

7574 Uppsatser om North Sweden - Sida 5 av 505

Poppel - en möjlighet i norra Sverige?

The countries in the European Union have agreed to increase their percentage renewable energy sources to 20 %. To reach this goal an increase of biomass production needs to be made. One way of achieving this is by using nonnative species. Poplar in Sweden produces biomass faster than the domestic trees. In the southern parts of Sweden plantations has been made with good results. In the northern parts survival is a problem that needs to be solved before plantations can be made for commercial use.

Kultur ? en förmån eller en rättighet? ? Kulturförmedlares tankar kring kulturutbudet i nordöstra Skåne

This Master?s thesis explores the staff responsible for children?s culture in the south of Sweden, in north-east Scania. This thesis seeks to answer the following questions: What kind of culture is offered to children in their spare time? Can children influence culture in the investigated region, and do the people in charge listen to the children?s ideas? How are children in the region informed about cultural events? In my research I used enquiries and worked with the investigation program Query & Report to collect the material. The study consists of the staff, i.e.

North Base : ett upplevelsecenter i subarktiskt klimat

Utgångspunkten för examensarbetet var att med ett arkitektoniskt förslag kommentera urbaniseringens effekter för små orter på landsbygden. Första fasen i projektet bestod av en bred analys av orten Arvidsjaur. Den andra fasen bestod i att forma förslaget. Förslaget blev en innovation baserad på en sammansmältning av följande kvaliteter i Arvidsjaur:- Försvarsmaktens vinterenhet och fjälljägare- Biltestningsindustrin- Ökande naturturism- Bra serviceutbud- Exotisk natur och klimat- God infrastrukturPå grund av att fler människor numer bor i storstäder har intresset för turistresor till den orörda naturen ökat. Den starkast växande gruppen är personer som både vill ut i naturen och samtidigt ha närhet till god service och bekvämlighet.

Faktorer som påverkar vindkraftsutbyggnaden

Wind power is expanding rapidly in Sweden. Increasing amounts of wind power sets higher requirements on balancing power and grid expansions and would affect the whole Swedish electricity system. The aim of this report is to examine the factors affecting the wind power expansion in Sweden. How many wind power plants projects will obtain building permissions and what costs and revenues can be expected? How much balancing power will be required and does a changing geographical distribution of the wind power plants reduce the need of balancing power?A survey of the county board?s official applications has been made and out of all the applications, corresponding to 80 TWh produced per year, about half of the applications are expected to obtain a permit with a major portion of them located in the north of Sweden.Especially older wind power plants, deriving revenue from Nord pool, find themselves today in a complicated financial situation.

Samspelet mellan ekologi, produktionsförhållande, politik och sociokulturella faktorer gällande Östersjöns torskbestånd från 1970-talet till 2003

The study begins with a historical background over the fisheries development in North America and in the Baltic Sea area in Finland and Sweden. As we can see the fisheries development depends on the interaction between ecology, state of production, politic and also social factors. In Sweden the fishery politic has changed over the period of the study. In the 1970: s the main politic focus was on the fisheries progress, expansion and rationalization. The State in Sweden took a vast part in this development and gave economic support.

Contortatallens odlingsvärde i Götaland

The third most common conifer in Sweden is Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine). It originates from the western part of North America and was brought here in the end of the 1920s. The lodgepole pine is today allowed for commercial plantations in central and northern Sweden, excluding high altitude locations. Since 1979 only plantations with scientific purpose are allowed in south-central and south Sweden. This document is focused on how lodgepole pine manage perform compared with Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) in the southernmost part of Sweden, Götaland. The idea came from the fact that the Swedish government is evaluating a notification from the National Forest Agency that suggests lodgepole pine to be allowed for commercial plantation even in southern Sweden.

Sjunkande pH i Västerbottens humuslager : en kvantitativ analys

Acidification is a central concept in the environmental debate. The effect of acidification of the soil is a matter of a decreasing amount of cations and thereby a decreasing ability to resist a supply of hydrogen ions to the soil. Acidification has gradually increased in the O horizon in Västerbotten over a 30-year period from the 1970th to the 1990th. The aim of this study was from inventories of The Swedish National Forest Soil Survey and The Swedish National Forest Inventory explain and quantify the acidification that has occurred in the O horizon of two regions in the north of Sweden. Data from SMHI, The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, has also been used.

Radioktivt cesium (Cs-137) i vildsvin (Sus scrofa) från Tjernobyldrabbade områden i Sverige

In April 1986 an accident occurred at the nuclear power station in Chernobyl. Radionuclides were spread all over Europe including Sweden. Today there are still measurable concentrations of 137Cs in the different ecosystems in the contaminated parts of Sweden. The wild boar is the second most popular game in Sweden and today the Swedish population consumes more wild boar meat than ever. As the wild boar population increases the wild boars are moving further north towards the contaminated areas, which creates an interest to study the state of 137Cs in wild boars in these areas. Muscle samples from wild boars collected during 2010-2013 were analyzed based on 137Cs content.

Hur animerar man enligt en kunds önskemål och storyboard?

Mina mål i denna uppsats är att beskriva hur man animerar så att kunden blir nöjd. Vad har kunden för inverkan på processen? Vad ska man tänka på? Projektet vi genomförde var att göra en trailer till ett spel som North Kingdom utvecklat till Disney. Vad gick bra i projektet? Vad gick mindre bra? Vad kunde ha gjorts annorlunda? Jag går igenom de grundläggande principerna inom animation och vad de används till.

Nytt ventilationssystem till djurstallar :

There is two dairy farms in Sweden with ability to be opened on both long sides, one outside Hjo and the other one, Brandstadholm, north of Sjöbo. When there is no measures and results or not enough literature about natural ventilation and especially on this kind of air inlet, makes my tests very interesting not only on Alnarp, but among other companies. I would like to find out if there is any air movements direct on the cows, how high/low temperature, air humidity, light intensity and noise standard inside the barn. Does Brandstadholm fulfil the rules and regulations when it comes to climate inside the barn? Could this system become the new dairy barn instead of the conventional barns in Sweden? I am going to focus on the animals environment, after all they are the one who is going to spend the most of the time in the barn. I used five electrical loggers distributed inside the barn to measure the temperature and one of the loggers measured the air humidity, every 15th minute. One logger were placed on the outside which measured both temperature and air humidity.

Upplevelser på Visitor Centers: En konceptutveckling av utställningen på Visitor Centre i världsarvet Gammelstads kyrkstad

Visitor Centers were first established at various national parks in North America. Most Visitor Centers were built in the ten-year period following 1952. The purpose of the Visitor Centers was to welcome visitors and enhance their experience of the national parks. Today there are Visitor Centers all around the world, connected to different places or attractions. Many of the Visitor Centers that exist today, especially those in the national parks in North America, were built during the information society.

REE-förande fosfater i Blötbergets apatitjärnmalm

The Blötberget deposit is situated in the north-western part of Bergslagen. The mineralization is an apatite-iron oxide ore of Kiruna type. In Bergslagen the apatite-iron oxide ores occur along a zone from Grängesberg through Blötberget to Idkerberget in the northeast and they represent the largest and the most important iron oxide deposit in Sweden, south of Norrbotten.Different REE hosting phosphate phases has been studied by optical microscopy and analyzed by EDS attached to an electron microscope.The key minerals other than iron oxides are apatite, monazite and xenotime. The relative concentration of the REE-bearing phases differs from the other apatite-iron oxide mineralizations in the area, for example Grängesberg, by a higher concentration of xenotime and lower contents of allanite..

Viktiga aspekter i samverkansformen NCC Projektstudio : En intervjustudie för NCC

The projecting time in the construction industry needs to become more efficient toshorten the amount of time it takes to project a build. One of the North's leadingconstruction company NCC constuction Sweden AB has developed a form ofcollaboration called ?NCC project studio? that they use in some projects today.My thesis consists in bringing forth the most important aspects of the collaborationform called NCC project studio. The point of this is to use my thesis to help thecompany develop a quality document that can assist them when starting collaborationbased on NCC project studio in the future.The conclusion of my thesis was that much of the focus needs to be on explaining tothe participants what NCC is aiming to gain from working with the NCC projectstudio and also which important parts that needs to be worked on..

Nya Marknadsplatser ? Regelverkens påverkan

Uppsatsen behandlar skillnader i regelverken på NGM Equity, First North och Aktietorget samt hur detta påverkar företagen på respektive marknadsplats. Fär att förklara de förhållandena som råder mellan marknadsplatsen, företagen och investerare använder vi oss av teorierna: Det finansiella gapet, Legitimitetsteorin och Intressentteorin. I uppsatsen har vi kommit fram till att de nya marknadsplatserna fyller en viktig funktion för mindre och medelstora företag i tillväxtfas. Vi har dock konstaterat att det föreligger vissa brister gällande upprätthållandet och praxis i det nuvarande gällande regelverken. Detta kan vara en bidragande orsak till att handeln inte alltid fungerar ändamålsenligt.

En uppsats om hur golfklubbar kan anpassa sig till den individuella golfaren

Since 2005, the number of golf members in Swedish golf clubs has declined. This is a major problem for many golf clubs since it can lead to over establishment of golf courses. This essay is about how golf clubs in North West Skåne, the second golf densest area in the world, work to maintain their members. The sample consists of eight golf clubs which have been geographic delimited by a 30 km radius out of Helsingborg. The research is based on qualitative interviews with the manager of each golf club.

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