753 Uppsatser om Niche parties - Sida 39 av 51
Fast driftställe vid internetbaserad verksamhet
It is more common now to purchase products and services on the Internet. More and more companies choose to sell their services and products this way. Some services and products the customers can get delivered directly to their computers. Therefore, it is important for entrepreneurs to know when they risk a permanent establishment in another country due to their Internet based activity. If the company gets a permanent establishment in the other country, the other country can tax the income which is relatable to the company?s permanent establishment.
Ett skenbart anställningsskydd? : En arbetsrättslig studie av förutsättningarna för otillbörligt kringgående av reglerna om företrädesrätt tillåteranställning
The Employment Protection Act (1982:80) provides provisions regarding priority of re-employment. A few cases where these provisions have been subject to examination, have been discussed thoroughly in SOU 2014:55. In these cases the Labour Court has identified the question whether the provisions regarding priority of re-employment can be subject to circumvention in an illegal manner. The Labour Court has stated that it would be incompatible with the sense of justice if the provisions could be circumvented to the detriment of employees entitled to priority of re-employment. However, the Labour Court stated that certain conditions have to be imposed for the assessment.After analysis of the conditions, it is established that they are deemed to cause major difficulties for employees, why it is held that the purpose and the function of the conditions are not achieved. The purpose of the essay is therefore to investigate whether the application of the conditions imposed by the Labour Court, need to undergo modifications to meet the underlying purpose of the creation of the conditions.By reason of the difficulty with the conditions, the essay provides three different amendments in which two of the amendments are ascertained to not contribute to such an improvement that they should actually be applied.
It takes two to tango - En studie om relationers påverkan på samarbetet mellan leverantörer och detaljister inom sporthandelsbranschen
The trends in trade have been changing in the last few years. To offer a good product with agood price is not enough today, it?s also required that businesses create a good relationshipwith their customers and then do their best in maintaining it. It is now even more brandscompeting in the market, which indicates how a good relationship between the parties can bean important competitive advantage and also a significant variable.The goal and purpose of the study is to investigate and analyze the factors that influence thatthe supplier, in the sporting goods industry, is seen as a good supplier on the basis of theretailer's point of view. Then we want, from different sized companies, analyze and study howthey work with the key properties in creating a good customer relationship and hencecustomer satisfaction.
Ideologisk konvergens i svensk partipolitik? : En ideologianalys över Socialdemokraternas och Moderaternas hälso- och sjukvårdspolitik mellan åren 2002 och 2010
Essay in political science, C-level by Mikael GranathAutumn semester 2012, Tutor: Freddy Kjellström- Ideological convergence in Swedish party politics?- An analysis of ideologies of the Swedish Social Democratic party and the Swedish Moderateparty and their healthcare and health service policies between the years of 2002 and 2010.The main purpose of this study is to examine the truthfulness in the common perception thatthe Swedish moderate party and the Swedish social democratic party are increasingly sharingthe same political views - particularly between the years of 2002 and 2010. The main researchquestion is:?Did the Swedish Moderate party and the Swedish Social Democratic partyideologically position themselves closer in the year of 2002 than they did in 2010within the health care policy area?The research design chosen for this study can be labelled as a comparative case study wherethe two political parties party programs and election manifestos that were current in the yearof 2002 and 2010 are studied. This is done to give a better view of ideological change.
Den interna styrningens påverkan på motivationen : En fallstudie över styrsystemet i en icke vinstdrivande nischbank
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Styrsystem är ett brett och komplext begrepp som kan innehålla många olika komponenter, till exempel budgetering. Bankverksamheterna är hårt reglerade utifrån de lagar och regler som gäller i det aktuella landet som de är verksamma inom. Därför är det viktigt att ha tydliga riktlinjer och styra de anställda så att de inte bryter mot några lagar och/eller regler. Dock finns det en viss problematik kring en hårt reglerad verksamhet. Till exempel kan både regler och strikta budgetar leda till att de anställdas motivation påverkas negativt då de är hårt hållna och inte kan arbeta på det sätt de vill på grund av strikta riktlinjer.
Capital Structures and Internationalisation
Abstract The internationalisation of a company is enabled by integration of markets. New markets mean new revenues, but also demand capital to finance the expansion. To bring in new capital may offer new possibilities but also higher debt-equity ratios, which affect how external interested parties value the company. This thesis, inspired by previous and mainly US based research, researches the debt-equity ratio of Swedish multinational and domestic companies, sampled from the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The research questions have focused on the impact of certain internationalisation variables on the debt-equity ratio; how does the debt-equity ratio differ between international and domestic companies? Can a difference be explained by the degree of internationalisation? Can a difference be better explained by the presence of international ownership? By measuring the concept internationalisation as both trade and presence, the questions were operationalised into four hypotheses.
EU:s normativa makt inom miljöområdet : En fallstudie om EU:s roll i det globala klimatarbetet
Over the past twenty years, the cooperation within the European Union (EU) has strengthened and expanded with both more number of Member States and stronger influence on international politics. The unique character of the Union and its ability to enforce peace and humanitarian intervention has attracted attention in political science. This prominent position of the Union is perceived by many scholars who often hold this derived from the Union's influence in international relations. Various terms have been used to define the powers of the Union. The British researcher Ian Manners states that the unique identity of the Union in the international arena is formed by its normative power. An important policy area within the Union is the environmental cooperation.
Demokrati ur politikers och ungdomars perspektiv : - En diskursanalytisk studie om demokratiska förutsättningar i Norrköpings kommun
The democratic conditions in national states have change radically at the same time as the society has changed. Because of social and economic globalization processes, the states and government has lost power for the benefit of transnational and global institutions. That affects the democracy since the nation state earlier defined the domain of citizenship. At the same time, citizens? confidence towards political parties and politicians has gone down.
"Man kan säga att båda sänder signaler men på olika frekvenser" : en kvalitativ studie om partners upplevelse av att vara i ett parförhållande där den andra partnern har Aspergers syndrom
Being in a relationship where the partner has Asperger's syndrome makes you indirectly affected by their disability as it affects not only the disabled but also the partner. The partner may be faced with a lack of understanding from their partner with Asperger's syndrome and from its surroundings, where the syndrome including causes, limits ability in social interaction and communication.The study is a qualitative study based on six asynchronous interviews conducted via email with partners who are in a relationship with a partner who has Asperger's syndrome.The aim of the study was to increase understanding and to highlight partners experience to be in a relationship where the other partner has Asperger's syndrome and how outside support from the environment is perceived. Results of the study showed that all six partners felt that everyday life was structured around the partner with Asperger's syndrome. There was a perceived feeling of loneliness because of the partner with Asperger's syndrome not caring about the partner and of being the one taking the greatest responsibility in everyday life for it to work. There was a feeling of stress, anxiety, lost confidence and frustration but there was also a strong desire and commitment to their partner with Asperger's syndrome.
Skriftligt formkrav : det digitala dokumentet
This thesis seeks to investigate how an agreed written form requirement is met in an electronic environment. Swedish Contract law is applied since Sweden lack specific regulation for electronically closed agreements. Since contractual freedom prevails in Swedish law, it is up to the parties themselves to decide if the formal requirements to be applied.In order to assess whether the written requirement is fulfilled in the electronic environment, a purpose-oriented analysis should be made. When the purpose of why a written form requirement applies has been clarified, the analysis continues to assess whether the objective can be achieved with the modern form of communication. The method is called functional equivalence and means that when an electronic media fulfill the same functions as the paper medium so will the electronic medium as a starting point to give the same legal effect as if it were the case of a written paper document.
The Value of Relationships in a Chinese-Western Business-to-Business Context: An Investigation on Relationship Bonds, Adaptation, Trust and Commitment
The purpose of this study is to improve the understanding of the dynamics behind Chinese-Western buyer-supplier relationships. The study takes on a partially inductive approach by commencing with exploratory in-depth interviews. The main body of the study consists of a cross-sectional survey. Data has been collected through an on-line questionnaire. The theoretical review consists of industrial relationships with specific accounts on the role of adaptation, trust and commitment; a stream of literature in cross-cultural relationships deriving from Hofstede?s culturalist legacy with specific reference to Chinese-Western relationships, including studies on relationship bonding, and the role of guanxi.
Audio Broadcast
This report is the written part of a bachelorthesis on the computer engineering program atUniversity of Halmstad. The project was a cooperate project that where done together withFree2move Holding AB. Free2move is a company with eight employees in Sweden and four inMalaysia. The company is today developing Bluetooth modules and RFID chips. The market forthis kind of products is growing very rapidly, last year it grew 71 percent.
Bloggares inflytande på varumärkens image
The purpose of our study is to examine the bloggers? influence on the brand?s image to see whether and if so in what way the blogging trend affects the brands. We also want to analyze how companies use bloggers in their marketing. This is a subject that has attracted our interest and that experience has not been touched in a higher extent. Our purpose has led us to the following research questions;Which relationships occur in collaborations between businesses and bloggers from a marketing perspective? In what way in terms of reciprocity can relations be described? To what extent can the credibility through blogs be affected in terms of how brands are presented in the blog? In this study we have used a qualitative method with an abductive nature to create a deeper understanding of our chosen subject.
Marknaden och kulturarvet: Argumentationsanalys av moderaternas kulturmotion 2005/06Kr:233
The cultural policy area has a tendency to be seen as a consensus area, where there are no big conflicts between the parties. The aim of this master?s thesis is to study the moderate party?s cultural motion 2005/06Kr:233 with the party leader Fredrik Reinfeldt as first author. If consensus rules, the party?s ideology should not be visible in the motion, but the assumption in the thesis is that it is visible.
Baskisk identitet - en studie av den baskiska nationalismens förändring.
The aim of this study is to analyze the change of Basque nationalism during the last ten years and discuss how the main nationalist party (PNV) tries to impose "we"- feelings and support for its cause. Theories of nationalism and national identity are used in the analysis.A textual analysis of PNV:s unofficial documents is discussed and compared with a discourse analysis of its official documents. Although the unofficial documents deal with similar view of basic political/territorial ambitions, language and identification, there are some differences in the latest documents regarding the view of who is defined as Basque and also to the detoriated relation to Spain. Although references are made to the regard that the Basque Country is for everyone, the persistence of emphasizing the uniqueness and myths of the Basque culture signals a different matter. The discourse analysis of the official documents supports this claim and although they contain an ambiguous relation to Spain it is clear that Basque nationalism has been radicalized.