

720 Uppsatser om News papers - Sida 27 av 48

?världens mest fruktade terrororganisation? en diskursanalys av rapporteringen om Islamiska Staten

Title: ?världens mest fruktade terrororganisation? en diskursanalys av rapporteringen om Islamiska Staten Author: Martin Landin Subject: Undergraduate research paper in Journalism studies, Dept. Of Journalism, media and communication (JMG) Gothenburg University Term: Autumn 2014 Supervisor: Gabriella Sandstig, JMG GothenburgPages/words: 34/16295Purpose: The purpose is to examine the discourses that characterize the news about the Islamic state (IS) in Swedish newspapers, and to study how these discourses are expressed. Method: Critical Discourse Analysis Procedure: 10 articles from Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet were analysed through Critical Discourse Analysis. Results: The analysed articles shows tendencies of orientalist discourse and of a propagandistic discourse which is a part of war journalism..

Diskursen kring misshandel : En studie av Aftonbladets framställning av förövare och offer i misshandelsfall.

The aim of this study was to examine the existing discourse of assault in Aftonbladet from the years 2012 and 2013. We have studied news articles and analysed them by using discourse analysis as theory and method.The study shows that the portrayal of perpetrators and victims in assault cases tend to differ depending on gender. The women is portrayed as weak and part of a homogeneous group while the man is portrayed as dominant and offered a more individual role. The study also shows that the normative group is separated from the deviate groups in society. The analyze show that media, through this representation, maintains the normative power in society.

Gestaltung ist auch Information : En studie kring layoutens betydelse med Aftonbladet i fokus

In this thesis I'm trying to examine the meaning potential of visual elements and layout in a Swedish newspaper front page and the same newspaper's website's start page, drawing on theories about multimodality and social semiotics developed mainly by Theo van Leeuwen and Gunther Kress. The study is focusing on Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and the website aftonbladet.se and compares these three different days. In this thesis I also try to examine what the newspaper communicate about its identity through the different visual components. My conclusion is that visual elements and layout have a great importance regarding what a newspaper communicate about how the news articles should be read, but what can be said about a company's identity mostly depend on the genre the newspaper belongs to and how well the reader knows that particular genre..

Bröstcancer och sexualitet

Patients with mental illness experience dissatisfaction with their care due to lack of understanding and ignorance from the nurses. The nurses? approach might influence these patients' experience of their care. The purpose of the literature review was to describe nurses' approach in care of patients with mental illness. The literature review is based on an inductive approach and the result is based on 14 scientific papers, of which eight used a qualitative design and sex used a quantitative design.

En jämställd värld? : Innehållsanalys av The Times, Svenska Dagbladet och Iran Times International

This study examined by content analysis and semiotic picture analysis how gender equal the UK newspaper The Times, the U.S/Iranian nespaper Iran Times International and Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet were May 1st 2009 and May 8th 2009. The study had a foundation of feminist theory about patriarchy and gender theory with a contribution of research about race and its impact on patriarchy.None of the three papers were fully gender equal. Even though Svenska Dagbladet was found to be the most gender equal when it came to the number of women represented all of the newspapers examined showed patriachal structures since women more often than men were described as victimes, trivialized, incompetent and inferior.  People with a race other than white were in minority but patriarchy seems to be a stronger form of oppression than racism. White men were in majority and were less opressed than other groups and were because of that most in favour of the newspapers symbolic powers..

Som små astronauter : -En idrottslärares berättelse om specialgymnastik i skolan

The aim of this work is to examine methodologies at remedial lessons for children with weak mobility, in a common Swedish municipal school in an attempt to determine if a connection to theoretical learning exists.Kadesjö describes how difficulties in concentration can arise as a result of problems with mobility and perception, and according to Piaget very young children develop cogitation through physical movements. These connections are not news but always current.At the meeting with Lasse the question was born whether learning problems in school that are a result of concentration difficulties, could be countered with mobility training.By the selection of Life history as method, it?s possible to follow a physical educator's experiences through his 30 years of work, and to some extent even his private life. Experiences and results are notified from a historical perspective from 1976 until 2006.He is bringing us on a journey that shows the changes in methodology and results after his contact with Sensomotoriskt Centrum..

Det meningsfulla svenskämnet

AbstractThe purpose with this paper is to describe focus in the school subject swedish through a historic perspective. The purpose is also to intestigate how a group of pupils in the last grade in upper (senior) level of compulsory school and teachers with the subject swedish thinks about the subject, what is the most meaningful to pupils in the last grade in upper level of compulsory school.The history of the Swedish school system from the 15 th century till today and the entrance of Swedich as a subject in school has been studied by literature and curriculum. With help from Mr Lars-Göran Malmgrens analysis of different swedish subjects the curriculums analyses to see which subject who appear.Pupils from the last grade in upper level of compulsory school and their teachers in the the subject swedish have answered questions in two different questionnaires regarding what is most meaningful with the subject. The result are to be present in this paper as diagram and also in ordinary text.The conclusion is that the subject swedish has changed from functionalism to formalism and then turned to a more literary education and finally towards functionalism again. The results from the questionnaire papers show that the pupils put most value in learning different skills while the teachers see the importance of both skills and developing the personality..

Chefer mittemellan : Polisens mellanchefer förutsättningar att fullgöra sitt uppdrag

The aim of this paper is to examine how mid-level executive officers within Swedish Police respond to subordinates autonomous behaviour, mainly according to Lipsky´s theory on street-level bureaucracy. Questions focused on are:1. Which personnel related obstacles, are preventing the executive officers?2. How do executive officers counter obstacles?3.

Patienters upplevelser av sjuksköterskans bemötande på akutmottagningen

Background: The patient meets nurses in the emergency department that provide both nursing and has medical skills. The care that the patients are receiving should be individually adjusted. The care is shaped by the individual meeting with the patient according to the nursing theorist Orlando. There are large variations between the number of patients in an emergency department and it sets high demands on the staff, both physically and mentally. When the emergency department is highly loaded there is a priority for medical care and psycho-social and aesthetic aspects will have to wait.

Hungerns Ansikte : En studie av nyhetsrapporteringen om det svältdrabbade Afrikas horn 2011

Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att undersöka huruvida amerikanska och brittiska dagstidningars bevakning av svältkatastrofen på Afrikas horn 2011 utvecklades och förändrades från en månad innan och en månad efter att FN den 20 juli samma år förkunnade att området var drabbat av svält. Dessutom avses undersöka om rapporteringens fokus förändrades efter 20 juli för att sätta dagens rapportering i förhållande till tidigare rapportering av svältkatastrofer i Afrika, eftersom rapporteringen är avgörande för omvärldens respons.I denna uppsats ställs fyra forskningsfrågor; Hur förändrades rapporteringsfrekvensen efter 20 juli 2011 i förhållande till teorier om katastrofrapportering? Hur förhåller sig Storbritanniens och USA:s rapportering om positiva respektive negativa ämnen med tidigare bilder av Afrika och compassion fatigue?På vilket sätt skiljer sig rapporteringen åt innan och efter 20 juli 2011 i förhållande till katastrofrapportering? Hur ramas det egna landet in i artikeln, det vill säga vilken form av uppmärksamhet får landet artikeln publiceras i för sina insatser?Denna uppsats baseras på ett teoretiskt ramverk som innefattar inramning, nyheters rapportering av katastrofer, compassion fatigue (den gradvisa minskning av medkänsla hos en publik som blivit mättade av en viss typ av rapportering). Denna studie är en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys där data har samlats in kvantitativt för att skapa kategorier för ramar samt för att kunna jämföra data mellan de båda länderna på ett konkret sätt. Därefter har resultaten analyserats kvalitativt.Rapporteringsfrekvensen för de båda länderna i de för studien utvalda 67 artiklarna steg efter 20 juli och således visade det sig att en katastrof ökar mediebevakningen i detta fall, vilket är i linje med teorierna om katastrofrapportering.

Minska tjänsteresor genom mätning - En fallstudie om att öka medvetenheten kring tjänsteresor med hjälp av verksamhetsmått

Background: In a world that are becoming more and more aware of the climate changes that occur as a consequence of the increasing emissions around the world companies? experience that the opinion blame the internal processors for this. Many companies feel forced to align their strategies to the environmental goals set by the community. Some of the emissions the companies? operations can be linked to business trips and it is therefore interesting to see how these can be reduced by using different performance measures.

Problemet med Sverigedemokraterna : En studie i hur Sverigedemokraterna representeras i två svenska tidningar

The aim of this study was to examine how the political party Sweden Democrats is represented in two Swedish newspapers. The study included a national newspaper and a local newspaper, Aftonbladet and Blekinge Läns Tidning. We studied 35 articles from both papers, from 2005 and from 2009. We analyzed the texts using the linguist Norman Faircloughs (1995) method for discourse analysis. Based on his theories, we created our own model to examine the texts. Our model primarily focused on representation. The study was conducted at a time when Sweden Democrats was given much support in opinion polls and knocked on the door to the Swedish Parliament. The study showed that Sweden Democrats in both newspapers, primarily by descriptions, the choice of interviewees, etc., often are represented as racists.

Kampen för livet : Unga vuxnas hantering av sin cancersjukdom

Patients with mental illness experience dissatisfaction with their care due to lack of understanding and ignorance from the nurses. The nurses? approach might influence these patients' experience of their care. The purpose of the literature review was to describe nurses' approach in care of patients with mental illness. The literature review is based on an inductive approach and the result is based on 14 scientific papers, of which eight used a qualitative design and sex used a quantitative design.

"Den är som morgonkaffet, man måste ha det" : En fallstudie om varfo?r Barometerns la?sare konsumerar en lokal dagstidning

The purpose of this essay is to understand and analyze why people read a local newspaper and which needs it can fulfill. The newspaper indistry is changing and so is the way we consume news. Today the readers are seen as an active group of people who choose the media, which fulfills their needs in the best possible way. This essay is based on a case study of the local newspaper Barometern. We used a qualitative research method and have done eight interviews.

Från blogginlägg till nyhet : ???????En kvantitativ studie om hur journalister använder sociala nätverk för att hitta nyheter

The aim of our study was to examine how Swedish journalists use the three social networks Facebook, Twitter and blogs to find news. We wanted to study which group of journalists that were using these networks most frequently and why. We also wanted to find out which of the three networks they use the most.We made a questionnaire which we sent out by e-mail to 400 Swedish journalists. 215 of them participated in our study.We analyzed the results of the responses from the questionnaire and discussed patterns and relations between them.The study establishes that the majority of the respondents believe that the networks are very useful and effective in their work.Our results show that out of the three social networks the journalists who participated in our study prefer to use blogs as sources in their line of work, as they are full of information from individuals and contain unique facts and stories.Alongside the results we discussed how social networks might be used in the future of journalism. Most of the respondents are aware of the possibility that they may need to increase the usage of them eventually, and that they will be an important part of the journalistic work process in the future. .

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