

7549 Uppsatser om Nurse patient communication - Sida 28 av 504

Att kommunicera i kris : En kvalitativ fallstudie om anpassad kriskommunikation i samband med en extraordinär händelse

The purpose of this qualitative case study is to explain and discover how a Swedish commune works with their external crisis communication during a large crisis. The case study revolved around a simulation exercise with Mjölby commune that was and organized by the company VSL Systems AB. The study addresses the difficulties that arise within the crisis communication, and shows witch factors that are important to consider, when you are responsible for an entire community.Our result shows that the relationship with media could be utilized in a better way and both parties could benefit from cooperation. The commune could have used varied communication channels to create more effective crisis communication which had reached a bigger group of people. The information was not adapted to the different groups to the extent it could have been..

"Vattnet är slut!" : En studie om hur kriskommunikationen fungerade mellan involverade aktörer under vattenläckan i Kalmar 17-18 december, 2010

Introduction:During a crisis in the society, the communication from the responsible authorities is of big importance. This study shows how the authorities worked with their crisis communication towards the general public during the waterleak in Kalmar in december, 2010.Purpose:The purpose of this study is to investigate how the responsible authorities in Kalmar worked with their crisis communication during the waterleak and also how the general public perceived the crisis communication.Methodology:The study is based on a combination of a qualitative and a quantitative methodology. We begin to work with qualitative interviews with the responsible authorities to get information about the actual event and their work with the crisis communication towards the general public through the mass media. Then we investigate how the general public in Kalmar perceived the crisis communication from the responsible authorities and compare these two results.Conclusion:The study shows that there were several problems, both internally and externally, with the crisis communication from the responsible authorities during the waterleak. Although some people were dissatisified with the responsible authorities crisis communication, the majority were pleased and very satisfied with the information they got from the responsible authorities during the waterleak..

Vad händer med åsikterna? : Järvadialogen som kommunikationsinsats

The area of Järvafältet in the northern parts of Stockholm is one of the many large-scale investments into Swedish residency executed in the 60?s and 70?s, and which got the name Miljonprogrammet. Not until today these buildings have been restored, and frustration has been brewing in these areas for some time. Järvadialogen is the name of a communication program connected to the housing restoration in the area of Husby, which is a part of Järvafältet, and functions as a promotional and informational dialogue between residents in the area and those responsible for the communication program. The cultural diversity in the area of Husby is significant, and with theories on intercultural communication, change communication and power we study the performed communicative process and the manner in which it is received.

Massmediekommunikation som strategi för att öka
medlemsaktiviteten inom religiösa samfund

The intension with the thesis is to investigate how mass communication is adopted as a strategy to increase the membership activity within religious communions in Sweden. In the years past it has shown a decreased activity within religious communion, deliberate strategies have been missing and efforts on resources for less effective strategies have been made. The study has been carried out through a review of existing theory within the field of subject, communication within religious communion and the use of mass communication within religious communion. The Swedish church was chosen as a case, where three persons were interviewed. The result from this study shows that the Swedish church communication operates on several different levels: these are detached and self-determinate.

Elevers helhetssyn av rörelseapparaten uttryckt genom begreppskartor

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the crisis communication was perceived between SAS, massmedia and citizens during the volcano crisis in 2010. The questions posed are: - How did the communication between SAS, media and citizens function during the crisis? - How did senders, intermediaries and beneficiaries experience the information and communication during the crisis? - How important was the internet communication for SAS, media and citizens during the crisis?The collected material consists of interviews and desktop research of material from Internet.The study shows that the communication between SAS, the media and citizens worked well on the social medias but was weaker in all other mediachannels. SAS was also weak in following up information received by media and travelers, and they therefore they had a different picture of the situation during the crisis. SAS thought that the communication worked fine between the parties involved.

Kommunal årsredovisning : Kommunikation mellan avsändare och användare

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the crisis communication was perceived between SAS, massmedia and citizens during the volcano crisis in 2010. The questions posed are: - How did the communication between SAS, media and citizens function during the crisis? - How did senders, intermediaries and beneficiaries experience the information and communication during the crisis? - How important was the internet communication for SAS, media and citizens during the crisis?The collected material consists of interviews and desktop research of material from Internet.The study shows that the communication between SAS, the media and citizens worked well on the social medias but was weaker in all other mediachannels. SAS was also weak in following up information received by media and travelers, and they therefore they had a different picture of the situation during the crisis. SAS thought that the communication worked fine between the parties involved.

Inte som i Gökboet : sjuksköterskors beskrivningar av omvårdnadsprocessen inom den rättspsykiatriska vården : en kvalitativ studie

Forensic psyhiatric care protects the society by giving patients care to diminish risks of serious crimes. In their work the nurses use different care methods to help and support the patient in managing his or her life situation. To clarify how a group of nurses describe the nursing process in forensic psychiatric care. A qualitative study based on interviews. Six nurses were interviewed about their work in four different forensic psychiatric care units.

Gammal och förvirrad : Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder vid konfusion hos äldre

Konfusion är mycket vanligt förekommande hos äldre och skapar stort lidande, ger höga samhällskostnader och orsakar hög mortalitet. Syftet med studien var att belysa sjuksköterskans icke farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärder vid konfusion hos äldre patienter. Metoden var en litteraturstudie, vilken innefattade tio artiklar där relevanta omvårdnadsåtgärder framkom, dessa presenterades i resultatet under VIPS - modellens åtgärdssökord. Resultatet av studien visade att patienter med konfusion mindes och uppmärksammade vad som skedde med och runt omkring dem. Viktigt var att få information om sitt konfusionstillstånd för att förstå vad som hände och varför.

Ena dagen student nästa dag nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska

Background: Every year about 4600 nurses are examined in Sweden. The work as a nurse is responsible and she is often working under time pressure. Aim: To describe nurse?s understandings about her professional role during her first year after the examination. Method: Systematic literature review, where 10 scientific articles were examined.

Vård vid livets slut : Närståendes upplevelser av omvårdnadssituationen -En litteraturstudie

BACKGROUND: Several people die every year. The numbers of deceased in Sweden were 91449 in 2008. This often brings bereavement for the relatives and in hospital with end-of-life care it can be important for the health professionals to support and also take care of the relatives. AIM: The aim of this study is to illuminate relatives? experiences of the caring situation with end-of life-care when a close relative is dying METHOD: Literature review.

Livskvalitet hos vuxna patienter med astma :  

Background: Quality of life is a concept of individual meaning which is perceived differently depending on the person experiencing it. To have a chronic disease in the lung, such as asthma, has an effect on the quality of life. Asthma affects people of all ages. It is a disease that causes a constriction in the patients? airways which leads to a feeling of suffocation which in turn produces a feeling of anxiety.Aim: The purpose is to illuminate which factors affect the quality of life in adult patients with asthma.Method: This is a literary review based on ten articles, both quantitative and qualitative, from four different continents.

?Man vill ju inte slå på stora trumman? : -en kvalitativ intervjustudie om svenska klädföretags CSR-kommunikation

Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify how Swedish clothing companies strategically communicate CSR ? the issue being that CSR communication is frequently scrutinized and criticized. This is examined using semi-structured interviews with six company representatives. The result is presented thematically, dealing with (1) conditions for CSR and CSR communication, (2) how to manage the issue with criticism and (3) which communication strategies companies use. Following conclusions are drawn: the companies can be divided into Mirvis and Googins phases integrated or engaged/innovative, with conditions characterizing these phases.

Värmlands museum : ?En studie om hur museet kan öka mångfalden bland besökarna.

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the crisis communication was perceived between SAS, massmedia and citizens during the volcano crisis in 2010. The questions posed are: - How did the communication between SAS, media and citizens function during the crisis? - How did senders, intermediaries and beneficiaries experience the information and communication during the crisis? - How important was the internet communication for SAS, media and citizens during the crisis?The collected material consists of interviews and desktop research of material from Internet.The study shows that the communication between SAS, the media and citizens worked well on the social medias but was weaker in all other mediachannels. SAS was also weak in following up information received by media and travelers, and they therefore they had a different picture of the situation during the crisis. SAS thought that the communication worked fine between the parties involved.

Ecklesiologi och arbetsmiljö

Abstract: When playing in teams, communication is important, not just communication with words but also non-verbal communication such as gestures and body languish. The purpose with this study is to see how there is a co-op among communicating players , between leaders and players and to examine what meaning communication and culture got  in a youth team. The ambition with this study was to increase our knowledge about communication and communicationculture in the youth floorball team. This study is qualitative and was inspired by an ethnographical method so we got the information from observations of a youth floorball team, totally we made four observations. The result were analyzed and categorized from our observation papers.

Barns upplevelse av rädsla vid vård på sjukhus, samt hur sjuksköterskan kan minska densamma

When children are hospitalized they will face a new and unknown environment. Many children experience this situation as stressful and with fear. It is important that the nurse is aware of this fact in order to facilitate the hospitalization for the child. The purpose of this study is to investigate the fear that children feel when they are hospitalized, and to investigate the meaning of being well prepared for clinical examinations and procedures. The method used was a literature review.

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