1414 Uppsatser om Nordic Capital - Sida 9 av 95
Räntabilitet och kapitalstruktur i svenska börsbolag: En analys av utvecklingen från 1990 till 2004
The aim of this thesis is to describe the development of profitability and capital structure in Swedish quoted companies during the period of 1990 to 2004. Further, the aim is to determine the relationship between profitability and leverage in order to conclude whether the choice of capital structure supports the pecking order theory or the trade-off theory of capital structure. The findings show that return on assets fluctuates between 3 and 11 percent and that return on equity fluctuates between 3 and 22 percent during the period. Further, the leverage and the cost of debt have decreased. This indicates lowered financial risk in Swedish quoted companies in the period between 1990 and 2004.
Competitive Advantages in Professional Football Clubs - A Resource-Based Analysis
Title: Competitive Advantages in Professional Football Cubs ? A Resource-Based Analysis Authors: Daniel Grass, Mattias Holst, Bengt Jönsson Semester: Spring 2001 Supervisors: Leif Edvinsson, Allan T. Malm Problem: In order to be a successful football club, the management team has to consider a variety of business issues. Since money is having such an impact on the football industry of today, the financial status of the clubs sets the condition for how clubs are able to achieve their main objective, i.e. to be successful on the football field.
Forskningsbiblioteket som mötesplats : En ny sida av forskningsbibliotekets uppdrag?
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the research library of Linnæus University is used by students as a meeting place. Building upon Putnam's theory of bonding and bridging social capital and Audunson's conception of high and low intensive meeting places, it aims to explore the research library's potential for creating social capital and thus strengthening both learning and democracy in a university context. Borrowing part of the survey design from a study conducted as part of the Norwegian PLACE project, this study collects responses from 134 students as to their use of the library as a meeting place. The results show that the Linnæus University library is used for a variety of meetings of both high and low intensity, why it should provide a good setting for the creation of social capital. There seems to be a connection between how often one visits the library, as well as to which department one belongs, and how one uses the library as a meeting place.
Kapitalreglering - Finansmarknadernas räddning, eller bara ett spel för galleriet?
Background: The regulation of banks is increasing in order to stabilize the financial market. Despite this increase in regulation, financial crises still continue to occur. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is gradually increasing the capital requirements for banks, yet the increase in capital requirements doesn?t seem to solve the problem. This raises the question: how does capital regulation affect banks? Purpose: The purpose of this study is, primarily to illustrate the effects that capital regulation has on risk and efficiency on banks within the European Union, but secondary also study the relationship between risk, efficiency and capital regulation.Method: To achieve the purpose of this study, a deductive approach has been used, where the problem is assumed to be due to an agency problem.
Riskkapital : Roller, Involvering och Värdeskapande
In order to drive innovation and growth in a nation is it important to have innovative companies. Many of those innovative companies are smaller companies, which are in need of capital injections for expansion of its operations or to be able to produce a commercial product. In many cases the banks will not lend because they believe there is too great a risk that they will not get their money back. It is in this situation venture capital becomes interesting. Venture capitalists? see the potential the product and/or entrepreneur possesses and are therefore more willing to take the risk in investing in these companies.
Framtagning av nya materialvagnar för kastgrenar inom friidrott
Detta projekt är resultatet av ett examensarbete från en Civilingenjör i Teknisk Design med inriktningen Produktutveckling vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet. Projektet har utförts i samarbete med Nordic Sport AB och handlar om att utveckla nya vagnar för kastgrenarna inom friidrotten; spjut, kula, diskus och slägga.De tänkta kundernas behov av funktion och estetiska krav undersöktes genom informationsinsamlig i form av marknadsundersökningar, konkurrentanalyser, enkäter och intervjuer med företaget. Med hjälp av den insamlade informationen sammanställdes en kravspecifikation som stöd under projektets gång.Genom ett systematiskt arbete med problemlösningsmetoder som bland annat brainstorming och en workshop så togs en stor mängd dellösningar fram som kunde uppfylla de krav och önskemål som ställdes på de nya vagnarna. Utifrån dessa dellösningar konstruerades en helhetslösning utifrån viktningar som sedan låg till grund för konceptgenereringen.Designen på vagnarna togs fram genom diskussioner med Nordic Sport och en 3D-modell skapades, denna modell utvecklades sedan vidare i samspråk med Nordic Sport för att få fram ett slutgiltigt koncept.Resultatet blev en materialvagn, uppbyggt i ett modulsystem, som med små förändringar passar till alla fyra materialen som ska transporteras. Färgen och formen följer Nordic Sports nuvarande sortiment och deras varumärke nordicsport.com.Då vagnen har ett mycket modernare utseende och stora förbättringar kring användbarhet och ergonomi jämte konkurrenterna så kan Nordic Sport behålla sitt anseende som leverantör av kvalitetsprodukter och ta ännu fler marknadsandelar..
Kronunionens återkomst : En empirisk underso?kning av konjunkturscykler, arbetskraftsro?rlighet och handelsintegration fo?r att avgo?ra mo?jligheten att info?ra en gemensam valuta i Norden
This paper is an assessment of whether the Nordic countries constitute an optimum currency area (OCA) or not. Hodrick Prescott-?filtered data of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and rate of employment are used to investigate the similarity of business cycles between the target countries through a series of correlation analysis with Sweden as the base reference country and also by using a linear regression model. Additionally there is an evaluation of trade volume and labour mobility between the countries. Our results indicate that Iceland had the least similar business cycles within the Nordic countries and that the area should therefore possibly comprise Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. .
FUNDAMENTALA SAMBAND I TURBULENTA PERIODER: - Om tillväxtens och avkastningens påverkan på börsvärdet under perioden 1997-2005
This thesis investigates the effect of profit growth and profitability on market capitalization amongst Nordic companies during the turbulent period 1997-2005. Our results suggest that profitability have a significant impact on market capitalization for six of the nine years studied, whereas profit growth does not seem to affect market capitalization. Consequently, our results imply that the effect of other factors on share price performance may be greater than previously suggested. These findings are only partly in line with theories on corporate valuation which suggest that market capitalizations are to a great extent driven by both profit growth and capital returns, regardless of whether the stock market is particularly unstable..
Utveckling av häckvagn inom friidrott
I denna rapport presenteras det examensarbete som Emanuel Öhman utfört under vårterminen 2012 på Mälardalens Högskola. I rapporten redovisas det projekt som utförts för att vidareutveckla en häckvagn som används inom friidrott.Uppdragsgivaren Nordic Sport AB har i dagsläget en häckvagn på marknaden, som bland annat kommer användas i friidrotts-EM 2012 i Helsingfors. Syftet till vidareutvecklingen av häckvagnen är att sänka produktens fraktkostnad.Direktiven var att ta fram ett koncept som uppfyller kundkraven som ställs på produkten, samt att minska produktens volym och vikt, då dessa är direkt styrande av fraktkostnaden.Projektet börjades med en problemförståelsefas för att få en ökad kunskap, samt ta reda på vilka önskemål och krav som ställs på produkten. Utvecklingen av den befintliga produkten utfördes med olika produktutvecklingsverktyg.Resultatet blev en häckvagn vars helhet påminner om Nordic Sports nuvarande häckvagn, där vikt och volym reducerades. Samt att vagnens ramkonstruktion kunde dimensioneras ned efter simuleringar och beräkningar.Analysen visar att konceptet uppfyller de krav som ställs på produkten på ett mer resurseffektivt sätt än vad Nordic Sports nuvarande produkt gör och projektets mål kan ses som uppnått.I slutsatsen framgår det att projektet gått bra.
Vägran att trampa fler meter anstaltskorridor : En kvalitativ studie av åtta återfallsförbrytares avslutande av sin respektive kriminella livsstil
This paper starts where previous research in this scientific field, research about individuals who managed to end their criminal lifestyle, ends ? by talking in terms of Pierre Bourdieu?s forms of capital. In former studies the researchers pointed out access to a job and parenting as helpful factors to end a criminal lifestyle. Our purpose with this paper, however, was to find out if it is possible to understand criminals successfully ending their criminal lifestyle from Bourdieu?s capital metaphors and Mark Granovetter?s concept of strong and weak ties.
Kapitalstrukturpåverkande faktorers inverkan på skuldsättningsgraden : - En branschjämförelse
Capital structure is without doubt one of the most frequently studied and controversial areas of modern financial theory, and will certainly continue to receive considerable attention from researchers worldwide. There is still no universal explanation of how an optimal capital structure would be designed for maximum appreciation, despite the development of several theories focusing on the subject. Equity and debt are the two main financing options that in combination explain the business's capital structure. The results of several research studies conducted in the subject has many times pointed out that there are specific factors that are directly related to the company's capital structure, and that there are clear sectoral differences in corporate debt. A study of the capital structure is considered important and interesting to implement due to the reasons above and the purpose of this study is to analyze and try to explain the similarities and differences between different industries in terms of how growth, profitability and size affect the debt level.
Huset vid vägens slut : en studie om hussymbolik under bronsåldern i relation till gravar
During the Nordic Bronze Age, houses were not exclusively connected with profane contexts, but did also feature in burial places, a peculiar fact when considering the careful separation of settlements and graves. What kind of houses do we find in these sacred contexts? What did these houses stand for? Why was the house symbolism chosen to accompany the dead? And why did the house symbolism flourish during the Nordic Bronze Age? To answer these questions three representatives for the house symbolism in Sweden are discussed in more detail, such as the burial in longhouses, peculiar houses called cult houses and house urns. Further, the phenomenon has been put in its temporal, geographic, social and ideological context, where aspects such as trade and settlement structure are presented. The house symbolism is, however, not confined to northern Europe.
Möte med det okända: en studie om integration och socialt kapital
Our purpose with this study was to look at the connection between social capital and integration. Particularly if meetings between people from different cultures can increase social capital and in that way affect integration. We start by identifying the social integration perspective we are going to use through out the study and then we introduce social capital theory as a way of narrowing down the field even more. The study was done through six semi structured interviews. We interviewed three women that was established in the Swedish society and three women that had immigration background.
Socialt kapital på två sidor Öresund - en studie utifrån konstruktionen av ett Socialt Kapital Index
The main objective of this paper has been to construct a way to measure the level of social capital in a society. Based on a theory which describes the ideal society have I herein tried to find out to what extent the Swedish and Danish communities correspond to this model. The theoretical foundation consist of several different levels of analysis, and I have indeed found there to be consideral differences between the two nations on these different levels. The paper however conclude that these differences even out to add up to a Social Capital Index that is remarkably similar. A result which is to be interpreted as one nation being about as close to the ideal situation from a social capital point-of-view as the other..
Striving for innovation; working in CFT - a case study of Audi
The purpose of this thesis is to study and determine how working in cross functional teams can generate value in an effort to facilitate innovation. An inductive scientific perspective is chosen as the research approach. A single case is investigated with the theoretical framework based on Resource Based View, Intellectual Capital, Innovation theory and theories concerning Cross Functional Teams. The empirical material has been collected through primary data; surveys, interviews and secondary data; literature, websites and further complementary data. The practice of using Cross Functional Teams will enhance organizational learning, knowledge transfer, increase communication and innovation, which in turn will increase the speed and performance of the new product development process.