

5445 Uppsatser om Nurses´ experience - Sida 60 av 363

Den närståendes upplevelse av kommunikationen - förändring och strategianvändning vid Parkinsons sjukdom

The aim of the study was to investigate how a significant other of threepersons with Parkinson?s disease experienced the communication in conversation. Astructured interview and analysis of a video recorded conversation was performed.The questions in the interview were aimed at mapping the significant others?experience of communicative problems, their frequency, degree and conversationstrategies used by a significant other in conversation. The result showed that thesignificant others? experienced problems in communication related to the disease inseveral different areas for two of three participants with Parkinson?s disease.

De djupaste ärren är dem vi inte ser: en kvalitativ studie av några professionella behandlares tolkningar av självskadebeteende, med fokus på kroppen

This study will focus on how patients that suffer from self-injurious behaviours experience the relation between their self and body according to some professionals. The purpose is to enlighten why a person who has mental problems chooses to injure his or her body. We believe that the reason behind this is based on the early attachment between the parent and child. We also believe that a person only continues with this behaviour if he or she gains from it. The research questions this study raises are:· How does a person with self-injurious behaviour experience the relationship between their body and their self?· What is the effect of self-injurious behaviour on the body and what is the effect on the relationship between their body and their self.· How did the relationship between body and self evolve?This study is qualitative and is based on interviews from our respondents of whom all work or have worked with self-injurious behavioural patients.

Kollektivistiska individer i en individualistisk kultur: en fenomenologisk studie om hur muslimer och jezidier från mellanöstern upplever livet i den svenska kulturen

The purpose of this study is to examine if Muslims and Jezidier from the Middle East experience changes in them self when they live in Sweden and how they feel about apply for work in the Swedish labour market. The study uses the individualistic - collectivistic dimension to describe the differences between the Swedish culture and the participants home culture. A phenomenological, theoretical and methodological approach has been followed, with self-reports as the instrument for data collection. The information where analysed through the softwares MCA - Minerva and Sphinx-Lexica. The analyses show many different outcomes.

Upplevelsen av hot och våld : En kvalitativ studie med personal som arbetar på barn och ungdomspsykiatrisk akutmottagning

The aim of the study was to examine individual staff experience and management of threats and violence in the acute psychiatric department for children and teenagers in Uppsala. Previous research shows that the experience of threats and/or violence is individual, and that it is difficult to distinguish between these concepts. Research shows that it is particularly vulnerable to work in psychiatry when mental illness is a cause when threats and violence occurs. Threats and violence can result in different consequences for the individual. The study is based on qualitative interviews and the material was collected in the autumn of 2012 at Akademiska sjukhuset.

Fem Sinnen : Utveckling av äventyrsrum för Boda Borg

The Innovation- and Design Engineer program at Karlstad university is a three year long engineer education. In the last phase a final piece is to be done and in this case Boda Borg in Skellefteå is the company in need of product development. Boda Borg is a company in the experience industry and they are located in nine cities from Gällivare in the north of Sweden to Karlskrona in the south. Boda Borg is a franchise company where every facility is their own. As a visitor you will experience physical challenges as well as intellectual in adventure rooms which are serial linked.


To which extent elderly people at nursing homes have an influence on their daily living is currently debated. Studies have shown that they have limited influence due to restricting routines associated with nursing homes. Therefore the aim of this study was to examine how elderly people experience the ability to influence their daily living at nursing homes and how limited influence is revealed in the daily care. Five elderly people, from four different nursing homes, underwent a structured interview. The outcome of the interviews was analyzed in relation to established theories related to geriatric care.

Examensarbete : Patienters uppfattning av ACT som behandlingsmetod mot långvarig, icke-malign smärta samt sjuksköterskans roll under behandlingen.

Bakgrund: SBU (2006) efterfrågade mer evidens för Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, (ACT) mot långvarig smärta då det både är en stor orsak till lidande och en dyr samhällskostnad (87,5 miljarder kr, år 2003). Enheten för Långvarig Smärta ? Avdelning, (ELS-A) är den enda vårdavdelningen i Sverige som behandlar långvarig smärta med ACT. Syfte: Att undersöka hur patienter, som för minst ett år sedan genomgått ACT-behandling på en slutenvårdsavdelning med långvariga smärttillstånd som specialitet, upplevde behandlingsmetoden och dess resultat samt sjuksköterskans roll vid behandlingen. Metod: Kvalitativ forskningsintervju med semi-strukturerade frågor tillämpades för datainsamling.

"Om inte alla redan är dumma i huvudet så borde det kunna bli ganska bra" : En fallstudie som undersöker kvinnliga politikers egna uppfattningar om möjligheter och hinder i Växjö kommun

The essay examines how female politicians themselves experience their political pathin regards to opportunities and obstacles. The questions of the essay revolve aroundthis as well as if there are any differences in experience between politicians from thetwo Swedish parties Socialdemokraterna and Moderaterna. The two parties are chosento represent traditional left and right ideologies. Quantitative measures are used toexamine the female representation in Växjö kommun, which does not show a hugeuneven amount of either men or women. Qualitative measures are used to examine tenfemale politicians? personal experiences through personal interviews.

Smartphones, Användare och Estetik : En Användbarhetsstudie

The Ericsson R380 is a so-called smartphone, combining an advanced mobile phone with a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). To evaluate the usability of the Ericsson R380 and benchmark it against the Nokia 9110 Communicator and the Motorola A6188 Accompli, a repeated measurements experiment was performed. 18 subjects (10 men and 8 women) with no previous experience of any of the interfaces participated. Half of the subjects had extensive experience from using Ericsson mobile phones and half of the subjects had extensive experience from using Nokia mobile phones. A set of 9 tasks to be solved on each interface was presented to the subjects.

Kvinnors upplevelse av depression och sjukdomens påverkan på det dagliga livet : en innehållsanalys av självbiografier

BackgroundThe lifeworld describes the experience of being a humanbeing, how we experience life and how we live our lifes. When a disease, such as depression occurs, the whole lifeworld can be filled with suffering. Depression is an affective disease, which means it involves the emotions. The patient gets dejected and the emotional devotion abates. Broken sleep, anxiety, pain, concentrations difficulties, fatigue and reduced appetite is some of the symptoms.

En utmaning omsluten av ansvar - Att avstå eller avbryta behandling inom intensivvård

Den intensivvård som kan erbjudas till patienter i Sverige idag är en mycket högspecialiserad och högteknologisk vård. Den har möjliggjort livsuppehållande åtgärder till den grad att det blivit nästan omöjligt för en patient att dö utan att först blivit föremål för diskussion om att ta till alla tänkbara medel. När intensivvårdsinsatserna inte längre är meningsfulla för patienten, utan bara blir till ett utdraget lidande i väntan på döden, tas ibland beslutet att avstå eller avbryta behandling. Syftet med studien är att belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda patienter där beslut om att avstå eller avbryta behandling tagits. Metoden som använts är en litteraturstudie som bygger på 8 artiklar.

Att vara i en intensivvårdsmiljö : patientens perspektiv

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a special unit for patients who is in the need for emergency life-sustaining measures and every patient has complex medical- technical equipment. The experiences of a critical illness and the needs of critical care are experienced in different ways. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences from patients in the ICU and how this experience has an influence on the patients. The method was a study of literature with a qualitative inception based on eight scientific articles and the analysis of content has been inspired by Graneheim and Lundman (2003). The result of the study is presented by four categories: to loose the ability to make themselves understood, to be forced to adjust to the environment of caring, to have the lack of connection with reality and to be in an intensive care environment, The results showed that patients in the ICU are affected by the attitude from the staff, the equipment around them as well as the sounds and lights in the environment there.

Bullrets omfattning och inverkan på sjukhusmiljö

Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka hur buller påverkar sjukhusmiljön med hänseende på vårdpersonal och patienter. Studiens avsikt omfattar även en undersökning av vårdpersonalens och patienters eventuella olika uppfattningar angående buller. Effekterna av buller och dess omfattning inom vårdavdelningsmiljön har också undersökts. Resultatet av studien visar på att bullermiljön på sjukhus överskrider de riktlinjer för buller som WHO fastslagit. Vidare visar studien på indikationer på att brittiska sjuksköterskors kunskap angående fenomenet buller är bristfällig.

Kreativitet : Mål eller medel i gymnasieskolans designämnen

This degree project deals with the concept of creativity and the creative output based on howSwedish upper-secondary design teachers within the Technical Engineering Programexperience this from a student's perspective. The project discusses how the concept creativityis interpreted and how the creative output is regarded by educationalists and professionaldesigners and how this then can be related to literature on the subject and in the steeringdocuments. The purpose of this degree project is to visualize the interviewees' viewpoint oncreativity and the significance of experience, skills, and environment for the creative outputand within the field of design. This in order to, in the pedagogic and didactic situation, enablethe improvement of teaching so that creativity and its output come to show. Moreover, theproject aims to create a ground for discussion of the view of the importance of these skills inthe pedagogic/didactic situation.In order to reach this aim, I have read literature on creativity from several perspectives andcarried out eight qualitative structured interviews: both with three educationalists withoutexperience within the design profession, and with two educationalists who are or have beenactive within the design profession, as well as with three professional designers.

Översättning av Intensive Care Experience Questionnaire

Bakgrund: Patienters upplevelser av intensivvård har i många studier undersökts från ett kvalitativt perspektiv. För att kunna skapa resultat som är generaliserbara behövs kvantitativa studier som utgår från validerade instrument.Syfte: Syftet är att översätta, validera och testa instrumentet Intensive Care Experience Questionnaire (ICEQ), vilket har för avsikt att undersöka patienters upplevelser av att vårdas på intensivvårdsavdelning.Metod: Instrumentet översattes till svenska i en process som inkluderade både expertgruppsbedömning och back-translation till engelska. Den svenska versionen av ICEQ (items=31) testades i en pilotstudie med patienter som vårdats på en intensivvårdsavdelning.Resultat: Deltagarna (n=14) hade en medianålder på 59 år och medelvårdtid på 2,0 dygn. Majoriteten var nöjda med vården, men många patienter som erhållit invasiv ventilatorbehandling hade skrämmande upplevelser. Genom en explorativ faktoranalys skapades fyra kategorier av frågor.

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