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Ledning och övriga anställdas upplevelser av attraktivitet på arbetsplatsen "Mora of Sweden".

Ledning och övriga anställdas upplevelser av attraktivitet på arbetsplatsen ?Mora of Sweden? looks at how management and employees at the Swedish manufacturing company ?Mora of Sweden? perceive an ideal attractive company and what factors that determine one, as well as how these two groups perceive the situation at their own company. The main purpose of the essay is to compare the management?s point of view with that of the rest of the employee respondents? perspective. While doing so the author concludes that there are several factors such as how the employees feel about their physical working environment as well as their salary, of which the management lacks understanding or perceive differently and that there needs to be more of an open dialogue between the management and the employees..

Ingenmansland? : En studie av medarbetarnas uppfattning om sin tillhörighet och roll inom ett personaluthyrningsföretag

SummaryThe purpose with this study is to give a view of how employees understand their belonging and role in a temporary work agency and its clients. This study describes the employees´ relation towards the temporary work agency and the client. The study should be interesting for temporary work agencies and those who have considered of working in the temporary work agency business.The agency in this study is Manpower AB and has existed in Skövde for five years and has appreciated 200 employees. The company offers fast, worth its prizes and flexible employment agency solutions no matter if it affects a few persons or more complicated solutions. You can find specialists and generalists within the most fields, for example administration, sales, market, telemarketing, technology, and logistics.

Ständiga förbättringar : Motivera ICA:s kollektivmedarbetare till ett ökat engagemang

 AbstractTitle                                      Continuous improvement ? Motivating ICA´s  personnel to    a greater engagement.Problem                                  Getting ICA: s employees involved with continuing improvements.Purpose                                  To motivate ICA: s employees to a higher degree of commitment and    contributing with ideas and embracing approved improvements. Research questions   - How should the employees be properly motivated to contribute with   suggestions for improvement?  - What message and content should improvements send to inspire the   employees? - Witch channels should be used to capture the employee?s attention? - How can best practice be recognized and how can the knowledge be spread  through the organization?Methodology                          Initially a theory study was completed and from the results a case study were  conducted.Conclusion                             Combining success factors for continuing improvements.  To get the      employees feeling appreciated with their work. Results             By combining ten sucessfactors and trying to see the whole picture.                .

Strukturerad- kontra beteendeintervju : Skillnad i mängd och kvalitet på den information som erhålls vid anställningsintervjuer

According to Barclay (2001), behavioral interviews yield higher quality information, than other interview techniques. This study focused on whether the quality and quantity of information differ between structured interview and behavioral interviewing. Two headhunters held 16 job interviews with the two techniques, 9 behavioral interviews and 7 structured interviews. Both headhunters and candidates have evaluated the interviews quantitatively. Initial and concluding interviews have, as well, been held with the headhunters.  No definitive answers were found in the quantitative analysis, but the qualitative results suggest that behavioral interviews give, because of the headhunters opinions, more and higher quality information.

Meddelartrygghet : För privatanställda på offentligt finansierade jobb

This paper examines how notifies security looks for private employed workers in jobs founded by the public. The aim is to clarify the legal situation surrounding notifies law, and to analyze possible shortcomings in the law with a focus on the future.Notifies law is based on five cornerstones. Where freedom of information, a right to provide information to the media for publication, ?acquires the right? and protection to be anonymous when talking to the press goes to all workers. The other two pillars, ?a look up prohibitions? and ?retaliatory forbid? apply only to employees in the public sector.

En studie om psykosociala arbetsmiljöfaktorer på ett dykföretag i Thailand med fokus på motivation och välmående

Problematik: Precis som många andra turismföretag så präglas dykföretag av säsongsarbete. Under lågsäsongen arbetar året runt personalen med få turister och kollegor och under högsäsongen arbetar de intensivt tillsammans med säsongsarbetare i ett halvårs tid i en destination full av turister. När lågsäsongen närmar sig minskar turistmängden och säsongsarbetarna. Det är en livsstil för båda grupperna, men också en tillfällig period för säsongsarbetarna och en vardag för året runt personalen. Personalen har således olika förutsättningar, intressen och behov och deras arbetsmotivation skiljer sig beroende på om de är åretruntarbetare eller säsongarbetare.

Fastighetsmäklaren som bärare av företagets varumärke : Intern marknadsföring och dess påverkan på organisationskulturen

Syftet med va?r underso?kning var att underso?ka hur va?l fastighetsma?klarfo?retag lyckats skapa en medvetenhet, acceptans och engagemang fo?r fo?retagets varuma?rke hos sina ansta?llda. Vi har i studien a?ven studerat organisationskulturens roll i byggandet av ?corporate identity?. Va?r underso?kning har skett genom en kvalitativ metod och med halvstrukturerade intervjuer.

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö och ledarskap: en kvalitativ studie om anställdas upplevelser av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön med fokus på ledarskap

Previous research has shown that the psychosocial work environment and leadership have a significant influence on the employees work satisfaction. Still there is much to explore regarding the employees experiences about these two subjects. A qualitative approach was used in this study to increase the understanding of the employee´s experience of psychosocial work environment and leaders role affecting it. Eight semi structured interviews were carried out at two organizations with four interviews in each place. The data was transcribed and a meaning concentration analysis was conducted.

Första avstampet för att konstruera en digital stadskarta för personer med nedsatt syn

The physical map that has been used until now can in the modern days be replaced with digital maps available in smart phones and tablets. One disadvantage of both is that the digital maps require the user to have a fully functional sight. The problem with the research done so far is that it provides little explanation as to why developers have decided to design the maps in a specific way. This thesis has been designed to address this problem.In order to provide the knowledge needed, a literature study was done to construct interview questions to an employee from SG Access AB. These answers and the literature study were used to construct interview questions to members and employees from Synskadades Riksförbund  (SRF).

Lean filosofi ? fem steg till ordning och reda på arbetsplatsen : Lean philosophy ? five steps to get the workplace in order

Part 1 of 2  ? Lean philosophy ? five steps to get the workplace in order?Part one deals with the theory of what Lean and 5S are.Lean is a long-term approach that involves a quest to become the best on the market by increasing employee engagement, eliminate waste and focus on the right things.5S is a method of order in a system. Businesses around the world are using these 5S which stands for sort, straighten, shine, standardize and sustain. Part 2 of 2 ? Lean philosophy ? five steps to get the workplace in order?Part 2 deals with the practical about 5S and a short summery about the company Wibax AB where the degree thesis took place.Wibax has a a project which involves using 5S in practice and create order in the in preparation lab and in the control room.By finding a solution to this mess reduces the time that was previously spent on searching equipment. Instead of search, the workers can do the real work..

Anställdas attityd till miljön och miljöledningssystemet: ALSTOM Power Sweden AB

Today environmental management systems (EMS) are common documents (more correctly, a combination of documents) that direct, steer and regulate environmental efforts within many companies. The intention of EMS is that its guidelines are reflected in how the employee carries out his everyday work tasks. This study aims to illuminate the attitudes that exist regarding the EMS at ALSTOM Power Sweden. By using questionnaires and interviews as a method to communicate with employees,a study of the existing attitudes regarding the EMS was carried out. The results were analyzed categorically and statistically and show that there are consistent attitudes among employees, but that there are also inconsistent attitudes.

En hemtjänstgrupp fast i en negativ spiral?

Abstract We have chosen to figure out why a majority in a home-help service group in west of Sweden is, or has been sick-listed. The purpose with our work has been to investigate our area to be able to come up with different factors which can have contributed to the high numbers of this particular group. We have worked with qualitative method and conversation-interviews to be able to answer our purpose at the best way. We had separate interviews with the ten employees at their work and these interviews we chose to record with a computer. The result we got were that the group had existed for about four years and since then, they have had several different directors.

Medarbetares behov av kommunikation : Ett medarbetarperspektiv på kommunikation vid en organisationsförändring

Changes are occurring in most organizations today and due to the fact that changes often are harder to implement than they seem, it often takes much longer time to implement them than the management have planned. During an organizational change theorist claim that communication between managers and employees is one of the most important things to consider. Therefore, in this essay, our aim is to closer investigate which needs of information and communication co-workers have during a planned organizational change. To collect data, we interviewed five co-workers and one manager who works in an organization which has gone through a major change. Our theoretical framework comprises former research of organizational communication, employee?s needs of communication, change communication and theories of uncertainty during organizational change.

Fichtelius-affären och public service-ideologin

With this master thesis I wanted to find out whether Erik Fichtelius, an SVT employee, interview project with prime minister Göran Persson is acceptable according to the public service ideology. In order to do that I used Swedish newspaper articles to analyse the so called Fichtelius affair. I also gathered material on SVT and the public service ideology. The master thesis is based on sociologist Manuel Castells theories on mass media and television as presented in the Information Age. Castells claims that in our time different areas, such as politics and television, are melting together.

Whistleblowing: Ingvar Bratt, hjälte eller förrädare?

An employee that informs on illegal or unethical behavior in the workplace is what has been called a whistleblower. Employees that have become whistleblowers have often faced tragic consequences, like threats from the organization, unemployment, bankruptcy and divorce. The purpose of this paper is, on the basis of different ethical perspectives to describe the justification of the whistleblowing phenomenon and apply this to the Swedish whistleblower Ingvar Bratt who ?blew the whistle? when he found out that Bofors AB, the company he worked for, were smuggling arms to the countries Dubai and Bahrein. The method that has been used in this paper is what Björn Badersten call a normative ?givet att?- analysis.

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