

5445 Uppsatser om Nurses´ experience - Sida 40 av 363

Hinder eller möjligheter? ? En studie av socialsekreterares och skolpersonals erfarenheter av samverkan

AbstractObstacles or opportunities? ? A study of the experience of collaboration of social welfare secretaries and school staff.The purpose of this study is to illustrate the importance of the work with children and youth through the joint efforts between different authorities. The study deals with the collaboration between the social services and schools in the Ludvika municipality. The objective of the study is to investigate how teaching personnel and headmasters in compulsory schools and the social welfare secretaries in Ludvika, experience the collaboration, and how this works. On the basis of the objective, we have formulated some relevant questions; To what degree are schools aware of the model of collaboration, which is the basis for collaboration within the municipality, and are there any differences in awareness between different categories of employees? Other questions deal with differences in how the social services and schools experience the collaboration, discrepancies between different schools in this regard and if the respondents? experience any obstacles and/or opportunities by the collaboration.Collaboration is, and has been, a pressing issue for a long time in the public debate.

Sömnvanor bland patienter på sjukhus

Background: Sleep is the most important human recovery process and research supports assumptions that sleep is an important component in the healing process. Lack of sleep can be the onset of certain diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Sleep is an integral part of basic nursing. It is important for nurses in hospitals to form a correct understanding of the patients? sleep since they among other things are responsible for administering ad lib hypnotic medication.

Undersköterskor och sjuksköterskors moraliska stress i det dagliga arbetet

Etiska aspekter av vårdyrket spelar inte en framträdande roll i sjuksköterskeutbildningen. Etik är den teoretiska referensramen för ett korrekt moraliskt handlande och sjukvård handlar om att ge rätt omvårdnad till en individ i behov av detta. När moraliska värderingar och verkligheten kolliderar kan en konflikt uppstå, vilket i sin tur kan leda till moralisk stress. Psykisk ohälsa har på senare tid ökat bland sjukvårdspersonal som en direkt följd av moralisk stress. Syftet med denna empiriska enkätstudie är att undersöka i vilken grad undersköterskor och sjuksköterskor upplever moralisk stress i det dagliga arbetet.

Omvårdnad vid förstoppning hos dementa personer : undersköterskors och vårdbiträdens reflektioner

Constipation is a common problem for people with dementia and it may result in discomfort, suffering and lower quality of life. Nurses in municipal nursing homes have difficult to observe and prevent these problems because they do not participate in the daily caring work. The aim of this study was to illustrate the nurse assistants? reflections about the care they gave people with dementia and constipation. Main questions vas how they became aware of such problems and what they did when someone had problem with constipation.

Omvårdnad vid förstoppning hos dementa personer : undersköterskors och vårdbiträdens reflektioner

Constipation is a common problem for people with dementia and it may result in discomfort, suffering and lower quality of life. Nurses in municipal nursing homes have difficult to observe and prevent these problems because they do not participate in the daily caring work. The aim of this study was to illustrate the nurse assistants? reflections about the care they gave people with dementia and constipation. Main questions vas how they became aware of such problems and what they did when someone had problem with constipation.

Tecken på smärta under anestesi - hur anestesisjuksköterskan bedömer patienten

ABSTRACT Introduction: One of the great difficulties that the nurse anesthetist encounter in their profession is to assess and estimate sleep depth versus signs of pain in the anesthetized patient. Based on a pre-operative appointment and the perioperative monitoring, an assessment of the patient is made. The experience that the nurse anesthetist has can make it easier to understand what subtile signs of the patient depends on. Purpose: With this in mind, the purpose of the pilot study was to try to find out if there are specific signs of pain during anesthesia and if the professional experience played a role. As a subsidiary aim the authors examined whether there were factors in the patient that the nurse anesthetist takes into account in the identification of pain during anesthesia.

Hur sjuksköterskor upplevde sin första tid i yrket : en intervjustudie

Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplevde sin första tid i yrket utifrån känslor, tankar, stöd och bemötande. Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fyra informanter som arbetat på Gävle sjukhus mellan 6-18 månader. Resultatet redovisades utifrån studiens frågeställningar och visade att nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplevde många olika känslor och tankar inför sin nya yrkesroll. Känslor såsom rädsla, nervositet och förväntan var några exempel. Stödet och bemötandet från andra sjuksköterskor och närmaste chef var övervägande bra, medan bemötandet från under-sköterskor och läkare upplevdes som mindre bra.

In b__ween. Ett arbete om sammanhang

As a designer, I find myself daily being confronted with choices which eventually can be summarizedas how we experience something. What?s the function, feeling, what colors should there be, shapes,materials, etc. Different parts will be combined to create an entirety. The only question is why we areaffected so differently by the same entirety.In this project I have examined how the relationship between a space and a product affects ourperception of a coherensy and what it is that makes us experience it so differently.I wanted to find a way to methodically explore the importance of the coherency for the experience ofa product and a space in relation to each other, in order to produce a material that can form the basisfor further work on the spatial context.I?ve looked into the psycological term central coherence and formed a scale that shows the humanabilities to perceive a context in various psychological conditions.

Upplevelser av mötet med patienter som skadar sig själva : ett sjuksköterskeperspekiv

Självskadebeteendet har ökat i Sverige och därför är det viktigt att öka kunskapen om detta. Självskadebeteende är ett sätt att hantera existerande problem för stunden eller på sikt. Att skära eller bränna sig är de vanligaste tillvägagångssätten när en person skadar sig själv. Det är angeläget att sjuksköterskor uppmärksammar personer med självskadebeteende och förstår det viktiga i att de blir bekräftade. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av mötet med patienter som skadar sig själva.

Sjuksköterskors delaktighet i euthanasiprocessen

Bakgrund. Ordet eutanasi betyder dödshjälp och detta ämne väcker stor debatt världen över. Holland, Belgien, Luxemburg och delstaten Oregon i USA har legaliserat eutanasi. Riktlinjer som beskriver sjuksköterskors roll i eutanasiprocessen har utformats, dock syns stora skillnader länderna emellan. Syfte.

Stress, Konformitet, Grupptillhörighet och Självvärde hos flickor i gymnasiet

Abstract- Stress, conformity, groups and self-worth in high-school girlsThe aim of this questionnaire-survey was to investigate the experience of stress and symptomsof stress in high-school girls, and to examine if the experienced symptoms of stress could bepredicted by groups, self-worth and conformity. Another purpose of this study was to describethe girls own thoughts concerning these factors. 80 girls between the ages of 15-18 yearsanswered the questionnaire. The results showed that stress could be predicted by theexperience of conformity, but not by the experience of belonging to a group and self-worth.The most common symptoms of stress were tiredness, problems to concentrate and headache.The girls reported that they thought that girls of their own age were ?slutty and cocky?, andthey thought that it was important to look good, but at the same time many girls were happyabout themselves and they had realised that they had to live with who they are.Keywords: high-scool girls, stress, groups, self-worth, conformity.

Gränser och gränstillstånd : Möten med det övernaturliga i den naturmytiska balladen

This two years master?s thesis is about book circles for children, arranged by the public libraries in Sweden. The purpose is to gain knowledge about how children experience their participation in book circles, and how they experience their own reading. It focuses on children aged 10 to 12 years, and their leisure reading. The research questions are: What are the book circles? function for the participants? How and why do the children read? What kind of literature do they like? Do the children experience that their reading has developed through their participation in the book circles? What parts of the reading process do the book circles influence?The theoretical framework is threefold.

Kulturmiljövärden utan synintryck, en studie med synskadade

This graduate thesis takes its hold in an idea that many values, in cultural heritage environments, other than the onesthat can be seen with the eyes are as important for the experience of the environment as the visual ones; however theenvironments are usually defined by values that can be experienced visually!Interviews were held with four visually impaired persons. This to get a better understanding for how big part othersense modalities play in the experience of the cultural heritage environments. Questions were asked about what thevisually impaired especially value in cultural heritage environments and what is of value for preservation. Also whatcan be done to make the environments more impressive for them, how they experience the material part of theheritage, architecture, shape and color and with what senses they primarily remember. Furthermore the thesis aims todraw attention to how value definitions made by the conservation field affects the experience of the environmentsand therefore the accessibility for visually impaired.

Att leva med implanterad defibrillator : En intervjustudie

                                  The study aimed to explore how patients with ICDs experience their quality of life with a focus on everyday life, electric shocks, and how support from the health service is perceived. The studydesign is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven patients. Data collection lasted for three weeks and interviews were conducted in the participant´s homes, at the participants? workplaces or over the phone.The study shows that most participants have learned to live with the ICD.

Kvinnors upplevelse av depression och hur de hanterar sin situation

Background: Depression is a very common disease and is caused both by the biological, physical, and psychosocial factors. At least 25 percent of women and 15 percent of all men are affected at some point in their lives. As a nurse, it is important to be aware of women's experience of depression to meet their needs for care.Aim: To illuminate women's experience of depression in order to better understand their needs for care.Method: Literature review in which ten scientific studies were analyzed and thematised. Eight qualitative studies and two studies of qualitative and quantitative method was retrieved from the database CINAHL Complete and PsycINFO. Keywords depression, women?s experience, experience of depression, female, nursing, major depression, women och social interaction were used.

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