

7549 Uppsatser om Nurse patient communication - Sida 38 av 504

Instrumentbordets sterilitet

Background: Postoperative infections are a serious patient safety problem and affects about 3 % of all patients undergoing surgery. The consequences are prolonged hospital stays, high social costs, increased use of antibiotics and impaired quality of life for the patient. It has been shown that postoperative infections may be caused by contamination already in the operating room. Today we know that there is growth of microorganisms on the instrument table´s top, but there is a research gap about the instrument table's edges.Aim: To examine if the sterile drape on the instrument table´s edges are sterile after finished surgery.Method: Contact plates are printed on strategically selected areas on the sterile drapes top and edges. In the pilot study, a total of 51 cultures were taken at the end of three operations which lasted over three hours.Results: Growth on the top surface and the edges of the sterile drape were detected.

Brytpunktsamtal på kirurgiska vårdavdelningar- En integrativ litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: I Sverige dör cirka 95 000 människor varje år och runt 80 % av dessa är i behov av palliativ vård. Palliativ vård är en vårdfilosofi som bygger på att ge stödjande och lindrande vård när botande vård inte längre är genomförbar. Vid den tidpunkt när patienten drabbats av en obotlig sjukdom sker en brytpunkt, vilket innebär att läkaren identifierar patientens aktuella tillstånd. När brytpunkten är identifierad erbjuds ett brytpunktsamtal. I samtalet planeras det för den kommande palliativa vården.

Säkra kommunikationskanaler i en distribuerad heterogen miljö

The systems environments of today are often distributed and heterogeneous. These kind of systems have several advantages but also disadvantages. One problem is how to keep them secure.The security problems in these environments are mainly due to the communication between the connected computers. It is relatively easy to tap these communication channels from information. There is also a need for the possibility to secure these channels from modification of sent information and to be able to verify the sender and receiver of information in a secure manner.

Förändringskommunikation i organisationer : En studie som jämför hur uppfattningar skiljer sig mellan chefer och medarbetare i en förändringsprocess

Title: Change Communication within organizations ? How perceptions differ between managers and employees in an organizational changeAuthor: Emma Ender & Fanny TeschTutor: Anne-Marie MorhedPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to study and compare different perceptions of change communication between managers and employees within two smaller organizations. We wanted to examine how the communication process within the change was carried out. We also aimed to compare the results with change communication models of Johansson & Heide (2008) and Lewin (1951), and also existing concepts, to see if our result differed from earlier research. Our key questions to answer were: How do managers communicate a change to the employees in two smaller companies? How do the managers think that the employees perceive the information about the change? How do the employees perceive the information about the change? How does change models from previous research correspond to, or differ from the change process?Method/Material: The material used in this thesis consists of a total of twelve interviews with both managers and employees at two small companies.Main results: The main results shows that communicating a change is complex, and that it is difficult to create models and theories for the phenomenon, as each change is unique.

Digitala kommunikationer mellan VIDA och deras leverantörer

The Swedish forest industry has put a lot of resources in the development of digital communications in hopes of improving collaboration with suppliers. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether VIDA would benefit from using digital communication with suppliers. The survey was conducted as a questionnaire study among the company?s staff and its suppliers. The result indicated needs and interests to use digital communications in both groups. Young suppliers and suppliers on a distance showed the most interest in using digital communication. In terms of using these digital communications, the staffs and suppliers were most interested in information regarding transaction and forestmanagement plans.

Livscykelkostnad för tak och fasad

Title: Time to renovate ? The effect of communication on the relationship between company and customer in a change situationCourse/subject:Busniess administration, Leadership, 15hpAuthors:Fredrik Elghag, Ossian OlssonTutors:Ingemar WictorKeywords:The Million Programme, Communication, Relationship Marketing, Tentant, Landlord.Problem formulation:How does communication affect the relationship between company and customer in a change situation?Purpose:Examining how different parts of a communication process affects customers trust, commitment and loyalty to their company.Theoretical framework:The starting point for the study?s theoretical perspectives have been Morgan and Hunt?s (1994) previous studies on relationship marketing and Laswell?s (1948) communication model.Methodology:The paper is performed with a qualitative research approach and a deductive approach to answer the research question. Personal interviews were conducted with four employees in real estate companies and two tenants in each company stock.Conclusion:We have found that communication affects the relationship between company and customer. Tentants have experinced credibility of businesses is important for them to have a confidence and loyalty in the relationship. .

Kommunikationsproblem på Apotek

The origin of the word ?communication? is the Latin word communicare, meaning to make common. The reason for our communication is to share thoughts, feelings and information, we want to affect and confirm.We are used to interpersonal communication, but even if we have had a lot of practice at it during our lives, we still find our selves facing misunderstandings and conflicts. The more people we meet during a day, the greater the chance is for interruptions in the communication.In pharmacy practice, good communication is vital for the client?s health and quality of life.

?Man behöver inte folks nummer längre? : En studie om hur studenter använder meddelandekommunikation via smartphones

How do young adult students communicate through their smartphones today? Which applications and features do they choose? What motivates their choices for the various possible situations? In this paper we investigate which communication channels young adult students in Sweden use for private message communication in their smartphones, in what way they use the channels and why they choose specific channels for different types of communication. In Sweden today, there are numerous of different ways of communicate through smartphones. We have interviewed ten Swedish young adult students regarding their use. The results speaks for that SMS has proven to still be used very frequently, even though it has existed for many years and that there are plenty of other ways to communicate through private messages today.

Sjuksköterskans förebyggande åtgärder avseende alkoholmissbruk

Bakgrund: Enligt World Health Organisations världshälsorapport bidrar alkohol till mer än 9% av sjukdomsorsakerna i Europa och vållar 1,8 miljoner dödsfall årligen i hela världen. Alkohol har alltid varit och är än idag ett av världens största samhälls- och sjukvårdsproblem. I Sverige är det mer än sex tusen personer som dör i alkoholrelaterade sjukdomar per år, vilket motsvarar lika många dödsfall som i tobaksrelaterade sjukdomar. Alkoholproblematiken tas därför upp i litteraturstudien. Syfte: Att beskriva vilka förebyggande åtgärder en sjuksköterska kan erbjuda personer för att de ska undvika att missbruka alkohol.

Sjuksköterskors implicita attityder gentemot patienter med missbruksproblem

Patienter med missbruksproblem upptar mycket av hälso- ochsjukvårdens platser och resurser. Det är därmed viktigt attsäkerställa att dessa patienter får god vård och belysa vilkafaktorer som kan inverka på omvårdnaden. Syftet var att belysasjuksköterskors attityder gentemot patienter medmissbruksproblem samt att beskriva hur mötet mellansjuksköterskor och dessa patienter ser ut. Det användes 17vetenskapliga artiklar som grund för detta arbete varav 11 varkvantitativa och sex var kvalitativa. Det framkom attsjuksköterskor ofta uppvisade negativa attityder gentemot patientermed missbruksproblematik och detta inverkade på omvårdnadenav patienterna.

Sjuksköterskans uppfattning om tvångsåtgärders inverkan på omvårdnadsrelationen : en intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Lagen om psykiatrisk tvångsvård och Lagen om rättspsykiatrisk vård ger rätt att vårda patienter mot deras vilja. I psykiatrisk vård förekommer specifika omvårdnadsåtgärder som bältesläggning, tvångsmedicinering och avskiljning. Dessa väcker många känslor och kräver att sjuksköterskan arbetar med hänsyn och respekt. Relationen är en central del inom psykiatrisk omvårdnad och ska baseras på tillit och empati. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskors uppfattning om tvångsåtgärders inverkan på omvårdnadsrelationen.

Kvinnliga ledare kommunicerar : Motiv och former inom den svenska mediebranschen

From an early age kids learn that their good performance and efforts will be rewarded. Unfortunately, not all leaders in the media industry are rewarded or given the same opportunities to exercise their communicative leadership, according to studies in media research. The aim of our study is to highlight female managers' experiences of their communicative leadership in the Swe-dish media industry. This study was based on qualitative interviews with four female respondents in management positions. The core of the study concerns female communicative leadership and interpersonal communication.

Ett skratt är den kortaste vägen mellan två människor : Betydelsen av humor i omvårdnaden

Bakgrund: Humor har länge ansetts som något välgörande och har under de senaste decennierna blivit ett ämne som det forskas allt mer om, trots detta förefaller det inte finnas nog med evidens för att implementera humor som ett verktyg inom dagens sjukvård trots de hälsofrämjande egenskaper humor anses besitta.Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att belysa humorns betydelse inom omvårdnaden.Metod: En litteraturstudie där materialet från tio kvalitativa studier analyserades.Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i form av fem teman: humor förmedlar budskap, humor bygger goda relationer, humor som terapeutisk lek, humor som ett verktyg för att uppehålla rollen som den goda patienten samt när humor inte givit önskat resultat. Resultatet visar att humor är ett effektivt instrument för att stärka och skapa sociala relationer samt att humor har en hälsofrämjande verkan, men även att humor måste användas med tillförsikt då om det används fel även kan skada en social relation.Klinisk betydelse: Humor är ett bra instrument för att stärka patient-sjuksköterskerelationen och för att främja god hälsa i omvårdnaden. Det finns behov av mer forskning på ämnet humor för att stärka dess evidens som ett användbart instrument.Slutsats: Humor är användbart för både patienter och sjuksköterskor som kan brukas i många syften inom omvårdnaden..

Någon annan tar hand om det bättre än jag - : Sjuksköterskors syn på barriärer till varför sexuell hälsa inte tas upp i vården

BackgroundSexual health is affected by disease, dysfunction and disability but can also be experienced in spite of illness. To get a deeper knowledge of what the nurse does for the patients the background is written with the support of the holistic care and Katie Eriksson theoretical perspectives health and suffering.AimThe aim of this study is to describe the factors to why nurses do not prioritize patients' sexual health in the nursing care.MethodA literature review based on nine qualitative and quantitative studies focusing on the barriers perceived by the nurses to address sexual health.ResultThe result of this study showed that the barriers were many. Factors related to nurses unwillingness to talk to patients about sexuality and sexual health were difficulties in nurses' psychosocial work environment and lacking competence concerning sexual health. The fact that sexuality is a sensitive subject, factors related to the patient and that it was someone else's responsibility to raise the topic were other factors that made it difficult.ConclusionWe conclude that a stressed workplace where there is a lack of time and stress along with a poor education and uncertainty leads to no grasp of the subject and the problem slides between health professionals. Patients' sexual health remains untreated.

Samspelet mellan kund och konsult i förändringsprojekt - en studie av kommunikationens utmaningar i implementationsprocessen av en ny webblösning

The increasing competition is making increasing demands of today's businesses to be changeable. Change projects have therefore become increasingly common in order to satisfy market expectations. These projects have often proved difficult to implement and fail rather than succeed. There are many people who reflect on why this is and theorists are increasingly reasoning about the importance of communication in the change process. This is something that has given rise to a new area of expertise called change management.

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