

337 Uppsatser om Neuropsychic disabilities - Sida 5 av 23

Det lidande djuret: från ett djurvänligt svenskt folk till ett humant samhälle. En diskursanalys av föreställningar om djur i svensk djurskyddspolitik under efterkrigstiden.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Att kunna lite kan göra mycket : Socialarbetarens möten med personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar

In this paper we have chosen to focus on social workers and their experiences of interacting with clients with neuropsychiatric disabilities, in example persons with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), Asperger syndrome, autism and/or Tourette syndrome. The main purpose was to look into three areas: What knowledge do social workers mean that they need about neuropsychiatric disabilities and how can their needs of knowledge can be met? How do they experience the meeting with a person with neuropsychiatric disabilities? How does the cooperation function between authorities regarding persons with neuropsychiatric disabilities?Definition of the concept of disability and function from a historical perspective points out that the approach has changed over time. Previous research studies of the interaction in meeting between the client and the social worker shows that the social worker carries two faces, so called aspects. The first aspect is about help and care and the second aspect is about administrative functions.

Språkliga och kognitiva förmågor hos barn med läs-och skrivsvårigheter : En jämförelse med barn med cochleaimplantat

Children with Reading and Writing Difficulties and Their Language and Cognitive AbilitiesA Comparison with Children with a Cochlear ImplantAbstractThe aim of this study was to examine the cognitive abilities that are important for reading in children with reading disabilities, children with a cochlear implantation and typically developed children. 64 children aged 10-12 years participated in the study. To answer the question at issue we used the following tests: Block Design from WISC III, PPVT III, TOWRE, SL 40 and a few chosen tests out of the SIPS battery. On tests of the lexical access children with reading disabilities performed at the same level as hearing children, while the children with a cochlear implant performed significantly lower. Test of the phonological and complex working memory showed that children with reading disabilities performed significantly higher than children with a cochlear implant, but at the same time lower than typically developed children on the test of phonological working memory.

Elever med språkstörning : Skiljer sig strategierna för elevernas utbildning beroende av elevernas ålder?

This thesis investigates strategies used to include students with language disabilities in schools and whether they differ depending on the age of the students. A interview guide for qualitative interviews was used to interview two groups of respondents (teachers with longer and shorter experience) The material was categorized according to students ages (grade 5 and below respective grade 6 to 9) The results show that there is no common plan for how to work with children with language disabilities in the investigated municipality. However, similar strategies are used for both groups of students, but how the strategies are applied differs..

I vilkas intressen förs den nya svenska biståndspolitiken? En textanalytisk studie i vilkas intresse den svenska biståndspolitiken har förändrats och vilkas intressen som återspeglas i den nya biståndspolitiken.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Kultur för flera marknadsföring av teater för personer med dövhet eller hörselskada

Today many people with disabilities are excluded from cultural activities. The reason for this is that activities and the environment are not adapted to people with disabilities. The aim of this study is to describe the process to make cultural activities accessible and to describe the importance of good communication between cultural suppliers and their customers. Other questions raised are accessibility to cultural activities for people with hearing disabilities, the activities in the marketing process, the interaction between theatre companies and its audience and if the interaction has contributed to the theatre's future development. Qualitative interviews with staff responsible for integration at seven theatres have been performed.

Reading- and writing-disabilities from a second language perspective

Abstract Denna uppsats handlar om att undersöka hur andraspråkselever som misstänks ha läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi utreds på en skola. I en empirisk studie intervjuas sex stycken pedagoger som arbetar med att göra de inledande testerna/kartläggningarna på elever med misstänkt dyslexi/läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Lärarna i undersökningen arbetar inom samma upptagningsområde som speciallärare/pedagoger. Uppsatsens resultat visar på att tillängliga diagnosverktyg på undersökt skola inte är anpassade för att kunna säkerställa en eventuell diagnos hos elever med ett annat modersmål än svenska..

Läs- och skrivsvårigheter = matematiksvårigheter!?

Syftet är att se om det finns något samband mellan elevers läs- och skrivsvårigheter och matematik i årskurs 4-6 samt att se i vilket sammanhang de eventuella problemen synliggörs. Arbetets resultat grundar sig i matematiktester som är konstruerade utifrån frågeställningen ?Vad är det inom matematikämnet elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter kan få svårigheter med??. Resultatet visar att läs- och skrivsvaga elever i vissa fall kan ha brister inom matematikens problemlösningsområden och även inom algoritmområdet. Elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter brister i dessa matematikdelar på grund av brister i läsflytet, svårigheter med begreppsförståelse, komprimerat språk och brister i korttidsminnet..

L?rare och L?rer - en studie kring svenska och danska l?rares syn p? elever med intellektuella funktionshinder och deras undervisning under 1960-talet.

This comparative study explores Swedish and Danish teachers? perspectives on students with intellectual disabilities and their education. The research focuses on the 1960s, a pivotal decade marked by paradigm shifts from medical to socio-constructivist views on intellectual disabilities. Through qualitative text analysis of articles from the Nordic Journal of Special Education (Nordisk tidskrift f?r specialpedagogik), this study examines how teachers described these students, the prevailing norms versus perceived deviations, and their proposed teaching strategies.

Ett individintegrerat läsår - marginalisering eller möjlighet : En studie om tre individintegrerade elever i gymnasiesärskolan

The purpose of this study is to acquire knowledge about how interaction, participation and inclusion are affected by individual integration for three students in upper secondary education for pupils with learning disabilities. To be individually integrated means, in this case, that the students from compulsory school for children with learning disabilities are taking part in some of the programme-specific courses together with students from the regular upper secondary school. This study gets its inspiration from the ethnographic research approach, and uses passive observations together with interviews with students and their guardians as main methods to collect information.The school in question has not made any adjustments to make the programme-specific courses more adapted to the different needs, which is typical of integration. This study shows that the school presumes that the students with the help from the vocational teacher, but without any special needs educational help, themselves are to adapt to the conditions at the regular upper secondary school. This, together with the lack of special needs educational competence among the vocational teachers, led to a higher level of exclusion and an enhanced feeling of not being up to standard among the integrated students.The results also show that the integrated students maintain a strong wish to be included with the students attending the regular upper secondary school.

Upplevelser av att arbeta med djur på daglig verksamhet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie bland personer med funktionsnedsättning

The central part in all public health work is health promotion and disease preventing actions among the population. Since all public health work includes the whole population, the work has to embrace disabled people as well. Within the disability policies, participation and equality are important goals, which illustrate the importance of a job. In previous studies the positive effects of animal have been detected among persons with disabilities, by better balance, better mobility, larger social network, new knowledge and most of all happiness. The aim of this study was to investigate how people with disabilities experience their health when they are working with animal husbandry at daily activities.

Nedläggningen av Bahco-fabriken : En lokalstudie av tre aktörers argument och agerande

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how individuals with reading- and writing disabilities and dyslexia handle their information need in the workplace. The method that has been used is a qualitative study made with interviews with individuals who have these problems, to see how they think and feel about the flow of information on their everyday basis. The study?s respondents are working women between the ages of 27 and 47 years old and they have reading- and writing disabilities and dyslexia. The most interesting results of this study are that the respondents are avoiding jobs where they need to read and write much and where they also do not like changes in their job situation.

Vem hör hemma i arbetslivet? : Praktik som åtgärd för att underlätta personer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningars inträde på arbetsmarknaden.

This study investigates a Swedish educational project aimed to incorporate young people with intellectual disabilities into the labor market through internship. This qualitative interview study was conducted with six of the project student?s internship supervisors. The purpose of this study is thus to examine the motives behind the decision to take on a trainee from the program at the workplace. In addition, the study also aims to examine whether and how dif-ferent factors of the workplace affect the trainee?s opportunities for social inclusion in the workplace.

Porträtt av personer med funktionsnedsättningar : - En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning om den bild SVT:s respektive TV4:s nyhetsinslag skapar av personer med funktionsnedsättningar

The study has answered the questions to what extent people with disabilities are involved in SVT- and TV4- news reports and how people with disabilities are represented in news reports. The material is based on 140 news items.The study has demonstrated that news reports SVT and TV4 have different grades of misconceptions about disabled people. Disabled people are constantly being reinforced by negative disabling terms, the disability being of central importance for the news broadcast and they still occur in stereotypical depictions. Through the image of disabled people forms the bed-rock on which the attitudes towards, assumptions and expectations of disabled people are based on. They are fundamental to discrimination and exploitation that people with disabilities face on a daily basis, and contributes significantly to their systematic exclusion from mainstream society.

Mattesmedjan : Lösningen för elever med matematiksvårigheter?

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to compare Sten Rydhs wiew of learning disabilities in mathematics and his education with current literature and research. I want to explore whether the education of ?Mattesmedjan?*, influenced by the Suzuki method, can be the solution for the students with maths problems. ?Mattesmedjan? is a privately-owned school of maths.

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