarna att klara kursmålen för sfi.

Malmö högskola Lärarutbildningen Skolutveckling och ledarskap Specialpedagogik Vårterminen 2009 ABSTRAKT Stålhammar, Gertie (2009). Den längsta vägen. Några kursdeltagares tankar om förutsättningarna att klara kursmålen för sfi. (The longest road. Some course participants? thoughts on the prerequisites to meet the course objectives in Swedish for immigrants.) Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogik, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola. Undersökningens syfte var att belysa förutsättningar som ges kursdeltagarna vid Svenska för invandrare (sfi) på studieväg 1 genom ett inifrånperspektiv.

Förskoleklassen ? en förberedande verksamhet inför skolan : en kvalitativ studie om uppfattningen av uppdraget i förskoleklassen och lärarnas arbetsätt och metoder som främjar barnens läs- och skrivutveckling.

The purpose of my study is to investigate teacher?s perceptions of their mission in the preschool class, and how they work to promote children?s written language development. What methods and working methods they use to awaken curiosity and motivate children to read and write. I am using the qualitative research method to get answers to my questions. I have made four qualitative interviews with four teachers in preschool classes from different schools.My questions are:What conceptions does teachers have about their mission in a preschool class?What different methods and approaches does teachers use to stimulate and wake children?s curiosity for reading and writing development?The theoretical basis for my study is the socio-cultural perspective, where learning occurs in interaction.

"Att ingjuta mod och lust" : om barns delaktighet på barnbiblioteket TioTretton

The focus of this two year's master thesis is on participation of children at the TioTretton Library, a library strictly for 10-13 year olds. No adults, except the library staff are allowed in this library. To build on this aim the objectives of this thesis is centred on the questions:How does the library staff view their specific library's mission? What are the conditions for children's participation at TioTretton Library? Based on the relevant theory of participation, how participatory are the children in the library's activities? What significance has TioTretton Library's work with children participation for the children's ability to empowerment?The theoretical framework is mainly centred upon the Ladder of Participation designed by R. A.

Miljömålsindikatorer för kommunala planbestämmelser En studie av indikatorsystem för uppföljning av delmål 2 inom miljömålet God bebyggd miljö

The purpose of this study is to propose and formulate quantitative indicators to help measure an aspect of the Environmental Objectives in Swedish legislation: ?A Good Built Environment, Interim Target 2.? The governmental bill 2004/05:150 suggests changes to Interim Target 2: By 2010 built environments of cultural heritage value will be identified and placed under long-term sustainable management. Following the revised formulation regarding sustainable management, indicators should be formulated to measure the fulfilment of sustainable management of built environments of cultural heritage value. An important part of management takes place at the municipal level of planning, where detailed development plans include regulations to protect built environments of substantial cultural heritage value. As a result, this study is focusing upon the regulatory function of the Swedish Planning and Building Act in respect to the built environments of cultural heritage value.

Regional Styrningsproblematik i ett Utvidgat Europa - en komparativ fallstudie av Frankrike och Polen

The aim of this comparative study is to analyse the French and the Polish regional governance in order to see if there are any differences in their regional ruling systems. Further more I will study their different possibilities in taking part in the European Union regional political market. The shape of the regional systems will be explored both organisationally (study of the institutional entities of the regional construction) and functionally (study of the competencies of the regional body etcetera) to focus on its cause on the regional development. My over all focus will be to find out whether regional rule means differently in the countries France and Poland.Several questions are dealt with and the two main ones are as follows; How do the different structures of the form of government in France and Poland influence the governance on the regional level? Do Poland, as a new member state of the European Union, have what it takes to face the challenges of the new membership; or are there a complex of problems arising from the admittance that prevent its regions from fully taking part in the European regional political market?Some of my conclusions are as follows;There are major differences between the two countries when it comes to their regional ruling systems leading to different abilities in taking part in the European regional political market.

Likheter och skillnader i kommuners verksamhetsstyrning : en jämförande fallstudie mellan tre kommuner

Problem-formulering: Hur fungerar ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrningen inom den kommunala verksamheten? Hur sätter kommuner mål och hur följs de upp? Är sättet att fastställa mål och mätmetoder likartade eller finns det skillnader?Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera hur kommunerna Gnesta, Nykvarn och Salem styr sina verksamheter via uppsatta mål och hur de följer upp dem ur ett ekonomiskt- och verksamhetsperspektiv.Metod: En fallstudie har gjorts vid tre kommuner. Primärdata samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer.Teoretiskreferensram: Den teoretiska referensramen baseras på olika formella och informella styrmedel. Som formellt styrmedel behandlas budget medan de informella styrmedel som tas upp är organisationsstruktur, målstyrning, balanserade styrkort, nyckeltal och benchmarking.Empiri: Kapitlet inleds med en presentation av kommunallagen. Vidare presenteras de undersökta kommunernas sätt att styra sina verksamheter.Slutsats: Kommuner uppvisar både likheter och skillnader i sina sätt att fastställa mål och mätmetoder.

Bioteknologins politik och berättelsernas transformativa makt

This thesis aims to respond to the need of adjust GMO politics for meeting the demands of the late-modern society and the changed condition that follows from an accelerating complexity. The central objective for this study is to contribute with a narrative understanding of Sweden?s GMO politics with the purpose of examine an alternative possibility for formulating and assessing the politics of biotechnology. This is done by investigate Sweden?s politics of GMO through a narrative approach.

Utveckling av Trailplate - En skyddande innersula

The project aimed to develop a protective and stabilizing insole called Trailplate for soft andlight shoes. The demand came primarily from off-road runners in France, Switzerland, andAustria. The project was carried out at Icebug, a company that develops shoes mainly forrough terrain. The main focus has been on the trailplate which is designed to fit severaldifferent shoes.Torsional stiffness and bending resistance were the main objectives. To improve the existinginsole, a material with the right features was required.

Acceptans av e-boken : Studenters uppfattning och användning av e-boken

The ever-evolving information technology gives users more opportunities, but also put higher demands on them. The digital agenda of the state and society clarifies the objectives and effects academic libraries? development. E-books influence the development of organizational, economic, legal and political perspectives. At the University Library in Gävle work is ongoing. The process is controlled by the acquisition policy which makes it clear that e-books should be purchased if possible.

Fågelskådare och lantbrukare i samarbete : kommunikation och naturvård i jordbrukslandskapet

In the spring of 2006 a pilot project was initiated by The Rural Economy and Agricultural Societies of Sweden together with The Swedish Ornithological Society in order to increase collaboration between bird watchers and farmers. The project as a whole comprised 11 farms in South-Central Sweden. The aim was to benefit the decreasing populations of bird species related to the agricultural landscape. The purpose of this master thesis was to study how similarities and differences between bird watchers and farmers regarding opinions about nature, landscape, agriculture, birds and nature conservation have influenced the collaboration. Four of the farmers and five of the bird watchers that participated in the project were included in this study.

Individualiseringens dilemma : Hur uppnås ett fungerande samspel mellan individualisering och gemensam undervisning i matematik?

Abstract.The levels of dioxin and comparable substances rose to a large extent in our environment during the second half of the 20'Th century. This was the result of the synthesis of, and careless usage of these substances in cooling fluids, hydraulics, pesticides etc. Background levels of dioxins and furans in sealed samples prior to this era suggest that former sources of these substances existed. Salt glazing is a method of adding a smooth acid resistant exterior to stoneware ceramics. The technique has been in use since the 16'Th century, maybe even earlier than that.

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