

720 Uppsatser om News papers - Sida 13 av 48

Abnorm manlighet och manlig normalitet - en undersökning om hur våldtäkt framställs i svenska dagstidningar.

SammanfattningDen här undersökningen handlar om hur svenska massmedier, i det här fallet dags- och kvällstidningar, framställer våldtäkt i sin nyhetsrapportering. Artiklarna är utvalda från två olika fall som blev omskrivna i svensk press. Utifrån bland annat filosofen Michel Foucaults diskursteori och med ett socialkonstruktivistiskt och genusviklat perspektiv analyseras en rad artiklar med hjälp av diskursanalys. De teoretiker som använts är bland andra Norman Fairclough.Med diskursanalysens hjälp synliggörs de underliggande betydelserna av en till synes oskyldig nyhetsrapportering. Dessa jämförs sedan med en social kontext som utgörs av en redan utförd undersökning om ungdomars förståelse av våldtäkt.

EU i nyheterna : En diskursanalys om EU och EU:s anseende i det svenska medieutbudet

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the EU discourse in the Swedish media. The questions that the analysis seeks to answer are; what image of EU is portrayed in the Swedish media? To which degree does the EU discourse fulfill media?s ?news values?? And what are the potential effects of the discourse on EU?s reputation? After several demarcations, I chose 8 articles form Sweden?s four largest newspapers to base the analysis on.    The theoretical and methodical structure behind this analysis is the theories and practices of Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis. Added to the theoretical structure are also theories about reputation and theories about news values. The method used in the analysis is a modified version of Fairclough?s three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis.

Barnfattigdom i Sverige, finns den? : En studie om Socialdemokraternas och Moderaternas välfärdspolitik mot den svenska fattigdomen sedan 1960-talet

This essay is regarding the problematic facts about child poverty in Sweden. Since the beginning of the new millennium child poverty has increased, in Sweden. The last report which came out in the spring this year (2012) opened up for a lively political debate as well as big headlines in News papers and other media. The attention it got in Society became hard for the politicians to avoid. The Swedish section of Save the Children, demanded in their report concerning child poverty in Sweden that the Swedish Government need to do an inquiry about the increasing child poverty.  Today in Sweden, there are two big parties, and they have been the biggest for a long time now.

En jämförande studie kring några av dagens produkter inom Store and Forward och Live

SVT is Sweden?s largest TV-network and broadcasts more then 22 000 hours of TV each year. SVT is a public service company where the basic idea is to reflect the world from different perspectives and news is very important for providing neutral and versatile information in a variety of areas. An important part of the flow of information is to continuously receive reports from all corners of the world around the clock. This places very high demands on the technology used and it is important that it function and develops to meet current and future growing needs.

Skandal, sanning och skriverier : En fallstudie om journalisters etiska regler.

This is an essay about journalism and the ethical norms of journalism. Four famous cases have been analyzed; Watergate, News of the World, Joy Rahman and Bill Clinton. When analyzing we used the theories of Denis McQuail and the ethical guidelines of the Swedish Journalist Association. We have also used the ideas of utilitarianism to analyze the chosen cases.We aimed to analyze the roles of the journalists involved and found that the ethical norms are customizable to each and every case. In the Watergate-case the journalists act somewhat in contrast to the ethical guidelines but do so in order to favor the public, which makes it approvable.

"Sveriges mest hatade man" : En kvantitativ studie om hur en missta?nkt mo?rdare framsta?lls i Expressen och Falu Kuriren.

The meaning of this study is to see how a suspected murderer is presented in the Swedish newspapers Expressen and Falu Kuriren. We want to see how two Swedish newspapers, a local- and an evening paper, presented Anders Eklund, who killed the ten year old girl Engla Ho?glund in 2008, from the day after her disappearing and almost a month ahead.When we analysis the resolution to the study we could see that both papers presented Anders Eklund like a convicted murderer after he admitted the murder of Engla Ho?glund, even if the court had not sentenced him yet. Even when Anders Eklund was anonymous, you can through the various denominations witch were produced in the papers speculate on who the murderer is.Even that it is a case study, we can see with the previous research tends that a suspected murderer is produced in this way in Swedish newspapers. We could also see that the evening paper where more likely to present sensation and drama to the texts than the local paper did. .

Klassifikation på webben

The thesis concerns the use of classification schemes for organising resources in subject-based hierarchical search-services on the web. The aim is to investigate the different kinds of classification that are used, which fall into two groups: established respectively new classification schemes. This is attained by studying literature and the websites of each search-service. The prospects for using classification in a web-environment are discussed and divided into three major groups: browsing, control and cross-classification. One question at issue concerns how an established scheme manages to organise web-resources and whether this classification differs from the classification of new schemes and in what way.

Trots allt, en människa : En undersökning av två dagstidningars framställning av personer med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar

The aim of this study is to illuminate images and discourses, in which media describe people with disabilities. The purpose of the study will be fulfilled, by answering the following questions: Is it possible to discern categories of how people with disabilities are described in the media and is it possible to find associations to handicap models? We have chosen to focus on how media describe people with physical impairments and have made a content analyses of articles, based on the theoretic aim of this study, social constructionism, handicap models and earlier research. Underlying the analyses, are six articles from two Swedish News papers. The results of our research are divided in three categories: assumptions which are taken for granted, hidden meanings and contradicted categories.

"Han är inte mer än människa" : En studie av hur pressen framställer kungens offentliga och privata roll när "skandalbiografin" utkommer 2010

The aim of this paper is to examine how the press describes the public and private role of the Swedish monarch in texts that report about the biography Carl XVI Gustaf ? den motvillige monarken (Sjöberg et al. 2010) when it is published in November 2010. The examined period ranges between the days just before the release and a fortnight after. The analysis is limited to standard Swedish papers: a daily, Svenska Dagbladet, and an evening paper, Expressen.Questions asked in the study are: In what ways do the analysed texts raise a discussion about the monarchy?s importance or function in the society of today, that is a public debate on the monarchy? To what extension are status symbols used in the constructing of royalty, that is what Jürgen Habermas (2003) describes as representative publicity? What similarities and differences are found when comparing the news articles in the daily and in the evening paper?The method used to answer the aim and questions is the critical discourse analysis, as Norman Fairclough (1995) describes it, and the theoretical perspective of the essay is Jürgen Habermas? (2003) theory about the bourgeois public sphere.The result shows that the news articles in the daily unsurprisingly construct only a public who wants to debate on the monarchy.

"Barnens bästa". En poststrukturalistisk studie av debatten om en individualiserad föräldraförsäkring.

The thesis explores the meaning of the concept "children's best" in relation to the social Swedish parental insurance debate from a post-structuralist view. The main material has been taken from daily News papers and the methodological as well as theoretical basis is provided for by Laclau & Mouffes discourse theory. In particular has the concept "empty signifiers" been of use when investigating "children's best" as a strong argument on both the "pro" and "against" sides of the debate of an individualized parental insurance. The theoretic purpose of the thesis is also to examine the poststructuralist/feminist dilemma in order to approach a more pragmatic and useful model of the two combined provided by Alcoff and Fraser. One conclusion is that "children's best" may never have an objective answer and will be a changing concept in time, ideology preference and discoursive field.

Media som spåtant? En studie av tidningarnas förutsägelser under Asienkrisen

This is a study of predictions made by the press during the financial crisis in Asia in the autumn of 1997. The study includes a qualitative, quantitative and comparative analysis of the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Industri. In the last chapter a quantitative analysis of the newspaper Finanstidningen, that today no longer exists, has also been made for comparative reasons. A theoretical framework is also set in the study to explain how the predictions can affect the economy. The quantitative analysis shows that 2/3 of the texts in the traditional morning papers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet included predictions about the crisis from an Asian or global perspective, while only 1/3 of the texts in the financial newspapers Dagens Industri and Finanstidningen included such predictions.

Att utforma den perfekta skandalen : En studie av hur Expressen rapporterade  om SD-skandalen i november 2012

Title: How to Construct the Perfect Scandal ? a study of the news reported by Expressen concerning the SD-scandalAuthor: Linnea IvarssonThis C-paper presents the incident concerning the political party Sverigedemokraterna in Expressen in November 2012. The newspaper was the main source of the news reporting with the mobile phone camera film from the occurance and led the way of the news reporting in Sweden about three party members.The paper investigates how the story telling of the so called SD-scandal was constructed, using Critical Discourse Analysis as the analysis method combined with selected parts from the analysis method of critical linguistics. The theories that have been used to establish the results of the analysis are Critical Discourse as a theory based on Norman Fairclough and Teun A. van Dijks theoretical keystones combined with Sigurd Allerns and Ester Pollacks theories and schematic point of view on the constructions of political scandals in media.With the theories and analysis methods above mentioned the results turned out to confirm the theory about how political scandals in media are constructed and designed with certain strategies and agenda.

Mediebilder av två organisationer i relation till"news management"

SammanfattningI organisationers kommunikation är massmedier en av flera viktiga kanaler för att nå ut till människor. En organisations image, den bild som människor skapar sig av en organisation, kommer i många fall från medierna. Men att få tillgång till publicitet i medierna är inte självklart. Det finns en intressemotsättning mellan mediernas kritiska granskande funktion och organisationers strävan att ge en positiv bild av sig själva. Syftet med denna uppsats var därför att undersöka mediebilderna av två organisationer, Mittuniversitetet och Scan AB, och ta reda på i vilken grad de själva, genom pressmeddelanden påverkat vad som skrivs om dem.

Ensam är stark, två är en riskgrupp : Representationer av homosexuella i svenska tryckta nyhetsmedier1987, 1997 och 2007

In our study we examined recurrent patterns and changes in the representation ofhomosexual persons in Swedish daily newspapers 1987, 1997 and 2007.We analysed articles about HIV-infected persons and articles with a view to portray thelife conditions of gay and lesbian persons from the three different years. We chose toonly analyze news articles that intend to represent real human beings, which mean thatwe did not analyze reports that only reproduce abstract knowledge from authorities.With analytical tools from semiotics and discourse analysis we identified some recurrentpatterns in the representation of homosexual people. We found that a recurrent pattern inthat when homosexual people are seen as groups, they are described as deviant,discriminated and some times as a threat. When portrayed as individuals the nonanonymouspersons appear in articles and pictures as normal, strong and healthy. Lesbianwomen are not represented in the articles from 1987, but in articles from 1997 and 2007they appear as unhappy when single and happy in a relationship.The results also showed some interesting differences in news representation ofhomosexual persons between the three investigated years.

DN Debatts överskattade inflytande på andra medier : En studie av debattsidans genomslagskraft i Aktuellt, Ekot, Göteborgs Posten och Västerbottens-Kuriren

This study intends to examine the impact of a well known debate page in one of Sweden?s biggest newspapers, Dagens Nyheter. We have done this by analysing Ekot, Aktuellt, Göteborgs Posten and Västerbottens-Kuriren to see to what extent they ?take? news from the debate page.The method used was content analysis and to describe some of our thoughts about how we placed the hits in different categories we chose eight of our hits to exemplify.The material from the newspapers, radio and television was examined to discover the potential impact from the debate page.To carry out this study we have mainly used theories about how media get influenced by each other?s news and how they do follow-ups and refer to the original media. Other theories of importance for our study are for example those about what kinds of events that become news and how media influences people?s thoughts about what?s important.One of the most important conclusions we were able to draw after carrying out our study was that the debate page in Dagens Nyheter has quite a small impact on what our chosen media reported on.

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