

463 Uppsatser om New employee - Sida 6 av 31

Varför står det stridsvagnar på Gotland? : En fallstudie om en hotbilds konstruktion och genomslag.

IKEA HaparandaTornio employ some two-hundred people in its furniture retail store.Keeping track of staff statistics and employee information has previously been achievedthrough the use of a basic Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet. The store?s human resourcesdepartment requested an upgrade to this system with the hope of speeding up andsimplifying the administrative process, as well as to make it easier to monitor HR-relatedtarget statistics. The following report documents the development process of that upgrade ascarried out by the author. The project draws on research in usability design and cognitivepsychology to develop a user-friendly interface.

Motion eller relation? : En kvalitativ studie om sex chefers syn på hälsofrämjande arbete inom äldreomsorgen.

The aim of this thesis was to study the view on workplace health promotion among leaders in elderly care, to see how their views can influence employee health. The research questions of this study were: How do leaders in elderly care define the term health? What conditions do leaders in elderly care experience that they need to maintain or improve employee health? How do leaders in elderly care experience their role in workplace health promotion?The thesis is done with a qualitative approach and is based on six partly structured interviews with leaders of care homes within Stockholm municipality. The results from the interviews were analysed against Aaron Antonovskys theories about the salutogenic model and sense of coherence as well as with previous research. The result from the study showed that the leaders´ had an awareness of the meaning with health promotion, however, they had not reached the stage where they implemented the health promoting thoughts in their actual work with health.


In the EU there are EC Directives that Member States of EU should follow. Sweden has undertaken to transpose EC Directives regarding the working environment to Swedish Provisions.  In 4 April 2006, the European Commission had some criticism against the Swedish implementation of the Construction Sites Directive. The Swedish Work Environment Authority has in response to this criticism reworked the Work Environment Act and related provision about building and civil engineering work. The changes came into force 1 January 2009.These changes have resulted in some working methods and even new responsibility subjects must be reviewed. The purpose of this exam project was to investigate if contractors and clients in the construction sector, had have time to update themselves on this front and adapt to these changes.

Varumärkesvänner och relationsreklam - En kvantitativ studie av medarbetarkommunikation på Facebook

Marketers of today are confronted by the fact that it is increasingly difficult to gain the customer's attention, as they first have to break through the ad clutter. In a landscape where the general attitude towards advertising is negative, one way to successfully deliver the message to the customer involves communicating through personal impact. By using stimuli containing identical information with different senders, this thesis seeks to quantitatively explore whether brands can make use of the personal networks of its employees, in their social media marketing strategy. The purpose of the study is to investigate if communication via the employees could enhance traditional communication effects, such as buying intention and electronic WOM intention. Furthermore, the study aims to examine which role the employee should hold when communicating on behalf of the brand, and if the communication effects vary with the degree of product involvement.

Beskattning av löneförmåner : förutsebarheten av vissa löneförmåners skatteplikt alternativt dess skattefrihet

Not all payments that an employee receives are cash salary, but may also be salary benefits. It should not matter in which form an employee receives payment, taxation shall be equal despite the form of salary. Cash salary as well as salary in benefits are covered by a general rule in the Swedish Tax Law and shall therefore be taxed when they have a connection to the work performed. There are exemptions to the general rule as some benefits are tax free. In general, taxation shall be easy to foresee.   The legal rules that are treated in this thesis have a general meaning.

Co-opetition - Rollkonflikter i gränsöverskridande arbetskontexter

This thesis revolves around co-opetition and boundary spanning activities with IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) as research case. The main objective is to through qualitative interviews and a passive observation of email conversations explore how the participants of IETF experience and is affected by a double membership where they sometimes are cooperating with their competitors. Theories states that boundary spanning activities can create role conflicts for these participants when different role-senders, IETF and the employer, send incompatible expectations. We also believe that this can have a negative impact on discussions and the standard development process, which is why we are conducting the passive observations mentioned above.The result shows that the environment of co-opetition is a contributing factor to role-conflicts. These conflicts appear when participants are forced to choose between the role as an employee and the role as an IETF participant.

Att arbeta med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck - Socialsekreterares upplevelser

The purpose of this study was to examine how social services in Örebro working with young people vulnerable to honor- related violence and oppression. Further the purpose was to investigate recognition of guidelines that could act as support in the work with honor- related violence and oppression, and also however the work with these honor-related cases could have an emotional impact on the social worker. To answer these questions a qualitative study using interviews was performed with four social workers in Örebro. The results have been analyzed and interpreted in relation to previous research conducted in the field of honor research. Further three theoretical perspectives have been used in the interpretation of the results; implementation theory, sociology of emotion and coping.

Lojalitetsskapande hos anställda på fristående hotell

The hotel sector has reviewed big changes, as higher requirements on independent hotels have been set. In order to be able to compete with big hotel chains, it is no longer sufficient to only use the 4P of marketing mix, it is also required a bigger focus on the personnel. Trained and service aimed employees are service companies' intangible assets and they become more important. Globalisation and internationalisation has however contributed to that the labor market has become more open, and employees easier can compare employment conditions or change job.The aim of this essay is to analyze and to evaluate conditions for the internal marketing at independent hotels, in order to be able to achieve employee loyalty. The essay builds on a comparison between managers' and employees' views about internal marketing.A qualitative hermeneutical study has been used in order to be able to analyze and evaluate conditions for the independent hotels' internal marketing.

En studie om konflikter i arbetslivet och det  systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetets roll som verktyg till förebyggande arbete.

Abstract The main subject of this essay is conflicts at work and the effect it has on the employee´s health.  I can through various reports read that bad health at workplaces is too high and that conflicts are a reason. What can be done to the work environment so it will be better from a psychosocial perspective? Sweden has a regulation that makes the employer responsible to work for an improvement in the work environment; can these regulations be used in purpose to reduce conflicts?My first question concerns the possibility to establish preventive procedures in the workplace systematic work regarding to improve the work environment. My second question is about the obligations of the employer to attempt to reduce conflicts at the workplace and the third question regards the documenting and monitoring of conflicts and the preventing work to reduce them. The purpose of this essay is to clarify how conflict preventive work can be included in the Systematic work environment management.

Relationsmarknadsföring : Svenska konsultföretags kamp om anställdas och kunders varumärkeslojalitet

Swedish consulting companies within the architecture-and engineering business exist on a market that is distinguished by an increasing globalization and internationalization. The companies? commissions are based mostly on long-term, personal clientele. These relations are threatened by a huge number of coming retirements and high employee turnover.Consequently these companies need to improve and strengthen their relationships with existing customers, to create long-term employee and customer loyalty. The purpose of this essay was to analyze and evaluate consulting companies´ internal marketing.

Den attraktiva arbetsgivaren: En kvantitativ studie om beståndsdelarna av och förklaringsfaktorerna till ett attraktivt arbetsgivarvarumärke -

Talented and committed employees are important resources for a company?s competitiveness. With the escalating competition for competent employees, a strong employer brand has come to play an increasingly important role as a means of attracting employees with a desirable profile. In this study, brand theory is applied to the results of a quantitative study of students? evaluation of an attractive employer, in order to identify the factors which explain why certain employers are perceived as more attractive than others.

Miljöchefer : - ledarskap och medarbetarskap inom kommunalt miljö- och hälsoskydd

Environmental management officers ? leadership and employeeship in local environmental health authorityThe purpose of this study was to illustrate the working situation of municipal environmental health management officers. This is a qualitative study where I have interviewed ten environmental officers in ten municipalities in Sweden. The interviews were based on a half structured interview guide with questions. I have interpreted the interviews through different leadership theories.

Retention : Varför stanna när möjligheterna är oändliga

Bachelor thesis, Degree of master in Science and Economics, School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University, Management, 2FE01E, Spring Semester 2013Author: Johanna Björklund, Sarah Gustafsson and Sofia NicklassonMentor: Anders HytterTitle: Retention: Why stay when your options are unlimited? Background: Employee turnover is a problem today, and companies face increasing challenges when it comes to retain employees within the organization, so called employee retention. This is a present concept and theory holds that more organizations realize that they need to put more focus on retention as one of their business goals to remain competitive. It?s important that organizations understand individuals' different needs and the factors that make them satisfied in their professional life.

Employer Branding : ett modernt begrepp i offentlig verksamhet

Bakgrund Sedan efterkrigstiden har det skett en ökning av modernaorganisationsidéer. En av dessa idéer är employer branding som utgörvarumärket för företaget som arbetsgivare och som syftar till att lockatill sig och behålla rätt personal. Offentlig verksamhet har börjat arbetamed detta begrepp som en följd av new public management menstudier på detta område saknas.Syfte Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för de svårigheter som finns iatt utforma ett employer brand i en offentlig verksamhet somkaraktäriseras av new public management-idéer. Vi vill bidra till denföretagsekonomiska diskussionen om employer branding genom attbidra med ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till begreppet inom offentligverksamhet.Metod Studien är hermeneutisk med en abduktiv ansats. Fallstudier haranvänts för att samla in det empiriska materialet.

Att Dela på HRM : Human Resource Management mellan Bemanningsföretag, Kundorganisation och Konsult

Background and Problem definition: Atypical employment is something that has becomeincreasingly common in recent decades, these are defined as positions where no relationship is of thetraditional type in which the employee has a long term relationship with the employer and where hecarries out his work at the premises of the employer. These atypical employments can take variousforms, it can be fixed term contracts, project work or jobs in employment agencies and so on. Thestaffing sector in Sweden has grown rapidly since the 90s, and since international research shows thatthe three-way relationship arising from the use of staffing agencies may lead to challenges in differentparts of HRM, we have chosen to study this topic.Aim: The purpose of this paper is to describe and understand how HRM is handled in atypicalemployment relationships.Method: The epistemological starting point for this work is hermeneutics, as a result of this theresearch approach is qualitative and inspired by abduction. The authors have chosen to carry out thework as a case study of three primary cases, each one consisting of an employment agency, a clientorganization and an employee. The analysis is based on the hermeneutics principles of interpretationand concentration of meaning.Results: What emerged as central to how HRM is handled are the interdependencies that existbetween the business environment and the strategies of the firm, how they affect different parts ofHRM and how participation and liminality have an impact on the three-way relationship.Keywords: HRM, atypical employment, staffing agencies, three-way relationship and strategy..

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