

9706 Uppsatser om Network Monitoring System - Sida 7 av 648

Implementation av CUSUM/SPRT-algoritm för kvalitetsövervakning i realtid av robotsvetsning

Under början av 1990-talet inledde Volvo Personvagnar i Olofström en process där övervakning av robotiserad MIG/MAG-svetsning var i fokus. Det ledde fram till ett forskningsprojekt som resulterade i att Stefan Adolfsson, Lunds tekniska högskola/Blekinge tekniska högskola, 1998 presenterade avhandlingen Automatic Quality Monitoring in GMA Welding using Signal Processing Methods [5]. I den presenterades ett SPRT-baserat övervakningskoncept för övervakning av MIG/MAG-svetsning med kort- och spraybåge. För att få fram ett kostnadseffektivt övervakningssystem uppkom tanken att använda vanliga PC-datorer som plattform. De erbjuder hög beräkningskapacitet till förhållandevis låg kostnad.

En systemlösning för en framtida fjärrvärmeutbyggnad i Täby : ur Fortum Värmes perspektiv

At the moment in central Täby there are small district heating network operated by Fortum Heat. The distribution network has an annual heat demand of about 70 GWh, which is supported by the network's two plants, Galten and Farmen. Täby as a region is rapidly growing and there are grand plans to develop the area. Estimated market potential for a future district heating expansion in Täby is very high and as early as in 2007 Täby decided to invest in a large-scale expansion. In autumn 2009 Täby did a procurement process, known as the ?Täby initiative?, to find a partner that could implement those expansion plans. To secure a cheap basic production the partner also need to build a power plant at Hagby recycling center. Despite high interest during initial state of the process, only one procurement offer were received and Täby suspended the contract in March the following year.

Effektiva gränsorganisationer: en fallstudie av regionkontoret North Sweden European Office

Regional European Offices with the purpose to represent regions and municipalities in the EU-system have had a substantial expansion over the last years. One example is the North Sweden European Office for the counties of Norrbotten and Västerbotten, consisting of seven different headmen who are representing both the private sector as well as the public system. This diverse leadership representation makes North Sweden a very good example on a so called Quango, organisations that stand under simultaneous influence from both public and private sectors. These Quangos opens up new possibilities to solve public problems, but they also bring together two different working models which is not always easy to handle for a Quango. According to earlier surveys some characteristic Quango problems within North Sweden exist, for example the ability to prioritize and thereby be as effective as possible.

Minivindkraftverks inverkan på lågspänningsnät

Micro-power wind energy convertors have recently increased in popularity. The reasons for this are among other things the increasing cost of electric energy and enviromental concern.In this thesis the connection of these micro-power wind energy convertors to the utility network is discussed. Electric standards for the connection of small production units is presented. Finally some calculations and measurements of electric quality are also presented. The utility network used in the calculations is part of Halmstad Energi och Miljö network..

Implementation av CUSUM/SPRT-algoritm för kvalitetsövervakning i realtid av robotsvetsning

Under början av 1990-talet inledde Volvo Personvagnar i Olofström en process där övervakning av robotiserad MIG/MAG-svetsning var i fokus. Det ledde fram till ett forskningsprojekt som resulterade i att Stefan Adolfsson, Lunds tekniska högskola/Blekinge tekniska högskola, 1998 presenterade avhandlingen Automatic Quality Monitoring in GMA Welding using Signal Processing Methods [5]. I den presenterades ett SPRT-baserat övervakningskoncept för övervakning av MIG/MAG-svetsning med kort- och spraybåge. För att få fram ett kostnadseffektivt övervakningssystem uppkom tanken att använda vanliga PC-datorer som plattform. De erbjuder hög beräkningskapacitet till förhållandevis låg kostnad. Examensarbetets mål är att implementera det SPRT-baserade övervakningskonceptet i LabVIEW på en PC och utvärdera realtidsegenskaperna.

Quality of Service i IP-nätverk

The original promise behind the Internet Protocol was to deliver data from a sender to the receiver using a best-effort approach. This means that the protocol makes no guarantees except that it will try to deliver the data to the destination. If some problem occurs the packet may be discarded by the network without any notice. No guarantees are made regarding the time it takes to deliver the data, the rate at which data will be delivered or if data is delivered in the same order it was sent. The best-effort approach is arguably the reason behind the success of the Internet Protocol and is what makes IP scalable to networks the size of the Internet.

LIN baserad kommunikationsmodul för GPS

The work that is the basis of this Master Thesis was performed on Scania´s group of cabdevelopment, and concerns the GPS-system in Scania´s trucks. Today, the GPS-systemconsists of an active antenna mounted on the roof of the truck. The antenna is connectedto the receiver with a coaxial cable.The purpose with this Master Thesis was to develop and evaluate a new GPS-system,where the information is distributed using a LIN-network. Today, each unit requiringGPS-information is equipped with its own antenna and receiver. This solution has beenthe most cost effective to this point.

Fjärrlån i Sverige - dagsläget och utvecklingsmöjligheter i framtiden

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the possibilities for creating a national interlibraryloan system in Sweden and to see how it could be integrated into an international network .The methods used are both qualitative and quantitative. We have sent inquiries to a numberof libraries and we have interviewed keypersons in the interlibrary loan field in Sweden.We have reached the conclusion that in spite of several impediments there is a lot that speaksfor a Swedish national interlibrary loan system in the near future. A national bibliographicdatabase is already evolving..

Individuell utvecklingsplan- Vad händer sen? : En studie i hur en lärare säger sig uppfatta den egna uppföljningen utav individuella utvecklingsplaner

This study describes and analyzes how one teacher perceives her monitoring of the students´individual plans of development as expressed in the Education Act chapter 10, 13§. Today there are nonational guidelines published in the monitoring area for these plans of development, although this is anobligation for all teachers in Sweden. Also, it presents some students´ opinion on this and how themonitoring affects their learning.The progressive perspective on learning with the content spirit of the concepts responsibility,participation and experience, as well as research in this field provides the background for the study.The most important features of the data were presented in relation to these three concepts and thecommon themes found between them.The study reveales that the monitoring of the individual plans of development can never be taken forgranted due to the absence of national guidelines on this matter. Either the intention of this absence isto hand over to a professional profession, such as teachers, to decide themselves how the work shouldbe designed, or they are not capable of doing this based on their education and the other conditionsgiven in their work. The conclusion is therefore that it is up to each school and each teacher to decideon how to work with this matter..

Tidssynkroniserade mätningar i vattenkraftstationer

Vattenfall and Svenska Kraftnät perform start-up tests, where hydropower generators are used to power up the electrical grid in case of a blackout. To monitor the electrical grid, Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) are used. Each PMU is individually equipped with a GPS-receiver to precisely timestamp the data relative to the official time UTC. During the test, it is also of interest to timestamp the measurement signals from individual hydropower generators to later compare with PMU-data, and thus study the power grids impact on the generator. The aim is to work out an appropriate method to make these measurements and to build a data acquisition system, capable of timestamp data relative to UTC, from a generator in one of Vattenfalls hydroelectric power stations. The problem is that the generator is located in an underground station which hampers the reception of GPS-signals and wiring should be avoided if possible. Time synchronization has been solved by using Vattenfalls network, which is synchronized by the network protocol NTP.

STUDENTERS INFORMATIONSHORISONTER: Användning av Google och sociala nätverk i informationsökningsprocessen

The theses discuss information seeking with a focus on Google and social networks. Students attending the librarian program in Lund have been examined by means of two methods; diaries and information horizons, where they had to solve a specific assignment. The information horizon as a method contributes to getting a structural perspective on the information search process instead of viewing information search as a procedure. Information horizons use social network analysis.The aim of the theses is to investigate the importance of the social network in information search, with a particular focus on Google as a search tool. Our hypothesis is that Google acts as a compensator to the social network when the students search for information and in the educational program.The research indicates that there is no direct correlation between usage of the social network and usage of Google.

Kundfokuserad miljökommunikation med CRM-system : En Fallstudie hos Green Cargo

BackgroundToday a common approach to solve a complicated problem is to assemble a temporary workforce in order to solve the problem by working together within a project. One of the difficulties with working in projects is to maintain the planned budget. Working hours and costs are often exceeded. Many companies presume that any certain project will succeed, a presumption that leads companies not to anticipate risks involved in a project. In companies today there is seldom time for evaluation or moderation of a project, in order to have time for evaluation there is a great need for an adequate planning of the project.IntentThe intention with this study is to create a model for planning, budgeting and evaluation of projects within consultancy companies.MethodWith the help of interviews and discussions within the group Hamnar och Byggkonstruktioner at Sweco has evidence to present a proposal on planning, budgeting and monitoring been developed.ResultsA model has been developed to ease for consultancy companies to plan, budget, monitor and evaluate projects.

Dialyspatienters sätt att hantera information vid stressfyllda situationer ? överensstämmelse mellan resultat från två mätinstrument

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur dialyspatienter hanterar information i stressfylldasituationer och i vilken utsträckning resultaten överensstämmer från mätningar medmätinstrumenten The Miller Behavioral Style Scale (MBSS) och Threatening MedicalSituations Inventory (TMSI). Studien hade en beskrivande och jämförande design ochurvalet var ett bekvämlighetsurval. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av 30 dialyspatienter fråntvå olika dialysmottagningar. Mätinstrument som använts är MBSS som bestod av tvåfrågor i stressfyllda situationer där deltagarna fick kryssa för ett eller flera alternativ. TMSIbestod av fyra frågor om olika medicinska stressfyllda situationer, där deltagarna fick svarapå sex olika påståenden med hjälp av en fem gradig skala.

Nätverkskommunikation för jämställdhet

AbstractTitle: Network communication for equal opportunities (Nätverkskommunikation för jämställdhet)Number of pages: 47 (54 with enclosures)Author: Hillevi GoodTutor: Ylva EkströmCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring Semester 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityAim: The aim of this essay is to study the possibilities to bring about change by the means of communication in two networks, focusing on the implementation of the Swedish Equal Opportunities Act.Material and method: The study draws on data collected in an electronic survey among representatives of two networks consisting of representatives from trade unions and employer?s associations. The material is analyzed using descriptive tools, cross tables and correlation matrices in which general characteristics as well as individual understandings of the network communication are presented and discussed.Main results: The general results indicate that the network communication serves important purposes, such as providing support and motivation for the members and changing attitudes towards equal opportunities. The analysis suggests that the network members have good communicative possibilities to serve as agents of change within their organisations. Moreover, there is an observed relation between, on the one hand, organizational context and, on the other hand, the network members? own communicational behaviour and their experienced possibility to influence their organizations.Keywords: network communication, diffusion of innovations, behaviour change, Equal Opportunities Act.

Hela min själ är fylld utav sår : En studie utifrån kvinnors egna upplevelser av att leva med självskadebeteende

This study intends to illuminate women?s experiences of their own self-harm. Self-harm is mostly associated with women and research shows that women mostly are over-represented. This study describes women?s experiences about their self-harm but also how they perceive the elements around them during their illness.

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