

7549 Uppsatser om Nurse patient communication - Sida 34 av 504

Kvinna & chef : samband mellan ledarstilar och kommunikationsformer

Similarities in earlier research between leadership styles and communication forms were found, partly concerning relations and partly concerning work assignments. Our approach was based on the notion that there could be a correlation between the manager2019s choice of communication mode (informal/formal) and leadership style i.e. Relation-Oriented Behaviour Leadership style/Task-Oriented Behaviour Leadership style. A gender perspective was used in the research. The method was quantitative with a questionnaire to women managers (N=78) in the private and the public sectors.

Våld i nära relationer : Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta våldsutsatta kvinnor, en systematisk litteraturstudie

Titel: Våld i nära relationer ? Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta våldsutsatta kvinnor, en systematisk litteraturstudie.Bakgrund: År 2011 anmälde 12 471 kvinnor att de blivit utsatta för våld i en nära relation. Skador som våldsutsatta kvinnor drabbas av är allt från psykiska besvär till svåra fysiska skador. Många av dessa kvinnor behöver komma i kontakt med sjukvården och sjuksköterskor i olika organisationer.Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien är att beskriva sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att möta kvinnor som utsätts för våld i nära relationer.Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie där inkluderade studier granskades och kvalitetsbedömdes. Resultaten analyserades och tematiserades utifrån likheter och skillnader.Resultat: Huvudresultatet påvisade sjuksköterskornas känslomässiga svårigheter att möta kvinnor som utsätts för våld i nära relationer, då det bland annat påverkade sjuksköterskans privatliv.

Portrayal of animal communication in wildlife documentary

Many people turn to documentaries for knowledge about animals, but do documentaries give us a truthful portrayal of animals and their behavior? This study looks at how the communication behavior of the portrayed animals is depicted in three episodes of The Life of Mammals. These episodes were observed after which the contents were compared to scientific literature on the same topics. The results show that quite little communication is actually shown in the episodes about plant predators and meat eaters and relatively much of it is shown in the episode named Social Climbers, involving primates. The matching literature suggests that based on the narrative and the accompanying footage, the viewer is getting a realistic picture, with the exception of a few questionable cases..

Internet : som kompletterande kommunikationskanal till Event Marketing

The aim of this essay is to examine how the Internet functions as a communication channel to Event Marketing. We have investigated what makes the Internet unique as a communication channel for events and how Internet has been used for event marketing. We have mapped fundamental theories within marketing, media, communications and human-computer interaction, which together describe event marketing. We have carried out case studies on two event-marketing projects where the Internet has played a major role. The first project was XCT which is a project developed by the company Eventum AB.

Sociala mediers inverkan på självkänsla Påverkas ungdomar av sitt Facebookanvändande?

BackgroundResearch shows that the majority of patients feel anxiety before and during anesthesia. It has been shown in several studies that preoperative anxiety may cause adverse effects in the postoperative course. Nurse anesthetists have a key role in creating a safe environment and the opportunity to use different interventions to reduce the degree of anxiety.AimThe aim of the study was to examine which interventions may reduce anxiety in adult patients before and during both general, local and regional anesthesia.DesignSystematic literature review with a quantitative approach.ResultsSeveral studies indicate that gabapentin and pregabalin can reduce anxiety before and during anesthesia. The anxiety reducing effect appeared to be dose dependent. The naturopathic drugs Citrus aurantium blossom and Passiflora incarnata Linneaus were found to reduce anxiety before anesthesia.

Nutritionsbehov vid inflammatoriska tarmsjukdomar

Hos patient med inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) har nutrition en central betydelse. Nutrition ska betraktas som en medicinsk behandling samtidigt som nutrition är ett av sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsansvar. Syftet var att belysa nutritionsbehovet hos patient med inflammatory bowel diseases. Resultatet baseras på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet visar att patient med IBD lider av malnutrition eller ligger i riskzon för att bli malnutrierad.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med alkoholmissbruk : En litteraturöversikt

BAKGRUND: Alkoholkonsumtionen i Sverige har stigit sedan 1900-talet. En förhöjd alkoholkonsumtion kan leda till både fysiska och psykiska skador. Sjuksköterskor möter dagligen patienter med alkoholmissbruk och denna patientkategori kan ha svårigheter att själva erkänna alkoholproblemen. SYFTE: Syftet med denna studie var att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med alkoholmissbruk. METOD: En litteraturöversikt, datamaterialet bestod av tio vetenskapliga artiklar varav fem kvalitativa och fem kvantitativa.


BAKGRUND: Alkoholproblem är ett stort hälsoproblem som har påverkan på både social, psykisk och fysisk hälsa. Alkoholproblem är ett lidande problem för patienten och dennes anhöriga. Bemötandet är en viktig del i omvårdnaden och i relationer mellan sjuksköterskor och patienten, sjuksköterskor attityder lysa igenom under bemötandet, att skapa ett vårdande möte är sjuksköterskors ansvar. SYFTE: Syftet med studien är att belysa vilka faktorer som kan påverka sjuksköterskors attityder i bemötandet av patienter med alkoholproblem. METOD: en litteraturöversikt där tolv kvalitativa och kvantitativa vetenskaplig artiklar analyserats.

En Survey av NFC och NFC-Protokoll med Fokus på Säkerhetsaspekterna

Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short range wireless communication technology that enables data exchange between devices. NFC is used in many different areas, from subway tickets to authentication systems. This paper presents possible security threats to Near Field Communication and documented attacks that have been used to target various NFC protocols. Weaknesses in different NFC protocols will be presented and suggestions on how to counter certain weaknesses will be discussed. This survey will be valuable for companies interested in protecting their data when using or planning to use NFC systems..

Obesitas. Sjuksköterskans preventiva arbete i samband med obesitas

The number of people who gets obesity increase wiht 1/2-1 % every year. Despite this number it is shown that obesity is a chronic and neglected decease. The purposes of this literature study were to describe how obesity effects adult and the risk of complications and the factors the nurse needs to know which effects patiens with obesity. The results shows the connection between obesity and complications and also what methods the nurse can use in the preventive work..

Barnfetma - sjuksköterskans roll vid behandling/Child obesity - the nurse?s role during treatment

Obesity is one of the biggest threats to child- and adolescent health. The amount of obese children is today increasing more in Sweden than in the US. This may in a couple of years have bad consequences for the Swedish children?s quality of life. When a child suffers from obesity it is a big stress on the body and can lead to serious consequences in adulthood.

Utvärdering av AKKTIV KomIgång ? en studie av föräldrars och kursledares upplevelser av en kommunikationskurs

The aim of the study was to evaluate parents and course directors?experiences of the AKKTIV ComAlong-course (Augmentative and AlternativeCommunication ? Early Intervention). ComAlong targets parents of pre-schoolchildren with extensive communication difficulties and aims to give parentsknowledge about different aspects of communication, communication developmentand AAC. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Individualinterviews and pair-interviews with totally nine persons were performed and 54course questionnaires filled in by parents were evaluated.

Enhetschefs främjande av anställdas psykosociala arbetsmiljöEn kvalitativ studie på kommunala äldreboenden.

BackgroundResearch shows that the majority of patients feel anxiety before and during anesthesia. It has been shown in several studies that preoperative anxiety may cause adverse effects in the postoperative course. Nurse anesthetists have a key role in creating a safe environment and the opportunity to use different interventions to reduce the degree of anxiety.AimThe aim of the study was to examine which interventions may reduce anxiety in adult patients before and during both general, local and regional anesthesia.DesignSystematic literature review with a quantitative approach.ResultsSeveral studies indicate that gabapentin and pregabalin can reduce anxiety before and during anesthesia. The anxiety reducing effect appeared to be dose dependent. The naturopathic drugs Citrus aurantium blossom and Passiflora incarnata Linneaus were found to reduce anxiety before anesthesia.

Yngre kvinnors upplevelser av att få en bröstcancerdiagnos och livet därefter

Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the world and it usually affects elderly women. However, there are between 600-700 cases per year in Sweden where women under the age of 45 are diagnosed. Removal of the breast or part of the breast, hair loss, fatigue and nausea as a result of the breast cancer treatment has an emotional and physical impact on the women?s lifeworld. The nurse should build a relationship with the women to identify and meet their needs. Aim: To describe younger women?s experiences of getting a breast cancer diagnosis and life afterwards.Method: Four biographical books were analyzed to match the aim of the study.Result: The findings were that the women experience similar thoughts and feelings when it comes to living with a cancer diagnosis.

Faktorer som påverkar IT-relaterad gruppkommunikation inom organisationer

This thesis builds on the core problem: What Factors Affect IT-related Group Communicationwithin Oragnizations? With sub-questions: How does the daily communication in the workplacepresent itself? How can the individual affect communication? The purpose of this paper is toinvestigate which factors influence group communication positively and negatively, andhow communication affects the daily work in an organization. For this study, the fourinterviewees, from four different organizations, have been selected to participate in astructured interview conducted with the help of an interview guide. To analyse thequalitative data derived from interviews, a method of creating patterns and themes wasused. This is presented by selected quotations from the interviews in order to provide aricher depiction of the collected data.The result could indicate large gaps in both formal and informal communication, whereemail turned out to be one of the biggest single problems.

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