

7549 Uppsatser om Nurse patient communication - Sida 2 av 504

Narkossjuksköterskors upplevelse och erfarenhet av kommunikation mellan vårdpersonal i en akut situation : en intervjustudie

Background: Good communication is very important for the safety of patients in emergency situations. Few studies have been conducted regarding communication among health care staff. The aim of the present study was to investigate anesthetist nurses experience of communication among health care staff during a situation of emergency in a hospital ward.Methods: The study is explorative and based on interviews with six anesthetist nurses. A qualitative content analysis was used as an analyses model.Result: The six anesthetist nurses experienced structured communication as of great importance during an emergency situation. Three main categories appeared from the material: i) the importance of the organization ii) communication structure and communication patterns and iii) education and experience with nine subcategories.

Egenvård av stomi - en litteraturstudie om patientundervisningens betydelse

Background: There are many possible reasons why a patient gets a stoma and in every case it?s of importance for the nurse to adjust nursing care, information and patient education from individual presuppositions. Problem: Patient education regarding stoma self-care is an important part of the nurse?s work within stoma care. The patient is depending on the guidance of the nurse and therefore it is relevant to illuminate the importance of education regarding gaining ability to perform self-care.

Betydelsen av kommunikation i sjuksköterskans möte medäldre patienter som lider av demens : En litteraturöversikt

Background: The amount of elderly patients who?s suffering from dementhia increases every year. Many of these patients develop and decrease in their cognitive ability. The development can lead to people's communication skills deteriorate. It can be a problem for the nurse to communicate with these patients.

Att arbeta med tolk vid bedömningar : sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kvalitén

Background:Studies show that when nurses are experiencing problems in the care of non-Swedish speaking patients, it is often due to obstacles in the communication. Studies also show that a prerequisite for adequate care is that there is a basis for a direct communication. Nurses perceive interpreters as an important link to the patient when they do not share a mutual language, the nurses perceive interpreters as a bridge in the conversation.Aim:The purpose of the study is to describe nurses' experiences of the quality of assessments done with the help of an interpreter.Method:The study was conducted through interviews with ten nurses, working at psychiatric clinics. Qualitative content analysis was used for the analysis, which resulted in five categories.Results:The analysis resulted in one theme: "it´s the interpreter who tells me and have not the feeling that the patient has" and five categories: "shades of the language", "conversation structure", "the interpreter's competence", "interpreting implementing" and "the interpreter's gender and origin". The nurses experience working with interpreters as a challenge.

Närståendes behov av stöd vid palliativ vård

Background: Relatives are those persons who are closest to the patient, regardless of relationship and included into the patient´s life world. When a person is in a palliative stage this affects not only the patient but also the relatives, as it implies such a big change in life for all. The nurse has an important role for both the patient and the relatives. Aim: The aim is to highlight the relative´s needs of support for palliative care. Method: A literature review based on previous research. Ten articles were found, nine with a qualitative approach and one with both qualitative and quantitative approach. Results: The analysis resulted in six themes, these were the result of the study. The six themes were, ?to be seen an confirmed?, ?good communication?, ?continuous information?, ?availability and continuity?, ?to participate? and ?to share responsibility with the staff?. Conclusion: As a nurse we come in contact with relatives of patients in a palliative setting in any form.

Färdigheter som sjuksköterskor använder sig av för att skapa goda vårdrelationer i ambulans och på akutmottagning : en litteraturstudie

Background: Encounters between patient and health care have been shortened and fragmented. Times when the patient is in the continuum of care is related to how well the patient feels confirmed in the meeting with his/her carers. Aim : The aim of this study is to highlight skills that nurses use to provide good care relationships with patients in the ambulance and emergency room. Method: A literature review was done. Search for articles was conducted in the databases Cinahl and Pubmed.

Användning av WHO:s checklista för säkerhet vid operationer och operationssjuksköterskans medverkan.

Background: Surgical complications has been the main cause of medical injuries and deaths worldwide. In 2008 WHO developed the checklist for safe surgery to reduce the number of surgical complications. The objective of the checklist is to strengthen already established safety routines and contribute to better cooperation and communication. Research shows that compliance to the checklist is deficient, which can affect patient safety.Aim: The aim was to study the extent to which theatre nurses participate in the use of the checklist.Method: Observational study was conducted with a descriptive design and quantitative approach. 24 observations were carried out with aid of an observation protocol of two surgical units at a hospital in central Sweden.Result: The results showed that Timeout initiated widely but compliance to all items was considerably lower.

Patientens informations- och kommunikationsbehov vid cytostatikabehandling

Introduction Malignant lymphoma is the most common haematological blood cancer diagnosis. In spring 2013 a questionnaire was handed out to patients with various haematological malignancies. The results showed that the patients requested more verbal and written information about their disease and treatment. Providing information about chemotherapy and how it affects the patient's quality of life is part of the nursing care. Communication between nurse and patient is very important to share experiences and knowledge with each other Aim The aim is to describe the information and communication patients with malignant lymphoma demand, based on their own experience, in meeting with the nurse before and during curative chemotherapy treatment at a haematology outpatient clinic.

Det perioperativa samtalet-nyexaminerade operationssjuksköterskors uppfattningar

The perioperative nurse's primary responsibility is to care for the patient during the operation?s three phases; before, during and after. The communication between colleagues in the surgical department is increasing opportunities for safe care for the patient and a good dialogue with the patient can alleviate the concerns facing the unknown environment such as an operating theater. The pilot study was to investigate the surgical nurses' perceptions of conversations with the patient one year after graduation. To answer the pilot study's aim a qualitative interview study was chosen with a phenomenographic approach.

Det främsta arbetsredskapet ? Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av det vårdande samtalet med patienter inom psykiatrisk öppenvård

Introduction: The conversation is one of the main components of the nursing process in psychiatric care. The preunderstanding on this research field is described based on theoretical concepts that together form the basis for understanding the study; nurse's role in psychiatric care, communication and caring relationship, as well as theories of the caring conversation and person-centered care. Research on the caring conversation as a theory and how it is experienced by patients existed, however, no research from the nurse's perspective was found.Aim: The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experiences of the caring conversation with patients in psychiatric open care units.Method: Qualitative research interviews were conducted with six nurses working in outpatient psychiatric care in the west region in Sweden. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and then analyzed according to the qualitative content analysis as described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004).Results: Four categories with related subcategories were distinguished throughout the analysis: The caring conversation, The importance of the care plan, Limitations and Caring based on the patients narrative.Discussion: An uncertainty about what caring conversation is and what it should contain creates uncertainty in the nurse's work. This results in a need for training for the individual nurse and the further research to obtain evidence for the importance of conversation in caring work.

Att bli värdigt bemött : En tvärsnittstudie om bemötande på akutvårdsavdelningar ur patientens perspektiv

Previous research and patient complaints to the Swedish Patient Support Committee shows that there is a lack of substance in the patient-nurse relationship. This may suggest that it can be difficult for health care to live up to health-care law which requires it to be of good quality, based on dignity and respect and designed so that the patient is an active participant and can make their own decisions when it comes to their health care. For a better understanding of what a dignified patient-nurse relationship is, this study aims to clarify what the patient values as good patient-nurse relationship and describe how they have experienced the patient-nurse relationship during their stay at an emergency care department. The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, where the population consisted of patients who were cared for at an emergency care department in the County of Västmanland, Sweden during 2007. The sample consisted of 93 patients which were asked to answer a questionnaire.


ABSTRACTBackground: The incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide. Early intervention in form of medication, advice on self-management and lifestyle changes is necessary to avoid complications. Few Swedish studies are made on the diabetes nurse?s views on promotion of self- management.Purpose: To examine the diabetes specialist nurse?s experience of promoting self-management to patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care.  Method: A qualitative explorative study where eight diabetes nurses were interviewed. The interview guide consisted of semistructed questions concerning the promotion of self-management.Results: The diabetes nurse?s role in promoting patient self-management is significant, if resources are available in the form of adequate time for the patient and good team work.

Sjuksköterskans yrkesroll och patientrollen i ett historiskt perspektiv : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Aim: The aim of this qualitative interview study was to describe the nurse's professional role and the role as a patient during different time periods. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, where respondents had a link to the nursing profession, either as a student, now working nurse or retired nurse. Method: The data were analyzed using a content analysis. Result: The older nurses believe that nurses today has a high status and is seen as a well-read and well informed person. Most respondents believe that collaboration between nurses and doctors has improved since past.

Sjuksköterskors kommunikation med patienter som vårdas i respirator : Nurses? communication with patients during mechanical ventilation

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe intensive care nurses? experiences communicating with patients during mechanical ventilation.Methods/design: A qualitative interview study. Interviews where analyzed using descriptive content analysisSetting: Nine intensive care nurses from two different intensive care units were interviewed using a semi structured interview guide.Background: Past research has shown that patients during mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit, feel very vulnerable and the helplessness of being unable to speak. These patients feels that they are completely dependent on the nurses and their competence. It has been shown to be very important that the patient feels included, acknowledged and respected.Results: The analyzed data resulted in a theme; through communication strive to preserve patients´ dignity and three main categories; create relationship to the patient, minimize patients´ vulnerability and don´t give up.

Sjuksköterskors dilemma när patienten motsätter livsavgörande vårdinsatser : en litteraturstudie

Background   The patient's rights to self-determine their own health care is described in Swedish legislation and guidelines. However, due to infancy, unconsciousness, severe brain damage or certain diseases, some patients might be unable to make such decisions. Ethically difficult situations do occur, not infrequently associated with culture. Since the patient is vulnerable, there is a risk that the patient in the treatment and care can not be bothered to maintain right to autonomy and that the nurse violates patient integrity.Aim                 The aim of this study was to illustrate the nurse's dilemma when the patient refuses vital caring efforts.Method           A literature review of eight scientific articles with a qualitative approach was performed.Results           The results revealed the following domains to describe the nurse's dilemma when the patient refuses vital care interventions: patients? reasons for treatment refusal, the nurse's understanding of the patient's refusal of care and contradictory legislationConclusion     More knowledge and discussion of the patient's decision-making competence is needed for both the nursing profession and those who make decisions on legislation..

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