

7549 Uppsatser om Nurse patient communication - Sida 10 av 504

Cancerpatienters behov av kommunikation och information

Background: Cancer disease is one of the most common diseases in Sweden andradiotherapy is one of the regimens available for the treatment of cancer. Radiotherapycan be delivered as single treatment or be divided into several fractions that last forweeks. Radiotherapy can cause side effects that may occur during or at the end oftreatment. Information and communication is an integral part of all treatments and care.The oncology nurse should attempt to ease for the patients to communicate, participatein the care, receive information and enhance the ability to self-care.Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the patients? needs for communication andinformation with oncology nurse during their meeting through radiotherapy.Method: This pilot study was conducted on six patients with different cancer diagnosis.It was a qualitative study, were data was collected through individual interviews usingsemi-structured questions.

Behandling av bensår ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv

Swedish studies have shown that more people than expected have problems with leg ulcers and that the yearly cost for treatment per patient is approximately 26 500kr. Since the elderly population is on the rise, there is a need to highlight this growing problem, to make sure that proper assessment tools are used and to improve the standard of care given to patients with leg ulcers. The aim was to show what a difference the nurse can make to patients with leg ulcers. With all types of wounds it is imperative to establish if there is any underlying reasons since certain illnesses can cause more wounds or delay the healing process. The doctor is responsible for making the diagnosis and to prescribe the correct treatment whereas the nurse?s responsibility is for the nursing care and its documentation.

Sjuksköterskans roll och behov av utökad utbildning i palliativ vård : en litteraturstudie

Palliative care is a care that focuses on providing end of life care but not to delay or hasten death. Despite training, nurses often show a lack of knowledge in attitude, ethics and healthcare issues of palliative care. The nurse in palliative care has a central role in caring of the dying patient and therefore a big responsibility. However, palliative care is a low priority in basic training. The aim of this study is to investigate the roles of nurses in palliative care and if there is a need for increased education in the subject.

När skötaren leder läraren

The leadership within healthcare is a constantly discussed subject. The discussion today is evolving around the physicians' lack of strive towards becoming managers within healthcare organizations. Furthermore the leadership that the nurse practice when becoming manager is on the other hand not discussed. The purpose of this study is to describe important factors of the leadership the nurse practice upon physicians in a healthcare organization as well as to explain why that is. To fulfill this purpose, we have used a qualitative case study research design including a private Swedish healthcare company.

FRÅN ÖPPENHET OCH NÄRVARO-TILL DISTANS OCH KONTROLL : Att medicineras och att administrera ur ett patient- och sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Title: From openness and presence to distance and control: to be medicated and to administrate from a patient and nurse perspective.Background: Within forensic psychiatric care the patients are admitted against their will, under heavy security with long term treatments. Self-care seems, based on scientific studies, to be dependent on what the nurses involved can provide. Emphasis should focus on a humane and respectful approach when the patient is exposed to coercive measures.Aim: From a patient and nurse perspective describe experiences of beeing medicated with and to administrate antipsychotic drugs within the psychiatric inpatient care.Method: Interviews with patients and nurses, which were analyzed using qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach.Results: Patients experience frustration over not beeing able to participate in or influence descisions made regarding their neuroleptic treatment. The neuroleptic treatment is described as a coercive measure and is characterized as an experience of losing control and independence. Nurses? experiences of administering antipsychotics were described as having to do what is needed for the long term benefit of patients? well-being.

"Att känna sig som något lätt fjäderaktigt" : äldre människors upplevda hälsa och vårdande som stödjer deras hälsoprocess på särskilt boende

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe intensive care nurses? experiences communicating with patients during mechanical ventilation.Methods/design: A qualitative interview study. Interviews where analyzed using descriptive content analysisSetting: Nine intensive care nurses from two different intensive care units were interviewed using a semi structured interview guide.Background: Past research has shown that patients during mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit, feel very vulnerable and the helplessness of being unable to speak. These patients feels that they are completely dependent on the nurses and their competence. It has been shown to be very important that the patient feels included, acknowledged and respected.Results: The analyzed data resulted in a theme; through communication strive to preserve patients´ dignity and three main categories; create relationship to the patient, minimize patients´ vulnerability and don´t give up.

Kommunikation i djursjukvården : ett arbete om god kommunikation för bästa möjliga vård

SammanfattningDet här arbetet är en litteraturstudie. Arbetet tar upp litteratur om kommunikation i vården främst från humansidan, men även en del veterinärlitteratur. Arbetet tar upp grunden för kommunikation och olika kommunikationsmodeller. Vidare tas sjuksköterskans roll upp och hur den kan påverka relationen till patienten genom professionalism, empati, människosyn och medmänsklighet. Det handlar även om vad litteraturen säger om effekten av behandling som ett resultat av kommunikation samt hur man kan mäta effekten av behandling.

En samtalsanalytisk studie av kommunikativa strategier och professionell interaktion mellan logoped-patient med afasi och arbetsterapeutpatient med afasi

In the present study, the institutional discourse in health care was examined, focusing onspeech therapists and occupational therapists in interaction with a common patient withaphasia. The purpose of the present study was to identify common communication strategiesused in the professional conversation between a speech therapist and a patient and between anoccupational therapist and the same patient. Specific research questions were: Whatcommunicative strategies are used in interaction between a speech therapist and a patient withaphasia and between the occupational therapist and the same patient? Are theredifferences/similarities between how speech therapists and occupational therapists interactwith patients with aphasia?Six people in total, two patients in interaction with a speech therapist and an occupationaltherapist respectively, were recorded during treatment sessions of each profession. Generaland specific aspects of the institutional interaction were then analysed according to principlesof conversation analysis.Similarities in the use of closed questions as a strategy to increase the effectiveness ininteraction could be seen between the two different professions studied.

Sjuksköterskestudenters uppfattningar av betydelsefulla omvårdnadsbeteenden för att ge patienter en god omvårdnad.

AbstractThe aim with the study was to describe and to compare nurse students' views about importantcaring behaviors in order to give good caring. An empirical comparative study wasimplemented on a college in the middle of Sweden. Nurse students in the beginning and at theend of their education sorted and prioritized 50 caring behaviors (CARE-Q). The result showedthat the students' description of important caring behaviors has many similarities. However, theresult also showed that there were significant differences between the student-groups where thestudents at the beginning of their education rated several caring behavior as significant moreimportant than the students in the end of their education.

Individualiserad omvårdnad : Begreppsanalys ur ett omvårdnadsteoretiskt perspektiv

Individualiserad omvårdnad är något både patienter och sjukvårdspersonal strävar efter. För att legitimera individualiserad omvårdnad som eftersträvansvärd krävs dock en förankring av begreppet i omvårdnadsvetenskaplig litteratur. Studiens syfte är att utifrån omvårdnadsvetenskaplig litteratur undersöka:? Vad individualiserad omvårdnad är? Hur denna individualiserade omvårdnad beskrivs i omvårdnadsteoretisk litteratur? Hur individualiserad omvårdnad kan uppnås? Hur omvårdnad kan se ut när den inte är individualiseradDatamaterialet består av omvårdnadsteoretisk litteratur från sent 1800-tal fram till idag och resultatet visar att individualiserad omvårdnad är grunden för god omvårdnad. Denna goda och individualiserade omvårdnad skapas i en jämbördig relation mellan sjuksköterska och patient, en relation där sjuksköterskan lyssnar och kommunicerar.

Skattning av biverkningar : Sjuksköterske- och patientuppfattning om behandlingsrelaterade biverkningar vid stamcellstransplantation.

A possible treatment for patients with lymphoma and myeloma is stem cell transplantation (SCT). SCT is preceded with cytostatic treatment. There are several side effects related to this treatment, for example fatigue, nausea, constipation/diarrhoea, pain, mucositis and loss of appetite. Aim: Investigate which side effects related to the treatment where most troubling after SCT and if nurse assessment and patient assessment differ. Methods: A quantitative empirical study with repeated measuring.

Ökad kunskap hos sjuksköterskor om orsaker till bristande följsamhet förbättrar patienters delaktighet

In today?s health care it?s most common to treat an illness with a kind of pharmaceutical preparation. But lack of resources, given information and bad communication and collaboration between the patient and the nursing staff can lead to a patient unwilling to follow the doctor?s prescription. This does not just affect the individual patient?s health but it can also result in consequences for other people and the whole society.

Sjuksköterskans undervisande funktion i det förebyggande arbetet med diabetespatienter : en litteraturstudie

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that brings great changes in every individual's way of living. The goal in diabetes treatment is that the individual will be able to live a normal life, with normal length. To achieve this there is need to avoid complications, both acute and long-term. To be able to do this this the patient need knowledge about the illness and how to adjust pharmacological treatment to diet and exercise. In this, patient education is an important part.

Kulturellt inlärda och överförda värderingar, normer och synsätt relaterat till fysisk smärta

Pain and pain treatment constitute a huge part of the general nurses work. For that reason the nurse is required to have great knowledge about this area. The fact that our society is getting more multicultural increase the nurses demands even more, to understand and treat pain in patients of foreign cultural background. The aim of this literature review is to examine which culturally learned and trans-ferred valuations, norms and approaches that appear related to physical pain. The aim is also to examine the most appropriate ways for the nurse to show respect and to get more information about this cultural experience in the encounter with the patient.

Sjuksköterskans syn på svårigheter i telefonrådgivning: En litteraturstudie. : Difficulties in telephone advice as perceived by registered nurses: A literature study.

Background.Telephone advice increases the accessibility to health care and the streamlined work at primary health care centres. The goal of telephone advice nursing is to give the caller a correct advice, adapted to the caller?s situation, in order to reach correct care level. However, registered nurse?s telephone advice includes risks for misjudgement.

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