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Marknadsföringsrätt : En deskriptiv studie av regleringen kring TV-reklam i Sverige och Italien

Title: Law of Marketing ? A Descriptive Study of Marketing in Sweden and Italy with focal point on TV-commercials(Marknadsföringsrätt ? En deskriptiv studie av marknadsföring I Sverig och Italien med inriktning på TV-reklam) Number of pages: 34 Author: Astrid Lidman Tutor: Göran Svensson Course: Media and Communication C Period: Fall -09 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: My goal with this study is to see the differences and similarities that can be found in the Swedish and Italian Law of Marketing. I want to compare the results to see how our different laws are still able to reach the same results concerning the protecting of our public from bad advertisement. Material/Methods: I?ve been reading laws concerning marketing. I started out my research from different commissions from EU.

Förankring av miljöarbete i organisationer : en fallstudie på Danisco Sweden AB

Idag blir det allt vanligare och vanligare att företag inför miljöledningssystem. Det görs av flera olika anledningar. Det kan vara ett försök att trygga sin plats på den framtida marknaden eller så kan det vara ett direkt resultat av ett tryck utifrån. Men vad innebär det egentligen att införa ett miljöledningssystem och hur förankras miljöarbetet hos personalen. Det var några av de frågor som dök upp under praktikkursen på Miljövetarprogrammet under våren 2003 vilken gjordes på Danisco Sweden AB.

Jämförelse mellan renskötsel och betesbaserad fårskötsel

This essay describes and compares the extensive reindeer management to the more intensive, but grazing based, sheep management system in Sweden. Differences and similarities between the two production systems will be investigated by elucidating the economy, land use and possibilities to influence production and economy through breeding, feeding and product development. The reindeer management area covers the northern part of Sweden whilst the sheep management is dispersed over the country. Both reindeer and sheep are ruminants and have relatively high demands on the quality and digestibility of the feed however reindeers graze on mountain-and forest lands whilst sheep often graze inaccessible areas or cultivated grasslands. Selection intensity is generally lower in the reindeer management compared to the intensity in sheep breeding.

Vindfällning, tillväxt och plantuppslag i en 13-årig granskärm i Medelpad :

The interest for alternative forest regeneration methods increased significantly during the 1990´s after 50 years dominance of the clear-cutting system (Holgén & Hånell 2000). One reason for this was that clear-cutting was being more and more questioned by different envi-ronmental organizations and because the forest sector for economical reasons wanted to find cheaper ways to regenerate forests. In the beginning of the 1990´s two shelterwood experi-ments were established in a joint effort by Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA) and the Dept of Silviculture, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The experiments include various forms of cutting and shelterwood densities and represent productive spruce forests in central and North Sweden (Roggsjön in the province of Medelpad and Skikkis-jöberg in the province of Västerbotten, respectively ). The experiment next to Roggsjön has been reported earlier in three MSc theses, and is also the focus of this thesis.

Goodwill, aktieägarens vän eller fiende? : En kvantitativ studie av hur goodwillpostens storlek pa?verkar fo?retags fo?rma?ga att ge avkastning till aktiea?garna

We investigate if the size of goodwill compared to total assets has any effect on the shareholders return on companies listed on the Swedish Stock market. We put up two different hypotheses with a foundation from previous research and later dismiss one of them. Our evidence does not show any indicators that the size of goodwill have an effect on the shareholders return, which brings us to believe that there, from a share holders point of view, isn?t any need for concern regarding the standards about accounting for goodwill as stated by IFRS. .

A Long Day?s Journey into Night ? examining the Swedish model, present and future

In this essay we strive to examine how the social work in Sweden will be affected if the Swedish welfare model goes through fundamental changes. The study illuminates the close connection between the Swedish collective bargaining model and the Swedish welfare system. The questions we present in this essay, and hopefully answer satisfactory, are: is the Swedish welfare model subject to thorough changes? How will such a change alter the social work in Sweden?, is the Swedish collective bargaining model in a state of modification? Would a modification in the collective bargaining model have effects on the Swedish welfare model?We have used a qualitative method in collecting empirical material. We interviewed three representatives, who worked for Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, IF Metall and The Swedish Municipal Workers respectively.

Tillblivelsen av "Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek"

The study's aim is to create an understanding for the question why Sweden in 1921chose to create its own classification system for public libraries instead of adapting e.g.the Dewey-system which - at this time - was internationally we11 spread. It examines thesocial changes which proceeded the creation of the Swedish Library Association (SLA)in 1915 and discusses in depth the work of the committee appointed by SLA to createthe classification system. Special interest is also given to the relation between SLACSand the Dewey-system.The study shows that the main influence on the codttee's work was the formerSwedish tradition of classification practice. The Dewey-system was seen as inappropriateto adapt in the Swedish libraries because of the vast changes that wouldhave to be done, and the fact that the decimal notation was practically unused in anylibraries in Sweden.From a methodological point of view, the study tries to apply a critical hermeneuticalapproach as developed by Paul Ricoeur.The study contains an extended English summary..

Borde Sverige gå från ett spelmonol till ett licenssystem gällande EMV lotterier? : En kostnadsnyttoanalys

The gambling industry goes from a national matter towards an international market. Since more and more members of EU does liberalise the gambling reforms and introduces a license system more participants will get an EU license for online gambling. With an EU license it is difficult for members of the EU to refuse a company to offer a gambling supply on the Internet if they don?t have an open license system. This paper tries to acknowledge the problem regarding the monopoly Sweden has today and calculate the effect if Sweden would move to a license system regarding online gambling by doing a cost benefit analysis.

Lobbying - sunt förnuft eller lagstiftad reglering? : En studie om politikers och PR-praktikers åsikter om lobbyreglering i Sverige

Sweden currently has no legislated regulation of lobbying, but the professional lobbyist can voluntarily subscribe to, among others, the professional code of standars created by the trade association of Public Relations, Precis. There is an ongoing discussion in Sweden to regulate lobbying, both in mass media and in politics. This study examines this debate and focus on which arguments there are for and against lobbying regulation in Sweden. It also attempts to identify the differences, if there are any, between left and rights parties with regards to their views on regulation of lobbying.Tha main method used was document analysis of parliamentary bills which have been raised concerning a lobbying regulation in Sweden. In the theory section, I include four different types of requirements placed on democratic lobbying (se for example Jaatinen 1998, Kitchen 1999, Larsson 2005, Möller 2009 and Naurin 2001).

Textilindustrins avloppsvatten och avloppsslam ur ett miljöperspektiv : Underlag för internationella riktlinjer inom projektet Sweden Textile Water Initiative

The aim of my thesis is to obtain knowledge of textile wastewater and textile sludge from an environmental perspective, which can be used as a basis for the  ?Sweden Textile Water Initiative? guidelines for a sustainable sludge management. In my study I have mainly focused on textile dyes, salts and metals and their routes during wastewater treatment.This paper is partly a literature review, which I began by identifying the pollutants discharged from each textile process. Then I studied wastewater and sludge quality, environmental aspects, possible treatment and recycling methods. I have also tried to find existing type of guidelines in order to make comparisons.

Artificiell Insemination (AI) hos hund : en sammanställning över användandet av seminering inom hundaveln i Sverige under åren 1995-2004

The use of artificial insemination (A.I.) as an alternative to normal mating in dog breeding in Sweden are controlled by regulations from the Swedish Board of Agriculture and by ethical rules assigned by the Swedish Kennel Club. Only veterinarians, who have a specific certificate and are specially trained and educated, are allowed to perform inseminations in dogs. Each artificial insemination must be documented and reported to the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) which, on the behalf of the Swedish Board of Agriculture, yearly presents statistics concerning the use of A.I. in Sweden. The objective of this study was to illustrate the use of artificial insemination in dog breeding in Sweden for the last decade, using the yearly reports from the Kennel Club during the period of 1995 to 2004.

Byggnadsintegrerade solcellssystem : Solceller som byggnadsmaterial

This thesis aims to identify the building integrated photovoltaic solutions available in the market with respect to general pros and cons of different systems and a technical description of there attachment system. Investigate and provide examples of various building integrated photovoltaic solutions in Sweden and describe the experiences and results of these projects.The methods used to obtain relevant information are interviews with individuals involved in significant projects and a thorough search of different solutions from solar suppliers.The conclusion is that solar energy is needed for a sustainable society. There are endless opportunities regarding BIPV, with many companies with different products and individual solutions. But so far it?s not so customary in Sweden.

Vad styr sortimentet hos svenska perennaodlare? : en studie baserad på sju företag i Sydsverige

The purpose of this study is to clarify the most important factors that affect Swedish perennial growers when designing their assortment. The study describes how herbaceous perennials are produced in Sweden today and try to give an answer to the question how growing method and choice of assortment are affecting the possibilities of Swedish producers to compete on the market. Seven perennial growers in the southern and western parts of Sweden have been interviewed about their production methods and on what basis they design the assortment of perennials. During the interviews five factors seem to be the most important when the growers choose which species to grow ? profitability, the characteristics of the species, the sales channel/customer, the growing environment/growing facility and the grower?s interest and knowledge. It is often a combination of these five factors deciding if a cultivar will be grown or not. .

Matlandet Sverige : Kopplingen mellan den svenska matkulturen och besöksnäringen

The purpose of this study is to examine how a particular niche in tourism can attract international visitors to a certain destination. To do this, the Swedish food culture was used as a tool to find out how it is marketed to attract international visitors to Sweden. International visitors today wants to find destinations with a rich culture, authentications and traditions to get closer to the destinations identity. The study examines how three of the biggest companies, who works with the promotion of Sweden to an international audience, using the Swedish food culture as a marketing tool. We find that the visitor would like to get closer to the Swedish identity, which the Swedish food culture helps with..

Studier av habitatval och revirstrukturer hos vassångare (Locustella luscinioides) i Tåkern

The Savi?s Warbler (Locustella luscinioides) is a recently established bird species in a few reedy shallow lakes of southern Sweden and has only been found nesting for the last twenty years. Little is known about the species' habitat preferences, breeding biology and demands for specific territory structures at breeding sites in Sweden. Knowledge of a newly established species? habitat requirements is essential to maintain a viable population and design action plans.

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