

9706 Uppsatser om Network Monitoring System - Sida 30 av 648

Leder icke användarcentrerad systemutveckling till låg användbarhet?

Within system development users have rarely been involved or received much attention during the development. Most of the times, the primary focus within system development lies on insuring functionality, rather than making the system usable. The literature specifies that a non user-centered approach can contribute to a product with low usability, which can lead to an ineffective and unsatisfactory experience for the end users.The purpose of this thesis is to begin an investigation to see if the use of non user-oriented system development methods is a possible cause of low usability in the final system.To achieve the purpose of this thesis, we have conducted a case study. Within the case study we examined the usability of a time reporting system. The case study included seven minor studies; an investigation concerning the development of the system, an expert evaluation of the system, interviews and observations of users, developed paper prototypes and executable prototypes, both which user testing was performed on.The result of this study shows that by working with user-entered methods, the usability in the time reporting system increased after the design had been revised.

Utveckling av modellbaserad reglering i kommersiella styrsystem

In industrial control systems PID-control remains the prevalent strategy, also for processes that would benefit from model based control. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate whether model based control can be readily implemented in an industrial control system. To this end a simulated surge tank with a simulated industrial control system is studied. For evaluation two scenarios with specified objectives are selected.Following a review of LQR and versions of MPC, Predictive Functional Control (PFC) is considered the most suitable for implementation. PFC is a form of MPC developed with industrial applications in mind and therefore has several advantages for implementation in an industrial control system.

Utveckling av analysmodul till Zenicor Medical Systems EKG-system

The mainpart of this thesis is about the developing of a new analysis tool to be used in Zenicor Medical Systems AB ECG-system. The primary task of the system is to simplify the ECG survey for patients who suffers from different kinds of arrythmias, for example heart fibrillation. With this system is it possible for the patients to do their ECG survey by them self at home and then send the signal with their telephone or mobilphone to a server. The equipment used to do the survey is not bigger than you can have it in a pocket and this results in a bigger flexibility for the patient. A doctor can connect to the server and analys the ECG-curve and follow up the patients condition..

Bokningssystem för gemensamhetsresurser via TV

This thesis describes the process of developing a reservation system for common resources through a TV-interface. The system is developed in cooperation with the company Dreampark and is built to work in their platform for TV, Dreamgallery. The main goal was to develop a reservation system and to make it work with Dreamgallery, to develop a demonstration version of the system. The thesis describes the approach for developing an easy-to-use and customisable program and interface for making reservations. How this is inserted into an existing program in a suitable way.

Självgående fordon hos Sandvik do Brasil

At the plant of Sandvik do Brasil in São Paulo there is a need for improving the transport of inserts between the plant building and the stock building. The idea is to install a system with an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) to take care of this transportation. The purpose of this report is to present which demands there are on the system and to find the best solution according to the demands.To conclude this work a study was made of the plant and the AGV technology was examined. Several providers of AGV solutions were contacted to get information about prices and detailed solutions.The conclusion was that the most suitable system for this application is a small unit load vehicle using inductive wire as guiding system..

Ordets blomma kommer inte att dö : att förändra världar genom globala nätverk

Social movements have long been valuable components of the struggle for a world with true justice. Along with the changing and modernization of society these movements also change, both in their actions as well as in the goals they want to accomplish. Technology is taking a greater part in many aspects of social life, creating new dimensions but also new social divides. This thesis examines how new social movements make themselves visible and affect the world around them through different kinds of networks. For the purpose of this study, we have chosen to study two social movements; the Zapatistas in Mexico, who have become known worldwide for carrying out the first informational revolution, and MoveOn.org, an American grassroots organization that struggles for increased democracy in the US.

Trådlös kommunikation för Anybus

The industry struggles with problems concerning physical damage to wiresand communication in remote areas. Introducing a wireless network canprovide a solution to these issues. However, introducing wirelesscommunication comes with a whole new line of problems that will becovered in this report. By utilizing the wireless communication standardIEEE 802.11 a product can easily be integrated into an existing wiredEthernet network (IEEE 802.3).An introduction to the standard IEEE 802.11 and a summary of existingproducts utilizing the standard for embedded systems will be giventhroughout the report. This report also tries to explain key parameters forwireless communication in an industrial environment.This project also consists of a design and an implementation part, where thechosen IEEE 802.11 standard will be integrated into the existing wiredAnybus-S Ethernet module from the company HMS Industrial Networks.The integration part of the project has resulted in a working prototype calledAnybus-S Ethernet Wireless that utilizes the IEEE 802.11b/g standard fortransferring data.The project has been really fun to participate in and it has been successful inthe terms that a working prototype exists, and the authors have gained theknowledge in the subject as intended..

Nätverk på nätet: Innovativt värdeskapande genom samarbete

A constantly increasing number of magazines are using the Internet as a business channel. One of these is Allt om Mat (All about Food). Together with expressen.se, Allt om Mat developed a food website, alltommat.se, which was introduced at the beginning of 2008. In this essay we investigate how alltommat.se developed its service concept. Further, we look at how this development has influenced and been influenced by relations among the three actors and the users.

Mer än ett spel : ? en kvalitativ studie om MMORPG-spelens påverkan på spelarnas liv

The phenomenona MMORPG-games ? a qualitative study on MMORPG-games effects on the players lifeThe aim of this study was to shed lights on what it is that makes some people play MMORPG-games, get a insight in how a gamers social network can look like and how the game can change the players everyday life. To acchieve this aim the authors carried out four individual interwievs with MMORPG-players. These interwieves was hermeneutic interpreted with the socialantropology networkstheory, roletheory, social identitytheory and the entirety was interpreted with the concept: ?the late modern society?.The conclusions that was found were that the games helps the players to handle their everyday life and has a condition for the players to produce relationships with other players.

Utveckling av verktyg för linjär analys av JAS 39 Gripens styrsystem

Linjäriseringar av olinjära system är mycket relevanta eftersom det finns en i förhållandevis enkel och omfattande matematisk teori kring linjära system, till skillnad från allmänna olinjära system.För vissa olinjära system är det svårt eller inte ens möjligt att genomföra en analytisk linjärisering.Orsakerna till detta kan vara hög komplexitet av systemet eller avsaknaden av ett analytiskt uttryck.Numerisk analys kan vara en lösning på detta problem.I detta examensarbete används framåtdifferens och centraldifferens för att genomföra de derivata-approximationersom behövs för att genomföra en numerisk linjärisering av ett olinjärt system.Rapporten behandlar även vad som sker då det är dålig upplösning på den indata som används när man genomför enlinjärisering, vad som händer med heltal och binära signaler om de ingår i ett system som linjäriseras ocheffekten av att ha olika samplingstider för olika delmoduler i ett system som linjäriseras.Slutligen undersöks numerisk bilinjärisering av ett system på bilinjär form och en jämförelse mellan analytisk linjärisering och bilinjärisering görs..

Systemarkitektur för presentation av geografiskinformation- Utredning av Informationssystem och produkter

Banverket Trafik has a responsibility to make sure that the companies who traffic the Swedish railroad have the correct information about the status of the railroad. One of Banverket Trafiks information systems (Opera) presents the train?s actual position on a map and provides the user with physical information about the trains. Due to increasing demands on the information systems, Banverket Trafik needs to update the present system architecture in order to manage the increasing demands on map graphics and map functions. This paper analysis the information system Opera on the basis of theory and support of methods and discuss problems and demands for Opera.

Mer än ett pris - : En studie om information, uppfattningar och användning av internpriser.

Background: When companies decentralize their operations into profit centers, transfer pricing often becomes an integral part in intracompany trade. A profit center may affect both revenues and costs and seek to maximize profit. Transfer Pricing is a complex subject because it is affected by a large number of factors including the profit centers will to generate profits. This leads us to the subject of decision-making in a transfer pricing-systems. On what grounds are decisions made? Are transfer pricing purposes, factors and interests taken into consideration? What type of information is used in such decisions, how is the transfer price issue perceived and how is it used?Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze which type of information that is makes up transfer prices, how the transfer price is perceived by different parties and how it is used for decision-making.Completion: A qualitative study has been performed with current theory as a starting point.

Allmänhetens säkerhetsmedvetenhet med avseende på trådlös kommunikation

Offentliga trådlösa nätverk finns idag mer tillgängliga än någonsin. Samtidigt haralla dessa nätverk något gemensamt ? de går alla att avlyssna och risken finns attanvändarens information kan komma i fel händer. Uppsatsen behandlarallmänhetens säkerhetsmedvetenhet med avseende på denna typ av nätverk genomtvå undersökningar. Den första undersökningen sker via ett tekniskt experiment därdet på flera geografiska platser har erbjudits ett trådlöst nätverk till allmänheten.

Användbarhet i interna IT-system : Vilken påverkan har användbarheten i ett internt IT-system vid en arbetsmiljö på distans?

Användbarheten av IT-system förbättras ständigt och företag har fokus på att förbättra sina IT-system som företagets kunderna använder då det leder till fler och nöjdare kunder. Annorlunda ser det ut för interna IT-system, alltså datasystem som används av medarbetare och som ska förenkla arbetsuppgifter, effektivisera arbetet eller även möjliggöra att utöva arbetsuppgifter vid en arbetsmiljö på distans. Användbarheten av interna IT-system står inte lika mycket i fokus som användbarheten av kundcentrerade system och istället för att åtgärda brister i användbarheten tvingas medarbetarna att lära sig hantera IT-systemets brister.Utgångspunkten för arbetet var funderingarna över vilken betydelse användbarheten har för ett företag när det gäller interna IT-system vid en arbetsmiljö på distans. Ansatsen var att undersöka om användbarhetsproblem i praktiken leder till att användarna upplever ett IT-system som dåligt i den särskilda situationen av ett arbetsmiljö på distans. I en fallstudie utvärderades ett IT-system som används av försäkringsombud som arbetar på distans med hjälp av en enkätundersökning och användarintervjuar samt hierarkiska uppgiftsanalyser.

Mellanstatligt samarbete mot människohandel i Europa : ? en studie om mål, åtgärder och resultat

This paper provides a study about human trafficking with sexual motives performed in European states and the measures taken from national, international and Non-Governmental organizations with the purpose to oppose human trafficking. According to the UN human trafficking has increased and shows tendencies to continue escalating, regardless of the measures taken by various organisations. In this study, four countries with associations to human trafficking have been chosen and organisations related to these countries are studied. The purpose is to inquire into how these organisations work against human trafficking and which objectives and guidelines these organisations strive for together with their values. The aim is to find out which result the organizations efforts gets and if, according to my hypothesis, the efforts oppose themselves.

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