

7549 Uppsatser om Nurse patient communication - Sida 48 av 504

Patienters upplevelser av bemötande från sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagning : En litteraturstudie

En stor del av anmälningarna som kommer till patientnämnden handlar om dåligt bemötande. Patienter som söker vård ska inte känna sig underlägsna eller otrygga på grund av vårdpersonalens bemötande. Ett professionellt vårdande bemötande kan skänka kraft och öka välbefinnandet hos patienten. Ett ökat välbefinnande kan reducera känslan av ohälsa hos patienten. Den patientgrupp studien fokuserar på är de patienter som kommer till akutmottagningen med en icke-brådskande diagnos.

SAMSPEL OCH LÄSFÖRSTÅELSE- Lärares upplevelser av samspel med lässvaga elever.

The purpose of my research was to develop new knowledge about teachers' experiences of interaction between teachers and students with weak reading comprehension and how these teachers feel that the phenomenon of interaction is expressed in a school context. A focus-group interview with four teachers who have been employed between 4-25 years have been conducted with a hermeneutic research approach as a basis for understanding teachers' perceptions of the phenomenon of interaction. The results suggest that the interaction and communication is an important part of the work. In the communication and interaction results show that concepts such as dialogue, development , understanding and rhetoric are tools that teachers work with in order to develop a better reading comprehension for students..

Hur stödjer systemutvecklingsmetoder kommunikation mellan systemutvecklare och kund?

AbstractThis paper discusses how system development methods today support communication between system developers and their customers and end users. Today there are many system development methodologies with different aims and emphases. It is difficult, however, to find among these methods those who promote good and effective communication with customers because so many of these are very technically rooted and not as much directed towards the soft aspects of systems development - i.e. Human aspects. Our own experiences tells that a simple interview can be initialized without us having an idea what to ask the customer about or how to structure it up - nonetheless it?s done, but the outcome is just chance.

Sjuksköterskors bedömning av postoperativ smärta : En litteraturbaserad studie

Bakgrund: Smärta är en individuell upplevelse som kan vara svår att förmedla till andra men är ett oundvikligt fenomen efter kirurgiska ingrepp. Sjuksköterskor ska utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv bedöma patientens postoperativa smärta. Studier visade att det finns en skillnad mellan sjuksköterskors bedömning och patienters upplevelse av smärta. Smärtbedömningen kan försvåras av flera faktorer.Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturbaserade studie var att beskriva faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskors bedömning av postoperativ smärta hos patienter. Metod: En litteraturöversikt som baserades på 15 kvalitetsgranskade och systematiskt valda vetenskapliga artiklar.Resultat: Patienterna upplevde att deras smärta ofta underskattades av sjuksköterskorna.

Anorexia Nervosa : Kampen för kontroll - en beskrivning av upplevelser av vårdrelationen och omvårdnaden

Bakgrund: Anorexia nervosa innebär för en människa svår viktnedgång, som är en konsekvens av dennes rädsla att gå upp i vikt. Omvårdnaden består till stor del av kontrollerad behandling av de fysiska symtomen, vilket kan resultera i en maktkamp då människor med anorexia nervosa inte inser att de behöver hjälp och inte vill bli friska. Detta utmanar skapandet av en vårdrelation. En fungerande vårdrelation är avgörande för patienters tillfrisknande.Syfte: Att beskriva patienters och sjuksköterskors upplevelser av vårdrelationen i omvårdnaden av anorexia nervosa.Metod: Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ litteraturstudie. Informationssökning gjordes via databasen Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, CINAHL.

Teknik för en flerskiktadwebbapplikation

The report analyses if some common problems can be avoided by using modern technology. As a reference system ?Fartygsrapporteringssystemet? is used. It is an n-tier web application built with modern technology at time, 2003-2004. The aim is to examine whether ASP.Net MVC, Windows Communication Foundation, Workflow Foundation and SQL Server 2005 Service Broker can be used to create an n-tier web application which also communicate with other systems and facilitate automated testing.

När gränsen mellan sändare och mottagare suddas ut : En studie i hur organisationer ser på sociala medier som del av den externa kommunikationen  och hur de bemöter sin omgivning i det nya medieverktyget

Title: ?When The Line Between Transmitter and Receiver Blurs? ? A Study of how organizations look at social media as part of their external communication and how they respond to the environment in the new media toolNumber of pages: 49 (51 including enclosures)Author: Ida Hansson KällTutor: Cecilia StrandCourse: Media and Communication Studies D 30hpPeriod: Spring 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Informatics and Media,Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to study how five organizations look at social media as part of their external communication and how they respond to the environment in the new media tool.Material/Method: A qualitative method has been used. Five interviews as primary sources have been conducted with representatives from each organization.Main results: The main results of the study is that organizations have to integrate social media as part of their external communication plans in order to face and respond to their surroundings in a new interaction and multi-way communicative platform. Results also show that organizations are well aware of the importance of making use and participate in social media.Keywords: blogs, external communication, facebook, respond to the environment, social media.

Humor i mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient

Bakgrund: Forskningen har visat att humor är ett socialt fenomen som kan ses som ett universellt språk. Den har visat sig påverka en rad faktorer positivt, däribland vårdmiljön, relationen mellan sjuksköterska och patient samt patientens hälsa. Humor är inte enbart positivt i en vårdkontext, däremot finns det tillfällen då den bör undvikas.Syfte: Syftet är att belysa användandet av humor i mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient.Metod: Examensarbetet är en litteraturöversikt där tio vetenskapliga artiklar valts ut, skillnader och likheter har identifierats och slutligen sammanställts.Resultat: Resultatet består av tre huvudteman: Humorns inverkan på avdelningens vårdatmosfär, interaktion mellan sjuksköterska och patient samt humorns effekter. Under huvudtemat interaktion mellan sjuksköterska och patient hittades två underkategorier: kommunikation mellan sjuksköterska och patient samt förlorade tillfällen till humor. I huvudtemat humorns effekter hittades underkategorierna: humor som strategi samt humor som lindring.Diskussion: I resultatdiskussionen följer en diskussion där resultatet implementeras i Travelbees omvårdnadsteori, Human-to-Human Relationship Theory, men också hur ny forskning förhåller sig till resultatet.

Sjuksköterskors attityder gentemot patienter med psykisk ohälsa : en litteraturstudie

Syftet med denna beskrivande litteraturstudie var att belysa sjuksköterskors attityder gentemot patienter med psykisk ohälsa. En litteratursökning genomfördes och 12 vetenskapliga artiklar valdes ut till det slutliga resultatet. Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskorna hade en rädd attityd, en stressad attityd, en osäker attityd, en säker attityd samt en diskriminerande attityd gentemot patienter med psykisk ohälsa. Samhällets stigmatiserade syn på psykisk ohälsa påverkade sjuksköterskorna negativt i deras yrkesroll då de kunde utveckla en rädd, osäker och diskriminerande attityd.  Kunskap och erfarenhet om psykisk ohälsa var något som resultatet visade förbättrade sjuksköterskornas bemötande och gav dem en säker attityd.

Det kommunikativa kontoret : En kvalitativ studie om aktivitetsbaserade kontors påverkan på intern kommunikation

TitleThe communicative office ? A study of the effects that Activity based offices has on internal communication.      Authors                             Carl Varli, Jonas Eklund and Petter Göransson Course                              Business administration III ? Organization ? Bachelor? thesis Tutor                                 Olle Duhlin           Examiner                          Mikael Lundgren Background                      The prime focus of activity based office designs are the though of choosing your workplace along with your work task, instead of the other way around. This means that you do not longer have a set workstation of your own, you move around according to where to your current work will be best performed.  Problem                           We want to explore how the communication within a company?s departments has been affected by the introduction of an activity-based office design.Purpose                             The purpose of this study was to get an understanding of how this office design could effect the communication within companies that uses it. Further more, we wanted to study the effects that this kind of office would have on the communication within a department.

SAMSPEL OCH LÄSFÖRSTÅELSE- Lärares upplevelser av samspel med lässvaga elever.

The purpose of my research was to develop new knowledge about teachers' experiences of interaction between teachers and students with weak reading comprehension and how these teachers feel that the phenomenon of interaction is expressed in a school context. A focus-group interview with four teachers who have been employed between 4-25 years have been conducted with a hermeneutic research approach as a basis for understanding teachers' perceptions of the phenomenon of interaction. The results suggest that the interaction and communication is an important part of the work. In the communication and interaction results show that concepts such as dialogue, development , understanding and rhetoric are tools that teachers work with in order to develop a better reading comprehension for students..

KOMMUN-IKATIONEN : En studie om kommuners externa kommunikation och varuma?rke.

AbstractTitle: External communication and brand strategies in Swedish municipalities? Author: Philip Hagne & Einar Svensson? Tutor: Jessica Gustafsson? Purpose: The aim of this thesis was to study and obtain greater understanding on how Swedish municipalities use external communication and branding strategies to gain and attract more residents. The key questions to be answered in this thesis were: What does the external communication look like in the selected municipalities? Are the selected municipalities trying to establish their own brand? What does the work on creating the brand look like??Method/Material: This thesis is based on material collected trough interviews with people working with external communication in eleven swedish municipalities. The selected municipalities where divided into two groups based on their negative or positive population growth between 2005 and 2012.

Pedagogisk intervention vid audiologisk rehabilitering med hjälp av en textbok. En randomiserad kontrollerad studie.

Hearing is considered to be the most important sense for the communication between people. Several studies have shown that hearing loss can lead to deterioration in quality of life, reduced social activities, feelings of alienation and hence the increasing incidence of depression symptoms.An early audiological rehabilitation is a prerequisite for proper communication among people with hearing loss. Knowledge has been shown to be of great importance and structured learning and individually targeted approach can be expected to facilitate the audiological rehabilitation.The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of an educational effort for people with hearing loss where the effort was made in the distance within the audiological rehabilitation and was followed-up by professional phone support, through a randomized controlled study.The study group consisted of 69 hearing aid users who were randomized by an independent person into two groups, an intervention group and a control group. The intervention group (n = 33) had access to the book "When the sounds are weaker - on hearing and hearing aids". The group received weekly topic-based information related to the different chapters of the book, in five rounds.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att utföra omvårdnad av patienter med blodsmitta : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Background: Earlier research describes patients with blood-bourne pathogens experiences from the healthcare system. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how registered nurses experience taking care of patients with blood-bourne pathogens. Method: This study had a descriptive design with a qualitative method. Eight interviews where performed and analyzed with manifest content analyze. Three categories ?Comfort in their profession?, ?Support from the organization?and ?Fear of being contaminated?, and five subcategories ?Support from hygiene guidelines?, ? Thoughtfulness?, ?The own responsibility?, ?Feelings of fear and concern?and ?To meet preconceptions?, emerged.

Operationssjuksköterskans upplevelse i samband med organuttag när donatorn är hjärndöd

ABSTRACT (english)Introduction: The possibility to transplant an organ is an important part of the health care system, which demands great resources and a well functioning organization with a level of high competence. The work with organ donation is complex and brings forward a great amount of different emotions for the operation room nurse. Aim: The aim with the study is to illustrate the operating room nurses experience when the organ donor is brain dead. Method: Data collection has been performed with semi-structured interviews, which have been interpreted by qualitative manifest analysis. The design of the study is pilot towards a study in full scale.

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