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Tetratermmodellering och regressionsanalyser mellan topografi, tetraterm och tillväxt hos sitkagran och lärk : en studie i norra Island

This study was made in an attempt to give the forest research centre Mógilsá a producedtetratherm map and a better understanding of how topography and temperature influencethe growth of two tree species. The digital tetratherm map model, covering the northernpart of Iceland, was developed to investigate the correlation between tetratherm and thegrowth of Picea sitchensis and Larix (sukaczewii + sibirica). The study confirms theusefulness of digital terrain models in providing data for a lot of different factors and forthe tetratherm model. Hopefully will this tetratherm map be used in future studies.Secondly, investigations were made correlating the growth of the two species againsttopographic factors representing height above sea level, distance to the sea, slope andtopex. Thirdly, investigations were made comparing the aspect and the ground shape tothe growth.The growth rate of Larix had strong significant correlations to the tetratherm and thedistance to the sea- factors.

Going Real-Time in no time? : ? en kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie i hur Sveriges största annonsörer använder sociala medier och Real-Time Marketing.

Background: Our daily lives and personal interactions are increasingly featuring social media and social networks in particular. Topics regarding social media, its impact on society at large ? both on corporate as well as individual behavior ? has been the focus of many research papers. Personal use of social networks are regularly being mapped out by researchers aiming at clarifying concepts such as engagement, trust and interactivity, and mapped by companies seeking to maximize return on investment concerning their marketing efforts. The aim of our study is (i) to map how companies and/or organizations operating on the Swedish market use their company?s pages on the social media as a way of communicating with their followers and audience, as well as (ii) identifying whether ?Real-Time Marketing?, in our own definition, is used or not.Methods: The research methods used included both quantitative and qualitative content analysis.

Assessment of food retail business sustainability : the case of Konsum Värmland

Public concern and the need of responsible way of doing business have brought forward the issue of sustainability at the forefront of discussion in the last decade. Even though, food retailers are playing an important role in the economy, they are exposed for criticism by media and consumers for any socially and environmentally irresponsible business practices because, the potential environmental and social impacts from their operations are significant. These impacts need to be recognized and properly addressed. The main objective of this study was to assess the sustainable business management of a cooperative food retail business in Sweden, known as Konsum Värmland (KV). The necessary data and information on history and status of KV, and its practical activities concerning the implementation of sustainable development programs as well as the motivation and challenges encountered by KV during the implementation were gathered via reviewing different documents, research papers and press releases; interviewing decision makers and other personnel in KV and other researchers from Swedish University of Agricultural University who have investigated KV.

Product Return Process - Developing a Web-Based Return Form to Improve the Information Flow between an Apparel Company and Its Retailers

Handling product returns has become a critical activity for organizations as the volume of gods flowing back through the supply chain rapidly increases. Few research studies have published specific empirical data concerning the reverse logistics practices of companies. Information technology and information support has long been recognized as a competitive weapon ? capable of enhancing company performance and achieving efficient reverse logistics. Reverse logistics is very unlike the forward, as it is more reactive and also has less visibility.

Styr genus valet av Cover Story? : En fortsatt studie på projektet Cover Story, där genusaspekten kommer upp till ytan på ett intressant sätt.

Cover Story is a project, which students at Lillholms - and Ekholms School worked in during spring and fall of 2009. Several school subjects were integrated in project; social studies, art and Swedish, to empower the students to create, implement and design a magazine. The purpose of the project was to give the students the opportunity to fantasize about the future and their dreams by creating their very own Cover Story. During the project I realized that the student?s selection of magazine genre had a direct relation to the gender of the students themselves.

Hur kan företag med lågengagemangsprodukter gå tillväga för att uppnå emotionell och sann lojalitet gentemot kunderna? : En kvalitativ studie på SCAs produkter Edet papper och Libresse

In a competitive market as supermarkets, hundreds of the same products fight for attention in the shops. Every day thousands of targeted advertising messages is given to us. As a natural result of all this, power is transferred to consumers. You can no longer differentiate yourself by only price and function, thus companies must play on the emotional aspects and create a relationship with consumers. A key to success is to understand people's emotional needs and then satisfying them.In various journals and papers you can find highlighted success stories of strong brands such as Harley-Davidson, Apple and Virgin Airlines.

Servicescape i lunchrestauranger : En studie av omgivningens påverkan på upplevelsen

Tjänsteföretag är, i större mån än företag som endast ägnar sig åt försäljning av produkter, beroende av att kundens upplevelse i tjänstemötet blir så bra som möjligt. En tjänst kännetecknas av olika karakteristika som inte gäller för produkter. Exempel på sådana är att en tjänst till högre grad är immateriell, en tjänst går inte att lagra, den är mer heterogen och är ofta svårare för kunden att utvärdera.Det är därför viktigt för ett företag med inriktning mot tjänster att ta hänsyn till dessa aspekter av en tjänst när de utformar den fysiska miljön, inom vilken tjänsten produceras och konsumeras. Denna fysiska miljö kallas för servicescape, ett begrepp som myntats av Mary Jo Bitner. Vad vi har gjort i den här studien är att undersöka hur lunchrestauranger arbetar med servicescape och hur medvetna de är om dess påverkan på kundens upplevelse.Vår frågeställning under studien har varit:Hur arbetar lunchrestauranger med servicescape i syfte att öka kundens upplevda kvalitet?Syftet med studien har varit att skapa en förståelse för hur lunchrestauranger arbetar med servicescape och hur de tänker när de utformar tjänsteutförandet.

Oljetemperaturens inverkan på motoroljans degradering i lastbil

The market for heavy duty engines is constantly requiring engines that should be more andmore powerful, while still maintaining low fuel consumption. As a result of increasing enginepower, the engine and coolant temperature increases as well due to insufficient coolingperformance (because of design issues, cost etc.).Also, emission legislations, both current and future, require more and more measures to betaken by engine manufacturers. One way of meeting the legislations is the use of cooled EGR(Exhaust Gas Recirculation), which also lead to increased coolant temperatures.Both these factors also naturally lead to increased engine oil temperatures, the consequencesof which are not thoroughly investigated.This thesis project aims to investigate effects of high temperatures on engine oil degradation,with focus on the greatest degradation process: oxidation. To do this several engine runs havebeen performed on a 310 hp engine with EGR to see what happens to the engine oil in a realengine when exposed to high temperatures. During the tests oil samples have been taken andanalysed for important parameters.As a complement to these engine tests some laboratory oxidation testing have also beenperformed, to be able to compare engine test data with laboratory tests.One goal of the project was to try to formulate an empirical oxidation model, which would beable to predict oil oxidation levels in an engine, given any running parameters.

Verksamhetsstyrning i Stockholmsstad : En studie av verksamhetsstyrningen i Skarpnäcks stadsdelsförvaltning

This paper is a study of corporate governances in the municipal of Stockholm. The purpose of this paper is to enlighten the problems and opportunities for the corporate governances of the wards in the municipal of Stockholm. The municipal of Stockholm is made up of 18 relatively self-governing wards, whose activities bear a resemblance to one and other. Therefore we have specified our survey to corporate governances in the ward of Skarpnäck (Skarpnäcks stadsdel), to be able to use this ward as an example to corporate governances in the entire municipal of Stockholm. The essay emanates from the important management theories: Budget, Integrated Management system (ILS), Benchmarking and Balanced Scorecard.The essay is based on interviews and a poll survey we conducted in the administration of the ward of Skarpnäck, and also based on interviews with Stockholm?s city hall.

Twitter: Framtidens nyhetsplattform, eller ytterligare ett diskussionsforum? : Privatpersoner kontra etablerade medier kring nyhetsuppdatering på Twitter

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att belysa hur individer med funktionsnedsättning skapar sin förmågodeprivation, ?capability deprivation?, i relation till de möjligheter till utveckling som framkallas av strukturella och personliga faktorer. Förmågodeprivation innebär att människan upplever brist på friheter och rättigheter för att använda sina förmågor till att nå sina personliga mål. Dessa mål kan vara av ekonomisk, social och kulturell karaktär och kan betyda en utveckling hos individen som denne värderar högt. När förmågodeprivation uppstår likställs den med fattigdom.

Somaliska pirater - ett mycket litet problem: En undersökning av Sveriges arbete gällande frågan om somaliska pirater under 2009-2010.

During 2009-2010 Sweden participated in an international military operation whose intention, according to the Swedish news media, was to fight Somali pirates. The purpose of this thesis is to study various decisions and documents behind the Swedish efforts, both military and foreign aid, regarding the matter of Somali pirates during the years 2009-2010 and analyze the results using an interpretation of the security-development-nexus-theory. The method used is text analysis based on the hermeneutic idea of understanding and interpretation.The thesis studies the international resolutions and national decisions that lead to the military operations in the Gulf of Aden and also the international strategies and national approaches regarding Sweden's assistance in the development of Somalia. The theoretical section contains an interpretation of the vast security-development-nexus-theory. The concepts of security and development are first presented separately and then collectively in terms of military security, societal security, economic security, regime security and human security.

Miljökommunikation i dagspressen : En diskursanalys av hur SvD och DN framställer miljöfrågor

The starting point of this study is that the news media in general strongly influence which topics determine the public agenda by their choice of what is considered newsworthy. The study is based on articles from two major Swedish daily newspapers, Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim of our thesis is to establish how the environmental public debate as portrayed in the newspaper corresponds to the environmental discussion within the scientific (subject matter expert) field, that is taught by the academic institutions, or if the two materially differ. The environmental communication discourse at the academic institutions advocates ?episodic? formation as the driving force behind transformation of attitudes and behavioral preconceptions. This episodic formation is aimed at incentivizing change by creating intimacy to the incident by linking cause and consequence to the individual citizen instead of to society as a whole.

Jord i portföljen : jordbruksmark som en del av en investeringsportfölj

People who invest capital in promising projects as a profession are called venture capitalists. They are constantly looking for new investment opportunities. Recently, media have observed a growing interest in forest land as capital investment. This is because several fund and investment company market the possibility of safe return through investment in woodland, both in Sweden and abroad. When an investment in forests is seen as an acceptable investment option, focus turns to nearby areas, namely agricultural land.

Det brinner i Husby : En kvalitativ studie av hur upploppen i Husby skildrades i Svenska Dagbladet, The Guardian och Aftonbladet

Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av nyhetsrapporteringen och opinionstexterna om upploppen i Husby i maj 2013. De undersökta tidningarna är The Guardian, Svenska Dagbladet och Aftonbladet, under tidsperioden 20 maj ? 2 juni 2013. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka perspektiv som lyftes upp, vilka som fick komma till tals och hur de framställdes, vilken retorik som användes och vilken typ av våld som fick störst utrymme i artiklarna. Vi jämför även tidningarna sinsemellan för att se skillnader och likheter.

Primär ciliär dyskinesi som orsak till kronisk lungsjukdom hos hund : en litteraturstudie och fallpresentation

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an important but unusual cause of chronic respiratory disease of young dogs. The purpuse of this paper is to study and present internationally publicated papers on PCD in dogs and present three dogs, in which PCD was suspected. PCD has been reported in many dog breeds as well as in people. In dogs an humans, PCD is caused by inborn genetical defects which causes structural and functional abnormalities of cilia in the respiratory organs and other cilia in the body. Situs inversus occurs in about half the cases in people and probably in dogs as well. Respiratory signs usually predominate.

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